t ESTABLISHED 1890 '1 AIL A60 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 99 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS CHU CHEDIRECTOS STUDENTMEETINGS Hlarris Returns From Harvard to Conduct Episcopal Services Today. OLIVET HEAD TO SPEAK 'Happiness' to be Fisher's Topic; Heller to Discuss Theories of Washington, Moses. During the next week, Ann Ar- bor's churches will unite in their efforts to carry through the Relig- ious Emphasis week. Many of to- day's services will be conducted by religious leaders who have been brought tor the city for the next week and who will conduct stu- dent meetings at the various stu- dent church centers each day. Harris Returns. The Episcopal services today will be marked by the return of Rev. Tnomas L. Harris, former Ann Ar- bor churchman who left the city last summer to take up the post of student advisor and chaplain at Harvard university. For four years he was assistant rector and student advisor at St. Andrew's church. He will inaugurate the Religious Em-j phasis week drive at the Episcopal church and will speak at both the morning and.evening services. At the Congregational church, President James King, of Olivet college who has also come to Ann Arbor in connection with the nextj week's program, will speak at both the morning and evening services. In the morning, President King will discuss "The Mastery of Fear." Hez is wel-known throughout the state for his work in religious and educa- tional circles. Rev. Bush to Preach. I Rev. B. J. Bush, of the Westmin-; sterPresbyterian church of Detroit, will be the guest preacher at the Presbyterian church today. In he morning he will preach his sermon1 on "Christian Convictions," and at the student meeting in the evening he will discuss "Heart Hungers."i State Bulletins { (Rv Associated Prss) February 21, 1931.1 DETROIT-Judge John J. Maher today sentenced the first womana convicted in the traffic court on a charge of negligent hoomicide, to from one to five years in the housej of correction. The woman, Mrs. Christine Stan, 20, was found tot have been driving an automobile1 with defective brakes and steering when she struck and fatally injured Mrs. Nellie Kazark, June 24.t iANSING-it was learned hre today Mrs. Paulina Raven Morse, of Jasper, Lenawee county, has enter- ed the race for the Republican nomination as a member of the state board of agriculture. She is the fourth candidate to enter the contest, and will be opposing Mrs.j Dora Stockman, of East Lansing.i Gilbert L. Daane, of Grand Rapids,j will be opposing A. J. Rogers, ofa Traverse City, as a successor to L. Whitney Watkins, of Manch'ester. FLINT-The Federation of Dem- ocratic Womens clubs will gather here Wednesday for the pre-con- vention dinner with the proposed addition of one woman from each Congressional district to the state central committee the chief topic of conversation. Mrs. Agnes M. Lit- tle, secretary of the state central committee, explained today that under the new law governing party committees women are to have a balanced representation and each district will have two men and two women instead of one woman as at ; present. L U D I N G T 0 N-- Jerry Jethro % Jackson, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson of this city, is dead as a result of injuries suf- fered last June when he dived into shallow water at a bathing beach. He had failed to rally from injuries to his neck. JACKSON - Warden H. Jackson, DEBATERS TO REPRESENT MICHIGAN AGAINST PORTO RICANS THURSDAY ULIVIUUI l ULI RASCOB TO ROUSE W~ET-ORYT ISSUE Party Leaders in Congress Fear Mention of Liquoil Question Before 1932 Campaign. <. SHOUSE KEEPS SILENCE Robinson, Southerners Contend :Commitment of Issue Is Action of Convention. SENATE INCREASES AMOUNT OF FUNDS TO AIDSOLDIRS Vandenberg Says Treasury Able to Meet Obligations of Veterans' Bill. TAX INCREASE DENIED Amendment to Naval Supply Bill Appropriates More Money for Insurance Fund. -DI' Ihuto Above are shown the debaters who will represent the University of Michigan next Thursday night in Hill auditorium against the Uni- versity of Porto Rico's team. In the front row, left to right, are Howard Simon, '32L, and Leonard Kimball, '33, in the back, Lawrence Hartwig, '31, and Nathan Levy, '31. Kimball is an alternate. (33v Associated Press) j("?v1 A ociat d Prss) WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Persist- WASHINGTON, F e b. 21.-Con- ent reports that Chairman Raskob I fident of enacting the veterans loan bill over the forthcoming veto intended to bring up the prohibi- of President Hoover, Senate advo- tion issue at the Mar. 5 ,meeting of -ates today made available addi- the Democratic national committee tional funds to safeguard against stirred party leaders in Congress complaint that the cost of the leg- today to send out notice that any islation could not be met. such move would be opposed as out Naval Bill Changed. of order. Senator Vandenberg, Republican, Members high in the Democratic Michigan, told the Senate a reser- council have said since Raskob call- voir of $785,000,000 already was a- ed the party meeting that its sole vailable in the treasury for meet- purpose was to present to the com- ing the obligations of the loans. mittee a plan for erasing a half However, he obtained an amend- million party debt before the 1932 ment to the naval supply bill