2:3, 1931. THE I IwII A Allah°. 2 3 ,-- -- - - - -....93 1............ -- - -- --M-...... ............. ........ A...l .. .. . _ . *AND& . .,, r y . .. ._ -~ ~-- 'OFFICERS OF LEAGUE WILL MANAGE I.A.W.S. CONVENTION THIS WEEK FOR INTEROL CONVETION DOAY TBi00 , , 10 di U f Deans of University to Address Meeting in Mendelssohn Theatre Today. PRESIDENT TO PRESIDE Convention Is Divided in Two Groups to Discuss Problems of General Interest. Delegates to the national conven- tion of the Intercollegiate Associa- tion of Women Students will be of- ficially welcomed at the opening session, which takes place at 9 o'clock this morning in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, by represent- atives of the University. Deans to Address Meeting. Dean oJseph A. Bursley, dean of students; Dean Alice Lloyd, dean of women; Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the physical education department for women; and Merton J. Bell, president of the Student Council will speak at the meeting. Rev. Alli- son Ray Heaps of the Congregation- al church will give the invocation. Eleanor Cooke, '31, president of the Women's League, in her capacity as national president of the conven- tion, will preside at all of the gen- eral meetings. Following the opening session, the convention will be divided into two groups, according to the respective enrollments of the colleges whieh are represented. These groups will meet separately during the rmain-r der of the morning to discuss prob- lems and activities of general in- terest. Nellie Lee Holt Returns. MisS Nellie Lee Holt, professor of religious education at Stephen's College, Columbia, Missouri, who is the main speaker of the convention, will address the entire group at 1:30 o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater. Miss Holt is not a stranger to Michigan women, having been the main speaker at the Athletic Conference of American College Women; which held its national convention in Ann Arbor last spring. All women students are invited to attend this meeting. Four discussion groups will meet after the assembly toconsider some of the problems of women's self governing associations. The topics of discussion will be, respectively; Rushing, in its various aspects, in- cluding deferred rushing; Point Systems; Judicial Boards; and Ori- entation Week. Delegates may at- tend the meeting in which they are most interested. Guests to be Entertained. At 4:30 o'clock Mortarboard, Sen- ior Society, and Wyvern will enter- tain the guests at a tea in the Con- course of the League building. The juniors are reviving "Came the Dawn," at 8:30 o'clock tonight, in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater, in honor of the convention, although it is open to the general public as well. Arrangements for the convention have been in the hands of Helen Jones, '31, vice-president of the Women's League. Working with Miss Jones have been Barbara Braun, '33, Mary Louise Behmyer, '31, Marion Gimmy, '31, Katherine Heeson, '33, MargaretShermack, ;'33, and Jane Yearnd, '31. NT RAM IRAL INTERCLA SS NEWS Entrants in the tennis tourna- ment are asked to consult the post- er in the Women's Athletic building for the schedule of first rounds. Games must be played off by the morning of April 27, as second rounds will be played next week. The baseball games scheduled for yesterday afternoon were postponed on account of weather conditions, and the same houses will play at 4 and 5 o'clock next Wednesday aft- ernoon. I INEEKII HIKES FORI THOSE INTIflESTED9 First of Series to be Given on Saturday; Meet at Women's Athletic Building. REFRESHMENTS SERVEDI Outdoor Club to be Organized; Eligibility Depends on l I Parties Attended.t First of a series of outdoor hikes will be given by the Women's Ath- letic Association at o'clock next Saturday afternoon. The series will be continued for the next seven weeks, with the hikes taking place lat the same hour on Saturdays un- Eleanor Cooke, 31, Helen Jones, 31 less otherwise announced. President and Chairman of the Inter-collegiate Association of Uni- All women students as well a versity Women, who will be in charge of the Convention being held this members of W. A. A. are invites week. to meet Saturday at the Women's Athletic building, the point of de- parture for the hike, a five-mile1 route has been planned along the i 19 ,,river. Later in the afternoon the H [ H [group will return to the Athletic building for refreshments. Mem- bers of the physical education fac- ulty for women will be special guests at the hike. Blanks for U.S.'F.H.A. May be j Michigan State Division to Meet Seventh In Series of Parties. a Obtained by Seniors in in Ann Arbor for This party will be the seventh in a series of outdoor parties given by W.A.A. Office. First Time. W. A. A. this year. Those who have -i n o tf attended two of these