HE MICHIGAN DAILY' TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 19" t ' ,,, TH~ TCIT AN DATN TESAY ARI 2, A ., t C~l AV WOOD FROM RUSSIA, 1fjiuII. dBUSINESS RLA TIC A. M .6.~iSA - ow - The arrival in Providence, R. I "test case" cargo of lumber on the raisedl the question of whether it States. Emory J. Sans Souci, collet SENT_ TO TEST ~ l~ lF j~[f l SUMMER SESSION TO GIVE COURSES pnlo n aqc.wl eds ~NS ARIVS IILR di UV LI dUV ~i id IN ANCIENT LANGUAGE, LIT'ERATURE (s:d 'UnverityvIY~etjwf 9}CC 01IflIainngtoprovide general1 courses. 1; UBUGET OR TL1.1 cn uWed.esday, 1x1the Iai.La nnc uate work in translation and cor- Michiga Lea ,,ue bidg. Nonmizaticvn a " ._,_--of profieswrr; and instruct rsit, hasas si 3tin; rcatE':a1 corses 1in liter a- of offGer'S, a short progrram an~id. W^/OULD CONVERT DEBTS been announcedi. t~ arh oogy, and political in- refreshments. In connection with the work on- SitutiCU, 0e01n to any students of D'tr Nurse W ch taemnducd by the' Latin deiartmenlt, :i r tve history, or political sci- Frsr lbMeigArl2, y r ~~~~~~~~~~use: will be made of the Universityr(n11ec; nd graduate courses adapted1731pinirom23Naul Add ni ress After collections of clssical antiquities to candidates for eithner of the high- 73 .i. nro 0t aua g IScience bldg. Prof. Young speaks r serious Illness, and of reproductions of objects of er degrees. on "Forestry in the Southern Ap- ____ ancient a t in the museum of class- The courses offered in classicalf palachnians." There will also be chrt LONDON, April 27. --(.f'- Philip ical archa'eology. ! archaeology do not require a know-I talks by students who made e tqirio Snowden, Chance ilr of the Ex- 1 The collections include the re- edge of Gr ek or of Latin. The to Asheville. chqetdypeetdinatne- rdcin of inscriptions, ineclud- large collection of lantern slides _ _-_ s chequer, toanxious pesentdof Comm- odctons teIing squeezes, rubbings, and photo- and photo(raphs owned by the Uni- Chemistry Collooutoiin to be, held ,_ graphs; the collection of iscrip-vvtymksipoiboilu- in room 00 Chemistry bldg.. Wed- try~ 1931-32 budget which shows just ions, mere than 300 in number; the trateu all o these courses fuly. The nesday, April 29, at 4 p. 'm. Mr. J. J. ;' ^: 'how the nation's finances stand. j Richards collection of R omiancoltinfcasofnietcup Thompson will talk on "The Deter- : Mr.:.,10 ;, Ns. Snowden kept an eye on him; coin.;, coetiing about 00 ex tr nth r alryi oui- mination of Mercury, Lead and from the ladies' gallery high above amies, illustrating the silver and iced in the courses in ancientart. Manganese by Means of Periodate." ,,.the speaker's chair and near her bronze coinage of the latter part of h ore ngeea igitc .:: were a doctor and a nurse, for the the Roman republic a nd the em- are designed for students of both Phi Eta Sigma (National Honor "Iron Chancellor" is a sick man. pire; the Dat tani collection of Alex- ancient and modern languages and Fraternity) iibtiani will be held on As800iated r638 Photo' Only a few days ago he underwent, andrian coins: and ancient lamps those interested in specech and mu- Wednesday, April 29 at 5 o'clock a serious operation, and other tmor objects of terra sic. They aim to familiarize the in the Union. See Union bulletin .of Soviet Russia's long expected Prolonged applause from the gov- cotta. studctwih hegnrlfts board for room number. Initiates, Finnish tramp steamer, Anversoise, em ~ment benches and sympathetic The University collection of lamps oiinciples, and methods of the be prompt. Banquet immediately should be admitted to the United cheers from the opposition greeted comprises about 300 specimens f'ilds of language study cover ed after initiation ctor of port, and Thomas F. Hull, him as he began to speak. from, Italy, Africa, and Greece, ___________________ ng the cargo. The chancellor foreshadowed con- which represent a variety of types. * I Social Dancing Classes: A new - ~siderable debt conversion oeain The courses offered by the Greek jDaly Official Bulletin series of social dancing classes will -- --,duigtecngya.Poeiasions department are directed toward - be started on Tuesday, May 5. The i wdngte ming, esar., Provon three objects: to provide a rapid' (Continued from Page S) beginning class meets at 7:30 and wol e ae e ad tIoe introduction to the language for Thursday, April 30, from 9-12 a. i., thhdane lassab 5:0,adth Whatconsiderable hart of last year's dei- toewohthhdn peiu oe ancAheiculdai83,gt.h - cit of $23,276,000 pounds (approxi- ___and_1-6_p._m._Brigthe_$4.50_reatad n mately $116,830,000) from ordinary iccipt and $3 for the deposit. This ( Facuty Women's Club: Annual 0 .gsources. S.C.A . OFFICERS is the only day that the distribu- Falt Luncheon closing the Club's activi- Going For Recver.TO BE SE EC ED tionawill behed OX~3 TO ELEC ED hld.ties for the year will be held Thurs- ("' The ~~Chancellor estmated the r__dyArl_0___'lck egu al 1do eeu o the netyerSenior Engineering Banquet will dy pi 0 'lcLau al on__ ___ the existing basis of taxation at Electoral Group Will Choose be hedMy1t ngto wn-roRsxvtosmutbmao '766,000,000 pounds (about $3,830,- New Cabinet Members. out), at 6:30 ini the Union. Tickets tdytruhMs.D .Mtes THEATRES o0-_ _ will be sold onl Wednesday, April Telephone 551. OOL) - -29, in the West Engineering bldg.I Majestic-"Skippy" withi Robert Hie said that the consumption ofj Members of the student execu- ____Adephi House o Rpresentatives: Coogan, Jackie Cooper, Mitzi Green, alcoholic liquors had fallen during tive cabinet for the Student Christ- A. S. M. E. Members and other The annual freshman cup debate and Jackie Searl. the last year and that he had esti- ian association, during the year Engineering Students: Moigpe between Adephi and Alpha Nu will Michigan - Marlene Dietrich in mated for further falls this year 1931-1932 will be chosen at the an-tueeild,"yac America" be held at 7:30 tonight in room "Dishonor ed" with Victor McLaglen,. "because a fall seems now to be a nual electoral meeting of the board v il be shown at a special meeting 4203. The subject will be : Resol- ! Wuerta-"Dracla." Ipermanent tendency in the social; in control of the association, to- Wednesdayevngat71inN-edthtajgeoabrd f Weh-Dcua"habits." morrow night in Lane hail.trljvuigat715igN- e be tha tud fora a ry of GEERLo___al__ Science Auditorium, depicting jugsbubtttdfo, uyi GNRLThe members of the cabinet, in-porsinh eadiutye- all trials in the United States." I veroBelseved D ro w nedndpresidente Lecture-"Stellar Structure," Pro- cil eive "~J2_ luding tewl b lc-suting from the development of Aepiwl podteafraie fesr .A p ~re oa donte ei pa, codigt eetrct.b All who are interested are cordially fso .A.Hokins, Junior Ma the- C ni ed ntemrt lnIcodngt lcrciy l ebrsaeep-Iinvited to attend. inatical society, 8 o'clock, room 3011, work the applicants have done dur- ciaily urged to attend and occupy ---------_____ Angell hall. -- i rng the past year. the front rows of seats. A very1 Debate--"Resolved, that a judge } OAKLAND, Caif., April 27 -(1)- Five positions will be filled, in brief, but e. trermely important - or aboar of udge be ubsttute search was pressed today for five addition to the presidency and the meeting will be interspersed in theI for the jury in all trials in the 1 pro i adwaty Pemn tdetsceayshp.Te r program and it is desired that allWA LNI Uglited States," Adelphi and Alpha 1residents relieved to have downed chairmen of the forum, religious, members participate. Plans for D- 4u~ Nu, 7:30 o'clock, Adelphi room, ixn with the capsizing of their motor- international, extension, and fresh.- troit trip to Great Lakes Steel Con- L IRACjH O Angell hall. I oa ffGttilad Airplanes aug- men committees. _____I________ AYESI ____ ~mentedl shore patrols.! Present chairmen are Jules Ayers,___________________ S DE T EX IBT The 16-foot outboard m oto r '33, forums; Williani Keamns, '32, k T D N Slaun ch Chicke" was found float- religions; Morton Frank, '33, in- BR IG H T SPOT Members SCULPTURE WORK ing bottom up in San Fnucisco bay ternational; George Downey, '33L, 802 PACKARD Si. New York Stock Exchange Sun day, It was discovered by John' extension; and B akes Dickerson,I TODAY, 11:30 to 1:30 Detroit Stock Exchange AJohnsen, tugin.:n, who 'cowed the 1'31, freshmen. ! AMB STEW WITH NEW New York Curb, (Asociate) Second Annual Showing Attracts craft to She Oakland Yacht dhug. CARROTS AND PEAS More Than 300 Visitors. The missing, for whom hope was Fraternities to Give HOT OT BIEFSUITSHea ROAS BEE SANWICHDeaers in I.