mak- campaign gets under way. ing an additional $112,000,000 al- Commitment Rumored. I ready voted to the government in- However, reports have poured in I surance fund available by July 1. at the capitol so persistently that I Rumors that the president in his DEBATERS5 TO MEETI PORTO RICAN TEAM Michigan Is One of 30 Schools, on Itinerary of Southern } University's Tour. Guy M End Ti NEW YO is no mor play, so Gu tison are b Maier is departmen t lip at d4 The University of Porto Rico's igan. Patt debating team, which is making a a Chicagoi two-month tour of the United Yk a States, will meet a special squad ! recital at 'T of University debaters at 8 o'clock at LaPorte next Thursday evening in Hill audi-' their tran torium. play their -. . gether. The visitors will be represented by One ra Antonio J. Colorado, Victor Manuel to termina Gutierrez, and Juan Enrique Geigel, nership is1 and will be accompanied by Rich- piano mus ard Pattee, who coaches them. Col- orado has participated in every de- - - bate in which his university has taken part since 1928. Howard Smon, '32L, Lawrence. Hartwig, '31, and Nathan Levy, '31, will represent Michigan, taking the negative of the question, "Resolved, that the United States should cease the policy of armed interven- Judge Sug tion in the Caribbean."h Michigan is the fifth school the Than Porto Ricans are visiting on their Custe tour of 30 universities and colleges. They are debating the University of Orrie Bro Toronto Wednesday night, and will mer freshn move on to Notre Dame Friday. Be- and Joseph ginning at Yale and Harvard, the were recent islanders are swinging west across mug liquor f the continent, through Canada, and before Judi down the Pacific coast. late yesterd After debates in New Mexico and court and w Arizona the tour will continue from six mo through the middle west, and will ons. Thec end at Mexico City, where the Na- mended tha tional University of Mexico will be' a year and met. Six of the thirty debates are term was re in Spanish. This bilingual system two-year str has been a great aid in the past Brown, ar in cementing relations between the Thompson, Spanish-American educational in-' 22, both of stitutions and those of the north. charged witl The Oratorical association is chine. Cust sponsoring the debate for the Mich- on a $2,500 igan team, and any money that is'is at large o left after the visitors' expenses are is at large o paid will be used in financing the Brown was numerous trips the Varsity squad his arrest or will take this semester.l 8~ aier, Partner wo-Piano Tour associ atdPress) DRK, Feb. 21. -There e music for them to uy Maier and Lee Pat- breaking up.' the head of the piano t of the school of [he University of Mich- ison teaches piano in conservatory. aid farewell to New ay with a two-piano town Hall. On April 10 e, Id., they will finish s-American tour and last public note to- son for their decision te their musical part- that the ficld of two- 4c has been exhausted. -E-T E ggests Longer Term linimum Sentence; er Out on Bond. wn, 25, of Detroit, for- ja n in the law school, Looney, Ypsilanti, who ly arrested for possess- for sale, pleaded guilty ge George W. Sample ay afternoon in circuit were given sentences of nths to 2 years in pris- decision given recom- t Brown's term be made a half, while Looney's commended 1'or the full retch. rested along with Allen 21, akd(, Robert Custer, Marion, Iid., is also th operating a slot ma- er was recently released bond, while Thompson n his own recognizance. n his own decognizance. held in jail following n default of bail. the Democratic chairman was pre-' paring to ask for a commitment of the party against prohibition thatf the leaders in Congress took steps1 today to protest privately against any move in this direction. The antagonism co opening the prohibition issue at the Mar. 5 ses- sion is not confined to the dry' ranks alone. Some of the members of Congress with wet inclinations are prepared to send word, also, to Raskob that they feel it would be a mistake to stir up this issue so far in advance of the presidential campaign. Authority Lacking.t Southern Democrats are takingI the initiative in the protest against the prhibition commitment. They have the active support of Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the Demo- cratic leader, and vice-presidential candidate with Alfred E. Smith in the 1928 presidential race. Neither Raskob nor Jouett Shouse, executive director of the national committee, were here today to com- ment on the prohibition report but the Democratic Congressional lead- I ers took steps to see that word got to them- BRICDEFR DNCE' II Virginian Orchestra Is Picked for Slide-Rule Dance on March 27th. Ace Brigode and his Virginians have been booked for the annual Engineer's Slide Rule dance on March 27 in the Union ballroom under the direction of the Michigan Technic, student publication of the engineering college, Ben. C. Lans- dale, '31E, general chairman of the committee, announced yesterday. The band is originally from Cleveland where it was featured over Station WTAM and gained widespread popularity. It includes fourteen pieces and they have re-, corded for both Brunswick and Co- lumbia records. Tickets for the an- nual affair will be placed on sale in about two weeks, Lansdale said. The committee under whose di- rection the dance