°' FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1931' THE MICHIGAN DA111Y Program Complete for Spring Homecoming May ,9,1 } 4 t W.A f Z U N I O N ; G O I V I M T T E E UMIE RINLA IC Father and Son Banquet, Cap Night, Mothers' Day to be Celebrated. FREE SHOW TO BE HELD Michigan-Minnesota Track Meet Will be Free to Parents; Exhibitions Planned Programs for tthe Spring Home- coming events, to be held May 8, 9, and 10 on the Michigan campus are ready for distribution at both the League and the Union, it was announced yesterday by the com- mittee in charge. Completed plans for the three-day festivities include the annual father and son banquet at the Union, Cap night, traditional underclass event, and Mothers' day, which falls on Sunday, May 9. The arrangements are being made by a committee which wi work in conjunction with the Union. The committee is composed of El- eanor Cooke, president of the League, T. Hawley Tapping, secre- tary of the Alumni association, Merton J. Bell, representing the Student council, Henry J. Merry, managing editor of The Daily, James Ward, president of the Inter- fraternity council, Josephine Tim- berlake, president of the Pan-Hel- lenic council, Jack Wheeler, repre- senting the athletic board, A. F. Donohue, president of the Union, J. A. Bursley, dean of students, Alli- son Evans, president of the engi- neering council, Harold O. Warren, jr., recording secretary of the Un- ion, Ross Stevens, president of the forestry club, Frank . Cooper,of The Daily and the Union, and The- odore Baer of the Union. All stu- dent members of the committee are seniors. Cap Night to Be Held Friday. The program Friday will consist of the traditional Cap night perform- ance in Sleepy Hollow when the freshmen throw their pots into the lblazing bonfire and each class pro- ceeds one step toward graduation. The awarding of "M" blankets to athletes who won the Varsity en- signia two years in any one sport will feature the program of speech- es, songs, and the traditional free show. The show will probably be held at Hill auditorium. On Saturday, all parents and friends of the University will be admitted free to the Minnesota- Michigan track meet, the only out- door event of its kind on the home schedule. Swinmm ng, golf, and in- tramural exhibitions, a reunion of the alumni of the business adminis- tration school, and a mothers' and daughters' tea at the League will also take place on Saturday after- noon. Saturday night will be featured by two major events, the annual father and son banquet at the Union, and a lecture by Prof. Laur- ence M. Gould, of the geology fac- ulty, whose work with Byrd in the Antarctic received nation-wide rec- ognition, at Hill auditorium. The Gould program will begin at 8:30 o'clock and a small admission will be charged totaling not more than $2.50 for both the banquet and the lecture. Many Exhibits Planned. Exhibitions by the engineering college, the University museums, the forestry school, and Japanese art at Alumni Memorial hall will be scheduled on both Friday and Saturday. Sunday, Mothers' day and Senior Cane day, will be fea- tured by a 3 o'clock concert in Hill auditorium at which the Varsity band, both men's and women's glee clubs, and other musical organiza- tions will present a program. The new Law Research library will be officially opened for inspec- tion during the Spring Homecoming program for the first time. Guests, members of the student body and faculty, parents and other visitors in the city at that time may take a tour of inspection of the new structure. Our Weekly Financial Letter Contains Analysis of Reynolds Tobacco B New York Central 'I Copy on request WATLING LERCHEN & HAYES NEW LEGAL RESEARCH BUILDING WILL OPENED F FIRST INSPECTION LURING MAY HOMECOMIN( . .y Y .. C h :.; i:v. .::": : .::::.: :! : : ?::7 ' :C -G:iii: : :Ci::i-1:::C::;:::}'{:j;C}':}ji_ :;.;:: : :;i:::: :: ...... r ........................................ _. . . .,,..: Q35" 9 . i: . c . :-. .. - )C. . i Is ABOVE - The new Legal Research building in the law quadrangle which will be open- ed for its first public inspec- tion during the Spring Home- coming events, May 8, 9, and 10. LEFT - The University of Michigan Union, headquarters for the Spring Homecoming, where the father and son banquet will be held on Sat-- urday night, May 9. LAW LIBRARY G1LT U IG WILL BE OPEN Public inspection of the new fA EA LFI V NT WW. Cook Legal Research ubss idiig will be granted on May tak~epceF roaymytoInclde 8, 19, as 14during the Home- Hecoing ogrmn pto am cing program, it was an- Traditional Occurrence notnced yesterday by the con- in Sleepy Hollow., mittee in charge. The building will be open to sight-seers for Capnight, traditional evernt for the first time. Guests, faculty underclassmen in particular, will members, students and their take place Friday, May 8, and will parents, as well as other visitors constitute one of the features f may make this tour of the build- the Spring Homecoming program-. i nsrhch will be completed by Freshmen will burn their pots in hat time. the big bonfire at Sleepy Hollow The new law library is a gift to the event unofficially ending their the University from the late W'- yearling days, and deserving ath- liatn W. Cook, who also donated letes will mount the platform to Martha.Cok dormitory, the Law receive their "m" blankets, after club, and the new law clas speeches by prominent members o building which is now under the faculty, the student body, and construction. visiting guests. Cap night is by far the most pop- ular tradition a the University. It . is at that time that the first year men rid themselves of the tell-tale bersof he sophomore class. Each. higher class likewise ascends oneHEN y rmous old "Where, 0, Where Are the, Verdent Freshmen?" in front of Mothers' Day, Cane Program the blazing bonfire, built out of old. Will Feature Sunday, crates, boxes, wood and other' ma- My1 ciiy tonal gathered by the yearling;sydeny u class for days before the event. ew activities in the Spring Two years ago, when the class of Homecoming program, to begin May 1932 had erected a towering pile ofy wood