THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1931 '- C lished every morning except Monday { the University year by the Board in > or Student Publications. nber of Western Conference Editorial ation. Associated Press is exclusively entitled use for republication of all news dis- s credited to it or not otherwise credited s paper andtthe local news published tered at the postoffce at Ann Arbor, gan, as second class matter. Special rate stage grante4 by Third Assistant Post- G eneral. scription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard . Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 232x4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Bosr HENRY MERRC Fwax E. CoorsR, City Edit-PC Editor ...............Gurney Williams rial Director.........Walter W. Wilds tant City Editor.. ..Harold 0. Warren s Editor.............Joseph A. Russell en's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer ic. Drama, Books........Win. J. Gorman tant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl :ra pl Editor ..........Geor e A. Stautet EditorH.................. .. Pypel NIGHT EDITORS each Conger S. Forsythe d 14. Nichol John A. Reindel Charles R. Sprowl Richard L. Tobin Harold U. Warres SroRTs AssISTANTS Sheldon C. Fullerton T. Callen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford A a ak REPORTERS rbomias M.. Cooley; Brainard W. Nies gorton Frank Robert L. Pierce aul Friedberg Richard Racine Frank B. Gilbretk Jerry E. Rosenthal Roland Goodmas4 Karl. Seiffert MortonHeHlper George A. Stauter Brvan Jones John W. T homas Wibur 1. Meyers John a. Townsend ileen Blunt Mary McCall Nanette Dembits Cile Miller Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin lean Levy_ Margaret Thompson borotby Magee Claire Trusseil Susan Manchester BUSINESSZ. TAFP Telephone 2I214 r. HOLISTER MABLEY, Business Mesaget KASPX RIf. HALVERSON, Assistant Maager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising........... ..Charles T. Kline Advertising............ Thomas M. Davis Advertising........... William W. Warboys Service...........Norris JJohnson Publication' ........... Robert W.Wiliamson Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobackee Accounts...............homas S. Muit Business Secretary ........... Mary J. Keuatt Assistants arry R. Begley rnon Bishop illiam Brown bert Callahan ililian: W. Davy~ ills Roisington eel D. T rner nn W. Verner arian Atran dlen Bailey sephine Conviss axine Fishgrund orothy LeMiro orothy Laylin Erie Kightlinger Don W. Lyon William Morgan Richard StratemetO Keith Tyrer Richard H. Hiler Byron C. Veddex Sylvia Mll~ t I helen Oisen 'Mildred Posta Marjorie Hough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1931 ght Editor, CHARLES R. SPROWL Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less thai. 300 words if possible. Atonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. My attention has been called to as vicious a bit of proposed legisla- tion as is the proposed limitation of the University's mill tax-it is House Bill No. 360 introduced by Representative Philip C. Pack of Ann Arbor. The announced purpose of this Bill is to prevent fraternities from "escaping taxation." Whatever may be the University's stand upon fra- ternity taxation it can not well let this challenge go wihout attention. Unless the University officials and the Board of Regents are asleep they will vigorously oppose this Pack Bill-it goes too far! It at- tempts to meddle with the domestic affairs of the University and with matters beyond the jurisdiction of the Legislature. I believe the Bill is unconstitutional for it attempts to control the discretion vested in the Board of Regents by the State Constitution. The Board of Regents 'is made the highest -form of juris- tic person known to the law, a con- stitutional corporation of indepen- dent authority, which, within the scope of its functions, is co-ordinate with and equal to that of the legis- lature (167 Mich. 450). The Board of Regents has independent control of the affairs of the University and 1its property. It is thus constitu- [tionally impossible' fr the legisla- ture to pass any valid law which would prevent any students, or organization of students, from occupying as a dwelling any build- ing owned by the University-if the Board of Regents so authorized such occupation. This Pack Bill does not purport to prevent fraternities deeding their property to the Regents, nor to prevent the Regents from accepting such deeds in trust for the very fraternities so deeding. No law could behpassed which would pre- vent that, for constitutional rea- sons I shall not attempt to set forth in full. See, however, Consti- tution Article XI, Section II, pro- Ividing that "all property given b individuals or appropriated by th state for educational purposes shal be and remain a perpetual fund which shall be inviolably appropri- ated and applied to the specifc objects of the original gift, gran Sor appropriation." So if fraternities deeded their property to the Re gents for educational purposes, i. e. in trust for the housing of thei. student members (and housing stu- dents would be an educational pur- pose, especially since the suprem court has held a golf course is) no power on earth can prevent th Regents accepting such trust deeds nor could the properties then be taxed, or meddled with in any way by anyone except pursuant to th original trust deeds. Pack's Bill isa futile attempt a' gaining him vote popularity i Washtenaw County, but it is a dangerous thing to allow the legis- lature to even think it can meddle with the internl affairs of the University "by passing a statute. Northwestern University allots cer- tam sections of its