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April 30, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-30

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President of Yale Will
Address Annual
Regents to be Present
at Convocation
Dr. James R. Angell, presi-
dent. of Yale university, will give
thetaddress to members of the
eighth annual Honors Convoca-
tion, which will gather at 11:00
o'clock tomorrow morning in Hill
auditorium. Classes will be dis-
missed at 10:30 o'clock through-
out the University, with the ex-
ceptiorn ofnthesclinics, to allow
students and faculty members to
attend the exercises.
Seats on the stage have been
provided for the members of the
board of regents and of the faculty,
who will assemble in the dressing
rooms at the rear. There will be no
procession, although academic cos-
tumes will be worn.
Seats are Reserved.t
A section of seats on the mainE
floor of the auditorium will be re-z
served for honor students who will
be admitted to this section on pre-
sentation of the 'cards which they
have received. The doors of Hillt
auditorium will be opened at 10:301
e 'cloc k1 rnw the. general public 'is
invited. No reservations will bet
made for others than convocation
The group included in the lists
of honor students is composed of
men and women who have distin-
guished themselves scholasticallyr
during the previQus year in all the
departments of the University.a
Members of honorary scholastica
societies, winners of medals, fellow-c
ships, scholarships, awards, and
other distinctions during the past
semester, and honor students gen-
erally are listed.
Dr. Angell a Alichigan Graduate.o
Dr. Angell will be introduced by
President Alexander Grant Ruth-a
ven who will preside at the Convo-a
cations. The speaker is a graduate1
of the University, having obtainedc
his degree in 1891. He was an in-a
structor at the University of Minne-
sota in philosophy immediately fol-..
lowing his graduation and was
awarded the degree of Doctor ofv
Philosophy at the universities ofs
Berlin, Renssaeler Polytechnic, andt
Halle, all in 1893. During 1918 andF
1919, Dr. Angell acted as presidentL
of the University of Chicago, and
in 1921 hie was chosen president of
Yale university, which post he still
retains. As well as a man of schol-
astic attainment, Dr. Angell is the+
author of several books on psycho-
logy and philosophy which are re-
garded as authoritative.
JState Bulleins[
(Hy Associated Press)
Wednesday, April 29, 1931-

The proposed revision of
student government will:
1. Increase student repre-
sentation on the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs to
an equality with the faculty.
2. Centralize all student
government in the Senate
3. Create a student admin-
istrative council, organized on
the merit system plan, to re-
place the present Student
4. Create a judiciary com-
mittee with primary jurisdic-
tion over student disciplinary
3,000 Michigan Schoolmasters'
Club Members Visit City;
Other Groups Convene.
More than 3,000 educators fror
the entire state will come to Ann
Arbor today for the sixty-sixth an-
nual m e e t i n g of the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club.
At the. same time, many people
connected with- education will at-
tend the meeting of the Michigan
Association of College Registrars,
the ParentEducation institute; and
the High School Debate league.
The keynote of the 1931 meeting
of the Schoolmasters' club is, "What
should be stricken from the second-
ary schools of' today; what modi-
fication should be made in what
remains; wh'at should be added?"
The program today will include
a preliminary business meeting, and
a conference of high school and
college relations.
The annual honors convention, at
which President Ruthven will pre-
side and President James R. Angell,
of Yale university will speak, will
be held tomorrow morning. The
annual business meeting, the final
address on the "Keynote of the
1931 Meeting," the Schoolmasters'
club annual dinner, a band concert,
and the state high school cham-
pionship debate, are scheduled for
tomorrow afternoon and night.
Saturday's meeting will consist of
v a r i o u s exhibitions, a business
school conference, a discussion for
the Michigan Association of College
Registrars, and a luncheon at the
Tells Chamber of Commerce
Prosperity Is Coincident
With High Salaries.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., April 29.-
(/1)-Secretary of Commerce Robert
P. Lamont. addressing the United
States Chamber of Commerce to-
day, counseled the nation's business'
leaders against wage-cutting as a
solution of their problems.
Instead, he said, the most pros-
perous periods in history have been-
those "coincident with high wages
and shorter hours."
Mr. Lamont told the chamber
that the government had done all
possible; that the problems were so
vast no single effort could solve
them; that business itself, as the
American individualistic tradition

dictates, should get together "to sit
on the bulge" of enthusiasm that
makes over-production during bois-'
terous periods of prosperity.
The business men also heard a
keynote address by William Butter-
worth, president of the chamber,
n ln 3 iqq n',on of t + A ssoca-

Talk by Byrd's Aide to Feature
Annual Homecoming
of Graduates.
Explorer Praises Work of Noted
Geologist on Recent

Students may ballot on the
question from 9 until 4 o'clotk
at any of the following places:
lobby of Angell hall, center of
the diagonal, Engineering arch,
League building, and the Union.
A special editorial dealing with
the new government will be
found on page four.

