I- opt*m I, ESTABLISHED 1891 .44 'tLu MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVER SITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI., No. 144. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS STOCK EXCHANGE P F LiK K E R'S L Y BUSINESS CHANC DUTCH MAN' CAUSES Lynch Stated Prospects for Next Ten Years Are Best Since 1913. BYRD n 'CNOR RESIDENT CITES ES OF COLLEGE MEN DISO TAK PIIP~lln if Manufacturer's Comment on Flight of Rear Admiral Byrd Stirs Controversy. BYRD REFUSES TO TALK Failure to Include Name Fokker' on Josephine Ford' Brings Maker's Wrath. NEW YORK, April 24.-(P)- Pub- uyivormon rFrank, 3.s4 Prospects for the college grad- uate in business during the next 10 years will be the greatest since pre- war days, Charles McKenna Lynch, president of the Pittsburgh Stock exchange and member of the in- vestment firm of Moore, Leonard & Lynch, declared last week in an interview for The Daily. "Because of the stirring times of the last 15 years, the present lead- ers in the economic field are becoming physically exhausted," Lynch explained. lication of Anthony Fokker's auto-' Maintaining that the biography "The Flying Dutchman" the World war, and the has sent the barograph of contro- tively recent changes in stress of compara- industrial versy, to considerable height to- night. The plane maker's comment on the flight of Iear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, particularly the trans-At- lantic flight which ended in the waters off the French coast, arous- ed chief interest. AdmiralByrd,who was lecturing in the middle west, declined to dis- cuss the book, but one of his com- panions on the flight to France, Bert Acosta, had this to say: "The controversy doesn't worry me, The entire matter-the ocean light-was conducted in a sure and effective manner. I am pos- tive that if it was to be done again, there would be no change. Acosta Makes Statement. "I have the highest regard for Admiral Byrd, Bernt Balchen 'and Lieut. Noville who were on the flight. I did have a high regard for Mr. Fokker, but I think he must be getting old." "The Flying Dutchman" gives much of the credit for the success- fulful crossing of the ocean and the landing in the sea to Balchen. It was Balchen, Fokker writes who piloted the plane and navigated it after reaching France. In this Admiral Byrd agreed. He told reporters in St: Louis that al- chen was entitled to full credit for the successful manner in which he handled the plane. Admiral Byrd, however, had no comment to make1 concerning other statements con- cerning himself in the book until he had read the full text., Balchen Comments on Affair. Balchen's comment was that he didn't know where Fokker got his information about what happened during the flight to France, but that "there are no mistakes in it." The Fokker book criticizes Byrd for changing the name of his North Pole plane to the "Josephine Ford" and leaving off the name "Fokker" which Fokker says was, by agree- ment, to have been left on. Admir- al Byrd received considerable fin- ancial help on the flight from Edsel Ford, in honor of whose daughter the plane was named. Byrd Refuses to Reply CHICAG6, Ill., April 24.-(/P)-To Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Bernt Balchen is and always has been the hero of the trans-Atlantic flight of the airplane America. The aerial conqueror of the polar regions was reluctant to discuss comment on the flight in the "Fly- ing Dutchman," Anthony Fokker's , autobiography in collaboration with Bruce Gould. "I Inve no statement to make," the admiral said. "I have not read the book." Byrd "wondered," however, where Fokker got his "curious version of the flight." (Bv Assocated rts) Friday, April 24, 1931 LANSING - The Michigan public utilities commission announced to- day that it has no power to present the eastern Michigan Railway com- pany from abandoning the Pontiac- Flint and Detroit-Toledo divisions of its electric interurban service. The announcement was made in answer to protests against the aban- donment of the service. JACKSON--Robert Earl Duke, 5, sustained a fractured leg ahd his sister, Betty Lou, 3, received head injuries when the automobile in which they were riding with their mother, who was slightly cut and methods have been the most radical during the past several centuries, he continued by saying that the revo- lutionary business conditions have tired men of more than 45 years of age, so that they are looking for younger men to assume their places as leaders in the business world. "Places for the college man in business during the next year or so will be few, however," he continued, placing