will be given is comprised of, in addition to Lans- dale as general chairman, Jack Spencer, '32E, tickets; L. Verne Ansel,''31E, floor chairman; George L. Johnson, '31E, orchestra; Robert Wolf, '31E, programs; Erwin Benz, '31E, finance chairman; Ned Skae, '31E, accommodations; and Bazley W. Johnson, '32E, publicity chair- man. The decorations for the affair will be handled by John White and Lyle F. Zisler, both juniors in the archi- tectural college. Zisler was the de- signer of the decorations for the J-Hop this year. Drug Store Robbery SuspectIs Acquitted William L. Whelan, 23, held since Feb. 12 as a suspect in the robbery veto message on the bill might de-' clare extra session of Congress nec- essary to raise funds for meeting. the obligations stirred the advo- cates to action. "Not a PennyLacking" ? In the debate, Chairman Smoot i of the Senate finance committee,' who opposed the loan measure, told the Senate he did not think the legislation would involve an in-y crease in taxes or make necessary an extra session of Congress. Senator Vandenberg in proposing his amendment to the naval bill said "a new myth is growing up to the effect that Congress has au-~ thorized loans without adequate re- serves for paying them.c PUBLICTIONS C AW FOR NEW TRYOUITS'r Daily Will Give Freshmen Viewr of Scope of Opportunities t in Journalistic Field. f Second semester freshmen who are interested in either editorialI or business staff work on The Dailyc will be given the opportunity to try- out and organization meeting will. be held during the Week beginning on Wednesday. Special permission from the dean1 of students for this work is nots necessary but the student to bel eligible must have at least onet grade of A or B and no grades be- I low C. This is the first chance for freshmen to participate in extra-~ curricular activities for they are i not eligible for Varsity sports until their sophomore year. M o r e detailed announcements concerning the tryout meetings and information about the organization and work of the various depart- ments will be given on a special page in Tuesday morning's paper. The schedule of the meetings will be announced at that time. Pollock Will Address Alpha Nu at Meeting Alpha Nu, literary forensic soci- ety, will be addressed by Prof. James Pollock, of the political sci- ence department, at a smoker to be held at 7:30 o'clock next Tuesday night, in the society rooms on the fourth floor of Angell hall. After Professor Pollok's speech there will be an informal discussion of campus topics. All students who are interested in debating and ora- torical work are invited to attend as this meeting is intended to ac- quaint prospective members with the nature of the organization. Wayne County Judged Wet in Liquor Report (By A /lW(gc; Pre, WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.--Prohi- bition laws in Michigan are "fairly well enforced except in Detroit and Wayne county and some other see- tions containing large cities," says MICHIGAN BEATS INDIANA,_33 TO 24 BASKETBALL Michigan's varsity basketball team defeated Indiana 33-24 last night and climbed into undis- puted third place in Big Ten rankings. Daniels led the scoring with11 points, while Eveland and Pctrie were powerful factors in the Maize anct Blue win. SWIMMING Coach Matt Mann's swimmers vanquished Minnesota last night at Minneapolis by a score of 51- 13. Schnieder, Mvichigan breast- stroke star set a new intercol- legiate record in his event with i time of 2:32 2-5.ky FENCING. Illinois defeated Michigan last night at Champaign when the Inuians rolled up 14 points to the invaders 3B GYMNASTICS The Wolverines lost a gym- nastic meet to Illinois at Illinois by a score of 1163-844. Coach West expressed himself as well satisfied with the showing whicht his team made in this meet.he HOCKEY Wisconsin lost its first place in the Bsig Ten hockey stand- ings to Michigan last night when the Wolves hammeredout a 3-0 win over the Bagers. Crossman c scored two of the goals and Frumkcs one. Personal battles between the players marked the game. (Complete Sports on Pages fand7) NEW VETERAN BILL' PASESIN SENTE $21,O0 0 Measure for Soldier Hospital Given Approval in Upper House. (y1 Associaed Prss WASHINGTON,F'te .. 21.--An- other veterans' measure, authoriz- ing $20,887,000 for new hospital construction, was sent through the Senate today without a record vote and went to the House. The measure was introducedb3 Chairman Smoot of the finance committee as a substitute for twc House bills authorizing approxi- mately $15,000,000 for specified pro- jects throughout the country. It would leave the locations of the new institutions and additions to the veterans' administration, the federal of hospitalization, and the president. On motion of Senator LaFollette, Republican, Wisconsin, the Senate eliminated a provision to reduec veterans' compensation and allow- ances 50 per cent while undergoing hospital treatment. Veterans' Administrator H i n e s had recommended this to discour- age veterans from remaining inj hospitals and soldiers homes after they are able to work. The $20,877,000 authorization is designed to meet the hospital needs of veterans for the next four years. Former Faculty Man Dies at Topeka Home Word has been received here of the recent death of Dr. John Erwin Kirkpatrick, a former instructor in the political