THURSDAY 'APRM 9,; 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931 THF~ MICHIGAN DAILY TAMv -.- . Katherine Koch Named League President in Annual Elections VICE-PRESITDET TO ||BELOISSANDLE DOROTHY ELLS WORTH WIS WMEN'S A T HLETIC ASSOCIA TION PR ESIDENCY MEMBERS OF W.A.A.I E L ECT PRESIDENT Jean Bentley Is Selected Vice- President of W.A.A.; Other Officers Are Chosen. NAME COUNCIL MEMBERS 530 Women Vote; Record Heav. iest Poll in Years in Annual League Elections. As a result of the largest number* of votes polled for several years in Women's League election, Kather- ine Koch, '32, was chosen president and Lois Sandler, '32, was elected' vice-president. Dorothy Elsworth, Four Prize Winning Compositions Done by Women Artists By C. M. ''Z. Out of the twenty prize winning compositions in the Spring show- ing of the Academy, which closed April 5 in New York, four were done by women artists. Although the critical reports of the show were ribald with denunciations of the .acdemlictrends whti- ih xr tn i w32, Won the position of Women's! I ; V V1weU1 Athletic association president, and relieved (according to the reports) Jean Bentley, '33, was elected vice- by any refreshing radicalism, the president in the W. A. A. Elections p r iz e winning contributions as also held yesterday. A total of 530 sown in renmcti.n echo a votes were cast in the League bal- loting. The other officers of the League are Barbara Braun, '33, treasurer, and Helen DeWitt, '33, recording secretary. In the W. A. A. election Marjory Hunt, '32, was chosen sec- retary and Agnes Graham, '32, treasurer. Judiciary Council Chosen. Jane Inch, '32, was elected senior member of the Judiciary Council of the League, and Mary Barnett and Margaret Schermack were chosen junior members. Burnette Bradley and Helen Kitzmiller were elected senior representatives on th board of directors, Jean Bots- ford and Jane Rayen are the junior members, and Ruth Duhme and Margaret Smith are the sophomore representatives. Other officers elected to the W. A. A. executive board are Clara Grace Peck, '33, point recorder, An-1 nette Cummings, '33, publicity man- ager, and Helen Townsend, '32Ed., intramural manager. Other Officers Appointed. The remaining members of thel W. A. A. board, including the out-1 door manager, the A.C.A.C.W. rep- resentative, and the managers of major and minor sports, are. ap-' pointed to their positions by the newly elected officers later in the semester. Sally Ensminger, '32, junior mem- ber of the Judiciary Council this year, will serve again next year as senior member according to the system used at present. The third senior member will be appointed to, take the place of. Katherine Koch, who held the junior position this year. Council Enforces Rules.- The judiciary council is a disci- plinary body for women, enforcing the rules adopted by the League for governing women students. This group listens to cases of infringe- mient of these rules and applies dis- cipline when it is needed. Last year a new policy was adopted by this body with the aim of acting as an advisory group for women who have been called before it, in an effort to attain greater cooperation between the council and the women stu- dents. Later in the semester a banquet will be held in which officers of the League will be inaugurated. This banquet is an annual affair and every woman student is eligible to attend, NEW YORK, (AP) - According to an announcement made yesterday Jack Sharkey and Primo Carnera will meet at Ebbetts Field, Brook- lyn, on June 10 if Carnera can per- suade the New York commission to lift his suspension. Vacation Specials- Final Reservations strong spirit of modern power in spite of the fact that none of the "isms" are represented. Katherine Lane's Circus Horse1 which took one of the prizes for small sculptural pieces has the same articulate -solidness of Cher- ico's painted horses. And the same independence of spirit and propor- tion appears in the sculptor's work as in the painter's. Simplicity, a large 'standing fig- ure of a girl, in bronze, which took a second sculpture prize was shown by Laura Garden Frazer. Nothing of the strength of conception which is characteristic of Miss Lane's work is evident in this piece. Miss Frazer hasda small degree of pro- ficiency in creating the effect of roundness with the result that the pretty composition of the young. girl is entirely defeated by the flab- biness of the texture quality. The other two women who were awarded prizes in the show were Miss Marie Goth for her full sized oil entitled Florence which undoub- tedly savours of the academic in both composition and execution of technique, and Gertrude Fiske for her