his belief on the assumption that the effects of the contempor- ary business depression will carry over for that period. The present depression will end by October 1, Lynch predicted. Peo- ple are saving, prices of merchan- dise are falling, and buying is in- creasing because the public is con- ENTRANTSELIITE N E CONTEST University Debaters, Speaking Contest Winners Barred From Competition. An opportunity to voice honest and intelligent opinions on the question, 'iShould University regu- lation of student .affairs be confin- ed to the ciassroom?" is offered by the Oratorical association's annual extempoaneous speaking contest, according to Robert Murphy, '31, vice-president, who is in charge. Murphy pointed out another feat- ure of the contest, that it is limited+ to men and women who have never represented the University in any outside debate or oratorcal con- test, and have never won a speak- ing contest within the University. Some minor changes in the rules previously announced have been made. Next Wednesday, at four o'clock is the closing time for en- tries, which are to be handed in at the speech department office on the floor of Angel hall. The former date was Monday. The preliminaries, which will be run off in groups of five or six, will c o n s i s t of five-minute prepared speeches on any phase of the as- signed subject. Each contestant, after his prepared speech is pre- sented, will be handed a question on the material he has covered. He will remain .on the platform, and, after the others have spoken, will give a five-minute extemporaneous talk on the question. Semi-finals will be held if nec- essary, Murphy announced, a n d about five will be chosen for the finals. A similar system, including five minutes each of prepared and extemporaneous speaking, will be used there. Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be given for the first three places in the contest. Mimes to Give Final Performance Tonight The 'final performance of "The 'Perfect Alibi,' a mystery comedy by A. A. Milne, will be given at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the Laboratory theatre. The production opened here on Wednesday. Karl Litzenberg, of the English department, directed the show, which is Mimes' last production for this year. R. Duane Wells, '32, and Kathryn Kratz, '32, head the cast, assisted by Whitney Dixon, '31, Tom Roden, '31, Harry Arnold, '32. Other members of the cast are E dli t h Grossberg, '33, Margaret Smith, '33A, William Dickert, '32, William Mulroney, '33, and Ray Suffron, '31. suming wha iiey have had stored '0111 for the past several years, he stated. ILI v "The panic, which was reallyfp caused by people's forgetting the hard times of the last depression, T will end its second year this ___ month," he remarked. The mythical seven year business cycle, turning Grand Rapids Judge Cites Need through prosperity, depression and for Abler Judges, Juries recovery consecutively, he explain- at Founder's Dinner. ed, is substantially true "because it takesgabout that long for people SENIORS GET BILLETS buying of previous years, recover from their credit obligations, and Judge Tuttle Also Gives Talk; begin their optimistic buying once Governor Brucker Unable again." "Socialism has a basis for exist- to Attend. ence in Russia," he declared, "but not in America, because economic Jury trial in America is principal- and social conditions are different iy in need of better juries and bet- here." ter judges, judge Arthur C. Deni- -- son, '83L, of the United States Court of Appeal in Grand Rapids, point- ed out last night at the sixth an- nual Founder's Day banquet at the Lawyers' cub, held in honor of the late William Wilson Cook, donor of TO INITITE 8IEN the club. w Special stress was laid by Judge Denison on the prevailing legisla- Sigma Xi Will Induct Members tion which takes away from the Banquet in The ag trial judge his power in connection at bnqetinTh eague with governing the course of the on Monday Evening. trial. "This tendency," Judge Deni- son said, "degrades the office and Sigma Xi, national honorary brings into power a class of less scientific society, will iniiate 81, capable men and continues in a new members at a banquet tobe vicious circles." held at 6:30 o'clock next Monday Should Follow English. evening in the League building. Dr. "Michigan," he continued, "has Herbert F. Moore, research profes- recently come back by the legisla- sor of engineering materials at the! tive course to the right regard, of University of Illinois, who is also the judge. The judge should more, speaking in an afternoon lecture nearly approximate the English under