science department., Kirkpatrick passed away in To- peka, Kan., after an illness of two years. Kirkpatrick, who left the University in 1924, is the author of several books. On leaving Michigan in 1924, he began the study of college adminis- tration problems and published several books on this subject, among which are the "American college and its Rulers" and "Academic Or- ganization and Control." Music School Teacher Will Present Recital Laura Littlefield, assistant pro- fessor of voice in the School of Music, will appear in a recital, Tuesday night in the auditorium of the Detroit Institute of Arts in the second concert to be given by the "Pro Musica" association. Among the six numbers of the program which she will give are Goosen's Three Songs" for voice and string quartet in which Pro- fessor Littlefield will be supported by the Detroit String quartet, and three groups of songs by Satie and Pontene, when Margaret Manna- bach will accompany her. BAY CITY HRGNT FrESEESCISIS IN MILL TAX CUT Clements Cites Danger in Proposed Slash of Ex Onses. FEARS 'POLITICS' Wdarns of Attempt to Make University Dependent. (Py Associated Press) BAY CITY, Feb. 21.-William L. Clements, Bay City, member of the Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, stated to the Bay City Daily Times Satur- day that the University will face an institutional "crisis" if the state administration's proposal to cut the University's mill tax by nearly half a million dollars is en- acted. Fears Political Influence. He also charged "if the plan is enacted, the University, in spite of all, will undoubtedly become a oolitical appendage," and that it 'will be forced to depend upon special appropriations which in turn are often dependent upon political complexion. "For some reason or other," he added, "thererhave been attempts luring recent years on the part of politicians to get a hand into the University. This has been particu- larly noticeable (luring the past two administrations. University's Welfare at Stake. "Taking the welfare of the Uni- versity at heart, the result of suc- cess in such an attempt would be obvious." He said that "the future well- being of the University, as an in- -titution 11h s by a thr . UOHESTRA CHOSEN Bursley, Lambrecht Announce Signing of Contract With Casa Loma Band. The Manhattan Casa Loma or- hestra will play at the annual Frosh Frolic, Friday, March 13, it was announced yesterday by Gil- ' rt E. J3ursley, chairman, and George Lambrecht, orchestra chair- man. The selection of favors will be announced next week, it was stated. Tickets for the dance will be five dollars. The orchestra has played at many other college affairs, among them ;everal at Princeton, Pennsylvania, Amherst, Cornell, Vanderbilt and Washington and Lee. Jack Richmond is the well known singer of this 14-piece band. "Their style," stated Mursley, "is what musicians would term a hot band, but they do not rely on this type of music entirely. Some of the best music they play, is their waltzes. 'Perhaps no orchestra in such a short time has ever become so po- pular as Casa Loma without the use of radio. Their popularity every- where is due to the fact that they have played nearly everywhere and in each instance have been so well liked that they have always been in demand for a return engage- Imont. Bursley also stated that plans for the decorations would be announc- ed soon by the commitee in charge. Fraternities Discuss Judiciary Committee T'he InteriraLternity Council's spe- cial commiittee of 10 selected by the body at large in an attempt to bring about a spirit of cooperation between t hc , administration and the fraternities will meet, Tuesday, in the Union, James Ward, '31, president, stated yesterday. The committee m e t Thursday with President Alexander G. Ruth- ven and Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, to consider a plan by which the judiciary committee of OH lOANS EXAMINE Bulls Inflate Stocks to Year's High Mark (VA, 4 tsuciai rd PI'ic s) NEW YORK, Feb. 21. - Share prices swelled to the highest level since Oct. 15 in the stock exchange1 --- today, under the influence of the Educators Will Use Information most, strenuous high pressure bull- Gaine toPush. Expansion ishness witnessed since last spring. Gained to PBull traders again were forced to Program at Columbus. absorb extensive pre-holiday sell- ing, but were determined to close The University was visited by a the week in the market at the best group of legislators and educators prices of the new year. More than from Ohio who are making an in- 2,400,000 shares were traded in the spection trip to several universities two-hour session, the largest turn- in the interests of Ohio State uni- over for a Saturday since May, and versity. at the rate of 6,000,000 for a full Information gained will be used live-hour session.E in furthering an expansion pro- Advances in the so-called pivotal gram which is being considered at shares were largely limited to about that University. A body from Ohio $1 to $3 a share, but Auburn auto visited the University for the same was given one of its typical whirls, purpose two years ago. finishing the day $11.75 higher at University officials h e a d e d by $210.75, a new top for 1931. Herbert G. Watkins, assistant sec- retary of the University, met the party at the station and directed ( Competition in Union