THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday ring the University year by the Board in ntrol or Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Isociation. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled the use for republication of all news dis- tches credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and the local news published rein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, lehigan, as second class matter. Special rate postage granted by Third Assistant Post- a ter General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.5. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard reet. Phones: Editorial,4925;.Business;21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY Fu x E. Coopaa, City Edit# ews Editor ...............Gurney Williams ditorial Director.........Walter W. Wilds sistant City Editor....... Harold 0. Warren orts Editor.............Joseph A. Russell omen's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer usic, Drama, Books........Win. J. Gorman istant News Editor...Charles, R Sprowl ylegrapb. Editor..........George A.Stautet Iny Editor GFPype NIGHT EDITORS - .. i. iyu.Ini nr viu ivy i au' _ r r -- Beach Conger r S. Forsythe avid M, ~Nichol John D. Reindel Charles R. Sprowl Richard L. Tobin Harold U. Warren SPORTS AssISTANTS tnC. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS Iomas M. Coole Lorton Frank ul Friedberg ank B.,Gilbreth oland Goodmam orton Helper ryan Jones ribur J. eyerS 'een Blunt anette Demibits Isie Feldman uth Gallnieyer mil G...Grime# an Levy orotnv Magee isan Manchestei Brainard W. Nied Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert, George A. Stauter Torn 'Wr. "Thomas Joan S. Townaen Mary McCall Cile Miller Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Marga ret Thompson Claire Trussell BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21i4 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Maeaga, Kasana 1. HALVERSON, Assistant MUna per DEPARTMENT MANACERS Advertising.............Charles . T. Kline Advertising...............Thomas M. Davis Advertising...........William W. Warboys Service .. ............Norris J.Johnson Puiblication...........Robert WV.Williamson Circulation .............Marvin.S. Kobacker Accounts................homas S. Muir Business Secretary............Mary J. KenaA Assistants Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger Vernon Bishop D~on W. Lyon William Brown William Morgan Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeler William W. Davin Keith TI> icr Richard H. Hiller Noel D, Tnrner Miles Hoisington Byrom C. Vedder Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller Marian Atran Helen Olsen Helen Bailey Mildred Postal osephine ConvImsse Marjorie Rougf Miaxine Fishgrund Mary F. Watts Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiee Dorothy,' Laylin maladjusted on the campus has stirred Jewish minds. And the Hillel news in its editorial advises a greater concentration of the medicine which, to now, has been administered to Jewish students on the campus, namely, increased par- ticipation in exclusively Jewish ac- tivities. But it appears to me that it is just this sort of application that has caused the isolation of the Jews through many centuries. The Jew has always held aloof from all other peoples -as much as he could without hurting his means of livelihood. This element of the great bogey "discrimination" has already received recognition. But it stands as a vital truth that in all the ages of Jewish persecution the Jew has kept himself apart from all other faiths, maintained the differences in his religious custom, and in every way possible has forced upon the world the fact of his difference. And he has never grown accus- tomed to the rebuke which the world has administered. Is it strange that the world should protest? Is it that the "birds of a feather" should peck at the aloof stranger, who struts the yard as though he were the select? Not a whit! It is the natural reaction of the world to a concerted egotism. It is not my purpose to knock the Hillel organization but as the only Jewish representative on the cam- pus, it must take the brunt of criticism. The Hillel organ has con- sistently played up Jewish accom- plishment on the campus. It has consistently extracted the Jewish essence from campus affairs and given us to drink of it. We must all I admit that Jewish individuals do play a considerable part in campus activity. But does this seem so un- usual when we note that they form a considerable proportion of the campus population? Can Jews de- fend this activity by citing the same on the part of other religious or semi-religious organizations? No! For, being the so-called "down- trodden" or "discriminated