WAWAMWAMMW ''TABUSHED 1890 'I. Ar 'dithow t t 4koo* fiDt iii; EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI., No 141. EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1931Y HOUSE APPROES EIU -__ PRICE FIVE CENTS L TAX KING PRAJADHIPOK OF SIAM VISITS PUITDIIIP ~flDiA1fl~ SUSPECTED TRIO REED1 BY JURY IN BUCKLEY CASEl UNITED STATES FOR EYE OPERATION CHIJIILIIICJOWIUDV GREET EXILED KING IN[ONDON STATION1 Bommarito, Pizzino, Livecchi Acquitted After Hours of Deliberation. CHEERS GREET VERDICT Pizzino Rearrested for Second Murder; Livecchi Held on Robbery Charge. DETROIT, April question of "Who 21-(P)-The! killed Jerry Buckley and why? remained un answered tonight. A recorder's court jury returned a verdict of acquital in the cases of Ted Piz. zino, Angelo Livecchi and Joe Bommarito. The jury announced it had ac- quitted' Joe Bommarito on the first ballot taken yesterday, after the case had been placed in the jurors' handls at 10:10 a. m. Angelo Livecchi was cleared on the fifth ballot, ad Pizzino on the ninth. Bommarito and Pizzino were ac- cused by the state Hof being two of the gunmen who entered the lobby of the LaSalle hotel at 1:40 a. m. last July 23 and shot down Gerald E. Buckley, militant crusader for radio station WMBC, two hours af- ter he had announced the recall of the then Mayor Charles Bowles, whom he had attacked in his night- ly broadcasts. Buckley Was Waiting. Livecchi was acdused by the state of signalling the gunmen, as they 'wAlted :outside tte hotel, when ley W sea d in the lobby and the scene was set for the as- sassination. There was testimony during the trial to show that Buck- ley was waiting at the scene of his death to keep an appointment, made half an hour before in a tele- phone conservation with a woman. Police had never divulged whether they knew who made that appoint- ment. In spite ,of stern warnings issued by court attendants against any demonstration by 'spectators, there were repeated cheers when the ver- dict of acquittal was announced at 7:50 o'clock tonight. Mrs. Rose Pizzino, who came from New York several weeks ago to be with Aer husband, fainted in the arms of Allen W. Kent, Pizzino's attorney. Livecchi to Rochester. Before the defendants could leave the courtroom, Pizzino was argsted for another murder and Livecchi was taken into custody for Roches- ter, N. Y., police on a robbery charge. Pizzino, it was revealed, is one of the two men indicted last fall by the 22-man Wayne county grand jury for the slaying of William Can- non and George Collins, dope run- ners, last July 3. State Bulletins (By Associated Press) Tuesday, April 21, 1931 DETRIT-It was announced to- day that the annual convention of the Michigan Anti-Saloon League, to open here tomorrow, will be at- tended by over 1,000 members. Wil- liam E. (Pussyfoot) Johnson, will be among many nationally known prohibitionists to speak. MT. CLEMENS-Whether or not it is feasible to open the Clinton river for large lake steamers from its mouth to the new Jefferson ave- nue bridge is the subject of a con- ference between federal and local officials. GRAND HAVEN-Louis Koster, 75, of Detroit, died suddenly here today of a heart attack. Mr. Koster, who had been a traveling salesman for the Edison-Moore company of Detroit, for the past 52 years, was th lasto nf the eomnanv' original - ! Associated Press Photo King Prajadhipok of Siam, visiting the United States for an opera- tion on his eyes, tips his hat to America as he debarks at Vancouver,, B. C. Behind him on the gangplank is Queen Rombai-Barni. INJURED FACULTY MANUNIMPROVED Condition of Randall and Wife Critical; Given Tetanus Anti-Toxin. University hospital physicians, in a bulletin issued late last night, said that the condition of Professor Harrison M. Randall and Mrs. Ran- dall, seriously injured M o n d a y morning in an automobile collision on US-12, four miles west of here, was improved. Mrs. Randall, who had been un- conscious for nearly 24 hours, was able to recognize her son who stood at the bedside. This, however, was only mometary, physicians - stating she has never fully regained con- sciousness. Professor Randall, who is director of the physics laboratory, is suffer- ing from a fracture of the right; wrist and left leg and lacerations' of the body. He is not, doctors said, suffering from a crushed chest, as was first reported throughout the city. So far, no internal injuries have developed. Mrs. Randall, it was stated, sustained several frac- tured ribs and a deep laceration of the scalp., Tetanus anti-toxin was adminis-, tered yesterday to both Professor Randall and Mrs. Randall. Their condition, however, remains criti- cal. Seniors in Education Plan Invitation Sale Seniors of the education school may order commencement an- nouncements and