THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. , _ , __ C 4r tytot t ater Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control n1 Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches creditedtodit or not otherwise credited tn thisi paper and the local news published. herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- sna.ter General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.s0. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; lusin'nis, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492S MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FAN: E. Coorz, City Edit# News Editor .............. Gurney Williams Editorial Director .......Walter W. Wilds Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0. Warren Sports Editory ........r...oseph A. Russell Women's Editor*..........Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books........ Wm. J. Gormnan Assistant News Editor. Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor .........George A. Stantet Cony Editor......... ....... Win. F. Pypet NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprowl David AS. Nichol Richard . Tobin Harold U. Warrs SPORTs ASSISTANTS Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford _ t4 REPORTERS king himself after he has become finally resigned to his fate will probably retire into semi-private life and thus will end the last of the reigning Bourbons. AialWSE i 'MUSIC AND DRAMA: A O ac Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining to less tha. 300 ' words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regardedras confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construe] as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. CAMPUS DRAMATICS To the Editor: Last June, the University brought' to Ann Arbor a professional director to investigate the dramatic situa- tion at the University, and perhaps recommend certain changes which would help to clear up the tangled +odds and ends which remained after the Union Opera was thrown into the discard. To date, his report has not yet been released. The only ,step taken since then has been the leasing of the former Mimes thea- tre to Play Production, and it is understood that this was not one of the recommendations included In the report. Today there are three drama- tic organizations on the campus, Mimes, Comedy Club, and Play Production, although the latter is primarily a department of the Uni- versity. In former years, there was intense competition and jealousy between the organizations. Mimes had the only stage, and it was charged that too high a rental was asked by them in order to maintain a monopoly of the campus trade. Today, the theatre is leased to the University, and in addition the Lydia Mendelssohn stage may be obtained. Yet the situation does not appear to have improved. w I S " HERE .- Yes, yes-good old Spring! Spring always reminds me of something. This time it is the fact that the time is approaching for a coatless shirt campaign. Anybody can wear a coat but it takes a man with enough to pay his laundry bill to go without. Show them all that the depression is not hitting you. Ex- pose to the eyes of a gaping and jealous world that you have a clean shirt . . . . even if you haven't it will be all right because people who see you without a coat will auto- matically think that you have or you wouldn't be showing it like' that. Thomas M. Cooleg Maorton Frank Saul Friedberg Frank B. GilbretU R oland Goodmajn Morton Helper Bryan Jones Wilbur J. Meyers Eileen Blunt Nanette Dembits Elsie Feldman 1uth Gallmeyer ilyG. Grime c an Levy orothy lagee Susan Mancheste Brainard W. Nie Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter john w. -Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Cile Miller Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thorm s on Claire Trussell BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLUSTER MABLEY, Business Mfamget KASPER II. HALVERSON, ASsiStaI Mouwer DEPARTMEN'TMANAG-ERS idvertisirng.............harles T. Kline Advertising . .. .........Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service ............Norris' J. Johnson Publication ............Robert XW. 'Williamson Circulation .............Marvin S. Kobacket Accounts... ... .......T...homas S. Muir Business Secretary..........Mary J. Kena Assistant~s Harry R. Begle* Vernont Bishop William Brown Robert Callahan William W. Davis MilPa Hoisington Noel D. Twrnet ErIe Kigbtlinger D)on W. Lyon William Morgan Richard Stratemehir Keilth Tl Ier Richard H. Hiler Byron C. Vedder Ann W. Verner Marian Atran Helen Bailey Tosephine Convisse Maxine Fishgrund Porothy LeMire Dorothy Laylin Sylvia Mille Belen Olsen Mildred Postal Marjorie tougi Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1931 Night Editor - HAROLD WARREN A MONARCH FALLS Last week, the world witnessed the fall of one of the last of the monarchs of any importance in the world and incidentally the last of a long line of Bourbon kings when King Alphonso of Spain was forced to leave the country in the turmoil which followed the recent elections there. He has also made it plain from his retreat in Paris that it was not an abdication and that he will return to the throne of his an- cestors as soon as it is possible for him to do so in safety. Some importance can be attached to the fact that he fled to Paris rather than to London where he would have been welcomed in open arms not only because of the family ties but also because of the strong monarchial sentiments of the coun- try. Its probable result