New Plan Offers

Class of '34

Will Make Second
to Win Contest



Places Are Scattered Throughout
Campus for Important Issue;
All Students May Vote.

Muyskens Tells Freshmen Value
of Unaffectedness in Talk
at Meeting in Union.

Prof. Larry Gould, of the Univer-
sity faculty and second in command
with the Byrd antarctic expedition,
will speak on Saturday night, May
9, in Hill auditorium as a feature
of the Spring Homecoming program
to be staged in Ann Arbor May 8,
9, and 10. Professor Gould's address
will be accompanied by motion pic-
tures and colored slides never be-
fore shown.
Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd
has stated that "the expedition of
Larry Gould to the polar plateau
was the outstanding pe r sona
achievement during the entire trip."
This high praise for Dr. Gould's
geological work is substantiated by
the responsibility which Comman-
der Byrd placed in him during the
expedition to the "most desolate
place on earth."
Has Been on Two Trips.
Professor Gould has been a mem--
ber of two previous expeditions to
the arctic regions-the Putman ex-
pedition to Greenland, and, a year
later, another to Baffinland. As
geologist and second in command
with the Byrd expedition his great
opportunity came, for he made
what is probably the longest trek
with dogs and sledes ever made fore
a purely scientific purpose. No geo-
logist had made observations far-
ther south than Little America, and
Gould's expedition to the South
Polar Plateau, within one hundred
miles of the pole itself, was the ex-
ploration of virgin territory.
Tickets on Sale at Union.
Tickets for the lecture are being
sold at the Union and the combined
price of the Fathers and Sons' ban-
quet on Saturday night, the Gould
entertainment, the Michigan-Min-
nesota track meet Saturday after-
noon, admittance to the Michigan
and Majestic theatres on Friday,
and use of the swimraing pool has
been set at $2.25. Each event can
be attended at a separate price,
however, the general admission for
the Gould lecture being $1.00 with
a few reserved seats at $1.50.


Chosen Student Secretary
Organization; Men
in Cabinet Picked.

William Kerans, '32, was named'
president of the Student Christian
association for the year 1931-1932,
by the association's Board in Con-
trol, ;ast night in Lane hall. Fene-
Ion W. Boesche, '33L, is the retir-
ing president.
Harry H. Haley, 33, was chosen
student secretary for the year at
the same meeting.
Kearns has been chairman of the
religious committee during the past
year, and directed the Human Re-
lations Parley. He is also secretary-
treasurer of the Varsity Glee club.
Haley has directed the faculty
forums, after serving as a member
of the International committee. He
is a numeral winner in track.
Students were also chosen for the
chairmanships of the student re-
lations, - discussions and religious
Lyle Passmore, '33, secretary of
the associationj durifieastyear,
will direct student activities which.
include freshman projects. Jules
Ayres, '33, will remain to conduct
the discussion~s. R a 1 o h Wurster,
'33E, was named as religious chair-
T h e international committtee
chairman will be appointed by Reg-
istrar Smith and president Kearns.
The cabinets members were chosen
on the merit system plan, accord-
ing to the work they have partici-
pated in during the past year.
Registrar Ira M. Smith is chair-
man of the Board in Control, which
also includes Prof. Ferdinand N.
Menefee of the Engineering school,,
Prof. George Carrothers of the Edu-
cation school, Frank Royce, secre-
tary-treasurer, Eugene S. Clarkson,
and President Alexander G. Ruth-
yen as ex-officio member.
Student members of the board,
who were elected in last Spring's
campus elections, arc Donald Koch,
'33M, Ned Armstrong, '31, and Wil-
liam Compton, '32.
Caps, Gowns Available
at Moe's Sport Store
Caps and gowns for the Honors
Convocation are avaiable for dis-
tribution at Moe's sport store on
North University avenue, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
Caps and gowns for seniors for
Swingout will be ready for distri-I
bution Monday morning.