against" he should modify his excessive self- esteem rather than flaunt it in the faces of those whom it offends. The illusion of superiority held by great creeds of the world has al- ways been the compensation for depreciation and maltreatment. But can it withstand the scrutiny of an enlightened time? It is of the same nature as the illusions of grandeur found in insanity and in the ireaction- sometimes consequent to , inferiority complex. In their better experiences with the world, the Jews and the Christians have always maintained this self-esteem. This has always been their main- stay under the Worst treatment. For, we all know how powerful a psychological consolation it can be. Do we not all take refuge in it? If the Jew were to lose his gross conceit, forget that he is the "chosen people of God," if he were to become a part of the rest of the world, the world would accept him. But he has made this doubly diffi- scult with his assumed superiority. It is unfortunate that a whole peo- ple should suffer for the gross self- esteem of those imaginative Patri- archs who so long ago established the idea of the chosen people. And just this element it is that has sustained this people for so long under the oppression of the world. This inheritance too, from Judae- ism to Christianity, through Jews has been the great support of that religion through the ages of perse- cution and ordeal. Orthodox indi- viduals will maintain that this en- durance points to the strength of the Hebrew race and the Christian faith. But no, the cause is more psychological than that, .,as has been intimated above. What constructive suggestion can we make? For, after all, our criti- cism is not bitter, not one of en- mity, but rather an expression of FA TED OL I OHLOKYL Earn quick, easy money ii'1 your spare time with our new laborsaving device. Grand Prix, Paris, 1899, Rome, 1322, Ham- tramck, 1929. No brush, no lath- er, no shave, no nothing. Write at once. Our Motto: EVERY NIGHT A FIRST NIGHT. * * * Rolls is offering a dandy prize for the best answer to the question, "How are they going to get the steam shovel out of theyhole next to the Law library, if any?" Al- though the contest was announced only to a few select friends of Mis- ter Baxter (NOT including the Pherret, thank you) at precisely 11:50 o'clock last night, the post office dept was forced today to hire 458 additional men to convey the 298,657,943 answers entered in the competition to .this office. The news spread like wild-fire. Oh Boy Did it! So in defence tohthe many loyal friends of Rolls who' have already entered solutions in our little con- test we have decided to change the prize, which was originally supposed to be the contract to clean and paint Newberry Aud, to this (which even YOU can see is a mighty useful little object): * * * a letter from Freddie We have FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1931 Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr. MICHIGAN CRIME Michigan's voters took a decisive stand against a reversion to capital punishment in the state-wide refer- endum last Monday, thereby ending. another chapter in the history of the state's attempt to get stricter laws for the enforcement of justice.' Instead of relieving the courts of a burden in enforcement, however, they added a heavier one, namely, 'a more efficient and strict function- ing under the present system. Obviously, if a majority of the members of the state legislature thought a capital punishment bill' necessary, there must have been some faults of the present legal procedure that required a remedy. Since the citizens decided that, for various reasons, they objected to capital punishment as- a method to curb crime in this state, some other system must be devised in order to cope with the present evils. Today, many a criminal goes free because of the slowness of the 'present legal machinery. Numerous paroles tend to remove the sting of the life penalty. The encumber- ances of trial procedure, the manyS technical details which have to be observed, but which in this state were partially eliminated under the proposed plan of a group appointed to revise legal procedure, tend to make the murderer, bootlegger, robber or blackmailer comparative-j ly safe from the "clutches" of the( Bobbsey, who has just up and left us, like that. We'll have to apolo- gize for Freddie. He's really not a bad sort. That is, not very bad. We're all SO glad he's gone, though: Here is what he says: Dear Mister Baxter: I send best wishes in spite of the little poem herewith enclosed: When springtime comes and tulips blQom, And love of life begins to pall, Remember even deans are mortal. It's a fine world after all! Yours triumphantly, F r e d d i e (Look-At-The-Bright- Side-Of-Life) Bobbsey. * - That's just like you, Mister Bobb- sey. We'll bet you even think of it in that grotesque little weazel brain of yours as pretty good. Well Frank- ly, Mister Bobbsey, it's pretty dog- gone rotten, but just about as good as any of the contributions these days. *1 *1 * TOUCHSTONE WELL, NOW THAT THAT'S OVER we can turn our attention to the worth-while topics of the day such as what do you think about-oh well,...just what do you think? * * * ' BERT BOBBSEY thinks it's spring. Perhaps it is. "I think it's spring," Bert Bobbsey was heard to state last night-or rather was heard to speculate which, as you can readily see, is something again. Still it is , spring, and no amount of spec- ulation can change that. * * * * THIS HAS GOT TO STOP SECTION It seems to me-no, I won't say that. I know I said something the other day about the big brave Cam- pus Opinion writers who won't sign their names. I wish to repeat that they're Pansies one and all. If they can't take the responsibility for what they say it isn't any more worth while saying than I thought it was when I read it. In spring the sun will melt the snow And soon the crocus buds will show But why this is I do not know Nor neither do I care. * * * ' The gay Spring Beauty coyly peeps From hillsides where the warm wind sweeps And also from the garbage heaps Or almost anywhere.1 * * * USIC AND DRAMAI STANLEY FLETCHER Stanley Fletcher in his gradua- tion recital in Mendelssohn Theatre yesterday afternoon strengthened the impression he has made in the past of a fine technique and a fresh musical intelligence. An un- certainty in shading his intensities prevented him from always com- pletely realizing the intelligent in- tentions which were evident. This was particularly noticeable in the Bach Choral Preludes. The fact of the Busoni very "pianistic" transcription makes a highly nu- anced performance of Bach neces- sary and justifiable. But to be com- pletely tasteful, any highly nuanc- ed performance of Bach must be exteremely precise; which Mr. Fletcher's was not. Mr. Fletcher in past recitals has indulged himself somewhat loosely at the expense of Chopin. Yester- day there was a definite improve- ment. Though there were still mo- ments when the music was allowed to disintegrate into unrelated frag- ments, for the most part his Cho- pin, particularly in the Sonata, was more careful and more coherent. His Debussy was peculiar. The other-worldly quality of these pre- ludes is something implicit in De- bussy's chords. It comes out best when these chords are produced cleanly and precisely. Mr. Fletcher doesn't believe this. He produces them in an other-worldly manner. I thought the result somewhat shoddy. Pattison's "The Clown," strangely like the Stravinsky Capriccio (for which someone has suggested a clown as possible imagery) was played delightfully. So was the completely innocuous and out-of- place Sheherd's Hey. At times in the Erlking Mr. Fletcher was su- perb; at others bewildered., But I haven't made clear what his. program very markedly did: that Mr. Fletcher's talent is an im- portant one from which very good things can be expected. S. F. ONE ACT PLAYS The girls had just a swell time last evening horsing through what is evidently Mr. Windt's favorite one act play (judging from the fre- quency of its production). It was a very fitting climax to the season of noble drama which has been hurled from the direction of the I Laboratory theatre at a completely innocent campus. It is safe to say that this return rfom the psychics of Mr. Fox and company was en- joyed by the audience more than any endeavour heretofor. Perhaps the carefree rendition of Christo- pher Morley's gayety was an at- 'tempt on the part of Play produc- tion to supply the long desired American folk theatre. Now if the Gargoyle staff would co-operate in writing something so the boys can have a good time-. The evil of the three public offer- ings of Play Production home work this year is made more poignant by the existence of actors in the group who are thoroughly competent as amateurs go. Passing over the O'Neill illegitimate for the mo- ment (in which by the way Kath- ryn Krat's real talent managed to shine through an absurdly difficult part) the cast of "'Op-O-My- Thumb" almost succeeded in mak- inga dull play palatable. Elinor Brodersohn, in the part of Amanda Afilick, the suppressed laundry girl who makes a fetish of a man's shirt, interpreted her rather diffi- cult part with a restraint and a whimsicality of emotion which at times erased the feeling of "when will the dawn curtain fall." Marian I-ealde as Celeste, acted with good tempo and a gayety which was always( or nearly always) intelli- gent. -Evelyn Gregory translated in her part of the old Mrs. Galloway, little nuances of feeling with a remarkable good humour. But it was no use. Cinderella plays should not be that long. Iathryn Kratz has already been mentioned as being acceptable in a bad -part. Mel Benstock certainly was not. Ile is much too jovial to make a Captain Keeney the psycho- pathic case. The management of the supers by Robert Paine and Charles Monroe was particularlyf ludicrous. Onocertainly would wish after this season that the actors over at Play Production would become tem- peramental and refuse to be seen in such trash. Play Production should know better than to allow it. It would seem logical that Len- 1 , . 