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April 09, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-09

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VOL. XLI. No. 138



Two Committees Offer
Opposite Proposals
to Legislature.
University Committee
Cites Undesirable
Effects of Cut.
LANSING, April 8. -(/P)- Two
house committees today recorn-
mended opposite action on the Uni-
versity of Michigan mill tax.
The ways and mears committee
reported favorably the Callaghan
bills providing a limit of $4,500,000
on the University mill levy appro-
priation and $1,500,000 for Michigan'
State college. At the same time, the
University committee of the house;
submitted a report recommending1
that no change be made in the ap-
propriation for the institution.-
Without limitation the University
will receive about $5,000,000 a year
while the sum for M. S. C. would be I
nearly $2,000,000 a year.
Shows Large Reduction.
The University committee point-
ed out the proposed limitation
would mean a reduction of $420,000
under the institution's present in-
come and $568,000 below its expect-
ed income for the next biennium.
"Such a reduction we believe to
be a very unwise procedure because
it is sure to have disastrous results
The proposal ignores the fact that
a method which might be used suc-
cessfully in dealing with a factory,
is utterly disastrous when applied
to a university," the committee re-
pp t said. 2
"the immediate effect of reduc-
ing the University's fund isrquite
obvious; salaries would have to be
cut, professors dismissed, the num-
ber of students limited through
shutting down departments or
omitting a whole freshman class.
The breaking of obligations made in
the past would create an atmos-
phere of uneasiness and distrust
and the University would at once(
lose many of its best teachers andl
scholars who would accept posi-(
tions in privately endowed institu-
tions that are eager to have them'
and would give them better pay
and greater security.-
Represents "Policy." I
"All the remarkable growth of the
University and all that it has gain-l
ed in leadership among the educa-
tional institutions of the country is
due to the mill tax principle. From
the point of view of the teaching
force, it is the most important con-
sideration which has brought them
to Michigan. The mill tax was first
made operative in 1873. It repre-
sents a policy of the people of Mich-'
igan, their will to maintain a Uni-
versity of high standard.".
The committee denied that a re-j
duction in the mill tax appropria-
tion would 'be real economy. "It
would mean at once the loss of the
best men in the faculty with no
prospect of ;eplacing them," it said. I
State, BulletIns
(By Associated Press)
Wednesday, April 8, 1931 1

service across the Straits of Mack-
inac will be resumed tomorrow,
when the first boat starts operat-
ing on a three-hour schedule. Two
Canada steamship line steamers, en
route here from Duluth, are expect-
ed to open navigation here tomor-
row also.
CALASIKA-Circuit Judge Fred F.
Lamb ruled today that Michigan
state policeman Gerald Harris had
acted in the line of duty when he
shot and killed Wake Sherwood, 60,
who was trying to escape arrest for
illegally killing a doe last Novem-
ber. Harris had been charged with
OWOSSO-Charles E. Van Als-1
ting, who was defeated by two votes
for supervisor in the second ward
by Fred Ferguson in Monday's elec-

Opposes Prohibition MA O VQCATES
',O U

Revision of the consitution
of the Interfraternity council
giving the new executive com-
mittee more authority on fra-
ternity matters was approved
by members of the Senate com-
mittee on student affairs in the
office of J. A. Bursley, dean of
tudents, yesterday afternoon.
The action of approval gives

Mayor-Elect Proposes Complete
Reorganization of Old
, System.

Leader Says Democratic Party
Will Fail If It Makes
Liquor Main Issue.

FLAY'S RASKOB'S VIEWS the executive grou
thority to act on
Letter Written to Refuse Post commitee, alhougt
as Committee Vice-Head subject to review by
Sounds Warning. and the student co
LOS ANGELES, April 8()- Whatever action
What he believes are the road to the future by this
victory and the road to defeat for committee may be fi
the Democratic party in the presi- stated yesterday, an
dential election of 1932 were des- suit in a quicker adm
cribed today by William Gibbs Mc- of fraternity affairs 1
Adoo in a letter in which he took dent body directly.I
issue with the policies advocated of review and consid
either the Senate con
by national chairman, John . Ras the council as a who
kob. be
Intelligent treatment of the great- csexercised except i
est problem facing the country to-. cases, it was intim

it the au-
he Senate
haction is
that body
uncil as a
is taken in
nal, it was
nd will re-
by the stu-
The power
Aeration by
mmittee or
ale will not
in extreme
ated. The
-. ..,..- A:

Determines to Expell Bums'


