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April 29, 1931 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-29

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DAY, APRIL 19, 1931


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me so C. TO SPONSOR~
Michigan Students to be Guests
of Green Splash', Honorary
Entrants to Foster Friendship,
Comradeship Rather Than
Thirteen students have been
chosen to compete in the swimming
meet to be held next Saturday, May
2, at Michigan State College in
Lansing, announced Teresa Romani,
'33, Women's Athletic Association
swimming manager, y e s t e r d a y.}
These women will be guests off
"Green Splash,"honorary swimming
club, which is sponsoring the meet.
The meet will conducted in the
manner of a Play Day, the contest-
ants meeting for lunch in the
W. A. A. cabin at 12 o'clock, attend-
ing the swimming meet at 4 o'clock
and ending the day with tea and
social dancing gat 4 o'clock. Friend-
ship and comradeship will be
stressed more than competition.
Contestants Enter Separately.
Those competing in .the major
events are Jean Berridge, '33, whol
will swim the 30-yard back stroke
and compete in the medley relay;I
Jean Botsford, '33, in the 60-yard ;
free style, and the 30-yard backI

Club to Vote on Constitution;1
Will Consider Plans for
Horse Show.

Dorothy Ellsworth Delegated

Members of Pegasus riding club to A.C.A.C.W. Conference
,ill meet at 7:30 o'clock tonightin I at Madison.
the League building to vote on the ~~~
revised constitution and to plan the Several changes in the platform
innual horse show. Those who are of the Athletic Conference of Amer-
riding in the drill squad, whether r can1 College Women were rccom-
mended at the Sixth Annual Cen-
or not they are members of Pega- tral Sectional conference held last
sus, are asked to attend the meet- week at Madison, Wisconsin. This
ing as the plans for drills will be conference, which lasted from April
discussed. 22 to 25, was attended by Dorothy 1
The next practice of the drill Elsworth, '32, official delegate of
squad will be held at 1:15 o'clock W. A. A.
Saturday afternoon, May 2. Mem- article 1 of the platform, whichI
bers are asked to meet in the main emphasizes mass participation inI
lobby of the League building, from athletics, was amended to include
where they will go to the Fair- the words, "every woman student
grounds. on a team and every student in
Pegasus is also planning a treas- competition." The conference rec-
lire hunt and a moonlight ride to ommends the addition of two points

President-Elect of Association ing sport clothes to classes." in Recent
Finds Larger Membership Orchesis Supports W. A. A.
at Madison. The Wisconsin division of Orche- "Rehearsals for the pageant are
---sis, dancing club, is one of the out- going much better than before
"More interest in athletics is standing groups sponsoring dancing spring vacation," said Margaret
shown by women at the University iC
of Wisconsin than is displayed by in the country. A dance drama is Cole, '34, chairman of the dance
Michigan students," stated Dorothy given each year at which the clubcommittee. The girls are getting
Elsworth, '32, who attended the A. makes enough money to support into the spirit of the dances and
C. A. C. W., conference held in the Women's Athletic association working out the thcmes e ivel
Madison last week. for a year. A program was given I Some of the steps were practiced in
Their membership in the Wom- by Orchesis for the delegates to thetn
en's Athletic Association is larger the natural dancing classes, but
than ours, and more time and con- conference, at which all of the they are being organized into the
centration is given to sports," she music and dances were their own dance by the women who are to
continued. "All physical education creatlc s. "Much practice, concen-1take part in it."
activities at Wisconsin are organ- tration, and originality, are shown 1
ized in the form of clubs. If a stu- by this group," Miss Elsworth said. I "However," she continued, "there
dent wishes to play hockey, she "The Wisconsin women proved I are still a number of women who
joins the hockey club. When a stu- themselves efficient hostesses by the Ijhave attended no practices in spite
dent is a member of two athletic excellent way in which the confer- of the cards sent them by the mem-
clubs, she is made a member of ence was run. The meetings were
W. A. A., and the president of each carefully planned, and there was bers of the dance committee in
club is a member of the W. A. A. time enough for everything," she charge of the rehearsals. As these
board." added. "The biggest thing one gets rehearsals are taking the place of
W. A. A. Cabin Inspected. out of such a conference is the the regular classes in natural danc-
Delegates to the convention were opportunity of meeting people from ing, only one cut is allowed, and
taken to inspect the cabin owned every college, and of finding out over-bolting will result in the loss
by the Wisconsin athletic associa- how things are done in other of credit in physical education for
tion, which is located in a patch schools." those who are taking no other gym

Honor Initiates.
Initiation services will be held
'Thursday afternoon in the Cave of
the League building for the four

be held within the next few weeks.
Time in which first rounds of;
the tennis tournament can be play-
ed has been extended until Friday,
May 1, announced Virginia Watson,
'32, W. A. A. tennis manager. Due
to weather conditions, only 12 of
the 32 games have been played off.
Second rounds will begin Wednes-
day, May 6. Entrants are asked to
write in their scores on the bulletin
board posted in the Women's Ath-
letic building. The first and second
rounds may be played on private
and municipal courts, as well as
those at Palmer field. Scores during
these first rounds will be kept by