1 S PECIA.L for Friday and Saturday SWEET PEAS 25c Per Bunch UNIVERSITY FLOWER SHOP Inc. 229 So. State Phone 6030 We Deliver NOW! Prices are 'the Lowest in Seventeen Years. 11' We Are Famous for... TOASTED SANDWICHES WAFFLES SODAS CANDIES SWE ETLAND 212 So. Main WHERE SERVICE AND QUALITY REIGN I (I Mill" WENZEL'S 207 East Liberty Phone 6713 -.1 AskfII REDECORATE 11 The Haunted Tavern iW FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. "WHAT IS VITAL?" 7:30 P. M. - Evening Worship. "STUDENTS AND SOCIAL IDEALISM" Dr. G. Bromley Oxnam, President of DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana will preach at both serv- ices. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Allison Ray Heaps, Minister Sunday, April 12, 1931 10:45 A. M.-Sermon by the min- ister. Cor. State and East Huron "1 12:00 A. M.-Sunday School Class. 6:00 P. M.-Sunday Evening De- votional meeting. Miss Edith Mae Bell will talk on, "Africans, the People of Mystery." IWO 7:00 P. M.-Social Hour. 615 East University Rabbi Bernard Heller NO SERVICES UNTIL AFTER SPRING VACATION. 11 I. ii r ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Streets Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:00 A. M.-Festival Morning Prayer, Holy Communion. Ser- mon by the Reverend Duncan E. Mann. 9:30 A. M.-Church School. (Kin- dergarten at 11:00 a. m.) 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer. Ser- mon by Rev. Duncan E. Mann. 7:45 P. M.-Evensong and address by Rev. Duncan E. Mann. Stu- dent choir will sing. Fourth Ave. between Packard and Williams Rev. Theodore R. Schmale 9:00 A. M.-Bible School. 10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship. 11:00 A. M.-German Service. law and conviction. a desire to see the Jews accepted Thus, a burden of obtaining more into the world as have been other efficient administration of justice peoples and creeds. We suggest has been thrown upon the present that the Jew modify his conceit, system. Whether or not it will be that his activity become more than able to accomplish this end without a constant setting up to the public reform, or whether a new code will eye of brilliant Jews and Jewish have to be passed by the legisla- accomplishment; that he discuss ture, time can only tell. The people world music and art instead of the have refused capital punishment. narrow field of Hebrew art and J Will the machinery of the courts be music (as compared with world ac- able to maintain a closer observ- complishment); that his philoso- ance of the law than it has shown phical discussion include Jewish in the past? Those who opposed philosophy instead of making it the capital punishment will have to center; that his meetings and asso-- show this to be possible, in order ciations include non-Jews; that he to vindicate their choice in last refuse the conception of the "chosen Monday's election. people." 7:00 P. League. M.-Young People's No crocus bud or coy Spring Beauty - Am I, I have to do my duty I can't go 'round in manner fruity Proclaiming it is .Spring. * * * We mortals have our daily toil We cannot live on rain and soil We have life's evil plots to foil But- still, all these sad facts to' the contravorsy notwithstand- inty it really is 5tnri-,o. LIBERAL STUDENT'S UNION Campus Opinion Contributorm are asked to be brief, We have attempted for two thou- sand years to force down the world gullet the superiority of the Jew. And in no nation have we been successful. We have rather roused 7:30 Sunday A parley-all participating. 10:45 Sunday Regular Church Service. "Time's Measure of a Man." Sermon by ID-- A Mf P n 409 S. Division St. A 1 ir ani W est Liberty Sts. C. A. Brauer,- Pastor 10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv- Sunday, April 12, 1931 ice. Sermon topic: "Are 'Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" 9:00 A. M.-Service with sermon 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- in German. ing the morning service. 10:00 A. M.-Bible School. 7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening 11:00 A. M.-Morning Service in testimonial meeting. English. a ii iI