--virtually abandoned, were Gilbert Skits in Stunt ,ShOW!PUDDINGEDnPOTATOEt The second annual exhibition of Loken, jr., San Francisco stock-MASHDDIPOTATOESen work done by students of sculpture b! oken, Mrs. Mary Lowenl, his wife; - - COFFEE OR MILK Carl E. Jefferson, Oakland insur- The annual Hillel stunt show will 3cScrte udertmenof. dfai as, washed+I ance man; Mrs. Lydia Jefferson, his be held at :15 o'clock Wednesday 5:30 to 7:30 dearmet f in ats ws elwife, and Sheridan Hubbard, 24,I in Sara Cqswell Angell hal, it was ROAST VEAL, DRESSING Account Carred Sunday and yesterday in the studios I manager of an Oakland building announced last night by Morton BAKED HAM, RAISIN SAUCE I for Client of University hall. and loan company. Frank, '33, chairman. POT ROAST OF BEEF, NOODLES Anetmtdcodo 0 -j- ----- ----- - - Fraternities and Sororities will AND VEGETABLESMzaneFlo Antptitaed cPwdssen0c'rerI combine to present sktswitn PORK CHOPS APPLE SAUCEFMRST AINL dents, faculty members, and guests Outpsis, wiittcne BAKED IDH OR SWEET FISiATOA of th~e department witnessed the Cars Gains in Marchiad- podued y-teirmemers POTATOESJ Phons 23221-23222 showing. Nerman A. MacNeil, Amer- - CRAE-ONLM EN CHIC._____April_27.___1_)-March_35c .-- ican sculptor, was the critic. I CI.GArl2.-/)Mrhour Own Home I-3c______ tq the public. Bill Simpson to Talk I at Harris Hall T od ay1 Bill Simpson, former minister, Some of the featured pieces were labor agitator, and teacher, will be- "La Jeunesse" and "Bondage" by gin a three-day stay in Axln ArborI Helen Bailey, '33, "Sorrow" by Or- at 4:15 o'clock today in Harris hall ville Beck, "F. E. Lowery" by Fred -where he will speak after a stu- Kelly, '31, "Prof. T. H. Reed" by dent tea. He will give several talks 'Thomas H-. .Reed, Jr., '31, and "Of of his experiences in, other city the Soil" by Harriet Lawton. churches during the week. Acodn oPoesrFibns An graduate of Unaonayeollegea some of w hose works were also on in 112 ad ofUnin Thologcaldisplay, the exhibit was successful i~iW1, wth onrshein every aspect and gives but an accepted a cl,archl-zii the industrialy town o Carteetprefer-i inkling as to what the progress of town o ~arteetpr.fer-i the exhibit will be in a few years. ence to a wealthy parish, because of his socialistic tendencies. -- IUNIVERSITY OF PRINCETON - r r Princeton men, after the new A L IPrinceton Alumni Country Club is INY- S " built near the university, will~ave III a place where they can enjoy the z A Si fellowship of their college friendsi besides securing rest and recreation. educational and instructive- the United States, numbering 230,- 837, totaled the heaviest since last June and showed the fourth succes- sive monthly increase, with a gain of 28 pen cent over February, the report of the Federal Reserve bank of Chicago, to be issued April 30, will say. The total was 30 pen cent below last March, the report will add, and 55 pen cent under the sanme month in 1929, representing the lowest figure for any March since 1922. [lET UNIO the U. S.S. R. -visiting the cultural and indus- Built exactly as you want it. Lot 80xI32 on Hermitage Drive, will build and finance to suit re- liable purchaser. Cooley & anry 206 ]Fritz Building j tral cnter-speialemphasis on social itor f the people. n IINLDN;LENINGRAD MOSCOW KHARKOV KIEV rolSTALINGRAD DNIEPERSTROY L Trip on the Volga COLLECTIVE FARMS. road fares, hotels, mieas-en route III and in the Soviet Union.Il Sailing S. S. BREMEN Jme 1411, ~I75~'dI~.ACIXC e 0:. qN ; NOW 2:00, 3:40 SHOWING 7:00, 9:00 'er She wants- Power Ove Men- She gets- Dangerous Love I 19 4aramount 9icture ICI .:£: : ° ::. .. -. : : l! I