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February 21, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-21

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IL - v

Entrants May Sign Poster in
SVDSEETDBarbour Gym; Marjorie





to Open Tourney
Against Two

Junior Teams.
Both Classes Have Two Teams
Entered in Interclass
Junior and freshman basketball
teams have been chosen for class
competition. Both classes are di-
vided into two teams made up of
the best players in the intramural
Those chosen to play on the jun-
ior teams are Bertha Desemberg,
Katherine R o bi n s o n, Geraldine
Huff, Marjorie Smith, Violet Cam-
berg, Jean Levy, Gladys Timpson,
Corinne Krentler, Evelyn Bull and
Dorothy Malcolm. On the other
junior team are Emily Bates, Doro-
thy Birdzell, Esther LaRowe, Agnes 1
Graham, Mary Louise Hershey, Vir-
ginia Olds, Helen Kempski, Lor-1
raine Larson, Margaret Friedrick
and Betty Loudon.
Freshman Team Announcea.
Those playing on the freshmant
teams are Ruth Kurtz, Betty Lyons,
Margaret Smith, Ruth Colby, Fran-
ces Manchester, Josephine Nolan,l
Jean Porter, Marabel Smith, Elea-
nor Allen and Beatrice Olmstead.
On the other freshman team are
Elizabeth Cooper, Edith Kramer,
Charlotte Johnson, Alta Place, Bar-
bara Andrews, Corrine Fries, Alice
Goodenow, Lydia Seymour, Caro-
line Hyde, and Grace Mayer.
Teams To Choose Names.
Both junior teams will play their
first game at 4 o'clock Tuesday. The'
freshman teams will play at 4
o'clock on Wednesday afternoon.-
As soon as the teams meet they will
choose distinguishing names by
which they will be called for the
rest of the tournament. The jun-
ior teams' will oppose the sopho-
more teams on Tuesday in the first
games of the season.
Cornell Women Plan
Open Bridge Contest
Women students at Cornell Uni-
versity will hold their annual spring
open auction bridge tournament on
March 2. It is planned to have the
winning team of last fall meet the
winners of the spring tournament.
In the open tournament held last
fall 32 teams competed. A cup is
awarded to the winners.

Hunt Is Chairman.
Rules have been decided upon for
the ping-pong tournament, to be-
gin next week and a. poster has
been placed in Barbour gymnasiumI
for the names of those interested
in playing, according to Marjorie
hunt, '32, who is chairman of the
Practices are being held this
week in Barbour gymnasium andI
at the Athletic building before
choosing the intramural teams for

Lists of Pledges Are Announced
by Two Groups.
As the week progresses, enter-
tainment in the sororities still takes
the form of rushing parties for the
most part, with other events of so-
cial interest occurring at some
Alpha Phi gave a rushing party
I for three guests last night. The
large tables at which dinner was
served were attractively centered
with bowls of spring flowers in var-
ious colors.
Alpha Omicron Pi gave a George
Washington party for eight rushees
last Wednesday night. Decorations
were appropriately carried out by
dal CP'a i tvnr f'n rC C ll I