stroke and relay; and Karen Lar-
son, '34, in the 60-yard free style,
the 30-yaid back stroke and the re-
lay. .
Laura Sommer, '33, will swim the
30-yard'side stroke, and the crawl
and breast stroke for form. Dorothy
Hammersley, will swim the 30-
yard back stroke, and will compete
in the diving and medley. Phyllis
Swift, '34, will swim the 30-yard
side stroke, the 30-yard back stroke,
and the side stroke for form. Leo-
nore Caro, '32, will combet in the
side stroke, crawl, and side-stroke
for form.
Others who will represent the
University are Corrine Fries, '34,
Helen Masgn,, '34, Ruth Kurtz, '34,
Agnes Robinson, '34, Rosaline Caley,
'32, and Teresa Romani, '33.
Diving, Relays, and Races Included.
The diving 'contest will include
the front or swan dive, the jack,
back, and two optional dives. Two
novelty races, a balloon race and a
rescue race, will be held. The med-
ley relay includes the back crawl,
side stroke, and crawl stroke.
Each person may enter no more
than three events, only two of
which may be for speed. A. P. E. A.
rules will govern the meet.
The thirteen contestants will
meet at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morn-
ing at Barbour gymnasium, and will
be driven to Lansing by members
of the physical education faculty
for women.
Conference Stresses
Athletics for Women
WISCONSIN-At a national Phys-
ical Education conference held re-
cently in Madison, the need of Ath-
letics for all women was stressed.
Obtaining and maintaining inter-
est of all women in sports is the
major problem. A well conducted
advertising campaign and empha-
sis upon participation not skill,
seem to be the two chief means of
carrying on a successful athletic
program. Minnesota advanced a
new and rather good idea of award-
ing letters to all participants in
sports regardless of skill.
Yo t wlt et more ou
of your Uu'versity ca-
tpe uyorawn note,
otmes and thee.ur
notes will b much full-
er if you cakthem in
shorthand. undreds of
Michigan students have
learned typewriting and
shorthand at Hamilton
Business College. Many
have used it to earn
money on the side or
during vacation. You
will also find it very
valuable in your career
after graduation.
SF rtrI

the players.
Semi-finals of the ping-pong
tournament should be played off
this week. Only three more games
have to be played before the winner
is announced. The two tables in
Barbour gymnasium and one in 'the
Women's Athletic building are
available for use.
Women who wish to attend the
ride at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night
which is sponsored by the Women's
Athletic Association, are asked to
sign their names on the bulletin
board in Barbour gymnasium or to
call Frances Beuthien, '32, at 7891.
Both experienced riders and be-
ginners may attend this ride. Those
who wish to ride with the group at
9 o'clock Sunday morning are also
asked to sign their names on the
The fourth speed-ball practice
will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon at Palmer field. Practices
will continue through next week,
interclass games starting the week.
afterward. All players must obtain
a health certificate dated this year.
Scholastic eligibility is not required,
as was previously stated.

to article 3, one sponsoring a na-
tional health week, and the other
recommending medical and physi-
cal examinations.
Minimum Awards Recommended.
In article 4, which is concerned
with awards, the conference recom-
mended the giving of awards which,
are of minimum intrinsic value.
The delegates also recommended
that scholastic standards for eligi-,
bility in sports be dropped. Non-
participation of women in Olympic1
games, and a petition for member-
ship on the Women's Division ofI
N. A. A. F. were the other changes1
recommended in the platform. t
It was also recommended that
the central section be divided, cre-
ating a southern section and a nor- '
thern central section, as the inter-
ests of the southern schools, due to
year-around outdoor programs, are
appreciably different from those of
the north.
Topics for informal discussionsj
during the business meetings in-
cluded play-days, W.A.A. cabins, in-
tramural sports, winter sports, Or-
chesis, Olympic games, and athletic
clubs. The unofficial delegates
round-table discussions were divid-
ed into co-educational schools, wo-
men's colleges, and junior colleges.
Paper Discusses Reorganization.
The most important paper was
that read by the Ohio State dele-
gate on the organization of women's
athletics on a new basis. Miss
Blanche Trilling, director of physi-
cal education at Wisconsin, spoke
on the history of A. C. A. C. W.
The last day of the conference
was devoted to summaries and re-
ports on all the discussions, and a
play-day was held in the afternoon.
A formal banquet held on Friday,
an Orchesis program, and a tea giv-
en by the physical education club
were the main features of enter-
Approximately one hundred col-
leges were represented at the con-
ference, according to Miss Elsworth,
each school sending one official del-
egate and an optional number of
unofficial delegates.
It was voted to hold the next,
central sectional conference at Den-
ison College, Ohio, in 1934. The
next national conference will be
held in 1933 at the University of
Texas at Austin.M

stated, different groups going out
to it each week-end." An exhibition of plans and de-
"The women have a larger share signs submitted by students of col-
in general campushactivities than leges belonging to the Association
fthey 'do here," she stated, "the( of Collegiate Architectural Schools
League and Union at Wisconsin is being shown in the corridors of
being combined into one organiza-S the architectural building.
tion, the Alumni Memorial Union." A collection of studies showing
"The general atmosphere of the the kinds of work in freehand, and
campus is one of informality, a color done by students in the school
large majority of the students wear- is also on exhibit.

of woods on the lake. The cabint
was financed by incorporating and
selling shares of stock. "The cabin
is used a great deal," Miss Elsworth
"~+mt I.i~ rvt r ito cn~r n f


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