portrait head of an old man entitled Major. The last oil is of remarkable power. The artist seems to paint with her mind as well as with her brush. The whole work echoes her sympathetic interpre- tation. Junior A.A.U.W. Holds Party at Field Housel Members of the Junior group of the American Association of Uni- versity Women held a meeting in the form of a hard times party, last night in Palmer Field house. Miss Edith Barnard, chairman of the Fellowship committee of the Senior group, spoke on "A.A.U.W. Fellow- ships." Everyone was dressed suitably for the occasion, and several stunts were given, for the entertainment of the group. Refreshments were served later in the evening. Mary Kent-Miller Tennant, '27, chairman of the social committee was in charge of the party. Dorothy Elsworth, '32, Former treasurer of the organiza- tion, who -was elected president of the Women's Athletic association at the annual elections held ye-,terday. STARTSAPRIL 22 Round Robin Plan, Elimination Tourney to be Played This Year. Intramural baseball will begin on Wednesday, April 22, and games will be played at 4 or 5 o'clock every following Monday and Wednesday afternoon, it was announced by the physical education department. All houses that are planning to enter teams are asked to turn in their preference as to day and hour for playing to Miss Ruth Hassinge 4n the Intramural office at Barbou gymnasium by tomorrow. The us- ual baseball rules will be follow- ed this year, except that a team will be allowed to play with six members. The plan of running a round robin and an elimination tournament will be followed. A cup is awarded each year to th winning team, and will be present- ed this year at the spring banque sponsored by the Women's Athleti Association. The present holder o the cup is Kappa Kappa Gamma W. A. A. points are also awarded to members of teams. Marion Gimmy, '31, who has been intramural manager during the cur rent year, is in charge of the tour nament, and is being assisted by Beatrice Collins, '34, and Mar: Mumford, '33. Dr. Edwin Jacobs Says Modern Women Taller Freshman women today a r physically superior to the Fresh- man women of 50 years ago, ac cording to Dr. Edwin E. Jacobs president of Ashland College. The have greater lung capacity ant chest girth, and are much taller INVITES FOURTEEN Tlection to Wyvern Determined Chiefly by Point System; Grades Considered. Invitations were issued this week by Wyvern, honorary society for Junior women, to fourteen Sopho- more women who have been active in campus life during their first two years in the University asking them to become members of Wy- vern. Those thus honored are: Kathar- ine Barnard, Vincelle Bartlett, Jean Bentley, Jean Botsford, Barbara Braun. Aileen Clark, Helen DeWitt, Jane Fecheimer, Margaret Ferrin, Catherine Heesen, Margaret Keal, Margaret O'Brien, Margaret Scher- mack, and Anne Tobin. The initiation will be held on April 30, for this group. However next fall new members, who will have earned more League activity' points before that time, will be I elected, to join at that time in- creasing the size of the organiza- tion to anywhere from twenty to thirty women. Election to Wyvern is by the point system entirely, and those Sophomore women are chosen who have earned the most League activ- ity points during their Freshman and Sophomore years. Scholastic standing is also taken into consid- eration however. It has always been the custom to elect about half of the new mem- bers in the spring and then in the fall to elect about as many more women from among those with the next higher number of activity points. CLASS MANAGERS WILL MEET TODAY SSpeedball Heads Appointed Last rWeek by Jean Bentley. r There will be a meeting of class r speedball managers at 3 o'clock this - afternoon in the office of the Wo- - men's Athletic association on the main floor of the League building. It is important that all managers be present, according to Jean Bent- a ley, '33, W. A. A. speedball manager. The following class managers were appointed by Miss Bentley last e week; Evelyn Sharff, '31, Marjorie - Ellsworth, '32, Anna Neberle, '33 t and Jean Porter, '34. C Signing up slips have been postec f in Barbour gymnasium and the Wo- . men's Athletic building for thos d interested in playing speedball. Katherine Koch, '32, Prominent member of the junior class, who won the presidency of the Women's League for the ensu- ing year as a result of yesterday's elections. SPEECH SORORITY ELECTSOFFICERS: Plans Completed for Formal Dinner and Bridge Party. Officers who will direct the affairs of Zeta Phi Eta, national speech- arts fraternity, during the coming year were elected at the meeting of that