dormitories to certain fraternities, but this Pac Bill would attempt to prevent the University of Michigan from doin the same thing in the future, thus } hamstringing the.Board, of Regents The University;of Pennsylvania and other universities have accepted such trust deeds from fraternities- and many states exempt fraternity property from taxation-while this Pack Bill attempts to prevent the fraternities giving their property tc the University! Notice that the Pack Bill attempts to exempt from its provisions "clubs, societies and organizations which shall be open to every stu- dent upon application and the pay- ment of an admission fee of not to exceed $25, and withou$ other discrimination of any nature except that of the sex of the applicant.' If this Bill should become a valid law it would close every dormitory now operated by the University which is' "open to every student upon application, and without other discrimination of any nature excep, that of the sex of the applicant.' Discrimination is necessary for the successful operation of any dormi- tory, but this Pack Bill would ham- string the University in operating these girl dormitories! No doubt about it! I should think that the President of the University and the Board of Regents would resent Pack's Bill much more than the Interfrater- critic as from the layman), ask some interesting questions. One " would know first how far hisa achievement is one of musical com- t petence, how far it is the result of 1 hero worship. More important, one would know (assuming the' pre-t eminent ability) just what that abil- ity is, how much it is shared byr other great conductors and how fara it is unique.C Probably there are enough extra- neous events to contribute to, and ARTURO TOSCANINI Mr. Toscanini's phenomenal suc- cess, his universal acclaim (enthus- iasm is as extravagant from the S' r a t c FRESH AIR DRIVE About B ooks* MORNING TIDE: by Nell M. Gunn: Harcourt Brace: Review copy courtesy Slater's Book Store. Members of fraternities and sor-1 orities were asked yesterday to sup- port the annual drive for funds for the Fresh Air camp for under-' privileged children at Patterson lake. Two weeks from today members of student organizations will ask men and women on the campus to "buy a tag"; in an effort to raise the University contribution for the Fresh Air project. The camp was founded in 1921 by Louis C. Reiman, then on the staff of the Student Christian asso- ciation, to benefit young boys of limited means and limited oppor- tunities for outdoor life, who might derive tue healthful and recrea- tional benefits of two weeks in the open air which they rarely enjoyed in their crowded life of the city. Since that time more than 3,000{ boys have been given renewed vigor from outdoor exercise and play, through the generosity of students, faculty, alumni and friends of the University. But the camp has done more than provide an outlet for the energy of underprivileged youth who get their only opportunity for fresh air, swimming lessons and three meals a day at Patterson lake; it has afforded a means of stimulating University men to an interest in intelligent leadership among boys. Since its inception, the camp has been directed by six University graduates, all of whom were varsity athletes in their undergraduate days, and who' were thus qualified to instruct in the benefits of physi- cal exercise. More than 100 University stu- dents have been associated with the camp as counsellors, as well as men from Hope, Oberlin, and Indiana Universities. Moreover, from the leadership derived at the camp have developed a number of suc- cessful camp executives, including Prof. L. M. "Larry" Gould of the Byrd expedition, Homer H. Grafton, founder of Camp Wigwasati in On- tario, Can., and Reiman, director of i in some cases even determine aa conductor's success. So may his 13 mannerisms and perhaps none the less those of his following. So mayr his appearance and his history. Buts this is a case where, granted the 1 contributing force of all these ele- ments, the musical result itself re- mains to be accounted for. It is one of those fortunate coincidences when the uniqueness of a reputa-; tion coincides with the uniqueness of a man-fortunate because thee reputation supplies the attention to what might otherwise pass without special notice.c Most obviously there is the unre- lenting steadiness of this conduc- tor's beat; but then we have Kous- sevitzky and Stokowski (when he wants #). Then there is the matter of orchestral balance. But who is more careful of this than Stokow- ski? One might go on to enumerate the factors of orchestral1 perform- ance and find that all of them have been attended to by the important leaders. The difference of course does not lie in how much attention is given to these things but in the kind of attention, in the purpose for which it is given, in the results to which it is necessary. Mr. Toscanini's greatness is his ability to achieve profoundly affect- ing musical results by increment and interaction of the casual and the commonplace. His playing de- mands no hectic, mysterious set- ting. He is saying as he conducts: "Look how simple and natural this is." But when he is through the hearer is only aware of how inevit- able -it all was. As one often feels at the end of a Chekhov short story or one of Shakespeare's tragedies, one cannot tell what made it all so important, why the tremendous climax should have been so easy to accept. Yet everything that this man does contributes to this result. His rhythm is not the rhythm of primi- tive insistence: it is no end in itself. It is the logic of his action. Each tphrase, as it is molded, is a care- fully chiseled attitude of exper- ience; it is said as the human voice would say it if it could. That is the function of his orchestral balance, of his phrasing, his emphasis. The evenness of the beat is the easy coherence of these attitudes. No distortion is necessary to his ex- pression because he finds room for natural flexibility within metro- nomic limits. It would be ridiculous to maintain that no one else approaches these accomplishments or that Mr. Tos- canini himself is consistently suc- cessful. But there is enough uni- . formity in his style to indicate a purposeful sensitiveness in this direction even as other conductors show consistency of purpose in other directions.