invitations from 1 to 5 o'clock daily through Friday in University hall, Laverne Taylor, class president, announced yester- day. The money for the announce- ments must accompany the order. The Weather 1 LOWER MICHIGAN: Unsettled Wednesday, with local rain in south; rain or snow and colder in north portions: Thursday mostly cloudy, rain or snow at night. SPEECH CONTEST WILL BEGIN SOON Entries Must be Filed Before Monday, April 28; Subject for Speeches Chosen. The extemporaneous speech con- test sponsored by the Oratorical association will begin the week of April 28, it was announced yester- day by Robert A. Murphy, '31, vice president of the association. Entries must be filed not later than Mon- day, April 28, at the offices of theE speech department. The subject which the contestants are to speak on is "Should Univer- sity Regulation of Student Affairs be Confined to the Classroom?" Each speaker will talk for six min- utes on any phase of the above sub- ject. This speech may be prepared, and will constitute the preliminar- ies from which the contestants for the finals will be selected. Both men and women are eligible to take part. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded for first., second and third places, Murphy announc- ed. HUMANE SOCIETY TO GIVE BANQUET Regent Beal to Preside at 37th Anniversary of Organization. Observance of the 37th anniver- sary of the Ann Arbor Humane So- I ciety and of national humane week, and the honoring of past and pres- ent officers, will be held at 6 o'clock, this evening at a dinner in the Chamber of Commerce building. Officers who have served in the organization since its inception here will be honored. Other officers, in- cluding Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Good- year, B. A. Finney and, Herbert M. Slauson, will be guests of honor. Junius E. Beal, Regent of the JUniversity, will act as toastmaster. c The principal address will be given by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the First Methodist church. Ar- rangements have been made for 125 guests. Alfonso and Royal Family Quit Paris to Escape Possible Attempt on Lives. CONFERS WITH BANKER Prince Don Juan, Logical Heir to Throne, Will Leave Italy for Paris.- LONDON, Apr. 21.-(P)-Alfonso XIII, king without a country, came to England tonight on a short busi- nes strip and was greeted by cheer- ing thousands at Victoria station. A mighty roar of "vive el rey" came from the throats of royalist followers as Alfonso stepped from the Paris express, tired but smiling whimsically at the ovation. He was hustled into an automobile and whirled away to the Claridge hotel, his favorite hostelry for many, years. Leave Paris Home.. PARIS, Apr. 21. - 0) - Spain's exiled king and queen broke up their newly formed Paris establish- ment today to seek a new home where there will be less chance of an assassin's bullet thwarting the hopes of Alfonso to return to his throne. Alfonso before noon left Hotel Meurice by motor car for Calais to take a cross channel steamer to England, where, gossip had it, he was to confer with his banker re- garding matters of personal finance. Juan En Route to Paris. Alfonso's third sn, Prince Don Juan, whom most ' Spanish mon-a archists consider the logical heir to the throne, is en route to Paris from Italy. While Alfonso is in Eng- land he probably will make ar- rangements for Don Juan who is a handsome youngster not yet eighteen to enter a school near London. VOTE TO BE HELD ,ON SENATE CHALIC Balloting on Proposed Student Council Reorganization Set for April 30. Balloting on the proposed plan of the Student council to centralize student government in the Senate Committee on Student Affairs will be held Thursday, April 30, in an effort to determine campus senti- ment favoring or opposing such a plan. The proposal provides that the student representation on the Sen- ate Committee be increased to sev- en. A like number of faculty mem- bers in addition to the Dean of Students, who would preside, would complete the revised committee. In addition the plan would estab- lish a student administrative coun- cil to take the place of the present Student council. The former would be organized on the same plan as the Union and the StudentPublica- tions and would manage class elec- tions, fall and spring games, pep meetings, and other matters now handled by the present council. If approved by the student body in the campus vote, the proposal will be placed before the University Senate for consideration. The pow- er to make any change in student government organization rests with the Senate alone. If adopted by that body, the plan would probably be started before the spring all-cam- pus elections and be in full opera- tion by next year. The recent proposed change in the Senate whereby a "University Council" would take over the work of the Senate proper, would not in any way affect the reorganization i of student government. Although this "University Council" would dis- place the present Senate Committee on University Affairs, the Commit- tee on Student Affairs would remain unchanged. HOMECOMING PLAN, NEARS COMPLETI'ON University Committee Prepares Program to Include All Campus Activities, Preparations for the Spring Homecoming program, to be held May 8, 9, and 10, are progressing under the University committee inC charge which is working in con- junction with the League and the Union. The Homecoming program will include the traditional Cap Night, the annual Fathers and Sons banquet at the Union, an address by Prof. Laurence M. Gould. of the faculty and recently a member of the Byrd expedition, and Mother's Day. Friday will include such events as inspection tours of the new Legal Research library, to be opened to the public for the first time during the Homecoming week-end, the engineering exhibitions, and the Cap Night event at Sleepy Hollow when the first year men throw their pots into the bonfire. Saturday's program is composed of several exhibitions, the Minne- sota-Michigan track meet at Ferry Field, the Fathers' and Sons' ban- quet, the Gould address, and other minor events. Mother's Day, on May 10, wil be featured by a musi- cal program from the glee clubs and varsity band in Hill auditorium, and the annual senior Cane Day, when the traditional canes are worn for the first time. Invitations have been sent out to more than 7,000 parents of Univer- sity students and one of the largest groups of visitors in the history of the University is expected by the committee, which is composed, of representatives from every major activity and branch on the campus. Tickets for the banquet and lecture will be combined at a price not to exceed $2.50, it was stated yester- day. All the other events during the week-end wil be free to the guests. Bryan Rust to Speak j on Future UniVersity Dr. Bryan Rust, professor of poli- tical science at Detroit City college, will speak at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night in Natural Science auditori- um under the auspices of the Round Table club on "The University of Tomorrow." Dr. Rust, a graduate of the Uni- versity of Virginia and the Univer- sity of London, formerly taught at Harvard. He is recognized, accord- ing to officers of the club, as a liberal thinker and a forceful speaker. This is his first appear- ance in Ann Arbor. The lecture will be public. Byrd Resumes Tour After Death of Dog CHICAGO, April U-1---Ig loo is dead. The fox terrier dog that ac- companied Rear Admiral Rich- ard E. Byrd to both the No th and South Poles died at 4 a. m. today in Boston. Admiral Byrd, who had tempo- rarily suspended his lecture tour at Springfield, Ill., Monday night to rush back to Boston, received word on arriving here. He can- celled plans to fly to Boston and resumed his tour. "And now that Igloo has died," the admiral said, "there's noth- ing to do but go on with the lecture tour." AL1UMNI FIGHT LOSING BATTLE AS CALLAHAN'S BILL ADVANCES IN 'COMMITTEEOF THE WHOLE Measure Cutting Appropriation to $4,500,000 Endorsed in Long Debate; Rural Bloc Sees 'High Pressure Lobby.' LANSING, April 21 -(P)---The house today endorsed a reduc- tion in the University of Michigan mill tax appropriation to $4,500,000 a year in a debate which challenged regular legislative lines. The Callahan bill proposing the University restriction, along with another for a cut of $1,500,000 a year for Michigan State College advanced in committee of the whole without amendments. In .the prolonged argument, younger DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS University alumni fought a losing battle against the rural bloc and Starting with this issue, The others who hurled charges of a Daily will carry radio programs "high pressure lobby." covering featured broadcasts. Honors Called Subterfuge. The program will appear daily Charges that the University on page two, football coaches had been lobby- ing against the Callahan bill, that a legislative demonstration honor- allV0Hing three University scientists F[ E last week was a subterfuge, and FE that threats had been made against members of the house supporting FUH M LIT9H 0911the measure were freely made in debate. Out of the argument, came various suggestions ranging from the elimination of the entire mill Miniature Sabres and Scabbards tax appropriation to the suggestion to be Given; Tickets Now that the University be limited to Placed on Sale. the mill levy. The debate followed its curious Announcement of favors for the channel until an amendment of- fered by the sponsor of the bill in thirteenth annual Military Ball, to a hope toward a compromise was be held May 1 in the ballroom of defeated. Representative Miles M. the Union, was made yesterday by Callahan, of Reed City, proposed a William Fouch, '31E, chairman of restriction of $4,62,82y mill appropria- the favors committee. tion, the same figure contained in Miniature sabres with scabbards, the administration budget bill now exact replicas of the sabres used by under consideration by the legisla- officers of the United States army, tive finance committee. He had in- have been selected as the favors. creased the amount in hope of gain- ing support from opponents of the The words, "University of Michigan measure. I T N ;1 4-- _ 7.71 11 ~_71 1-- __ - _ - P - 1 14 : -. ..M."