ESTABLISHED 1890 j4 a MEMBER ASSOCIATED . PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . N VOL. XLI., No. 145. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS FCULTTMEMI~aDE MANDS H IG H E R TAX ON CAPITAL RTRPV TO SPEAK ON CITYI PROPOSES HcIoHE RIVIERA9VICTORY CHURCH PROGRAMS6 L ONWEALTHY INCENSES BUTLER DONOHUE, BIGBY APPROVE PROPOSED REVISION OF STUDENT GOVERNMENT I, troblem of Nationality, Modern Art, Psychology to ' be Topics Discussed. MRS. FISHER FEATURED Michigan Incumbent Says 1931 Deficit Can be Met With Increased Revenue. HOOVER IS OPTIMISTIC President Says Tax Increases Will Not be Needed If Haitian Minister's Statement to Newspaper Doubting Fort's Existence Is Cause. BELLEGARDE INVOLVED Sigrid Johnson of India to TellX Experiences in Orient at' First Baptist Church. Ann Arbor's church services will include today in addition to the .;yf** regular morning program, four ad- dresses by members of the Univer- sity faculty.: Among the speeches will be a discussion of "The Problem of Na- tionality," by Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, who will speak tonight at the meeting of the Liberal Student's Union. He is expected to take up some of the - ' more recent developments in this_ question. Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the Eng- Senator Couzens, lish department, will speak a tthe United States senator from Mich-l evening meeting of the Wesleyan E igan, who advocated yesterday the Guild while Prof. Theophile Rap- raising of thevtaxes of the wealthy hael, professor of clinical psychia- class to help meet the mounting try, will lead an open forum tonight government expenses which can not on "Certain Psychological Prob- be met because of the decrease in lemns," at the Hillel foundation. ,income tax receipts. Fowler to Talk. ~r Prof. Herbert A. Fowler, of the architectural school, will speak atG 6:30 o'clock tonight at St. Paul's Lutheran church. His topic will be "Modern Art." At the morning service today at U the First Presbyterian qhurch, Rev. , - Merle H. Anderson will preach on French Educator, Authority on "Men of Today for the Man of Gali- International Law, Will lee." Rabbi Bernard Heller, of the Talk Here Tomorrow. Hillel foundation, will speak at the student's meeting in the evening. Prof. Gilbert C. Gidel, of the Uni- Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, of the versity of Paris, will lecturelat 4:15 First Methodist Episcopal church, o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the has for his.subject at the morning N a t u r a 1 Science auditorium on service, "Comradeship." At 7:30 "Peace Agencies Since 1919." The o'clock, Mrs. Fisher will speak on ilecture is being sponsored by. the "Madame Gandhi and Modern In- political science department. dia." Professor Gidel is professor of in- FKnows Problems. :tternational law at the .University of. While much has been written lParis and at the Ecole Libre of po- about Mahatma Gandhi, the great litical sciences. He is alsso a Cheva- I e a d e r of India's independence lier of the Legion of Honor, and movement, little is known about wears the Croix de Guerre. He was Madame G'andhi. Mrs. Fisher has formerly secretary of the Associa- lived in India during the last ten tion of Law of the courts of Paris. years of the campaignato free In- He is also a member of the faculty dia from British rule and is inti- of the Law school at Rennes. mately acquainted with the prob- Professor Gidel has written sev- lems. eral authoritative works in the field "The Tragedy of Getting Used to of international law. Among them Things," will be the subject of the ! are a text on the subject, "The Ef- address by Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, feet of Annexation on Concession," of the First Congregational church, "A Collection of Decisions of Mixed at his service this ;norning. In the Arbitral Tribunals," and "The Trea- evening, Dr. Fisher will speak on ty of Peace With Germany and the "Building a Personality." Private Interests." He has also -Miss Sigrid Johnson, superintend- ! written many articles for journals ent of nurses at the Ongole Memor- in his field. ial hospital in India will speak at While in Ann Arbor, Professor 6:30 o'clock tonight at the First Gidel will be the guest of Prof. Baptist church. She will tell of Jesse Reeves, of the political sci- some of her experiences at the Ori- ence department. They will arrive ent. At the morning service,Rev. today from Washington, wherenthey Howard R. Chapman, minister of hav been attending a meeting of students, will preach on "The Hint the Academy of Political Science. of Eternity." Regular services will be held at St. Andrew's Episcopal church while Cause Milford Stern, of Detroit, will speak Mishap Causes Snore at the regular morning servic of the Hillel foundation on "All ged SAN FRANCISCO, April 25.