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April 23, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-23

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control or Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Tress is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
r atches credited to it or not otherwise credited
ne this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mater General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21224.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FuAx E. Coorza, City Editer
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director.........Walter W. Wilds
Assistant City Editor.......Harold O. Warren
Sports Editor. ....... oseph A. Russell
Women's Editor . ......Mary L.. Behymer
Music. Drama, Books.......Wi. J. Gorman
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Stautez
Cony Editor................. EPypet
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprawl
David JK. Nichol Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warm
Aheldon C. Fullerton J. Callen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford

Thomas M. Cooler
Morton Frank
S aul Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbre*'
Oland Goodma
Orton Helper
Bryan Jones
Wilbur J. Meyers
Eileen Blunt
Nanette Dembits
Elsie Feldman
Ruth Gallmeyer
Emily G. Grimes
bean Levy_
orotny Magee
Susan Manchester

Brainard W. Nies
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert
George A. Stauter
john W. Thomas
John S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Cile Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobla
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

way can some semblance of that
student government which is so
essential to the normal campus be
revived. While this is only a step,
it is very evidently in the right di-
rection and, properly handled, may
lead to many similar advances in
the near future.
Contrary to the general opinion
that front rank scientists, especially
students of applied science, are
being turned out chiefly by pri-
vately-endowed institutions, a sur-
vey prepared by Stephen H. Fisher
for the Journal of Higher Education
reveals that state universities have
taken the lead in sending these men
into the various scientific profes-
Fisher's conclusion which appearsE
quite logical is based upon the
number of "star" men listed in
American Men of Science who
graduated from institutions sup-
ported by tax payers and those
coming from private institutions.
Johns Hopkins heads the list, but
is follo ved by the University of
Kansas, University of Chicago, Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, Harvard,
University of Indiana, University of
California, and the University of
Within a comparatively short
time the state universities will hold
an undisputed leadership in the
leadership in the number of men in
the various scientific fields. Each
spring hundreds of men are grad-
uated from institutions supported
by the public - institutions whose
equipment and teaching facilities
are in most cases superior to pri-
vate institutions. Without doubt
this is an investment which pays
large dividends.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themsel es to less thaL. 300
words if possible. Anonymous co -
niunications will he disregarded. The
names of conmunicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
To the Editor:
Some of our brilliant, sagacious
statesmen of the state have just re-
. cently voted approval for a piece of'
legislation which will gradually, but
inevitably cast the University into
an ignominious position in the field,
of education. Most pertinently and
valiantly did they adhere to the
principle: "Religion, morality, and
knowledgre being necessary to good

My contributor's emphasis week
of some months ago is beginning toj
bear fruit. Today we have two nice=
long contributions which ought to
take up enough space so that I can
go home and spend the day the way
rainy days ought to be spent.
* * *
Here is the first-I had to I
amputate the first paragraph,
but I guess the sense will be all
right if at all.
* * *
Dear Dan:
In Khurdistan a sly young man
Swiped a beautiful Kashmir shawl
And stuffed it down his mother-
in-law's throat.
It's a fine world after all.
.. Of course Kashmir shawls are
far too lovely to waste on coeds,
nevertheless I intend to modify the
scheme somewhat to fit the case
and use burlap sacks or sole copies
of the Gargoyle. The method is
really very neat and handy.
Happy Landings old man!
* * *
Dear Fishy:
Your idea is truly superb,
thus leading your poetry at the
turn by about five laps.
Dan Baxter.


Telephone 23214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Managet
Kasrx I. HALVEtRSON, Assistaw Manager
Advertising............Charles T. Klinel
Advertising........... Thomas M. Davis
Advertising ............William W. Warboys
Service..............Norris 3J Johnson
Publication'......... .Robert W. Wilaoan
Circulation............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts ..................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary ..........Mary 1. Kenan

* * *

arry R. Beglev
ernon Bishop
*liam Biown
obert Callahan
r illiam W. David
files 11oisinvtou
oel D. Tu.rner

Erle Kightlinger
Don W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard StratemeerI
Keith 'ryrer
Richard H. Hiller
Byron C. Veddwu

Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey
]] csephine Convisset
axine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Layliss