... t r 1931 Military Ball, will be engraved' on the blade of each sabre. The ticket sale will be opened to the general public today at the R.O.T.C. building, Clyde W. John- son, '31, chairman of tickets, stated yesterday. Bids may also be secured from members of Scabbard and Blade, sponsors of the Ball. Sincemore Chan half of the al=- toted number of tickets have al-I ready been disposed of, Johnson' urged that students purchase tick- ets before the first of next week. Several features are being plan- ned for the dance by the general chairman, William M. Duckwitz, '31E. A special exhibition by the sabre drill team of the University will precede the Grand March. The team has recently appeared in ex- hibitions in Ann Arbor and Detroit. Immediately before the dance, an initiation banquet will be given for the new elected members of Scabbard and Balde. 'Off P r ternles to Fete Sixty Men of Faculty More than 60 faculty members have been obtained to speak at fraternity-faculty dinners, Harry Haley, chairman of the faculty committee of the Student Christian association, announced. Fred B. Wahr, assistant dean of students, Prof. James K. Pollock, of the poli- tical science department and Arthur L. Cross are among those who will be dinner guests of the 35 fraterni- ties. The dinners are held on Wed- nesday nights. Pack Wins Apology. Later when Representative Philip C. Pack, of Ann Arbor, championed for retention of the present tax without limitation, said University friends were opposed to the amend- ment, Representative Callahan apologized for offering it. It was voted down by a narrow margin of 33 to 31. Representative Pack pleaded for an unlimited appropriation at the present rate of sixth-tenths of a mill. He said that the University administration had made certain commitments based on an antici- pated mill appropriation of $5,068,- 000 a year for the biennium. Fifty- seven per cent of the institution's expenditures are for salaries, he continued, and a reduction would have to be borne by the teaching personnel. He estimated the proposed cut would mean a decrease of $1,000 a year in the salaries of professors and $750 for associate professors. The proposal, he said, would leave the University a deficit of $400,000 under its planned budget. MIMES TO PRESENT 'THE PERFECT ALIBI' Milne Play to be Given Tonight at Laboratory Theatre; Wells and Kratz to Have Leads. "The Perfect Alibi," a mystery comedy by A. A. Milne, will be pre- rented by Mimes at 8:15 o'clock to- night in the Laboratory theatre. Performances will continue each night until Saturday night. R. Duane Wells, '32, will play one of the leading roles. Opposite him will be Kathryn Kratz. Other mem- bers of the cast are William Dickert, '32, Harry L. Arnold, '32, Irving Pearlstone, '33, Edith Grossberg, '33, Margaret Smith, '33A, Whitney Dix- on, '31, Ray Suffron, '31, and Wil- liam Mulroney, '34. With +hi..vniav ims ivolar-l I nesdaynights AVIATORS ON WEST COAST PLANNING MANY FLIGHTS AS SUMMER NEARS Mears end Breese Will Threaten iltr flight. REMOVAL OF UNDESIRABLE TRAITS OF MORPHINE OBJECT OF STUDIES University Scientists Co-operate With Virginians in Effort to Eliminate Evils. Can morphine be so altered or treated as to remove its undesir- Eddy, research professor of phar- macology, have charge of the work for the University. At Virginia Dr. Lyndon F. Small is studying the chemistry of morphine and makingj various alterations in its composi- tion, and in addition is making Round-th c-World Record of Graf Zeppelin. LOS ANGELES, April 21.-(A '-- The summer of 1931 will not be without its assaults on flight rec- ords if plans under way on the west coast now can be taken as a guide. With the season of good weather at hand nrenarations are heing Another ship is under construc- tion for Commander Donald Mac- Millan, who will attempt an aerial expedition over the North Pole. Col. Roscoe Turner, cross-country speedster, is considering another try at the east-west and west-east transcontinental records. A trans-Atlantic flight is being studied hv (nt .R Amml n fChi_