- Substitutes for Religion." (IP)-Mrs. Ruby O'Connor admits h he'nore sandb hecaus she does Protested Interview There Is No Remarks, Fort l Budget Is Watched. Riviera.' WASHINGTON, Apr. 25. - (P) - WASHINGTON, Apr. 25. - (P) Higher taxes on the rich were ad- Major General Smedley D. Butler vocated today by Senator Couzens, became involved again today in at to help meet government expenses. diplomatic tangle and presented The Michigan Republican, a the state department with a prob- wealthy man himself, also proposed lem for which it could find no pre- revival of the levy on transfers of cedent. property and money before death, The fiery marine protested re- known as the gift tax, and relief marks attributed to minister Belle- from community property laws in varde of Haiti, that Fort Riviere in several states under which hus- that country, for the capture of bands and wives are permitted to which Butler was awarded a Con- file separate income tax returns. gressional medal of honor, did not At the same time, Chairman exist. Wood of the House appropriations This pi otest was based;' Butler committee urged the elimination of added, on an interview with Minis- all extraordinary federal expendi- !ter Dantes Bellegarde of Haiti tures to prevent a tax increase. The which appeared in the Washington government faces a prospective a Herald April 13. $700,000,000 deficit at the end of the Quotes Butler. fiscal year on June 30. Commenting I."Monsieur Butler was quoted. The on President Hoover's estimate yes- interview said he read this as a terday that expenditures in the statement from Butler: next fiscal year would drop $315,- "Some of the rebels escaped our 000,000 below this year's estimate, dragnet and beat it across the river Wood said: "It is up to very indi- and gathered there in Fort Riviera, vidual Congressman to hold down on top of the mountain. This fort expenditures." was the last stand. It had been Eliminates Proposal. built by the French, and had been a Under Couzens' plan, the fourth fine fortification in its days. It nev- advanced for tax increases in recent er had been taken by an attacking weeks by regular and independent force and nobody thought it could1 Republicans, as the normal tax be taken. The old brick and stone rates, or those affecting the small building was 4,400 feet above sea taxpayer, would be left alone. level." President Hoover has said higher; The protested interview said Min- taxes could be avoided if the next ister Bellegarde then addled: Congress adhered to budget recoin- "Well, the general goes on and mendations of the administration. tells how he took 20 men, climbed Like Couzens, Senators Borah, up the wall, crawled through a Idaho; and Norris, Nebraska, Re- I drain pipe and took the fort. publican independents, have sug- 'Haitians Wondered. gested higher rates on the larger |We in Haiti have always won- incomes. On the other hand, Sena- I dered about that. For there is no tor Bingham, Republican, Connec- Fort Riviera. There never was. We ticut, has proposed, if governmental have looked all over our island and "extravagance" is to be checked, a there is no such thing. raising of rates all along the line, I "However, for taking Fort Ri- with a big increase in the number viera he got the Congressional Med- of taxpayers by lowering existing al of Honor the second time. He is exemptions. the only man in the United States Union President Foresees End to Politics on Canpus Through Plan. Enthusiastic :approval of the pro- posed revision of student govern- ment was voiced yesterday by Al- bert F. Donohue,'31, presidentEof the Union, and Paul S. Bigby, '31E,G president of the senior engineer- ing class. The plan of reorgan- ization will be submitted for a ca m p u s v o t e Thursday. Donohue de- clared that in- creased a n d equal student representa t i o n on Senate Com- Donohue mittee on Stu- dent Affairs would give the student body the effective voice in student government which heretofore they have