will be a long series of intrigues in an attempt to regain his royal throne. For Alphonso because of his fore- sight in financial matters is not a royal pauper. Instead, he has to his credit more than seventeen mil- lions in Spanish gold in the vaults of English banks and the resources of most of the crown jewels with which the Queen made a get-away. With this monetary backing, he can accomplish much which would otherwise be impossible. The reason for his choice of Paris is clear. England, especially under a labor government and the influ- ence of Ramsay MacDonald would not sanction for a moment any royal intrigues against an estab- lished government. The event of the king's removal to London in the future can mean only one thing, the abandonment of all his regal plans. The dethroned monarch's great- est hope seems to be that the re- cently established Republic will be as short lived as have been its pre- decessors in Spain. While the change is still so recent that little definite information can, be ob- tained, the manner in which the new government was initiated augurs well for its existence and rather darkens the political horizon of the last of the long Bourbon line. The logical point in which to centralize dramatics appears to be Play Production, since it owns a house, and can also give University credits for work done there. A new dramatic committee was appointed last year, which was to approve all shows, price of admission, dates of performances, and other details of production. This year the perform- ances of the various organizations have been bunched together; on one night last semester, there were three attractions at the same time. It is admittedly true, that on a college campus, even on one of the size of Michigan, there can be only a limited number of actors. These must be parcelled out among the various organizations so that each may have its share of talent for its shows. Yet the calibre of campus productions leaves much to be de- sired in some cases. As a first step, we would suggest that a schedule of performances be drawn up at the beginning of the year to allott an equal number to each organiza- tion at dates far enough apart to permit each group to have its choice of actors. The only other alterna- tive appears to be the dissolution of two clubs, or a combination of all three into one. In addition to these purely dramatic clubs, there are those groups which present annual features, such as the Mimes All-Campus Revue, the Junior Girls' Play, the French Plays, and the Hillel productions, to say nothing of the professional appearances in campus houses, such as those spon- sored by the Oratorical Association, the Women's League, and spas- modic presentations of other groups for a time in need of funds..Some solution must be worked out. The University cannot give the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre over to cam- pus productions, since it is owned by the League; classes in the Mimes theatre prohibit its regular use by other groups; and the Hill auditor- ium is not in the least adapted to dramatic presentations, witness the Passion Play. The dramatic com- mittee has the task of clearing the fog away and straightening things out, if it is at all possible. Perhaps a more limited number of produc- tions each year might assist in rais- ing the calibre and financial suc- cess. The only other alternatives, already mentioned, are extinction or combination. '32. INTELLIGENT PLATFORMS (from the Daily Iowan) Chairman John J. Raskob of the Democratic national committee re- cently touched a fundamental wrong in the United States political system when he asked that the 1932 Democratic platform be writ- ten clearly and that no attempt be made in it to straddle the issues before the American voters. It has become a seeming essential to good political strategy to avoid taking a square stand on political SAVE MONEYt JOIN THE COATLESS SHIRT I CAMPAIGN and SAVE! ! ! Just think! With no coat on, yout haven't any pocket and henceE can't very well carry a fountain pen. There's $5 right there. Well,{ there you are . . . . no fountainI pen. This also entails a saving inf ink . . . . 15 cents a month or more if you haven't got a room- mate, and a lot of ill will avoided1 if you have. And then there is the consideration that has prob- ably occurred to you already that you won't have to buy a coat. Real savings for all! Another thing about savings on the proposition. You know how you are always wearing out your coat- sleeve at the elbows? You couldn't do that if you didn't have it on now could you? I should just guess not! And what's more you won't be wearing out your shirt by friction against the coat either. You'll do that by direct contact with benches, necks, and the like. Efficiency . . that's what. Always be efficient. At the request of the producers, I take this opportunity-and a darn good one it is too-to state that, in my opinion, Mimes's com- ing production of "The Perfect Alibi" will be absolutely the best production of "The Perfect Alibi" which has been given or is to be given on the Michigan Campus this month . . . . or is it next month? CONTRIBUTION Dear Dan Baxter: Concerning the entrance to a 4prominent campus building and its f missing roof, may I have the pleas- ure of informing you that there won't be any roof until Hutchins hall rises in all its glory-you can ask York and Sawyer if you don't 1 believe me. E May I add a word in praise of - your consistently excellent material in Toasted Rolls and sign myself! Yours for more hot buttered Cre- scents (adv.) High