the auspices of the society,I judge in this, which is the chief' will give the principal address at reason for English efficiency in the I will give the principal address. I courts. Four members o the faculty of Judge Arthur J. Tuttle, '95L, of the Medical school are included in the United States District Court for the list of initiates. They are: Prof. Eastern Michigan, also spoke and Paul S. Barker, Prof. Cyrus C. Stur- Iaid tribute to Dean Henry .M. gis, Prof. Raymond W. Walker, and Bates, to the Regents of the Uni-- Archibald G. MacLeod. The only versity, and to the Law school fac- other faculty member included in ulty for making the school oe the group is Philip Jay, a resarch which Cook should choose to r associate of the dental school. ceive his gifts. In the chemistry group the fol- I At the banquet, Regent James 0. lmvingr t dentsgatre ineluded: FK. 1 Murfin: prominent Detroit. lawyer, Almy, Albert . Herschberger, J. D. presented billets to 43 seniors who Ryan, M. B. Geiger, R. M. Hitchens, i have been in the Lawyers' club for F. H. Moser, J. J. Thompson, Mabel at least two years. Dean Bates was M. Miller, K. A. Van Lente, C. E. toastmaster for the occasion. Whitney, W. G. Frederick, and E. Brucker Unable to Attend. C. Mosier. From the school of f Governor Wilbur M. Brucker who pharmacy, E. S. Blake will be ini- was expected to speak at the ban- tiated. I quet was unable to attend. W. C. Gorham, J. S. Rogers and In the afternoon, Morris Zwerd-. C. P. Russell will represent the de- 'ling and Paul Kauper, juniors in partment of zoology in the honor- the Law school, were awarded first ary society. From the mathematics place in the final arguments in the department have been selected the junior Case club series. They repre- following students: F. S. Beale, Jr., sented the Story club and were pre- Ben Dushnik, A. L. O'Toole, W. O. sented .with the Henry M. Campbell Menge, C. V. Newsom, Norman award of $100. Their opponents, Goodier, Jessie Pierce, and C: C. Leroy Mote and Lee Van Blargen I Wagner. Students chosen from the also juniors, were awarded the $50 chemical engineering department prize for second place. They repre- are: J. T. Eash, C. F. Harte, Jr., D. sented the Marshall club. W. McCready, E. C. Pattee, H. T. The bench of judges for the Case Ward, H. W. Hoerr, J. D. Lindsay, club argument was comprised of J. F. Middleton, C. B. Weiss, G. D. I Gustavus Ohlinger, Toledo attorney, Wilson and Hsu Huai Ting. Judge Tuttle, and Judge Allan Two representatives from the Campbell, of the Wayne County (Continued on Page 8) Circuit Court, More than 300 guests attended the banquct, arrangements f9r HO EO TRAV L, 1 ich were under the direction of Prof. Grover C. Grismore, of the Law school, faculty advisor for the TO IHGN19 PI;club. He was aided by David W. Kendall, '31L, student chairman of I the committee on arrangements Marine Officer Grantcd Leavc. of Absence to Direct Consolidation. EXPECT MOBILE FORCE Enforcing Agencies to be Placed Under One Superintendent; Economy Motive. SALEM, Ore., April 24.-(/)--Ma- jor General Smedley Butler of the marines is coming to Oregon to or- ganize a new state police force. The noted marine officer was granted a leave of absence today! and is expected here next monthj to direct consolidation under one! superintendent of all law enforc- ing agencies of the state. ! Associalcd Press P'hoto SPAIN SENDS NEW MINISTER HERE STUDENTS MAKE, PLANS FOR VOTE ON NEW COUNCIL Balloting on Proposed Revision to Take Place Thursday POLLS OPEN 9 TO 4 if Approved, Plan to be Submitted to t Senate, Arrangements for the campus vote on the proposed revision of student government next Thurs- day were announced yesterday by the committee in charge. Ballot- ing on the question will continue Salvador de Madariaga,, Writer, scholar and former icague of nations official, is the first am-' bassador to Washington of the sec- ond Spanish republic. Madariaga To Combine Agencies. will present his credentials to Presi- from 9 until 4 o'clock Thursday dent 'Hoover within a few days. Agencies to be consolidated in a at five points on the campus. state constabulary include two di- Polling places will be main- visions enforcing fish and game'tamed at Angell hall the center laws, the fire marshall's office, state HUAngell the traffic department and the prohi- of the diagonal, the Engineering bition department. The constabu- IIarch, the Union, and the League lary, provided for in the last legis- I1building. A large representative vote lature, will give Oregon a mobile police force with a superintendent --lj'is hoped for so that student seniti- police force with a smerintnetiet