SUNDAY; APRIL 26, 1931
_________ - '--------- ---------- -.---------- ------------------ ------------ ---- ----.-----------------_______ _________________
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Pi Lambda Theta: Hand your pins in at Esther Belcher's ollice, Scalp and Blade: Members are requested to meet at the Michigan
University Elementary building, before the Initiation Banquet on Apr. 30. Union this afternoon at 2:30.
Exhibition of Monuments and Studies in Sculpture by Hermon A. Druids: Important meeting at 12 noon at the Union.
MacNeil Sculptor of New York City-South Gallery Alumni Memorial'
hall. April 26 to May 2. Reformed Students: Service will be conducted by the Rev. R. B.
Drukker, pastor of Trinity Reformed at Grand Rapids. The meeting
Automotive Engineering Students: Inspection Trip-American Car ( will be held in the "Upper Room" at Lane hall, at 10:30 a. m.
and Foundry Motors Plant, Packard Motor Car Company Plant, Chrys-
Additional Notices on Page 2
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the
University from 4 to 6 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, April 29.
The Henry Russel Lecture: Professor William Herbert Hobbs, Head
of the Department of Geology, who has been selected to deliver the
Henry Russel Lecture for 1930-1931, will speak on the subject "Glaciers
of the Present and the Past" (illustrated by stereopticon), in the Natural
Science auditorium at 4:15 p. m., Thursday, May 7.
Announcement of the Henry Russel Award for 1930-1931 will be
made at this time.
ler Motor Company Plant.
Leave Engineering Arch (A. C. F. bus), 7:30 a. m.; Arrive American7
Car & Foundry Motors, 9:15 a. m.; Arrive Packard Motor Car Company
(A. C. F. bus), 10:45 a. m.
Arrive Chrysler Motor Company (Chrysler bu.:), 2:00 p. n.
Arrive General Motors Research Laboratory, 8:00 p. m.; Leave Gen-
eral Motors Laboratory (A. C. F. bus), 10:30 p. in. W. E. Lay. E
Second Annual Exhibition of Sculpture by Professor Avard Fair-
banks and students of the Division of Fine Arts, 401 and 403 University
hall, 4:30 to 10 p. m., and Monday, April 27, to 9:30 p. in. There will
be a tea for Mr. Hermon A. MacNeil, of New York, visiting sculptor, in
the Grand Rapids room, Michigan League, Sunday, from 3 to 4:30 p. m.
Choral Union Rehearsal: Special rehearsal for "St. Francis of
Assisi," School of Music, this afternoon, 2:30 p. m.
University Symphony Orchestra: Important rehearsal this morning
at 9:30, Morris hall. Bus and cars will leave at 1:30 p. m. sharp.
Faculty Women's Club: Art Section Exhibit this afternoon, 3 to 5
o'clock, Alumni Memorial hall.
Attention is called to the Annual Luncheon, Thursday, April 30,
1 o'clock, League ballroom. Reservations should be made before Tues-
day through Mrs. D. M. Matthews, 2109 Copley Street, Telephone 5881.
Presbyterian Young People's Society will have as their speaker to-
night, Rabbi Heller. Bill Simpson will be a guest of the society Wed-
nesday of next week.
Wesleyan Guild: Sunday Evening Devotional Meeting. Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English Department will be the speaker. Prof. Weaver's
topic will be "After Sophistication-What?"
Congregational Student Fellowship: Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the
Methodist Church will speak at the evening meeting on "Building a
Personality." Meeting will begin at 5:30, luncheon at 6 and the formal
program at 6:30 p. m.
Liberal Student's Union-7:30 p. m.-Professor Preston Sloason vill
speak on "The Problem of Nationality." Refreshments. At the Unitar-
ian Church.I
Lutheran Students: Lutheran Student Club this evening 5:30 to 7:30
at Zion Parish hall. General discussion of a popular campus question.
Baptist Guild: Miss Sigrid Johnson, Superintendent of Nurses at
Ongole Memorial Hospital, South India, will give an address on her work
this evening, 6:30, at the Guild House, 503 E. Huron.