not enjoyed. "I do not believe that equal student representation on the Senate Committee would in any way cause the decisions of that body to be detrimental to the best interests of the University. There has been discussion for many years with regard to student government, but I seriously question that the IUNION B O ORD 0EAR Council Defeats Motion to Pay Student Officers; Will Issue Booklet. Members of the Union executive council yesterday read reports of the year's activities before the board of irectors at a luncheon in room 133 at 12:30 o'clock. Important among the matters discussed was a proposal to pay the president and the recording-secre- tary -ofthe Union. The measure was discussed and defeated 7 to 5 after a prolonged debate. The proposal to pay the two student executives was closely argued by both faculty and studentmembers of the Board. Plans for the Spring Homecoming program were discussed and reportsl pwere made by chairmen of the Stu- dent activities carried out during the year. Announcement was made that the portraits of Michigan's presidents have been hung on the north wall of the main hall in the Union, and that work on the revis- ed house rules had been completed and copies of the revisiondistri- buted throughout the building. The Union booklet, to be issued soon, will be distributed to more than 10,000rpersons, the committee told the group yesterday. The con- tents of the booklet includes history of the Union, the constitution, and the new house rules. It will be ready for distribution within a few weeks. Copies of the pamphlet will be given freshmen next fall. students have ever unwisely decid- ed a matter of great moment in connection with their activities." "It is extremely significant that the p oposed revision of student government was initiated by mem- bers of the Student council them- selves. The organization of the present council has continued es- sentially the same since its estab- lishment in 1905. A change which will bring about a greater oppor- tunity to sharing in the control of student activities and, at the same time, provide for advancement based on ability, should be favorably re- ceived by all. It would seem that the knell for campus politics might well be sounded," Donohue said. ENGLISH HOUSES SP[IT OVER LAND0h UTILIZATIO.N .BILL M'Donald Says He Will Fight to Finish on Relief Measure. LORDS SEEK CURB Land Seizure Would be Aii hnrized c1byA m- Congress, Obligated. Sanator Couzens said the next Congress could not avoid consider- ation of an increase in taxation "if the government is conducted in a business way." "Three-quarters of a billion dol- lars, was appropriated last sessionj at the request of industry, yet they I now say we must not raise taxes,"' he added. "Where do they expect us to get the money? It's alright to spend it. Nobody came to Congress to protest the expenditures. Now weJ have the bills to pay and nobody wants to pay them." Scabbard and Blade Will Initiate Today Initiation to Scabbard and Blade, national honorary military frater- nity, will be held at 7 o'clock this morning. Those who will be inducted into membership are: B. F. Bailey, '32E; H. R. Bremiser, '32E; F. K. Brunton, 1132E; H. E. Cheseborough, '32E; P. to get it twice!-Fighting marine!" In his protest. Gen. Butler asked Secretary Adams what steps the' navy would take if it found the in-' terview quoted Minister Bellegrade correctly. He said he felt the min- ister's statement was a reflection upon the marine corps as well as himself. J * ' Demonstrations Against Belgians! Quieted by Mussolini; Police Hold Two.I ROME, April 25. -()P)- Premierj Mussolini, appearing personally be- fore a great crowd of students dem- onstrating at the Venezia palaceI this noon, quieted their protests against anti-Fas- VARSITY TAKES of Commons. THREE RELAYS LONDON, Apr. 25.