-Some music may be more aptly communicated by a harder, less sensitive rhythmic line: the rugged force of Beethoven's Eroica was occasionally lost by a too gentle inflection. It should be remembered, however, that per- formance also involves judgment and it is not so certain that even Beethoven is right when a choice is to be made between his reputa- tion and his music, profane as this may sound. A string responding to all vibrations may not displace Sitselfas much as another for any particular one. It is strange that the protagon- ists of current movements which profess restraint and temperance should be unaware of their greatest exponent. But he too is probably unaware of them and their nega- tive doctrines. The critic may dis- cover what must not be done. The artist realizes it by his instinctive knowledge of, what he must do. Herbert S. Schwartz. THE PERFECT ALIBI Beginning tonight and runningI Fresh as sunlight and the salt ea air, and as ruggedly simple as he Scotch fishing village about which it is written is Nell Gunn's Morning Tide." The story is told s it is seen through the eyes of a hirteen year old boy who has an unusual gift of insight into human beings and their ways. The plot is rot elaborately woven, the charac- ers are notparticularlycbrilliant, and the stern rocky coast is a rather forbidding setting, but the author has imparted a note of sin- cerity to the whole which marks the book as outstanding. "Morning Tide" is more a series f episodes than a connected story, and is concerned with the events n the lives of the MacBeths, a Scotch fisher family. Hugh, the lad who is the connecting link in the narrative is a more or less ordinary schoolboy, but Mr. Gunn's skill de- picts all the incidents of his life in such a sympathetic fashion that we seem to feel his terrors his dreams and his emotions. Life at thirteen is a complicated matter for the smallest details loom up immeasur- ably and the delights are as num- erous as the pains. The two sisters Grace and Kristy form an unusual contrast for one is darkly and beautifully interesting while the other is wholesome and blonde, with a certain charm which is more appealing than her lovelier sister's. They both love the same man, the irresponsible Charlie, who seems to love them both in turn,' with a calculated passion, which veils a cruel streak .underneath his undeniable attractiveness. Somberly beautiful in some pass- ages and full of the dry humor which is a peculiarly Scotch con- tribution, "Morning Tide" is a 11 - 'mm ' m il worthy book. 1vi. U B. 1066 AND ALL THAT: by W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatinan: E. P. Dutton: Review copy courtesy of f Slater's Book store. Scrambled history in its most hilarious form is presented in the extraordinary volume entitled "1066 And All That." It purports to tell all the history you can remember, and probably does at that, for among the delicious bits of foolery with which it abounds, are contain- ed one hundred and three good things, five Bad Kings and two (2) genuine dates. The humor is positively inspiring and will cause you to go around for days with a glint in your eye, pes- tering your friends with selected passages. It would make an excel- lent gift for a sick friend, your his- tory professor, or your little nephew Freddy, providing he is not too im- pressionable. Beginning with the Roman con- quest in 55 B. C. (that's the only other date the authors bother you with) and supplemented with amaz- ing questionaires at the end of each chapter, the book is consistently funny, and it would take heroic measures to keep from laughing aloud. Quotation is almost impos- sible because it is hard to find any one selection which is funnier than another, but the highlights are King Hengist and his wife (? or horse), King Charles the First (or was it the bsecond?) and his Divine Right theory, and Queen Victoria who was good and plural but not amused. "1066 And All That" is as instruc- tive as two history courses and three times as entertaining. You will be your own worst enemy if you don't read it. M. O' B. SPRING BOOKS Social problems for various rea- sons seem to be getting more and more attention in book form. On the spring list of the Houghton Mifflin Company there are quite a few books dealing with various problems from various aspects. M. Ilin is represented with a book "New Russia's Primer" a story of the five years plan which is translated by George S. Counts and Nucia P. Lodge. It has been chosen as the April Book-of-the-Month. Then there are "Pan-Sovietism, what it means to America and to the World" by Bruce Hopper, and such books as "America the Menace" by George Duhamel, "Economic Be- haviour" written by a series of prominent economists, and books on various historical subjects in modern light. I. REASON AND NATURE Morris Cohen prominent Ameri- can philosopher and a firm up- i 6. - --=.: = A Who's Who at the Festival LILY PONS, French coloratura soprano created a sensation when unheralded she made her Metropolitan Opera debut on January 