0 THE FMICHIGTCAN DAILY '01* Tt 0.9 1 CI'A 1 In r- SiL i "0,1.131J a aaa. . -- - -- +---- t l ill In is 'Ar Helen Domine Selects Committee Chairmen for Lantern Night WOMEN COMPLL IE PLANS- OR ANNUAL EVENT OF MAY Z28 I4 I Eleanor Cooke to Represent theb League; Harriet Jennings e Will Head Pageant.c MASLEN TO LEAD MARCHt Expenses Will be Shared byf W.A.A. and Freshman Classr Members.r Committee chairmen for Lantern Night have . been appointed by Helen Domine, '31, president of the . Women's Athletic Association andc general chairman of the event. Lantern Night ceremonies will taket place Tuesday, May 26, immediately following the Freshman Pageant. Eleanor Cooke, '31, president of1 the Women's League, will represent T the League on the committee, andl Harriet Jennings, '34, will be Fresh-' man Pageant representative. Al- bertina Maslen, '31, has been ap- pointed captain of the march, and Jane Fecheimer, '33, will serve as secretary and treasurer. Ann Tobin, '33, is chairman of programs and Elizabeth Loudon, '32, will act as chairman of field properties and decorations. Procession properties will be in charge of Helen Moore, '31. Chairmen to Work Together. Clara Grace Peck, '33, has been appointed chairman of music, and Dorothy Magee, '32, chairman of, publicity. Elizabeth Gardner, '32, is chairman' of patrons and patron-, esses, and Dorothea Waterman, '32,] chairman of lunches. - These chairmen will work in con- junction with the Freshman Page- ant committee in planning the ceremony. The expenses of the event will be shared by the Wo- men's Athletic Association, which sponsors Lantern Night, and the freshman class. Ten women from each class will be chosen later in the semester, four of which will act as leaders, the other six being aides. These wo- men are chosen on a basis of acti- vity, points and scholarship. To Begin at 5:30 O'clock. Lantern Night is one of the old- est traditions of women in the Uni- versity, and the ceremony symbo- lizes the passing of the sophomores into the junior class, the juniors into the senior class, and seniors into the outside world. The pro- gram will begin about 5:30 o'clock, when people assemble to eat box lunches sold by the committee. The Pageant will be the first feature of the entertainment, and at sunset the lines will begin to form on Ob- servatory ,avenue for the march down the hill. The lighted lant- erns carried by the seniors are handed to the juniors, who in turn pass on their colored hoops to the sophomores. The ceremony is con- cluded by the lines forming a light- ed block "M" on the field, and sing- ing the "Yellow and Blue." Tentative plans are being form- ed to make the Lantern Night pro- gram the culmination of a Play Day, Miss Domine announced, THETA SIGMA PHI WILL AWARD CUPUUL Committee in Charge to Report at Meeting Tonight. REPORTS CENTHLI II Theta Sigma Phi, national hon- orary and professional journalistic I a a sorority will meet at 8:15 o'clock to- aight in the League building. The Sectional Conference Proposes business to be considered is the cioa CnfrcePpss election of officers, report of the Seven Changes in Platform committee in charge of awarding of Organization. the Theta Sigma Phi cup, and set- ----_ ting a date for the annual banquet. WISCONSiN IS HOSTESS The Theta Sigma Phi cup, whichI is being awarded this year for the - first time, is to go to the sopio- Reasons for Change of Attitudes more woman who has done the at College Is Theme of most distinctive work on a campus Convention. publication. The woman's editors ofC campus publications, and Professor Attitudes change at college- Johh L. Brumm, head of the de- " t heh athe lixth- partment of journalism, are being why?" was the theme of the Sixth consulted in making the award. Central Sectional Athletic Confer-1 The committee in charge consists ence of American College Women of Emily Grimes, '31, chairman,[which was held from April 22 to 25, Jean Levv. '32 Frances McNamara, wi ah f A l2 lr I f . A A T TX7 +I I I I 'rLIDrr DnY'AT74Z Tn RB i i J 1 32, Beth Valentine, '31, and Cile in' Madison, Wisconsin, reported Miller, '32. Dorothy Elsworth, '32, president-j The cup will be awarded at the elect of the Women's Athletic As-c banquet, the date of which will be sociation, who attended the con. decided upon tonight. ference as the official delegate of W. A. A. The conference opened on