Former Regimes From
City Hal.
CHICAGO, April 8-(P)-A speedy
reorganization of the Chicago mu-
nicipal government was promised
tonight by Mayor-elect. Anton J.
Cermak who expects to be inducted
into office tomorrow.
The man who beat William Hale.
Thompson by 191,916 votes in Tues-
day's election spent mbst of the f
day electing men for the more im-
portan jobs out of the 12,000 ap-
pointive positions he must fill. He
gave but little of his time to the
reading of congratulatory mes-

William G. McAdoo,
Democratic party leader, who, in
a recent letter, took exception to
the policies of John J. Raskob, na-
tional committee chairman, declar-
ing that unemployment relief not
prohibition must be made the prin-
cipal plank of the Democratic plat-
form, if that party is to succeed.
Longworth Develops Pneumonia
From Severe Cold During I
Visit to Aiken, S. C.
, Bulletin
AIKEN, S. C., Apr. 8.-(A---
The condition of Speaker Ni-
cholas Longworth, of the Uni-
ted States House of Represent-
atives, ill here with pneumonia,
is critical, a preliminary bulle-
tin issued tonight by Dr. R. H.
Wilds, of Aiken, said.
AIKEN, S. C., April 8.-(P)-Nich-
olas Longworth, speaker of the
house of representatives, was seri-
ously ill here today with pneumon-
ia, which developed Monday night
from a severe cold.
Two Aiken physicians and a spe-
cialist from Augusta, Ga., are at-
tending the speaker at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Curtis, where
he was a guest when he was strick-
They described his illness as
sever- out not necessarily critic 1
They said they did not expect
change before Thursday.
A f t e r a consultation Tuesday
night, the physicians decided not
to issue a bulletin, awaiting the ar-
rival of Mrs. Longworth, daughter
of Theodore Roosevelt, from Wash-
ington toda;.
Mr. Longwo± th's condition at that
time did not warrant a bulletin, the
physicians announced.
An oxygen tank was used Tues-
day in treating the patient. This
measure was taken merely as "a
precaution to prevent a crisis," the
physicians explained.
Speaker Longworth had been en-
joying his annual spring visit to the
Curtis home, playing some golf but
mainly resting, when he became ill
with a cold.
He became worse and Monday his
physician ordered him to bed. It
was determined Monday night that
pneumonia had set in.
The day the last congress ad-
journed sine die and he became
technically plain "Representative
Longworth, Republican, Ohio," the
speaker told the assembled legisla-
tors that something higher than
they would have a hand in the es-
tablishment of the new house.
"Perhaps this is the last time I
will address you from this ros-~
trum," he said. "It is only an all-
wise Providence Who is going to
determine which of the two major
parties will organize the next house.
"With whatever that Providence
may decree, I am abundantly satis-
Charles Pack Prize
I s21 -_ 17 r 7 c" s

