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April 24, 1931 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-24

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DAY, APIL 24, 1931




5T\..~ 1


Business and Social. Functions
Arranged for -Delegates
to Convention..
Today, the second day in the.
fifth biennial session of the In-
tercollegiate Association of Wo-
men Students, will be filled wih
both business and social engage-
ments for the delegates. The two
speakers of the day are to be Mrs.
Frederick B. Fisher, and Miss Ethel
Mrs. Fisher will address the as-
sembled convention at 9 o'clock, in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Her,
speech will deal with the interna-.
tional aspects of college. Mrs. Fis.-
er is the wife of Dr. Frederick B.
Fisher, pastor of the First Metho-
dist church of Ann Arbor.
Orientation to be Discussed.
"Orientation of the Freshman
Women," will be the subject of Miss
McCormick's address at 1:30 o'clock
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. Miss McCormick is assist-
ant professor of physical education
for women, and Social Director in
the office of the Dean of Women.
Last year Miss McCormick was head
of Orientation week for women.
The Women's Athletic Associa-
tion will entertain the delegates
at a luncheon at 12:30 o'clock in
the lounge of the Women's Field
house. At dinner, which will be
held in the private dining rooms at
the League building, the conference
will be divided into its Eastern and
Western sections.
Discussion groups will meet after
both morning and afternoon as-
semblies. A formal dance in the
ballroom of the League building
will conclude the events of the day.
Eugene Permanent . $6.00
with service
110 S. 'U" Dial 7561

CLUB TO SPONSOR Rifka Angel Shows
TENNISMATCHES in SpringExhibition
Michigan Invited to Send Entries at Chicago Gallery
for National Competition.

June 23 has been set as the date
for the third annual Invitation
Lawn Tennis Tournament for Col -
lege Women, which will be held at
the Longwood Cricket Club, Chest-
nut Hill, Mass., this year. This
tournament is sanctioned by the
United States Lawn Tennis Asso-
Players are eligible to enter this (
contest who are in good academic
standing atthe close of the present
school year, and the number of
entries from any one college is not
limited. All entries should be sent
to Mrs. George W. Wightman, ref-
eree, at the Longwood club, to be
received before Saturday, June 20.
Mrs. Wightman, who was national
doubles champion with Helen Wills
Moody several years ago, has spon-
sored the tournament since its in-
"This year will be the third year
of competition, and we hope for a
more representative entry each
year," said Mrs. Wightman in a
communication to The Daily. "I
surely hope that Michigan will
have one or more to represent the
College, and I shall be glad to help
them in any way," she added.
Play will be on grass in singles
and doubles, the best two out of
three sets winning. In case of rain,

Among the recent exhibits in the
art world the women have not fig-
ured with the degree of prominence
which was current during the
month of March when Marie Laur-
encin was among the artists exhi-
biting in the Modern French school
show. Perhaps the most outstand-]
fing exhibit is the one which opened
the week of April 6 at Knoedlers'
featuring the return of Rifka An-
gel, who has shown nothing during
the past year.
Since the last showing of the
works of Rifka Angel, her saucy
piquancy, has exploited a new field
of subjects; she brings the infant
into art. Her sketches and snap-
shot paintings of the infant models
veer away from the sentimental
mawkish characteristic of this type
of work to a very sympathetic but
humourous development.
The drawing, My Daughter, which
is now showing at the current ex-
hibit, and one of the few which
have been shown in reproduction, is
considered typical of Rifka's inno-
vation. The picture draws the
screwed-up face of a small baby
whose expression shows a deter-
mination to make an impression
on this world of adults. The draw-
ing is executed for the most part
in simple line and shadow, with
more suggestion than actual de-

Says Question of Leisure Time Is purpose of a women's self-govern-
More Important to Women ing organization, Miss Holt claimed
Than to Mn. that the latter should be the crea-
--tion of a unified consciousness and
"Women are at the psychic cen- effort for all student activities.
ter of any social unity and social Miss Holt also discussed three
integration," said Nellie Lee Holt, problems, two of which she said
professor of religious education at were the most important problems
Steven's College, Columbia, Mis- facing the college woman of today.
souri, yesterday, in her address be- The first is that of making the indi--
fore thedelegatesof the fifth bi- vidual student conscious of the so-
ennial convention of the Intercolle- cial group of the school. The see-,
giate Association of Women Stu- ond is arousing the vocational con-
dents. sciousness of the college student,
and the third is the problem. of lei-
Miss Holt qualified her statement i sure time. The speaker claimed
by saying that no civilization can that the last was more vital to wo-
go beyond the status of its women. men than to men, they direct the
Turkey, India, and China, were leisure of their families.
cited as proof, by the speaker. "Are. Quotes Mandell Executive.
women contributing all that they Miss Holt concluded her address
can to American life?", questioned with the presentation of four qual-
Miss Holt. ities which Vice-president Hudgins,
"The best definition or purpose of Mandell's, in Chicago, claims
for education," said Miss Holt, "is that colleges should develop in their
the development of the whole per- students. The first is accuracy, the
sonality." She added that contrary second, what to do with lost and
to the old Biblical idea, a human found articles, the third, how to
being cannot be cut into body and i meet people, and the last, to be
spirit, but must be regarded as a more neat in personal appearance.
unified personality. Fitting this ._-
philosophy of education with the
lineation. The artistic value of the
picture appears for the most part Selling
in their simplicity of treatment and
their rare catches of unusual cx-
pression. I 1 4Q Dt



matches will

be played indoors.




Is the outstanding
Hat today.
Dana Richardson
In the Arcade

Dress Hats


A charming array of new dress hats for the coming season has bean assembled
here for your approval. New, white, basket weaves . Panamalics with
lace trims . . . large black hats with flower trim ... all are the smartest
of the nev styles, hats that you will want to wear the minute you see them.



The Haunted Tavern
417 East Huron Street
Truly Home Cooked Foods
Served in our
Sunshiny, Clean and Quiet Rooms
-at Popular Prices
Private Room for Parties
DIAL 7781

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Shop of
Personal Service


Outstanding Values
This week will be a profitable one for women
who know style and value.

3Iw~f~ teteker
*e~u1E ESIFE7

Offering of 75 Gowns
$16.75 and $19.75 grades at
This lot comprises a full assortment of PRINTS,
CREPES and NOVELTIES in all sizes from 12
to 46 inches, latest approved models and is un-
deniably a bargain.
Offering of 60 Coats
Values to $30 at
]97"0and $2500
Smart new "PRINTZESS" models in the season's
latest styles in BLACK, SKIPPER BLUE and
GREY-a remarkable collection of the best values
of the season,
Offering of 50 Suits
Wonderful values at
Cloths, linings, and tailoring would warrant a much
higher price for these smart suits. If you wish a
three piece suit we have blouses to match each

R-385. The first and only
micro-synchronous, Uscreen.
grid, S cira t radio. $
with tubes

A BSOLUTELY dependable.
matchless tone. Victor
Radio also comes with the New
Home Recording Electrola,
brigng you the music you want
wihenyou want it from either
the air or electrically recorded
Victor Records . a. and the new
thrW of making your own rec-
ords at homne!
The most beautiful cabinets
Victorhas ever designed. Prices
sensationally low. Buy from the
dependable store.


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