Men and women of all schools and colleges of the University
will ballot today on the proposed revision of student government.
Voting on the question will continue from 9 until 4 o'clock at the
center of the diagonal, the lobby of Angell hall, the Engineering
arch, the Union, and the League building.
A final appeal for a heavy vote on the proposal was made by
the Student council last night, in an effort to' secure an effective
expression of student opinion on the most vital change ever pro-
posed for student government.
A representative group of student leaders have enthusiastically
endorsed the plan, which provides for the centralization of student
government in the Senate Committee of Student Affairs, with in-
creased student representation on that body. In addition the pro-
posal will establish a student administrative council, based on the'
merit system, to take the place of the present Student council, and
a disciplinary committee composed of an equal number of student
and faculty members to decide all student cases, subject to appeal
to the University disciplinary committee.
Legislative Power Is Given.
All legislative power relative to student activities will be placed
in the revised Senate Committee, which will consist of seven mem-
bers of the faculty and a like number of students with the Dean of
Students presiding. The five student ex-officio members of the
present Senate Committee of Student Affairs will remain the same
in.. the,.reVisedcommittee, except that the president of the admin-
istrative council will replace the president of the Student council.
The two additional student members will be elected, from candi.
dates chosen by a nominating group within Senate Committee, in
the annual spring elections.
The administrative council, which will be organized on the
same plan as the Union and the Student Publications, will manage
class elections, fall and spring games, pep meetings, and other
matters now handled by the present Student council. The president
of the administrative council will be selected by the Senate Com-
mittee from candidates picked by a Nominating board within the
Committee. The president in turn will appoint his subordinates,
with the approval of the Senate Committee. Promotion will be
made on a merit basis so that freshmen and sophomores will be
encouraged to "try-out" and work up in the council as in other
student organizations.

J. C. Conover, '34, was elected last
night to head the class of 1934
when it stages, Friday and Satur-
day, its second attempt to win the
traditional freshman - sophomore
games. He was chosen captain at a
class meeting in the Union.
In a meeting the night before,
the sophomores chose Harvey C.
3auss, '33E, captain for the fourth
,onsecutive time. The class has re-
mained undefeated in its three pre
vious games, and can maintain a
clean slate by winning the spring
ontests. If it is successful in this,
ti wil be the first unbeaten' class
in three years.
Muyskens Addresses Crowd.
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the
Speech department addressed the
reshmen meeting on the subject
A "Personality," stressing the value
)f genuineness and unaffectedness.
Upon being notified of his elec-
'ion, the freshman captain ap-
pointed the defeated candidates his
Before each day's activities, the
freshmen will meet on the Union
iteps, the sophomores in front of
Waterman gymnasium. Only four
ooints will be awarded in Friday's
competition, two each of the two
selectied 5C-man tugs-of-war, and
Baizss, CJonover Meet.
lauss, and Conover met after the
meeting to agree on rules for the
games. Several changes from the
procedure followed in other years
will be incorporated in the rules
this spring. These are: the class
which has not put in an appearance
at the river by 4 o'clock Friday aft-
.rnoon will forfeit all of the points
.or events scheduled Friday to the
other class; the class which wins
the class tug of war must assume
the responsibilty of returning the
rope-if the tug ends in a tie, the
sophomores will be required to take
it back; and if either of the rival
captains is kidnapped, the games
will be forfeited by the class which
eas done the kidnapping.



New Judiciary Body Planned.

I I,;
SAGINAW - A radiogram made
public here today by Mrs. Bird J.
Vincent, wife of Representative Bird
J. Vincent, who is seriously ill
aboard a naval transport bound for
Honolulu, said the Michigan con- j
gressman was "much improved" to-
IONIA - Peggy Green Tyrell,
daughter of Former Governor and
Mrs. Fred W. Green, was granted a
divorce today from her husband,
Norvall E. Tyrell, of Detroit, by Cir-
cuit Judge Royal A. Hawley. The
suit, which had cruelty as its
grounds, was uncontested.
LANSING - Thomas B. Bennett,
mayor of Muskegon, was appointed
to the Mackinac Island state park