Hat FOR THE DEFENSEaI A review of Jed Harris's produc - tionofSheridanGibson'smcomed1 "The Wiser They Are" with Ruth,3 Gordon and Osgood Perkins at - the Plymouth theatre, New York. The intellectual fashion at pre- sent (as represented by such writers' as John Dos Passos) seems to be to bewail the American theatre as being meaningless in American social life, an illegitimate hash of foreign trends cemented together by American money and initiative; which is to say that the theatre has successfully resisted the tre- mendous socializing forces at work on all the arts. To combat this con- dition as everyone knows, the little theatre movement took birth. The whole thing seems to me to be based on an uncritical assump- tion that the theatre should be a social force. Whether that assump- tion is correct or not cannot be dis- cussed here. I will say however that it has no basis in the tradition of the English theatre. The greatest ages in English drama were not active social forces in the sense that the more radical critics would have the theatre today. The great- est age( I am using a critical com- monplace until recently unchal- lenged), the Elizabethan, did not even use the then contemporary England as subject matter. And yet we consider the work great. There is a need, or at least a place today for an art using theatrical method which would be socially more than a refined reflection of the age or pure imagination, a mor- ally significant art in a way which the theatre is not and never has been. Let it take its place alongside the theatre or replace it completely finally, but at present at least the drama cannot be criticized on the basis of it. I have made this digression be- cause in the new intellectual fash- ion "The Wiser They Are" would be definitely bad, and yet on perman- ent theatric standards it would be at least passable, in the modern New York theatre it is .quite excell- ent. A great part of this excellence is of course because of its handling. It is mounted well, directed intelli- gently and acted more than ad- mirably. It is the story of the re- forms of the worldly-wiseman and of the hard fall he took. Bruce Ingram emerges from his delicately roue existence, dismisses his mis- tresses and falls in love with Trixie. However he keeps his good man- ners which is perhaps why Trixie does not trust him. Trixie in mar- riage keeps her charm which is why Bruce does not trust her. So they have a farewell dinner and then, leave on the Olympic and presum- ably a very exciting life of eternal standing before bedroom doors and closets. It is an old story of course but Sheridan Gibney always has the right line and the right taste to put it over. And he owes a great deal to the cast. Ruth Gordon in the part of Trixie is one of the few actresses whom one goes specially to see, aside from the play. Her combination of gayety and inno- cent brilliance (a person whose instincts carry her through the world triumphantly and without any conscious plaining) place her definitely in the front rank of high comedy actresses. Osgood Perkins as Bruce Ingram plays his part also with fine feeling. He falls in love in the most resigned and delightful manner. The other parts are well cast, with the exception of Julia Hoyt as a languishing divorcee who overplays her sadness and is com- pletely dull. S. F. THE PERFECT ALIBI A. A. Milne, who besides his efforts in the realms of sophisticat- ed children's poetry has a consider- able reputation as a playright will take his chances at the hands of Mimes this week when his "Perfect Alibi" is presented. The first per- formance will be given tomorrow evening. It will run through Sat- urday. The box-office ticket sale will start at nine o'clock this morn- ing. For some reason Mimes have not thought tW divulge the names of their principles. Whether this is to be taken as a commentary on campus dramatics or as a pure accident remains to be seen on Wednesday evening. ABOUT BOOKS Dorothy L. Sayers, creator of that TYPEWRITER REPAIRING ill makes of machines. ur equipment and per. o n n e I are considered nong the best in the State. The result f twenty years' careful building. 0. D. MORRILL 14 South State St. Phone 6615 r R WATLING LERCHEN & HAYES Members New York Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York. Curb (Associate) Dealers in Investment Securities Accounts Carried for Clients Mezzanine Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phones: 23221-23222 0 .Mu I 1 :__ F.- . I , Dear High -Hat: If you want the brutal truth of the matter, I do not believe you nor do I intend to go ask York and Sawyer, whoever they may be. I am merely going-to believe that the missing roof on the entrance to the Law building is an insult to the public eye, and let it go at that. As to your word in praise .. . etc. I must confess I had some difficulty in picking it out from all the rest, but I have been forc- ed to the conclusion that it must have been "excellent"-'consist- ently' didn't sound quite like it. I also reached the unaided con- clusion that you must have want- ed to get that letter printed pretty badly or you never would have said anything as silly as that last sentence before the one beginning with yours. Dan Baxter. 0 * * DAILY POEM The first day after Spring Vaca- tion- See the pretty raindrops fall! The faculty must have got the wrong week; It's a fine world after all. * * * President Ruthven On The Threshhold of Perception And so, to the soft sad music of ' the little birdies slittering tweepily in t,-. + t-. Lc' rnitcirdpthe+lxc x inv nxtA ~r d -