ation will take eff ect immedi sg.
day, unemployment, not prohibi- ac
1 tion, the former Democratic leader ately.I Promises Clean-Up.
1 wrote, probably would bring back', esi,"ndImgigt
wrtp-al wudbigbc "I promise to clean out the city
to the party the presidential chair. hall," he said, "and I'm going to
Warns Against Liquor Plank. lose no time do-
t ing it. The bums
Instead, he warned, if the party yl° and hoodlums
adopts the view of Chairman Ras- U I:H<19; g who hang around
kob and presents the question of Fnin the corridors
liquor as the major plank in its and make the city
platform, only "certain and disas- Uhall look like a
trous defeat" will result. -_.' c h e a p lodging
The letter was written to decline Committee Considers Several house on .Satur-'
the post of vice-chairman on a! Orchestras for Ball day night are go-
committee which will plan a recep- ing to be swept
tion here on April 13 for Jouett on May 29. right out."
Shouse, chairman of the party's1- With comble-
national executive committee. Preparations for the traditional __ tion of the official
Legal Liquor Won't Feed. social event of the senior classes, MAYOR TJ9MPSO1'4 canvass late this
t "Relegalizing liquor," he wrote, the 1931 Senior Ball, are being; afternoon in rec-
I"will not put food into a single made, Vinal 0. Taylor, '31, general ord time, Cermak planned to take[]
hungry mouth nor provide employ- chairman, announced yesterday. office tomorrow. A call for a special
merit for the great army of jobless TI bl il:b hl rm :0u meeting of the city council to' ap-
men and women. in the United 6Theiball wil be held from 9:30 un- nprove his bond was issued immedi-
.tates, more than 6,000,000 in num- til 2:30 oclock', Friday, May 29, in ately after completion of the can-
ber as shown by a recent statement the ballroom of the Union. vass in accordance with the law I
of Secretary of Commerce Lamont.! Several nationally known orches- that 24 hours notice must be given
° ntrasare ein for such a meeting.
"When we reflect there must be tras are being considered for the1 rmalainducton of the Demo-t
an average of at least two depend- dance by the committee. Bernie crat leader to the office held for
ent persons on each of the 6,000,- Cummings and his Hotel New York- 4r12t ears by the Republican veteran,
000 unemployed, we can get someI er orchestra, Ben Bernie and his Thompson, was thus tentatively set
idea of the magnitude of the prob- 'College Inn band of Chicago, and for Thursdays
'lem, which these 18,000,000 people, Carl Henry and his recording or-f Has Maority in Council
largely without means of existence, chestra are among the bands that The new mayor will have a work-
presents to the country." are receiving the attention of the ing majority in the city council,
committee. Negotiations are being considerably enhanced by victories
made to broadcast the music of I which accompanied his own success I
the occasion. Tuesday. Thirty of the city's 50
The date of the ticket sale, which aldermen are Democrats. Nine of
will be limited to 250 in order not j the 20 Republicans were classed as
VTAto crowd the ballroom, has not as allies of Mayor Thompson.
yet been announced. It is possible
that a preferential sale to seniors
will be made before the general
Arrives at Quake-Stricken City sale to the campus so that all grad-DT
by Airplane,Greeted b uatirg students may have an op-
1 by by portunity to purchase tickets.
Excited Crowds. Additional members of the com-
1mittee that have been appointed
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, April 8.- since the last announcement are:
(A)-Will Rogers, humorist, came Julia Mae Conlin, '31A, Benjamin Musit Furnished by Brunswick
to desolate Managua today and his Patch, '31BAd, Katherine Wilcox, Recores yb Br st
coming acted as a tonic of cheer to 1'31P, Peter Scott, '31L, Dorothy Recorders to be Broadcast
a stiicken people. Meade, '31E, and Ragnhild Moe, Over WJR.
He arrived by Pan-American Air- 1 31M.Slatz Randall and his Brunswick
ways plane from San Salvadore and
was met by an excited crowd of chermerhorn to Speak recording orchestra have been se-
United States marines and Nicara- at 'Open Forum Today lected to play at the thirteenth
guans. He was taken to the tempo- _ _annual Military Ball, which will be
rary quarters of the American lega- James Schermerhorn, newspaper- held May 1 in the ballroom of the
ti on and there was greeted by man, lecturer, and author, willlink Union, according to an announce-
Minister Mathew Hanna and mar- the metropolitan press to the Uni- mert made yesterday by Dan Hick-
ine officials. versity in an open forum addresso ,
Starting on a tour of the ruins at 4:15 o'clock today in room D ox, 31R, chairman. The ball is be-
Alumni Memorial hall. His talk is ing sponsored by Scabbard and
from earthquake and fire, he made being sponsored by the Student Blade, honorary military society.
_himself popular at once with his Christian association. Music for the affair will be broad-
searching questions on the disaster Former owner and editor of The cast over Station WJR, of Detroit,
and his humorous remarks. The Detroit Times, Schermerhorn is ac- csox stat.
news of his presence spread like quainted with the relation of the Hickox stated.
wildfire and he became the center; city newspaper to the University. Randall has played at leading
of a smiling crowd. He recently returned from a tour social functions in universities
to Russia ihthroughout the country. Immedi-
ately before his engagement here,
IFU H PThe Weather he will play at the annual J-Hop
ri. of the University of Tennessee.
' I1 d1 r r-M w n % r u inm eIn r v uen;.g-,n,...ecoming. un--- -----



Lisbon Government Prepared to
Press Measures; Army
Forces Sent.
LISBON, Portugal, April 8.-(m)-
Despite efforts to restore peace at
Funchal, Madiera, by negotiationsI
reports reaching here tonight said
the rebels there were persisting in
their early demands that the Lis-
bon dictatorship retire before they

LMower Michigan: Becomin n
settled Thursday, followed by show-
ers; partly cloudy and consider-
ably cooler Friday.
The Electoral Board of the
Union requests each applicant
for appointment to the position
of President or Recording-Sec-
retary of the Union to file seven
copies of his letter of applica-
tion at the student offices in the
Union not latter than 5 o'clock,

Tickets for the ball may be se-.
cured from Scabbard and Blade
members or at the R.O.T.C.' build-
ing. A preferential sale for stu-
dents in the reserve corps of the
University and members of the
Ann Arbor Army and Navy club
will be conducted until April 20. It
will be opened to the campus after
this date.
Engineering Seniors
To Order Caps, Gowns

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