-()-The House of Lords has thrown down TRACKthe t' Michigan's 880-yard, one mile the ogauntlet i latest, most bitter and two mile relay teams won crisis of the age-old feud between the annual Drake championships the two houses of parliament and at Des Moines, Ia., yesterday Prime Minister Ramsay Mac- breaking the meet record for the Donald has accepted the chal- former in 1:27. Eddie Tolan, lenge eagerly, saying it will be a Michigan's sprinting ace, was fight to the finish. beaten in one of the upsets of During the past weeks the the meet when Peyton Glass, 19- Lords have been working over- year old Oklahoma sprinter, timed hblunting the sharp edge of nosed him out in a driving finish, the govenmnt ladutilization The time was :09.7. Other Mich- .bill, which many Lords consider to igan men to place were Cox, be a socialistic measure designed to Pottle, and Ejggleston' separate land owners from their BASEBALL vast estates. Iowa bowed to the varsity The bill would authorize a $5,- baseball team at Ferry field yes- 1 000,000 federal farm corporation terday afternoon by a score of and empower the minister of agri- 12 to 5 when Compton let the culture to acquire land without per- visitors down with 9 hits while mission of the owners for allotment his mates pounded two hurlers to the unemployed. for 12 safeties, all of which were Passed by Commons. good for runs. The game was the It slid easily through the House first home encounter on the 1931 of Commons, but when it came to season. the upper house the Lords went to (COMPLETE SPORTS ON PAGES 6 & 7) work on it. They labored for hours (COPLET__ PORTONPAGE 6 7)-- and when they were through, the bill was only a. ghost of its original iform-a ghost unable to send the slightest tremor of fear down the Hpine of the land owners. the bill had 20 clauses, and 21 of B these were attacked in amend- ments, the most important being milled. Thus, the government was as left with the principle but no means Kilpatrick Claims Dry Leader s f putting it into action. Statement Leaves Him Open The Labor press raised a protest, to Contempt Charges. intimating that the Lords acted in this manner because they feared DETROIT, April 25.-()-Rev. I their hereditary playgrounds, shoot- Roland N. Holsaple, superintendent ing preserves and fox-hunting land of the Michigan Anti-Saloon league, J would be snatched away and turn- faced the possibility of contempt ed into little farms. proceedings today because he told Feel Bill Unwise. a 1 e a g u e convention audience The opponents of the measure Thursday that "marvelous organi- asserted this reasoning was faulty zations have been built in the courts 'and said the upper house disap- to keep blind pig operators out off proved of the bill merely because it jail." thought it was an unwise form of Judge Arthur W. Kilpatrick, pre- legislation. This argument was met siding in recorder's court, said Fri- by the statement that a tiny min- day that "if Rev. Holsaple is cor- ority of gentry owned hundreds of rectly quoted, I am not sure but thousands of acres in a little crowd- what he is in contempt of court. ed country where 2,500,000 persons My opinion is that he is. He has are unemployed and other millions attacked the integrity of the entire live in direct poverty. court and as presiding judge I feel' It is a foregone conclusion that it my duty to bring it before the unless the Lords relent the Com- members of this bench. Similar ut- mons will invoke a parliamentary terancesuhave been held to be con- act to pass the bill over their heads. temptuous by the supreme court 'That constitutes a slow process, and courts of other states." lingering over the next two sessions. Judge Kilpatrick made public a letter he said he had sent to the; him to appear before the judges R and explain his statement. In the letter he said he has "no H TI particular fault to find" with an--CmG VVAGL E other of Mr. Holsaple's quoted statements, that "the average blind pigger is safer in the average court Labor Officials Cite Increase that he is under the eyes of the av- in Employment of Men erage policeman." for Full Time. W MES' WASHINGTON, April 25,-(P)- Larger payrolls to more men shone OnLT forth as a promise for the future today as reports of the commerce ArLLJOS FORB department indicated wage levels werebeing maintained, Only "isolated cases" of pay re- Rebels Retreat Before Advance Iductions affecting 39,000 men in of Federal Troops Going February were found by officials in Into Mountains. statements reaching the labor de- partment's bureau of labor statis- TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, Apr. tics. 25. - (P) - Communists moving in As an offset, labor officials said from Cuba were blamed today for Friday indications were that more rebellion in Honduras by Congress- men were being given full time man Lunoz. work. They cited an increase of "Responsibility for this rebel- $13,500,000 in the March aggregrate lion," he said, "rests neither with weekly payroll of 13,000 plants, as