more than 60 feet in height, 8 and run through until May 10, yseveral alleged sophomoresbset fire wil include several events formerly to it in the middle of the night be- scheduled at different times during fore the event. Early the nextlate April and early hay. morning the freshman committeeIg Amongthe activities listed are a began their task all over again ad- reunion of the alumni of the Busi- by nightfall they had rebuilt the ness Administration school, a moth- stack of wood into a tower of 80 er, and daughter tea at the League, feet. Guards were placed arLound exhibitions by the engineering col- the wood pile all day and c':uing lege, the University museums, the the early evening until ifwas;racer- forestry school, and Japanese art tain that further molestation by exhibits at Alumni Memorial hall. other classes would do no harmc. Sunday, May 10, being Senior Cane Cap night includes the awarding day and Mothers' day, will be fea- of "M" blankets to seniors who tured by a 3 o'clock concert in Hill have won at least two major letters auditorium at which the varsity in one sport. These awards aie dis- band, the women's and men's glee tributed by the athletic department, clubs, and other musical organiza- and speeches by prominent stu- tions will present a program. dent members conclude that part I The exhibitions will k,- of impor- Salwaye rogram the rshmei to bid tance in the Spring Homecoming las les t t program because of special effort last official yearling rite, and Uni- being made in the various depart- versity songs are sung with the aid ments to place the real work of the ' of the band and more than 5,000 year before the public. This will be ke townspeople who annually witness especially true of the engineering the event. I exhibits, the University museums 8, The more recent development ir building, the forestry school, and ts the Cap night program is the free the Japanese art exhibition in y, show which is now given each year Alumni Memorial hall. h by the management of both the Senior Cane day will be the second ill Michigan and the Majestic thea- traditional event of the Spring tres. Homecoming. A your trip home taker along a ICHIGAN MEMORY BOOKP Filled with deliciousATC Betsy Ross Candies1WG he Betsy Ross ShopH 13-15 Nickels Arcade1 We Pack, wrap, and mail Deliver Dial 5931 Union Banquet to Feature Many Prominent Speakers From Faculty, Alumni. Plans for the annual father and son banquet, to be held at the Un- ion on the night of Saturday, May 9, have been tentatively drawn up by the committee in charge of Spring Homecoming. An attend- ance equalling last year's mark of 450 guests is expected by Albert F. Donohue, president of the Union ,and supervisor of the function. Last year's banquet included such speakers as Judge Guy A. Miller, of the Wayne county circuit court, John R. Effinger, dean of the liter- ary college, Harold H. Emmons, for- mer Detroit police commissioner, and Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the journalism department. Dono- hue will probably speak in behalf of the sons at this year's banquet, although no other speakers have been announced definitely as yet. The Michigan-Minnesota track meet on Saturday afternoon will be another feature of the father and son program. All parents and friends of University students will be admitted free. The event will begin at 2:30 o'clock at Ferry field, and will be the only outdoor meet- ing of the local track schedule this spring. Swimming, intramural ex- hibitions, golf on the new Univer- sity course, and other events will all be run in conjunction with the banquet for visiting fathers and friends. The banquet will be followed by an address from Prof. Laurence M. Gould, of the University faculty and a member of the Byrd antarc- tic expedition, at Hill auditorium. The arrangements have been made so that the total cost of both the banquet and the address will not exceed $2.50. Motion pictures never before shown will probably be in- cluded in the Gould address. Tickets for the banquet will be placed on sale immediately atter the spring recess, it was stated yes- terday, while other preparations are being made at the present time by the committee in charge to accom- modate visiting parents during the three-day Homecoming period. WHICH LETTER IS OPENED FIRST WHEN THE POSTMAN COMES? H INVITA TIONS TO SPRING HOMECOMING SENT TO 7,500 PARENTS OF STUDENTS Events Committee to be Headed by A. F. Donohue; Warren, Cooke Will Aid. Invitations to attend the Spring Homecoming on May 8, 9, and 10 were sent out this week to more than 7,500 parents of University students within a radius of 500 miles of Ann Arbor. The work was done by -members of the Union committee in charge of invitations and reservations for the function. The invitations included a program of the events with times, locations and functions listed in a complete schedule, The committee in charge of the function in general is headed by A. F. Donohue, prosident of the Un- ion, who will act a ,chairman for the entire Homccomlin program.' Eleanor Cooke, president of the League, has been selected as vice chairman, while Harold O. Warren,' Jr., recording secretary of the Un- ion, will act as secretary for the committee. All of' the committee of students are seniors. It was stated yesterday that the Spring Homecoming event is the first function in several years which embraces the entire University and was inaugurated by students. The cooperation of the faculty and the executive body of the University has been given to insure complete success for the first attempt at a threc-day program of spring events w h i c h a r e usually scattered throughout the latter part of April and the first of May. The students will be given as complete charge as possible. I. TYPEWRI'Ti REPAIRING_ All "na's of inaciiinus. Women's Events Will Feature Homecomin Women of the University will tal an active part in the Spring Home coming program, to be held May 9, and 10. Included in the even listed are Mothers' day, Sunda May 10, which will culminate wit a special musical program at Hi auditorium. ) {, { d "+I , . , .+ " . , , , ~{ h ; ti<