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April 22, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-22

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APRIL 22, 193-1





e ....:., _ _.


Discovery of Essential Values'
Announced as Theme



Modified Physical Education
Program Proves to be
Most Successful.
"Youthful, middleaged or senile;
uinderweig~ht. average or corniulent-


Mosher-Jordan Halls Entertain
Delegates at Informal
Problems of Social Adjustment
to Receive Consideration
in Group Meetings.
At 9 o'clock this morning, regis-
tration begins for the convention of
the Intercollegiate Association of
Women Students, which is being
held in Ann Arbor this week. The
headquarters for the convention
will be at the League building. The
committee in charge is expecting
150 delegates:
Plans have been made to have
the delegates met at the train and
taken to the League building. Af-
ter registering, the women will be
directed to Mosher-Jordan Halls,
where they are to be accommodated
during their stay.
A large hostess committee has
been appointed to aid the delegates
in getting acquainted with one an-
other. Members of the League Board
form a part of this group. For this
same purpose Mosher-Jordan Halls
are giving an informal reception at
8:30 o'clock tonight. A special com-
mittee of hostesses from the dor-
mitories will be in charge of the
Excepting the meals at which
Various campus organizations are
entertaining the delegates, all meals
will be served in the private dining
rooms in the League building. The
Women's A t h 1 e t i c association
luncheon and the Pan-Hellenic
breakfast will both take place in
the Women's Field house.
In addition to the convention as-
semblies which have been sched-
uled, the group will be divided in-
to two parts, according to the size
of the colleges represented, for the
purpose of group discussions. At
these discussions, the various prob-
lems of both large and small schools
will be considered as they pertain
to the social adjustment of the col-
lege woman to the campus, which
is the theme of the convention.
During the convention, an exhi-
bit:will be held in the Committee
room, on the second floor of the
League building, at which the dif-
ferent universities and colleges will
be represented. The display will in-
clude constitutions, point systems,
yearbooks, and pictures of the var-
ious schools participating in the
Three Weekly Classes
to be Held for Riders





in New


,and1. xxphYht pv.r Y11 ; ,kllulcrnt
of Meeting. back twisted, bent or straight; flat
footed, weak footed or strong of
Announcements of the college foot; strong, weak or leaky heart,
camp conference sponsored by Y. all of such people and others find
W. C. A. which is to be held this that there are sports and classes
summer at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, for them at Barbour Gymnasium,"
havee just recently been published, said Miss Dorothy Beise, of the
including the plans for two separ- physical education department in a
ate conferences-one for men and recent interview concerning special
one for women. The latter confer- activity classes offered for women
ence group will meet from June 20 whose activities are restricted due
to June 29. Women are encouraged to physical disability.
to come from an area including all "Whereas formerly the physical
I of the Midwestern universities. education program attempted to
E The program for the week will make a strong person stronger still,
include many speakers of import- we now recognize not only the value
ance who will suplement their of physical education for the fewl
speeches with group discussions on who have unusually fit bodies, but
the same subjects in an open for- we have found that through exer-
_ _um. cise we can help the greater major-
The central theme of the confer- ity of girls to be benefited physical-
Hailed by Critics ence has been stated as a "Discov- ly by participation in some suitable
ery of Essential Values," and among activity," she continued.
Costumes, Accessiories those who will act as the leaders Courses Varied Each Season.
of the group are Kirby Page, edi- "For those who are unable to par-
- tor of the World Tomorrow, who take in vigorous exercise a definite
background or in accessories will comes to the conference from an program is formed," Miss Beise
brighten and "summerize" many interesting round-the-world trip; went on. "This year that restricted
outfits. Reinhold Niebuhr; Paul Harris who program consists of indoor and out-
Pictured here are many acces- stirred up so much enthusiasm for door archery, modified rhythms,
sories which will find a useful place the world court movement, when he hiking and individual gymnastics.
in the summer costumne. White ,was last in Ann Arbor, and Rev. These courses are purposely varied
gardenias, feathers, tailored collars, William H. Boddy of Chicago. during each season so that the wo-
leather belts, and a score of other In developing the theme of the men who are necessarily restricted
touches will add an interesting note conference, the outline of the dis- may find some activity which will
this summer. White jewelry will also cussions covers the function of es- be of interest to them after the
set off the darker colors prints. Isential values in the present day completion of the physicaleduca-
Gardenia white beads, white coral world in realms such as industry, tion requirement.
bracelets and clips, white buckles world relations, race relations, re-' These classes are not only for wo-
and clasps on bags are shavwn in ligion, ulc farsec men with poor posture but for any
an sng areg , public affairs, etc. women for whom special corrective
many interesting varieties. Last year delegates, representing exercises will prove beneficial. We
Striking ensembles, made bril- the university were six in number: find many who have found that the
liant by unusual contrasts, are the Albertina Maslen, '32, Constance miles they must pace off afoot on
mode, then. Fashion has tossed Gieffel, '32, Viola Schubert, '31, j this campus are hard on their 'own
monotony and dullness aside, and Margaret F a 1 kn e r, '30, Bernice tires' and that those weak feet
has taken up these new splashes of Backus, '31, and Ellen Gammack, which were in the habit of being
color with enthusiasm. the director of students at the Epis- moved about in a car suddenly give
T copal church. the symptoms of going 'fiat'-a con-