Lutheran Students: Prof. H. A.
Fowler will speak on Modern Art
at the meeting of the St. Paul':
Lutheran Student Club at 6:30 p.
m., at the church on Third and
West Liberty Streets. Student sup-
per will be served at 6 p. mn.
League of Evangelical Students:
Regular meeting this afternoon in
Lane hall at 2:30 o'clock.
Hillel Foundation: Sunday serv-
ices, 11:15, Women's League Chapel.
Mr. Milford Stern, "Alleged Substi-
tutes for Religion."
" Sunday night, Open Forum, 7:30.
Dr. T. Raphael, "Certain Student
Psychological Problems."
University Lectures: Monday, Apr.
27 4:15 p. in., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. M. Gilbert Gidel, Professor
of International Law in the Uni-
versity of Paris and in the Ecole
Libre des Sciences Politiques. Paris:
"Peace Agencies since 1919."
Friday, May 1, 4 p. in., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Dr. Conyers Read,
of Philadelphia: "Adventures in
Elizabethan Research."
Zoology Lectures: Dr. Joseph H.
Bodine, of the University of Iowa,
(Continued on Page 2)
University Lecture: Dr. Joseph H. Bodine, of the University of Iowa,
will lecture on the subject, "Some Fundamental Problems in the Physi-
ology of Development,' Thursday, April 30, at 4:15 p. m., in Natural
Science auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
The Printing and Binding Department in the Library building is in
position at the present time to do book binding for members of the
faculties. Please consult Mr. W. C. Hollands.
Diploma Fees Payable Now! Early settlement is necessary for the
preparation of diplomas. In no case will the University confer a degree
at Commencement upon any student who fails to pay this fee before
4 o'clock, p. M., May 27. In case the Faculty does not recommend any,
payor, the fee will be refunded on surrender of receipt for payment.
The above applies to fees for all special certificates.
Candidates for degrees or certificates should at once fill out card
at office of the Secretary of their College or School, pay the Treasurer*
of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated section
of this receipted card with the Secretary of their College or School.
Literary College students please note that blank forms should be
obtained and receipted cards filed in the Recorder's Office, room 4,
University hall.
Please do not delay till the last moment but attend to this matter
at once. We must letter sign and seal approximately 2,500 diplomas and
cerificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early pay-
ment of the fee and consequent longer period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and secretary.
*The Treasurer's Office is closed on Saturday afternoons.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the
following program, Wednesday, April 29, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill auditor-
ium. The general public with the exception of small children is invited.'
Franck: Piece Heroique; Duparc: Aux Etoiles; Bonnet: Chant de
Printemps; Mendelssohn: Second Sonata, Grave- Adagio, Allegro maes-
toso e vivace; Fugue; Wagner: Introduction to the Third Act, "Tristan
and Isolde"; Wagner: Traume, "Tristan and Isolde"; Wagner: Proces-
sion of the Mastersingers, "Die Meistersinger."
Senior Recital: Kate Keith Field, soprano, will give the following
senior program in which she assisted by Thelma Newell, violinist
and Louise Nelson, pianist, Tuesday afternoon, April 28, at 4:15 o'clock
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The general public is invited.
Weingartner: Liebesfeier; Brahms: Feldeinsamkeit; Strauss: Ruhe,
Meine Seele; Die Nacht; Cecily; Mozart: L'amero from "Il Re Pastore";
Loret: Chanson de Barberine; Faure: Les Roses d'Ispahan; Ravel: La
Flute Enchantee; Fourdrain: Carnaval; Griffes: Thy Dark Eyes To
Mine; In myrtle Shade; Skinner: Nature's Music; Taylor: A Song For
Lovers; Hageman: Me Company Along.
Preliminary Examinations for Graduate Students in Education:
Graduate students prepared to take the preliminary examinations re-
quired in the program for the doctor's degree in education must register
in room 4602 University High School on or before Tuesday, April 28.
Dates of the May examinations will be posted soon: George C. Kyte.
Householders: All Househeads who have rooms available for the
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