Wed- nesday with registration and the Sspeechof welcome delivered by1 0lrER Miss F. Louise Nardin, dean of wo- men at the University of Wiscon- sin. A report on the national con- ference, held in Ann Arbor last Three Games Called Because of year, was given by the Michigan delegate. Weather on First Day 1 Seven resolutions were passed of Season. during the closed meetings and were recommended to the National Martha Cook dormitory was the Conference. As the first of these winner of the baseball game played resolutions, the conference petition- at Palmer field yesterday. The ed for representation on the wo- game was won from Delta Delta men's committee of the National Delta by two points, the score be- Amateur Athletic Federation.- ing 18 to 16. Only two innings were Stress Laid on Participation. played, the game being called be- The conference recommended as cause of weather conditions. the second resolution that emphasis The other contests scheduled were be placed on participation in sports forfeited or called because of the rather than skill as a basis of all weather. Helen Newberry a n d awards. League house group 1, Jordan Hall The third resolution concerned a and League house 3, Mosher Hall revision of the schedule of confer- and Alpha Gamma Delta, were to ences. At the present time a sec- have played. tional confterence is held every two Excellent playing and heavy hit- years and a national conference ting featured the Martha Cook-tri- every three years. It was resolved Delta contest. Ito recommend a state or sectional The contests scheduled for yester- conference to be held in the third day were the first ones to be played year between conferences. As the in the intramural contest. The 1 fourth resolution, the group reco- teams of the various groups will rnmended that annual state W. A. A. meet on Monday and Wednesday of 1 conferences be sponsored. each week until the end of the sea- Votes N. A. A. F. Platform. son. The teams which win two out The conference also voted to en- of three of their contests will be dorse the second paragraph of the qualified to participate in the elim- N. A. A. F. platform which is con- ination tournament, which will cerned with the promotion of games start in about two weeks if the which emphasize play rather than scheduled games are played off by record breaking, or financial gain that time. A cup will be awarded to be derived from competitive the winning team. sports. Wednesday at four o'clock four As the sixth resolution the del- games will be played. Chi Omega egates recommended that a stand- will play against Jordan Hall, Al- ing committee be appointed to pro- pha Epsilon Phi will play against mote continuity of thought from Theta Tau Alpha, League house one conference to another. The group 2 against Delta Gamma and committee would be composed of Kappa Alpha Theta against pi three members, one member to be Beta Phi. replaced each year. At five o'clock on the same day __ Betsy Barbour will play against Al-- - pha, Omicron Pi, Kappa Delta 1 against Alpha IPhi, Kappa Kappa Gamma will oppose Sigma Kappa, - and Gamma Phi Beta will play against Alpha Gamma Delta. hund of A.a.AU W . 1 nr :,r 1U m da 1z" Enables Graduates IN HEALTH ACT to Continue Work Miss Marie Zettler Speaks on Program of Sports Offered Recognizing the need of scholar- to Women. hips for graduate students who wish to continue their research, but "Three fundamental points stand who, due to financial inability, could out in a consideration of the oppor- not proceed, the American Associa- tunities offered in the required pro- ion of University Women has es- gram of the Physical education de- tablished a fund of $1,000,000 for partment," said Miss Zettler, of the fellowships to, be given to women Physical education department, in graduates in all sorts of research. a recent interview. "Everyone will Many of those benefited already admit that a certain amount of have their PhD.degneed r 'physical activity should be a part I~mae teirPh.D deree. Iof each day's program, if only from , Unique in its kind, the scholar- the standpoint of keeping fit," she ships allow many women who could continued. not otherwise abandon their pres- "In the second place we find it ent occupations, to carry on and relatively easy to make contacts complete undertakings already be- I with other people in the informal gun without