dition which is most uncomfortable.
A restraining of these weakened
muscles may be accomplished in
these individual classes by specially
directed exercises,' said Miss Beise.
Treatment Needed for Improvement
"Because of this specially con-
structed program the women with
these and other conditions which
make regular vigorous sports im-
possible at first very often find that
they can be changed after a rela-
tively short period to regular class-
es. Had no such program been of-
fered this condition would have re-
mained the same or grown more
disabling. Rarely is there improve-
ment without some form of treat-
ment," she concluded.
Graduates of small colleges have
a better chance of getting their
names in "Who's Who" than gradu-
ates of the larger colleges. Investi-
gations have shown that Hampdon-
Sidney College in Virginia ranks

Conservative Contrasts Evolve
Into Unusual Displays
for Spring.
By A. T., '33
Color, in accessories, prints, and
fabrics will be the thing from now
on. Wth spring has come a craze
for vivid contrasts that will enliven
the new wardrobes. A mere con-
servative contrast in colors will no
longer do; the costume must in-
clude a bright dash, a scheme of
colors which will set a new record
in interest.
In accessories can be found the
greatest possibilities for these new
touches. Kid slippers, always popu-
lar, have succumbed to the vogue
for contrasting tones, and are to by
seen with trimmings and pipings of
light-colored kids. These leatner
in black, dark blue and brown and
worn to match the outstancting or
contrasting colors of the new spring
prints. Perforated leather has won
a secure place for itself in street
shoes, and spectator sport styles.
Brown and white are two colors
which have won popular favor this
year. They are used in many com-
binations. Brown and yellow, brown
and leaf green, brown and copper
.. in fact brown and most every
shade of yellows .and-greens are
holding their own in the list of at-
tractive combinations. Shoes, hats,
bags, and scarves carry out the col-
or scheme. White, used either as a



Mirigm Carey, '33, Has Charge
of Plans for Archery
Targets f r archery practice will
be available, for use between the
hours of 4 and 6 o'clock on Mon-
day, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri-
day afternoons on the outdoor
range at Palmer field.
Bows can be obtained at the Wo-
men's Field house on request, but
students must furnish their own
arrows. Arrows can be purchased
at the Field house.
An intramural archery tourna-
ment is being planned for later in
the season, according to an an-
nouncement by Miriam Carey, '33,
manager of archery on the Wo-
men's Athletic association board,
and women interested in entering
the tournament will have an oppor-
tunity to practice during the above

rhe New Modes for Spring
E-ihyie Hemstitching and Remodeling
A'odste Shoppe Dial 2-1129 620 East Liberty



April Showers Mean

Women who plan to ride in the
class for experienced riders at 7:15
o'clock tomorrow night are asked
to sign their names on the bulletin
board in Barbour gymnasium. The
class for beginners was postponed
last night due to the weather.
The same schedule of rides will
be folowed that was announced at
the beginning of the semester, with
Tuesday nights for inexperiencedi
riders and Thursday for experienc-
ed riders. Rides will also be held
at 9 o'clock on Sunday mornings
if a sufficient number of students
sign up. The groups will meet in
the lobby of the League building,
and transportation to the Fair-
grounds is furnished by Mr. Mull-
These rides are sponsored by the
Women's Athletic Association, and
W. A. A. points are awarded on the
basis of 50 points for attending 12
rides. Instruction is offered to rid-
ers who wish it.
o wi'et more out
of your Un-versity ca-
reer if you arz able to
type your own notes,
themes and theses. Your
notes will l e rmuch full.
er if you take them in
shorthand. Hundreds of
Michigan students have
learned typewriting and
shorthand at Hamilton
Business College. Many
have used it to earn
money on the side or
during *acation. You
will also find it very
valuable in your career s
after graduation.
I Trainin-r

The lists for the women stu-
dents having paid-up life mem-
berships in the League Building
are now complete. Any woman
student entitled to a refund on
tuition because of a paid-up life
membership in the Michigan
League may call for the same at
the Alumnae Council office in the
League building.
Mrs. W. D. Henderson
In Charge of League Fund
Office open: 8 to 12; 1:30 to 5.


Roanoke, Va., college is sponsor-
ing a move to abolish the rule in
Virginia barring freshmen from
college athletics.

( !


ยง~ 1A 1,/4w ueis 7'
S /
'Stullisitand Smart

f , ,

that April show-
er even if you
know that they
bring May flow-
ers. Have your
j a u n t y raincoat
handy to k e e p
you snug and dry.

Beware - be prc-
pared and don't

g e t caught





Select one from our complete stock of


tweeds, rain wear velvets,

Decidedly so, right in har-
mony with the mesh and
lacey effects predomi-V
nant in womens summer
. apparel.
Tintable any shade
if desired - with


cravanettes.. . in plain colors and mix-
tures. Sizes range from 12 to 46.
$5.00 $6.95 $10.00 $15.00
One Special Group at $3.95

l ill



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