Admiralty Blue

The Color
Your New

You Want for
Blue Costumes


<:::";.: N:>:.:::::>;: ; ::.the tournament. red roses ana ivory capers, smiai
Two tables in Barbour gymnas- cherry trees and American flags on
ium and one in the Women's Ath- the tables. The sorority gave an-
letic building will be used in the other rushing dinner last night,
tournament. also for eight guests. Alpha Omi-
Ecscron Pi wish to announce the
Experience NoNecessary. pledging of Say Adams, '33, East
"The game is a simple and excit- Tawas, Mich., Ruth McClaren, '31,
ing one, and no experience is need- of Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Mar-
ed to enter the tournament, said tha Greenshields, '34, of Romeo,
Miss Marie Hartwig, of the phys- Mich.
.-. ical department for women. Phi Sigma Sigma announces the
The following rules have been a- pledging of Betty Friedland, '33, of
dopted for the tournament. A Indiana Harbor, Indiana. Phi Sig-
match shall consist of two out of ma Sigma has the honor of an-
three games. The player first vin- nouncing the engagement of Ruth
--j.. a d Press Photo ' ning 21 points wins the game. If Sierer, '28, daughter of Mr. and
both players have a score of 20 the Mrs. R. L. Sierer of Warren, Ohio,
Charles Farrell and Virginia Valli, both players in motion pictures, game goes to the player who first to Mr. Louis Kulin of Worcester,
who were married recently in Yonkers, N. Y., are shown in New York wins two more points than his op- Mass. Mr. Kulin is a graduate of
City shortly before they sailed for Europe on their honeymoon. ponent. the Boston Institute of Technology.
------- -- The player who first strikes the ______----___ ----______
ball across the net shall be called
Lecturer Describes the server and his opponent is call-
ed the receiver. Service aternates ERRICKCHINESE
F,'anny Burn . ey S L.fe, after five points, and at 20-all score u a
it alternates for every point.
riWl0NCI ^r LUBr Observations, Work Positions and Service Change.RUGS
_0LThe player who served first in
By '. T., , one game receives first in the next
Miss White to Arrange Program AByye l o Tly unf iliar with game. Positions at the table will have een moved
of Dances for First Fnny rey f also be changed after each game.
sFannyurney left the Lydia Men- The choice of position and service o
Meeting. delssohn theatre yesterday after- is decided by a toss up and the de- PERMANENT
noon with one of tne oioare - cision of the winner.
Invitations have been sent to sible cancep ions of her, due en- DISPLAY ROOMS
about 50 women who have express- tirely to the clevQr handling of the Johnson who was one of her great-
ed an interest in dancing to attend subject by Mrs. Muriel Masefield, est admirers, David Garrick, who 928 CHURCH
an informal meeting at 7:30 Wed- lecturer of the Extra-Mural Dele- was almost as fond of her, Sir Jos-
nea nihrmeb.t, in the:loWd-gacy of the University of Oxford. hua Reynolds, and many others Feel that you are as wel-
nesday night, Feb. 25, in the lounge In a series of rapid and penetrat- whom she later presents to the
of the Women's Athletic building. ing; sketchese Mrs. Masefield depict- world in her letters and journal, come and brouse around
The Women's Athletic association ed the ch a.ater, interpretative in- "Evelina," her first and most here as you were at the
is sponsoring the meeting, and it sight, an't observations of this popular book, written in a narra- T e m p o r a r y Display
its being held for the purpose of or-
ganizing ahelerte gourps ho il spontaneous, naive novelist and tive and comic strain, received great
ganizing a selected group who will chronicler of court and higher so- acclaim in literary England, parti- Rooms on State Street.
hold an open hour of dancing every ciety life of eighteenth century cularly when it was learned that
Wednesday night, and to plan the England. the author was a woman. It is ty- I H.
activity for the remainder of the The audience was first introduced pical of all the quaint and pictures-rB. Merrick
school year, according to Marion Ito Fanny in her father's house, que history of England as Fanny
Heald, '33, chairman of dancing on where she met the famous Dr. saw it about her.
the W. A. A. board. --
A program of dancing, arranged
by Miss Emily White, of the physi-
cal education faculty will be given
during the meeting. It will illus- Aacv
trate the type of work to which theeUtingsawilL Cbedeoted
future meetings will be devoted. eee a

The classic opera pump in a new
shade of blue kid with reptile trim-







f w


Vivid Frock

Can IoWonders

to a T11ired
Prints, plaids, paisleys, Ro-

.. ,,,_


many stripes,

kid angoras,

bright colored,, black or navy
crepes-in all sizes and prices.

( t

"Shop around"

i l

. and see 0
And we believe in suits


ttit r .
r 93
f Y
,Il r

Presentation of
J ac quettes





" . something smart . . . something colorful
. . something practical . . . all in one suit."
Perfect under a heavy coat now . . . equally
perfect without a coat later . . . an early selec-
tion means longer wear.


Light Wool


A Stupendous Collection! Unparalleled
Style, Quality, Workmanship and Value!


Collarless necklines, scarfs, cutaway jackets, tri-
color combinations and here are the suits with
that irresistble touch of tomorrow.
Model at right of skipper blue with plaid skirt
and scarf. Priced at $29.75. Misses sizes.
Knitted Suits
You can recognize them by their gracefully~
molded, intriguingly-curved silhouettes, which set
off the figure to most beautiful advantage.
Model at left is black and
blouse priced $19.75. Others
plaids. Sizes 14-40.

There comes a time, along in the
month of February, when one is sud-
denly struck with the deadly of one's
hitherto smart enough wardrobe, a
time when those black dresses seem
not only black, but absolutely color.
less, and the brown frocks only tire-
some. Then it becomes necessary to
indulge in a bright, bright dress . -
the brighter the better . . . For in-
stance, you have always chosen black,
why not be reckless to the extent of
a scarlet frock, with which all your
black accessories will be just 1the
thing? Or choose a vivid shade of
green, and with it wear your brown
tricorne, brown gloves, and shoes. If
you are one of those smart women
who likes to be a little in advance
as far as fashion is concerned, you'll
be delighted with the new plaids and
checks. But whichever you do choose,
let it be gay in color, simple in de-
sign, and new with such details as a
cowl neck, ascot scarf collar, or short
Special Sale!
Monogrammed Free
68c Complete
12 different styles of mono.
grams, 25 sheets, 25 envelopes.
Main Floor

White with nlitted
in gay colors and

So simart. . so chic . . . and
so different are those cleverly
conceived styles that they are
unmistakably characteristic of
the Parisian designers art in
fur fashioning.

,' ;. s .
: .
_ Q .



e r..

7 AI

New Blouses
Striking models in tri-color eflects--dcniisleeves
important-Paisley print, Roma n Stripes-Plain
Crepes at $5.95.
I4I-A(v- rclieCl itleti, dim iiv .1and voi~vs at

New fitted slips with low backs
- -of unusually fine quality
pure-dye crepe, exquisitely trim-
med with lace on the top and
bottom, delicately embroidered
on the front. In flesh or
white. Sizes 34 to to 44.

Now is the time to make your selection=
ably ow-the variety is the best ever.

the price is inconceiv-

All fur work promptly done by experts at
reduced prices.







I!I Ili

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