organization which was held last Tuesday night. Elizabeth McDowell, '32, was elect- ed Archon, FrancesThorton, spec., is to be Vice-Archon; correspond- ence secretary will be Eleanor Gil- more, '33; Katheryn Kunert, '34, will act as recording secretary. Dorothy Davis, '33, was elected treasurer; Catherine Zimmer, '33, is marshall; Annetta Diekhoff, '33, standard bearer; and Alice Schleh, '32, will be social chairman while Frances Johnson, '33, will be the Oratorical delegate. Besides electing officers, the plans were completed for the bridge party which is to be given by the club on April 25, in the Grand Rapids 21413 320 E. LIBERTY Schedules for spring sports are Came The Dawn!' to be Revived being completed this week, and practices and tournament play will for'Delegates to National begin immediately after spring va- Convention. cation. ___ Baseball will be the intramural Dates have been set for the re- team sport and games will be play- hearsals of the 1931 Junior Girls' ed at 4 o'clock on Monday and Wed- Play for the special performance nesday afternoons beginning the which is to be given in April 23 in week after vacation. Practices will the Lydia Mendelssohn theater, in be held for speedball, the interclass the League building. "Came the team sport, at 4 o'clock on Tuesday Dawn," which ended its week's run and Thursday afternoons. March 21, is being revived for the Golf, archery, and tennis will be representatives of the Intercollegi- the individual sports and the games J ate Association of Women Students, will be arranged to comply with in- who are to meet in Ann Arbor Apr. dividual schedules. One or two days 22, 23, 24, and 25. will be assigned each sport near the At 7:30 o'clock Monday, April 20, end of the season for tournament the musical numbers in Act I will play. rehearse in the Lydia Mendelssohn Targets will be set up at Palmer theater. This includes all the solos field after vacation for archery and choruses from the act. The practice. Students interested in golf musical numbers in Act 2 will re- may practice on the cinder track at hearse at the same time on Tues- Palmer field or may use the golf day in the theater. cages and putting green in the Wo- All members of the cast and chor- men's Athletic building. Instruction uses will go through the entire snow in golf is being given by Miss Ethel at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday. This will McCormk of the physical educa- not be a dress rehearsal, however. tion facity from /4 to -6 o'clock on Because of the time which has Mondays. This class is open to all elapsed since the play ended, and students and may be taken either because there is so little time 'in for credit or as an extra-curricular which to rehearse it is essential activity. that every junior who took part at- tend the rehearsals. room at the league building. Plans were also completed for the Patent leather has won high fa- Zeta day formal dinner which will vor in the fashions for spring. This be held on April 27, at the Union. time it comes in all vivid and pastel This is an annual affair and it is shades as well as its usual black. expected that there will be many It will be featured in the new har- alumnae return from neighboring row belts and in the latest hand- cities for this event. I bags of Parisian design. WILL HEAD LEAGUE FOR COMING YEAR i MEN 1 V .y d lF - -- - -. - - _T m_ II! 417 Last Huron Street Truly Home Cooked Foods Served in our Sunshiny, Clean and Quiet Rooms -at Popular Prices Private Rooms for Parties Dial 779 I Martha A. Nilsen 228 South Thayer, Opp. Hill Auditorium CUSTOM TAILORING,, REMODELLING AND ALTERATIONS OF ALL KINDS Telephone Connection iii I . L-H=- a:,_1 I New Millinery- just as you like it putting on the RITZ for $350! Here's one way you can tput on the Ritz" for a very happily small sum of money. The RITZ is the brand new Nemo-flex which every smart youngster who knows her fashion seems to have been waiting for. For it's going over big. Just listen to this. A soft, boneless, flexible bit of lustrous rayon. Detachable ribbon shoulder straps. Garters which are like no other garters in the world. (They have no buckle yet you can adjust them and take them off for laudering. AND they're easy on your stockings.) (J ~ 4if 4 :: . '"s t ;. :;; Today-m Buffalo Rochester Utica $10.50 rd. trip $13.50 rd. trip $20.85 rd. trip $23.95 rd. trip $20.50 rd. trip Among the new models we are showing is just the hat you have been looking for. All the season's best straws and braids . . . all the season's best colors . .. all the smart- est styles . . . and all head sizes are here waiting for you. Albany Scranton New York $5 $25.75 rd. trip 255 rd tpI A II .