having to consider the 'atmosphere of the 'gym' class and salary sacrificed, lastly, a certain amount of ability In the interest of international in some of the sports is decidedly relations, the A. A. U. W. has spon- a social and recreational asset. In sored an exchange of teachers, par. the physical education classes is an ticularly in high schools, for it is opportunity to acquire some of this desired to acquaint younger stu- ability," said Miss Zettler. dents with. foreign ways and to "The activities offered in the arouse an active curiosity about course of the year include hockey, other countries. In general this volley ball, gymnastics or setting plan has worked out well, to the up exercises, rhythms, tap dancing, benefit of both the European and bowling, archery, tennis, golf, out- American teachers. door sports, riding and swimming; However, some practical difficul- speed ball, shuffle board, and deck ties have been encountered. For ex- tennis for restricted classes; and ample, it was found that one-half individual gymnastics. for the co- of our states have laws which dorin ofdortgy pedicsdfec r- not permit foreign teachers to teach rection of orthopedic defects. In in them, a condition existing in addition to these the intramural ithem,'h aonditinexisting yprogram includes among its activi- spite of the advantage obviously ties basketball, baseball and ten- given by such trading of teachers, ing The required' program is open Salaries, too, have been a prob- g T lem, for each teacher is paid by hi own country, and rates of living here are so much higher that the foreign teacher often finds her sal- ary insufficient to cover her ex- penses here. The American teachert finding Europe a cheaper place to live, in many cases offers part o her own salary to the foreign teach- er. This requires no real sacrifice, 50c Woodbury Sham and the opportunity to teach in another country is gladly accepted. G0C ulsified Cocoan The A. A. U. W. has also been this ad and...... working toward the establishment of a Federal Department of Educa- 60c Sterne's Cocoanu tion - a need long acknowledged. Headquarters of this branch of the A. A. U. W. are in Washington, D. C.,T Mosher Hall Features 1117 East Informal House Dance Phone 7850 Mosher hall held its informal ....,..... spring dance Friday night in Mo- sher drawing room. Amber bulbs were used in the lighting fixtures and gave a softening glow to the room. ' Spring flowers which were gathered from the terrace between Mosher and Jordan formed the dec- orations. Refreshments were served and about 70 couples were in at- tendance. Dr. Norman E. Nelson and Mrs. Nelson, and the directors of the halls, Miss Inez V. Bozorth, Miss Isabel W. Dudley, Mrs. Mary E, OFFER FOR TUESDA Buffington, Miss Lois Failyer, Miss Elizabeth DeVol and Miss Sara (1 Lutes, acted as chaperons at the pecialP affair. E CONSIDERED TIVITIES DISCUSSED V, I 'I Worth 25c ice of the following. ipoo, this ad -and 25c ut Oil Shampoo, t Oil Shampoo, .35c Ann Street / The Sho of Personal Service iY AND WEDNESDAY irchasea and Spring 1SSES esses are included in this offer- sizes for the women hard to fit. sell for a' great deal more than rs Orders Taken for all Types of Custom Tailoring A wide variety of samples to choose from Alterations and Remodelling of all Kinds -L VJJ LL qL. Salec New DRE All styles and all types of dr ing. All sizes including halfs These dresses were made tos MAY 10th '11 I the sale price. MRS. NILSEN OPP. HILL AUDITORIUM I 228 SOUTH THAYER Present her with your Portrait. It will make her Happy. ~12*75 MILLINERY Dress and Travel Coats REDUCED TO $19.75 $25.00 $2 Special Today Only Now comes a splendid opportunity to purchase a new hat at a great saving. We are offering a selected group of straws ... bakus and hair braids that formerly sold up to six fifty at the surprisingly low price of $3 00 Mack & Co.'s Offer i f 4 1 -11x14 * $1.00 . S$2.00 I 3-8x10 Here is an exceptionally attractive showing of coats, for immediate and summer wear. With and without fur collars. All sizes in the group. Special Group of Wool Suits ASSORTED COLORS AND SIZES, $15.00 $25.00 $.00 50 Dresses and Travel Coats Sizes range from 14 to 42. Nice materials and spring colors. The sale price represents a fraction of the original prices. - i Oil Painting' ALL SALES FINAL 0 $1.00 Extra I 'II IIH ZIN 1 - t Ill