THE MICHIGAN DAILY SPANISH PROGRAM S IN OVER RADIO Prof. Herbert Kenyon Delivers Second Talk in Spanish Literature Series. Prof. Herbert Kenyon, of the ro- mance language department, gave the second of a series of talks deal- ing with Spanish literature yester- day afternoon from the broadcast- ing studio. His topic was "The Con- temporaneous Spanish Drama." The third of this series of talks will be given next Monday when Prof. Julio del Toro presents a talk in Spanish in. which he will discuss "S p a n i s h American Literature."I The last talk of this series will be given next Tuesday by Prof. Charles P. Wagner whose topic will be "Some Aspects of the older Spanish Literature." The music for the Spanish week programs will be presented by ad- vanced students of the music school, and will be appropriated to the nature of the programs. Prof. Herbert D. Brackett, of the English department of the engi- neeering college, will talk today on "Providing the Point and Pointing the Prof." His talk will deal with debating, and how argumentation functions in every-day life. Sidney Straight, tenor, accompanied at the piano by Grace Snyder, will furnish the musical interludes. The sixth of the series of book reviews sponsored by the bureau of alumni relations, and presented by Prof. Howard Mumford Jones, of the English department, will be giv- en upon the Thursday program. He 'will discuss "The Race Problem," basing his discussion on R. R. Mo- ton's book, "What the Negro Thinks." The music will be pre- sented by Eugene Hunter and Wil- liam Bellamy, Jr., and will consist of flute duets. Three faculty speakers will feat- ure the broadcast Saturday night. BRIGHT SPOT 802 PACKARD ST. TODAY, 11:30 to 1:30 PORK CHOP WITH SWEET POTATOES, APPLE SAUCE HOT BISCUITS COFFEE OR MILK 30c T 5:30 to 7:30 SWISS STEAK ROAST LEG OF LAMB BAKED HAM ROAST BEEF BAKED IDAHO OR SWEET POTATOES VEGETABLE SALAD 35c COLLECTION OF PHILIPPINE TEETH ITODAY'S RAD] REVEALS FANTASTIC DECORATIONS Evelyn Herbert, soprano, as guest Investigations Prove Drilling to bare the enamel and soft nerve artist of the Shilkret orchestra of Teeth for Gold Plugs bearing center of the teeth. A broadcast, will sing hits from "Prin- Was Once Popular. length of gold wire was then insert- cess Charming" and "My Maryland," edanctoffuhithetot in which she created the leading -ed and cut off flush with .the tooth roles, at 8:30 o'clock tonight over an Investigation of burial deposits in and riveted in place with a small NBC !WEAF) network. the Philippine islands has revealed that fantastic fashions in dental hammer. (Eastern Standard Time) decoration which involve a painful Reports of the custom are to be(asentdrdime) process of drilling the teeth for the found in the earliest writings about 6:00 j and l m re i- insertion of plugs of gold were pop- the islands. Antonio Pigafetta, Heywood Broun "n i 1i' ular among the natives. 'A number chronicler of Magellan's round the 6:30 -cosme Hamilton "nits of ille Thie]tvw" of these teeth have been obtained IWorld voyage, wrote in 1521 of y neeting a chief "who had three theUniversity. The teeth in the Michigan col- lection were obtained from various' regions in the Visaya district, most- ly from cave burial sites. Some-i times a single hole was bored inI the middle of one of the front teeth, but the tribal social leaders and style arbiters carried, the mat- ter to extremes, some having as spots of gold in every tooth and whose teeth appeared bound with gold." Of more recent years the hardy custom of boring the teeth has given way to the use of shields which might be slipped on or off to imitate gold fillings. Jones Will Criticize many as eight holes studding the Hopwood Prize Writinf front of each of their incisors. The price for such dandyism was Prof. Howard M. Jones, of the a painful one. The patient lay on English department, will talk at his back with a piece of soft wood 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Na- between his teeth while the "den- tural Science auditorium on writ- tist" proceeded with a crude drill ing for the Hopwood prizes. - -7 --- 7- - - 7--------______ Among the Best and at Reasonable Prices FREEMAN'S DINING ROOM Lunches 49c, Dinners 60c Sunday Dinner 75c ONLY ONE BLOCK NORTH FROM HILL AUDITC 11I F ._ _ __ w, _ ... ... 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I f : {I ii iniiinilitU tdltli[ii11 iitiiii19F1Eri lei kil i d l lil " d IBy Air, Sea, Road or Rail * .. however you travel, wherever you go, your journey will be happier if you carry your funds in the form of Travelers' Checks issued by this strong 48 year old bank. See us before you leave Ann Arbor. -s I Ai L S---' _ . __ 7;_. " __ f I \ , i ci; I alEl ili, , O I