parties, and Continuing their policy of putting Meeting in Ann Arbor for the first who attend the hike Saturday, will students graduating from college, or time in its history, the Michigan be eligible for membership in the from preparatory school and not State Division of the American As- Outdoor club to be organized with- expecting to go to college, into sociation of University Women will in the next few weeks. Students' who attend five outdoor parties touch with organized hockey clubs, I hold its state conference meetings during the year will receive 25 W. the United States Field Hockey as- I in the Women's League Building A. A. points, and those who attend sociation has sent out cards to be May 6 and 7. About eighty out-of- 10 parties will be awarded 50 points. filled out by seniors interested in town delegates are expected; they Points are also given for each mile hockey. These cards may now be are coming from Lansing, Muske_ hiked during an outdoor party. obtained at t o W.A.A. office on the mAudrey Callandar, '33, outdoor main floor of 4he League building. gon, Niles, Port Huron, Romeo, Sag- manager of W. A. A., is in charge Those who fill out cards will be inaw, the Copper Country Branch, of all arrangements for the party, put in tpuch with the hckey club the Iron, Mountain Branch, and and is being assisted by the W. A. A. nearest their place of rcs/'ience, or Marquette. social committee, Jean Botsford, with a group of individuals who .e'33 Clara Grace Peck,'33,Glad wish to form a new hockey club. The program for Wednesday in- Sclroder '33 D r the Wat, ', a The information requested by the cludes a tea at the home of Presi- '32, and Anna Neberle, '32. Association is the name of the stu- dent Ale: andler Ruthven and Mrs. dent, her permanent address, and Ruthven and a formal dinner. At the days on which she will be able Faculty Women Plan to play. After being filled 'out, the I the dinner, there will be an address _'_ STATE CONVENTION OF SORORITY TO (|flDR | fl0hIO BE HELD IN DETROIT ON SATURDAY L L uuiu Faculty Members to be Guests inspector of the sorority, will ar at Tea; Dinner Planned rive. Mr.s. Smith will be with the for Alumnae Board. group for a week. A state conven- -i-ion of Alpha Chi Omega to be held Practices Will be Held Tuesday Teas and informal dinners nark on Saturday in the Colony Club in and Thursday Afternoons the leading social events of the so- Thursday. al rasist rp rorities for the week. Detroit. Mrs. Paul Kraus is to rep- at Field House. Alpha Gamma Delta will enter- resent the Theta chapter. All the tam thirty-five members of the fac- women of this chapter will be there. Twenty-five students turned out ulty at a tea this Sunday. Mrs. Mrs. Wilbur Brucker will be guest for the first speedball practise Walter Badger will pour. An attrac- of honor. Initiation for Miss Lucile which was held last Tuesday in the tive decoration scheme will be made Laugh, '32, of East Lansing, will Women's Athletic building. A large up of daffodils and green tapers. take place on Sunday. A tea will Alpha Chi Omega gave a dinner follow in honor of their inspector. number who had signed up did not on Wednesday for three of their j Miss Winifred Ferrin will pour. appear on account of the weather members attending the I. A. W. S. Delta Delta Delta is to give an conditions. convention. Spring flowers and yel- informal dinner tonight in honor Miss Laurie Campbell, of the low tapers were used. Today Mrs. of the Alumnae Advisory Board. physical education faculty, talked Peyton-Wemyss Smith, the national The guests will include: Mrs. John to the group on the revised rules - L. Brumm, Miss Sarah Lutes, and which will be followed this year, INSTALL 'OFFICERS Miss Doris Twitchell" and gave general instructions for ___ lain the ae OF ZETA PHI ETA pEEATlWaLyieng te game A DELEGATES WILL The second practise will be held HAVE LUNCHEON at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and Patrons and Patronesses for practises will continue every Tues- Bridge Announced. .day and Thursday afternoon for Miss Alice Lloyd to be Guest the next three weeks. Installation services were held at at Convention Meeting. "More seniors are needed before we can organize class teams," stated the League building last night for Delegates to the convention .of Jean Bentley, '33, W. A. A. speedball h the Intercollegiate Association of manager. We must have at least Eta, who were elected just before Women Students will be entertain- 50 players, as there must be 11 on vacation. ed by the Women's Athletic Asso- each team." After the ceremony, Mrs. John ciation at a luncheon to be given at Sheldon Tennant II, who is general 12:30 tomorrow afternoon in the The return of the fan for evening chairman of the benefit bridge lounge of the Women's Athletic wear proves that old fashions are which the