Sylvia Miller
Belen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie ).ough;
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Night Editor --DAVID M. NICHOLI

government and the happiness of
ANOTHER STEP mankind, schools and the means of
Although the recent formations education shall be forever encour-
under which the Inter-fraternity aged."
council and the Student council With an extraordinary power of
have existed have been rather IWt netariaypwro
cloued anidistincttbeerasrprognostication are they visualizing
clouded and indistinct, there has the departure of professors offered
evolved out of the mist a very clear- more lucrative positions by other
cut step towards a student govern-
ment which will be more efficient universities, thereby insured not
and more worthy of the position to only more comfortable livings, but
which tradition has elevated it. conducting research on a more
This step came in the ratification elaborate scale and of continuing
by the Senate Committee on Stu- their zealous quest after truth. Also
dent Affairs of a proposal to allow indeed are they realizing the de-
direct action upon fraternity af- parture of students to other uni-
fairs by the judiciary committee of versities, students wisely desirous of
the Interfraternity council, receiving significant diplomas from!
While any action that the judi- significant and far-renowned insti-
ciary committee may take in con- tutions.J
nection with the proper regulation How marvelously well-versed in
of fraternity groups on the campus the realm of history are our astute
will still be subject to review by the legislators! Certainly they are ac-
Senate committee or by the council quainted with the history of those
as a whole, too much stress should successful1 yovernments which in
sucssfu goenet whchin

You see, fellows, I kind of have to
be nasty with him about that be-
cause I am trying for the Avery
Hopwood prize and I don't want
him competing.
And speaking of good old
Avery and his prize, I note that
0. J. Campbell is generously
giving a lecture on how to write
for the prize awards just ex-
actly fifteen minutes before the
contest closes. 0. J. is certain-
ly a big help.
Dear Dan:
Waste no time on this Shoatless
Kart-Shirtlesss Hoat-o well, do
you know any place where they
have really good beer? At any rate
the whole thing isn't worth the,
trouble. I tried it yesterday. First
it rained. Then a coed asked me
where the bull fight was. I told
her, but you can't be bothered in-
sulting coeds all day long. Next I
went into the A. and P. for a car-
ton of cigarettes and an old lady 1
called me young man and ordered'
me to get her a simply ridiculous
number of onions. So I went home
and put on the room-mates fur
Anyway you should concentrate
on an Ignore The May Festival
campaign. Here is some material
for propaganda:
The Music School's approaching
May Festival
Is undoubtedly the wust of all
Annual events held at the Uni-
And when you consider the All-
Campus Revue, the Junior
Girls' play, etc., you are cov-
ering a diversity
Of pretty lousy things under a
blanket statement,
But nevertheless I do it with
much elatement.
For all her singing Lily Pons, she
Should stay in the bathtub with
the water turned on, see?
As a pianist Mr. Paderewski
Makes a swell Polish patriat,
I wish he would go to Petoskey
Not to Ann Arbor. That's that.
Do you see eye to eye with me
on this thing, Baxter? Let's get
together and make this the greatest
Ignore The May Festival spring,
how about--
Yes, mother, I'm going to prac-
tice the scales right now.
the old maestro menace,
* * *
Dear Wilic:
I don't think that needs any
campaign, but your verse does.
All of which reminds me of that
fine old song ... "Campaign on
the old Ten Ground."
Dan Baxter.
* * *i

A Review
The first act last night gave
promise of an exciting evening. The-
second two were completely dull.
That was unfortunate for except
for certain difficulties of tempo and
one or two very bad performances
Mimes did a creditable job.
Into a weekend party at an Eng-
lish country home an element of
mystery is injected by the suspicion
cast on one of the guests (a sinister
bird hunting man named Laverick)
by the host's ward Susan. The
house is cleared however, even to
the butler's day off. Then the mur-
der is committed by two guests who
happen to be criminals whom Ar-
thur Ludgrove the host has sent to
prison for life. It is done in an
ingenious manner so as to appear
suicide. Suicide is confirmed by the
Sergeant who takes the case and
the murderers seem to be getting
off free when Susan has an intui-
tion which she imparts to her
sweetheart Jimmy. They go dowil
into the room of the murder at
night and by the process of com-
pletely incredible induction out loud
finally arrive at the solution. Susan
the next morning combats the mur-
derers' wit with great intelligence
and turns them over to the police.
That is the story and it is easy
to see there are numerous illogicali-
ties in it. Except toward the very
end there is no action at all in the
second two acts. I can't seem to
reconcile that fact with any pre-
tensions "The Perfect Alibi" has to
be a well constructed play.
As to the performance. Mr. Lit-
zenberg seemed to have mixed in-
tentions in the direction. Certain
aspects, notably the playing of the
part of Anthony Swarthout gave
evidence of the old purist murder
technique of sombre villainy behind
beetling brows. Then the bad play-
ing of parts like Jane West seemed
to indicate a desire for a brighter
and more sophisticated melodrama.
And the element of humor injected
at numerous points was completely
bewildered. Another very definite
fault in the direction was the play-
ing of the last scene. Sympathy
completely shifted for me at least
to the side of the murderer. This
was obviously due to Margaret
Smith's vicious sveltness in the part
of Jane West. I sat through the
scene where Carter the murderer
threatens to shoot Jane whispering
shoot damn it, shoot. She got away
of course.
Kathryn Kratz as Susan streng-
thened past impressions as to he
capabilities. She is a bit weak and
in the last scene last evening a bit
indefinite (she seemed to borrow
I some of Margaret Smith's attitude)
but she reads her lines with a gen-
erally fine intelligence and correct
inflection. Robert Wells seemed
rather naive beside her. He was
satisfactory in what I thought was
a misinterpretation of his part in-
to a weaker and much younger man
than it called for.. William V. Mul-
rooney as Laverick the murderei
gave the best performance of the
evening. He was throughout very
definite about his intentions.
Such a cataloguing of a murder
story gets dull. One doesn't discuss
a murder critically nor can one
complain of solutions. A girl who
spends her time frightening herself