3, last. Since then she has appeared in several major operatic roles and the furore has continued. To appear at the Ann Arbor and Evanston Festivals she was obliged to cancel her return trip to Paris enroute to South America. (Ann Arbor debut). IGNACE JAN PEDEREWSKI has been a world figure for more than two score years. He loves to play in Hill Auditorium and on his last two visits said that "it is the finest concert hall in the world." To play at the Festival it was necessary for him to postpone his return to Europe. WALTER WIDDOP the eminent opera singer of the British National Opera Company is recognized as an outstanding tenor and his coming to America constitutes an event in the season's musical activities. His Ann Arbor engagement is due to the courtesy of the Cincinnati Musical Festival association where he will make his American debut. CHASE BAROMEO is a product of the School of Music, who later spent several years in Italy in further study, and for several years was leading bass at LaScala, and in South American opera houses. For three seasons he has been a member of the Chicago Civic Opera Association. NELSON EDDY was "discovered and first taught by the great David Bispham who predicted an outstanding career for him. Eddy has fulfilled that prophesy for he has sung under the most critcial musical auspices and has won commendations right and left. (Ann Arbor debut). FRED PATTON, concert and operatic bass has received the most flattering encomiums for his virtuosity. He is referred to as "outstanding solo light of the concert" . . . "Whose magnificent bass voice and splendid musicianship entitles him to a front rank place." He is an American whose success has been gratifying to his country- men. (Ann Arbor debut). RUTH BRETON, American violinist. "Took us all by storm" said one Chicago critic, while Olin Dowes said: "Eloquent without pretense." Her debut was made with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and her success was soon repeated elsewhere in Europe. (Ann Arbor debut). PALMER CHRISTIAN is known from coast to coast and abroad as one of the dis- tinguished organists of the day. His services are continually in demand and each year he flits about the country in concert performances or playing with the great orchestras. "OVER T HE COUNTER SALE" of season tickets (six concerts) begins WE DNESDAY, APRIL 22, 8:30 A.M. Up to that time mail orders will be filled in sequence. PRICES-$6, $7, $8 (If Choral Union Festival Coupon is presented, deduct $3 from above prices.) HILDA BURKE is a leading soprano of the Chicago Civic Opera Association where she has excelled in many major roles. Her voice is beautifully artistic and is handled with ease and poise. She is always a favorite, performer because of her sincere and efective art. (Ann Arbor debut). CYRENA VAN GORDON is not a newcomer to Ann Arbor for she has thrilled Fes- tival audiences before although not in recent years. She is a leading contralto of the Chicago Civic Opera Association and has made a profound impression in many major roles. She is at the zenith of a mature art and is a most welcome addition to the roster of' any list. ELEANOR REYNOLDS after making a fine record with the Chicago Civic Opera Association, during the past several seasons has won great distinction with the Staats- opern of both Berlin and Vienna. She is a dominating personality possessing mu- sicianship of highest order. (Ann Arbor debut). FREDERICK JAGEL is an American tenor who has made an eniviable career at the Metropolitan Opera House. His voice is to rival that of Martinelli. As a singer of important roles he has won the plaudits of discriminating musicians and critics. (Ann Arbor debut). THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION is one of the largest and oldest permanent student choral groups. During its more than half century of existence it has per- formed at Choral Union and May Festival concerts practically all of the larger as well as many of the smaller compositions. THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA has been an annual visitor at Ann Arbor May Festivals for the past twenty-seven years, having played first at the festival of' 1905. It has had but two permanent conductors, Theodore Thomas, its founder, and Dr. Stock. THE CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS adds a youthful touch to the festival activ- ities which 'is indeed wholesome and desirable. The boys and girls through their annual festival performances not only provide stimulating entertainment for the pub- lic but individually and collectively derive an inspiration for musical culture which molds their entire lives. EARL V. MOORE is recognized as one of America's outstanding choral conductors as well as a musical director of distinction. As a program builder he has attracted the favorable attention of concert goers, and as a conductor he has won the admiration of lovers of choral music. FREDERICK STOCK may be regarded as the "Dean of American orchestra conduc- tors." Having come up through the ranks as an orchestra player his is a sincere mastery of all of the intricacies of orchestral performance, and he possesses an almost uncanny ability to crystalize the beauty of the composition to be performed with the abilities of his players. ERIC DELAMARTER, Assistant Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, comn- poser, -and organist of attractive musical proportions. Dr. Stock and his great band of players are fortunate in having so able and versatile a musician as second in command. JUVA HIGBEE possesses varied musical talents. As Supervisor of Music in the Ann Arbor Public Schools after having previously won distinction in other similar ca- i