Limit of Wayne Representation,
Corporation Tax Issues
LANSING, Apr. 29. -- (A) - The
house today virtually shoved two
important legislative issues into the
graveyard of oblivion by defeating1
the proposal to tax corporation in-
comes and to limit Wayne county's
representation in the legislature to
25 per cent of the membership.
The Thomas bill providing a uni-
form levy of four, per cent of the
net income of corporations by ex-
empting agricultural organizations
went down to defeat by a vote of
56 to 34. A companion bill levying
a graduated tax on private incomes
passed the house last week and is
now in senate committee where
observers predict its death.
An attempt by the rural delega-
tion in the house to settle the legis-
lative apportionment issue in the
current session was overwhelmingly
beaten. The Feighner resolution
proposing the 25 per cent limit on
Wayne's delegation and denying the
people their initiative right re-
ceived only 34 votes while 51 repre-
sentatives lined up against the
issue. Sixty-seven votes were neces-
sary for passage of the resolution.
TG U W -a f a

Not ce
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications willhold its
meeting for the appointment of
the managing editor and busi-
ness manager of The Michigan
Daily, the Michiganensian, and
the Gargoyle on May 16, 1931.
Each applicant for a position
is requested to file seven copies
of his letter of application at the
board office in the Press building
not later than May 9 for the use
of the members of the board.
Carbon copies, if legible, will be
satisfactory. Each letter should
state the facts as to the appli-
cant's experience upon the pub-
lication or elsewhere, so far as
they may have any bearing upon
his qualifications for the posi-
tion sought, and any other facts
which the applicant may deem
rP n+

A new judiciary body to handle all student cases, subject to
appeal to the University Disciplinary committee, will be set up
within the Senate Committee. This group, it is proposed, will
exercise the potential judicial power of the present Student council
and also handle cases that now would go directly to the University
Disciplinary committee. It will also be composed of an equal
number of student and faculty members with the Dean of Students
The proposed revision of the Senate Committee on Student
Affairs should not be confused with the proposed replacement of
the Senate Committee of University Affairs by a Senate council
with a federated representation from faculties of the various schools
and colleges of the University. The latter concerns the faculty and
University affairs exclusively and will not affect the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs.
. If approved by the student body today, the plan will be
submitted to the University Senate for its consideration. If adopted
by that body, the system may be started in operation before the
all-campus elections May 20 and be in full operation by next year.

Grand Rapids Union, Detroit St.
Anthony Will Contest for
State Title.
Move than 4,500 will be present
at 7:45 o'clock tomorrow night when
Detroit St. Anthonymand Grand Ra-f
pidls High schools meet in Hill Au-
ditorium for the finals in the Mich-
igan High School Debating league.
Delegates to the Michigan Rey
tail Grocers' and Meat Dealers' as-
scciation convention will attend in
a body as well as many delegates
to the Michigan Schoolmasters' club
and the Parent Education institute.
Grand Rapids will take the affir-
mative side of the question, "Re-
solved: that national chain grocery
stores in the state of Michigan are
detrimental to the people of the
A program for the entertainment
of the 2,000 high school pupils who
will come to Ann Arbor to hear the
debate has been arrainged by the
extension division.
At 11 o'clock tomorrow morning
they will attend the annual con-
vocation where President James R.
Angell, of Yale University, will
At 2 o'clock they will be conduct-
ed on tours of the campus. Later
in the afternoon they will have
their choice of attending a high

Noted Hillsdale Regentj
Will be Buried Friday'

Gargoyle to Continuq
on Sale in Angell Hall

Funeral services for Dr. Walter Booths in University hall will be
H. Sawyer, Regent of the Univer- kept open today for the continued
sity for the past 26 years and a sale of the May issue of Gargoyle,
prominent state physician, who suc- Bruce Palmer, '31, business man-
cumbed to a heart attack last Tues- ; ager announced yesterday. The de-
day while piaying golf at the links mand for this issue has necessitat-
of the Hilisca:e Country club, will ed the additional distribution, Pal-
be held tomorrow afternoon. mer stated. More than 1,500 copies
A prayer service will be held at were sold yesterday in the opening
2:30 o'clock at the Hillsdale resi- day of the month's drive.
dence of the Regent, which will be The issue features a series of ar-
attended only by relatives. A pub-- tiles on just what one would do if
lic service will follow at 3:00 o'clock he or she were of the opposite sex.





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