may be effectively expressed responsible to the governor. Coe College Professor, Former ontha e effectivel rss- I am sure the general will be University Graduate, to I tept wi be m ade to reah st- able to give us many valuable sug-t Study in Europe. dents of all colleges by theach o u- gestions that. will aid in putting i uep the new state police law into ef- Vance Russell, '21 Abolishes Present Council. I Prof. Nelson VacIusi 2 rpsl il sals.asu dayfect, heGov. law was iudesigned, e- M.A., '25Ph.D., head of the history The proposal will establish a stu- y dent administrative council to han- department of Coo college, Cedar ed, in the interest of economy and Rapids, Ia., has been awarded the dIe class functions and other stu- for purpose of creating a mobile Lyd aveling fellowship. This fel- dent activities now conducted by force. ilowship carries with it a stipend of "It will give Oregon," he said, "a $2,500 entitling Professor to a year The proposed revision in stu- police force which does not have of European travel and study. I dent government, including the to stop at city limits and be con- The University has two Lloydi creation of a student adminis cerned with only one division of traveling fellowships, named in crime, but which. extends over the f honor of the late Alfred H. Lloyd, udent epre entat increase entire state and over all crime. dean of the graduate school, which senate Committee on Student I .Govi'nfr Sees Saving. are granted each -year,,--one-to .a. "I am vitally interested in the graduate of the University holding with the proposed replacement financial saving that mawy be mad, a degree of doctor of philosophy of the Senate Committee on and in the enforcement of hws and and one to a doctor of science. Pro-' University affairs by a Senate suppression of crime. cost more fessor Russell received the fellow- siaaddthe Ph. D. I council with a federated repre- than $1,000,000 yearly to enforce ship awarded sentation from faculties of the the fish, game, forestry, prohibi- I Prolesor Russell has been grant- various schools and colleges of tion and traffic laws. At present' ed a year's leave of absence from the University. The latter con- more than $370,000 annually is ex C by President H. M. Gage, an orns the faculty and University pended by the traffic patrol in the he plans to sail for Europe next affairs exclusively, and will not Saffairserxclusivelyrandlwillonot enforcement of traffic laws, and an September. He will travel through affect the Senate Committee on additional $200,000 is expended by England, France, and western Eu- Student -affairs. The two plans the' highway department in en- rope doing his research work at the are entirely separated though ' forcement of the same laws," Briish museum and the public re- they were announced at about In his inaugural ls., I ord office in London and at the the same time. One deals with In hs iaugral essgetheBibiotheque Nationale in Paris governor said "Oregon has no single Bibreohewulcntinlethe study the Senate Committee on Uni- body whose duty it is to bring to where he will continueh d versity Affairs and the other- justice those who commit offenses of his special field, the history of to be voted on by the students against the laws of the state," the Old Northwest. He will return next Thursday-deals with the ( to this country by way of India and Senate Committee on Student the Orient. n Affairs. Professor Russell attended Woost- Aa er college for three years before at- Id tending the University. He received the Student council, a student- a master of arts degree here in faculty judiciary committee, and a HON DV BAN B [PD FIT 1921, and from then until 1925 when nominating committee within the lie completed his doctor of philoso- ,Senate Committee of the Student phy degree he was instructor in the Affairs for selection of candidates history department. for (he elective student member- Expedition Letters Indicate Bad Iships of the committee and for the Weather; First Shipment 1932BUDGET CUT presidency of the administrative 1932council. It will also increase student I'ir T FF R,1A TI''J ___ n l. 1 - I x Landing of English Colonistsl at Cape Henry to be II Commemorated. WASHINGTON, Apr. 24. - (/Pj President Hoover tomorrow will I turn southward to take part in the celebration of an anniversary of one of the country's important his- torical events. He will join Sunday in a pilgrim- age to Cape Henry, Virginia, where 324 years ago English colonists landed and stopped for a few days before journeying to Jamestown and establishing the first perman- ent English colony in America. Last October the president went to King's