into nervous states over mystery
stories and instincts can be expect-
ed to do anything. A murder drama
is something of get your thrill and
go home. There were some thrills
and laughs last night.
Frank Bishop who's piano playing
has won him an enthusiastic De-
troit following will appear in Ann
Arbor again this Friday after an
absence of several years. Mr. Bishop
has played throughout the country.
He is at present Curator of Music
at the Detroit Institute of Arts.
During the past year he was given
monthly recitals at the Institute of
Art also appearing as soloist with
many well known orchestras. He
will play here in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre.
His program will be as folows:
Toccata .. . ............. Fisher
Prelude and Fugue in F Minor.
Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp
M ajor ................. Bach

Suite Struet Jewelers

4 ,f; OIPVT

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not be placed on this point. In the'
past, any action which the commit-
tee chose to take was subject to
review and approval before it could7
be made effective. The new plan ,
will eliminate much of the delay
and will make the decisions of the
executive committee final unless
questions are immediately raised.c
This will mean a great gain in effi-
ciency and the directness with 4
which problems may be handled1
and should contribute much to the !
formation of a mature and intelli-
gent judgment by the committee.
There is also the very distinct inti-
mation that the power of review
will be used only in extreme cases;1
it is to be hoped that the sincerity

their most dire andperplexing
crises, both political and financial,
nevertheless subsidized education,
firm in the belief that a teaching
body never dies, but transmits the
organization and spirit; that a body
whose teaching is far above the
fads of the moment goes straight'
on even when the government is
asleep, and whose administration
and statutes become so national
that one can never lightly resolve
to meddle with them. "As long as
people do not from their infancy
learn whether they ought to be re-
publicans or communists the state
will never form a nation."
How bitterly will the posterity of
our state lament when it beholdsj

of this statement has been well ; the once fair Michigan occupying
borne out by the cooperation which: an insignificant standing in educa-
the administration has shown in tion! How lamentable a sight it will
adjusting the Interfraternity coun- be when our superb buildings once
cil and the Student council. devoted to the dispensation of
This move is along the same line knowledge, to the noble quest after
as several others in the near past. truth, to the amelioration of society
It is the outgrowth of a realization I by inculcating in the human mind
to what depths student government a lofty idea of moral conduct as a
has lowered itself on the campus positive guarantee of universal hap-
and is done in the same spirit which piness, how pitiable it will be when
prompted the Student council to these superb buildings will have
propose its plan for a unification met the same fate as did once those
with and a revamping of the Sen- of the famous University of St.
ate committee to give students an Petersburg, though their fate was
effective representation on this all- affected by a different cause. Again
important body. how sad when the glorious Michi-
This is, however, only a start. It gan of years ago, the envious at-
xemains for the students composing traction of students from over all


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I hope everybody notices that I
haven't said a word about the legis-
lature or Phil Pack the Philan-
thropic Pachyderm . . . I hardly
dare to. Besides, keeping in mind
the old adage about sticks and
stones and names in their compar-
ative lethal classifications, I am
going to spend my spare time col-
lecting the aforementioned articlesl
lan ~nI~a the vfimornfin4-,-. than.l



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