Gen. Ferrera (the rebel leader) compared with January, and 152,- foreign economic interests, nor the 000 more persons receiving salaries. Nationalists. Bolshevists from Hav- A desire of employers to support ana are at the bottom of it, and existing levels was seen by com- they may be in leag uewith Sanding merce secretary Lamont. He said State Bletis (By Associated Press) Saturday, April 25, 1931 DETROIT-Better times, at least as far as Detroit's relief expendi- tures are concerned, were seen to-, day by Thomas E. Dolan, superin- tendent of the department of public welfare. Mr. Dolan said that a de- crease of more than $300,000 under March expenditures was indicated in reports received thus far this m1nh h frnmh th 1hrnh r - n offiC all I 011VIcZ "LIU uc .aru:ac allli uvca cha emorl 1-lia miinirinnl ezfraafi I snie suuj uean uniipl a± e ' car line today for $10,192. F. Clement, '32E; E. 0. D'Anna, '31; Ic is t demonstra-.I~'- G. T. Dannaffel,'32;R. D. Goodrich, tions inBrussels Mrs. O'Connor charged that a '32E; C. L. Davis, '32E; Q. D. H. with a pledge of; nasal injury which caused her Gurnee, '32E; C. J. Holcomb, '32; Fascist alertness to snore was the result of a street C. E. Larsen, D. C. McDougal, '32E: against its ene- car accident last fall. IF. W. Marshall, '34; W. Neilson, mies. She never snored before that, '32E; R. G. Otstot, '32E; H. J. Paine, Il Duce, holding she said. - '32; H. A. Townsend, '32; A. R. his hand aloft for Decker, '32; M. F. Meuller, '32E. silence, shouted to the c r o w d, EXPLORER MAINTAINS BEARS KILLED vhich had moved frrom thme univer- ANDREE PARTY BY SUDDEN ATTACK sity to the palace,. intending later to go to the Beligian jk em $Mv5'QL 4 Baldwin Cites Own Experiences; Baldwin, a member of several Bembassy. Takes Issue With Other earlier Arctic expeditions, missed "The Italy of the students is al joining the ill-fated balloon party Death Theories, justi48 thours, arrivn ar y ways on its toes to defend the rev by just 48 hours, arriving at Danes olutionary regime and Fascism WASHINGTONAril 25-()- island only to find Andree had against the stupid calumnies o WASINTON, prl b5a-sPwA taken advantage of favorable winds anti-Fascists," he said. sudden attack by polar bears was and left two days before. We rme usin a o advanced today by Capt. Evelyn B. When Premier Mussolini had con Baldwin; retired explorer, as the "From the condition and posi- cluded his brief appearance before probable cause of the deaths of two tions of the bodies when found, the throng, most of them disperse members of the Andree Arctic bal- Capt. Baldwin said, "I am convinced but a number with flags marche loon expedition 33 years ago. that the death of at least two of toward the Belgian embassy. Drawing from his own experi- them was sudden, and not the re- They were slopped by soldier ences, he took issue with theories sult of the cold, lack of supplies or and police who were stationed a that Solomon August Andree, Swed- monoxide poisoning." every corner within a quarter mi ish scientist, and his two compan- -He recalled that the body of radius of the embassy. They at 1 ,.COURT SAYS MOORE Property Distribution Withheld by Judge; Trust Company Made to Testify. PITTSBURGH, April 25.-(AP)- Distribution of the estate of Alex- ander P. Moore, former ambassador to Spain, was withheld and the es- tate of his wife, Lillian Russell, was reopened today by order of Orph- ans Court Judge Thomas P. Trim- ble, who ruled that Moore fraudu- lently acquired and appropriated to his own use certain properties of Miss Russell. ' The orders of the court were de- signed to enable the Union Trust Co. of Pittsburgh, executor of the Moore estate and co-executor with Moore of Miss Russell's estate, to I account for all properties belonging to Miss Russell, Judge Trimble said. Moore bequeathed the Queen of Spain $100,000 for charitable pur- poses and $25,000 to the widow of Enrico Caruso, the noted tenor, in his will filed for probate here last year. Turks Elect Pasha's mn01U roU~lM e a 10 ei~lllU1t of the department. BAY CITY - One of the most magnificent trophies ever offered in outboard motor boat competition will be presented to the eastern Michigan water carnival by Adam E. Cornelius, chairman of the board of the American Steamship com- pany, Buffalo, N. Y. It will be heav- ily plated with silver 21 inches in height. CENTERVILLE - Arrangements - -1 m' f -1 e d d rs at le t- -cI