Mountain, North Carolina, and made an address celebrating the Battle of King's Mountain, an important engagement of the Revo- lutionary war. The chief executive, Mrs. Hoover and a small party will go from Washington to Little Creek Inlet, about five miles from the cape, on a 140-foot inspection boat belong- ing to the department of commerce. There a special train will meet him, aboard which will be Gov. Pollard of Virginia and other dignitaries. After attending church service the na~rthi will retuirn to the inlet, and Pollock to Testify to Funds Committee Prof. James K. Pollock, of the political science department, will be in Washington May 4 and 5 to testify before the campaign fends committee of the Senate, which is headed by Senator Ger- aid P. Nye, on a proposed federal corrupt practices act. Last year, after his return from Germany, Professor Pollock was asked by the committee to draw a proposed federal corrupt practices act for consideration by the committee in drawing up the law. The committee has also been considering an act drawn up by Senator Cutting, of New Mexico. These two acts will serve as a basis for discussion. Profes- sor Pollock will be required to testify and answer questions in public hearings of the commit- tee. ' rve um 1V.,VE Y1. U r !representation on rthe Senate com- --- - mittee. 'Thle lBritihlonduras-Guaton-al- i To Operate on Merit System. an ti o thed U i Figures Show Decrease of 31 The administrative council will museums reports scientifce advance Millions. be operated on the merit system mont-and unlimited bad weather. ~~ plan and will provide a more stable Rains are excessive, trails are al-!WASHINGTON, April 24.-(IP)- and efficient means of handling most impassable, and fords areahighal" rc sident Hoover said today that .tudent functions. This council will fand difficult, according to letters the estimated expense of the gov- replace the present Student council received by F. M. Gaige, director of ernmnent for the fiscal year 'ending in administrative matters while the the museum of zoology, from mom- June 30, 1932, would total $4,119,- present judicial and legislative i bers of the expedition party who 230,649, a decrease under the esti- oowers of the Student council will are threading their way through i mated figures for the year ending be assumed by the Senate Commit- the thickets of Guatemala in scarchI June 30, 1931, of $315,799,083. Lee. of specimens of scientific value, The figures included the estimat- If approved by the campus vote After breaking camp, in a rain, ed deficit of the postoffice depart- Thursday, the proposed revision in I on the pine ridges last month, Dr., ment but excluded the amount re- student government will be sub- Adolph Muric and Dr. Josselyn Van! ceived from postal revenues. The ,mitted to the Senate for its con- Tyne joined Harley H. Bartlett at actual expenses of the government sideration at a later date. El Cayo, after a trip which included for the fiscal year ending June 30, the fording of the Belize river, to 11930, total $3,994,152,487.09. Plan Summer Courses hring the University party togtilher! The largest saving expected for again. the 1932 fiscal year will be in aids in PhysicalEduration While Mric had been collecting ito agriculture. For the June 30,I-- mammals, and Van Tyne watchin 1931 fiscal year $341,165,134 was es- Facilities for physical education for unusual bird specimens, lr'rt- tinatvd as the total for agricul- during the 1931 Summer Session in- lett had conducted successful b- tural aid. For the 1932 fiscal year elude swimming pools, golf courses, tanical research in the Duck Run President Hoover said the amount Pine Ridge districI, and along the 7 would total $160,872,025, a saving of gymnasiums, a field house, an intra- Belize. i approximately $180,000,000. mural sports building, a women's Using mule trains as the medium President Hoover said: ' ' athletic building, a stadium, and of transportation, and progressing "The cabinet session this morn- athletic fields. at the rate of little more than a ing was devoted to consideration of Courses for men and women will mile par hour, the party finally government expenditure f o r the reached Uaxactun, their destination next fiscal year. The members of' be given by a large staff of exports and base of more detailed investi- the cabinet had before them the in physical and health education gations. compilation of the budget on a dealing with all branches of the The first shipments of specimens functional basis, as has been cus- work. The courses will be especially Aspirants for Council Office Report Monday ArCrliJ'An,",I en iriat~s, for the