organization is giving building. now modern fashions. Fans of silk next Saturday afternoon, announc- Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women, and ostrich are now being seen in ed the names of the people who will will speak during the luncheon, andthe Eastern and Southern society act as patrons and patronesses for Dr. Margaret Bell, and Miss Ethel - the affair. They are: Professor McCormick, of the physical ,educa- Louis Eich and Mrs. Eich, Professor tion faculty for women, will be Morris Tilley and Mrs. Tilley, Pro- among the special guests. fessor James O'Neill and Mrs. Gladys Schroder, '33, iN in charge S h o o oL O'Neil, Professor John Muyskens of arrangements for the luncheon, and Mrs. Muyskens, Mr. and Mrs. and is being assisted by Jean Bots- James McBirney, Mrs. M. Kentmil- ford, '33, Dorothea Waterman, '32, ler, Miss Amy Loomis, and Mr. Val- Anna Neberle, '33, and Jeanette entine Windt. Allen. -- /- - ) e , 7 J i t i Hats that are 'Different Made on the head to match the costume McKINSEY HAT SHOP 227 South State Street has returned from Madison, having successfully staged the Uni- versity of Wisconsin's Annual Opera, "It's a Gay Life," and announces that classes have been resumed at his studio at 919 Oakland Avenue. -h flii cards may be returned to the W.A.A. office or mailed to Miss Suzanne R. Cross, at Washington Lane, Jen- kinstown, Pennsylvania, wlho is sec- retary of the organization. PRESIDENT-ELECT ATTENDS A.C.A.C.W. Group Sends Dorothy Ellsworth to Athletic Conference. Dorothy Elsworth, '32, president- elect of the Women's Athletic As- sociation is attending the central section conference of the Athletic Conference of American College Women being held this week in Madison, Wisconsin, as the official delegate of W. A. A. Business meetings and discus- sions on problems of athletic ac- tivities will occupy most of the time of the delegates, and several more recreational events have been plan- ned for their entertainment. of welcome given by Mrs. Louis Karpinski, president of the Ann Arbor branch and wife of Dr. L. C. Karpin ki, professor of mathemat- ics at the University of Michigan. Following this the University Girls' G 1 e e C 1 u b will entertain, and speeches will be made by President' Alexander G. Ruthven and by Dean Boucher of the University of Chi- i cago. He and his wife will be guests of President and Mrs. Ruthven. Dean Alice Lloyd will preside at the luncheon to be held Thursday. Mrs. Edward D. Pomeroy, '98, for- mer h'ead of a girls' high school in Philadelphia and ex-national sec- retary of the Association, will speak.' The other address will be given by Dr. Emma Formovnova of Czecho- slovakia, who came to the United States to attend the council of the International Federation of Univer- sity Women, which met at Wellesley College. After the meeting a tour of the University campus has been arranged. 4L "aence ar Aerieq A last dance in the series of twenty-five whia have been held for the faculty and alumni will be held Thursday night, April 23 at nine o'clockin the Michigan Unioni ballroom. These dances have been arranged and sponsored by th Faculty Women's club. A committee has been appointed for the revision of house rules for the women of Northwestern Uni- v e r s i t y. Recommended changes were that there should be no men callers in the houses Monday, Tues- day and Thursday evenings; sen- iors should be allowed to attend the theatre, opera, symphony, or reci- tal without loss of a date permis- sion; and that women be allowed 1 o'clock permissions during final exams, except the night before an exam. Iill Las 11111 11 , - IIMMMR Rll 11111 11111il "IMPIPPI , I -- - Now is th Remodelle e time to have all Fur d and Renovated before away for the Summer. Coats storing RA GEDY ANN B AUTY SHOP FREDERIC'S VITA-TONIC PERMANENT ... $8.00 with service FINGER WAVES ......75c 1110 S. University Dial 7561 hitisda and ' ddy All Work Guaranteed SEE MRS. NILSEN Opp. Hill Auditorium I 228 S. Thayer P. 11 I ANNOUNCING MACK'S APRIL FrdyadS ays Friday and Saturday i I ..l Y """""" : r.. i for 7TM Senior Invitations .I A riding class for experienced rid- ers will be held at 7:15 o'clock to- night. Transportation to the Fair-j - grounds will be furnished, and the group will meet in the lobby of the League building at 7 o'clock. Those riding are asked to sign their names on the list posted on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. Walter Hagen frequently uses his putter in shallow traps when near: the green. dWXN!?c t, 7C we" a I Personalized Wanes Luncheon -- All ill Luncheon Service We Deliver Orders being taken in Angell Hall Lobby from 1-3 p. m. Our operators are skilled in waving your hair so as to emphasize your best features and accent your personality. T'V'flmane' nts, $5.00 I r TV D PVUI? TTFv f I&. I _: ;,. .:> iira....:...:. I i