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April 08, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-08

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8, 1931





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Michigan League


W. A. A. Elections to

Birdzell, Ellswodb for W.A.A.
President; Bates, Koch
for League.
All Women Students Eligible
to Vote for League
Elections will be held for the
officers of both ; the Michigan
League and the Women's Athletic
association from 8:30 o'clock this
morning to 4:30 o'clock this after-
noon in University 'hall.
All women students are eligible
to vote for can'idates for the
League offices. No inees for pres-
ident of the League are Emily
Bates, '32, and Katherine Koch, '32.
Katherine Ferrin, '32, and Lois
Sandler, '32, are the candidates for
the vice-presidency, while Helen
DeWitt, '33, and Margaret O'Brien,
'33, have been nominated for re-
cording secretary. Barbara Braun,
'33, and Catherine Neeson, '33, arec
the candidates for treasurer.
Six Named For Council.
Jane Inch and Elizabeth Louden
are nominated for the senior posi-
tion on judiciary council, and Mar-
garet Shermack, Erdine Griffith,
Mary Barnett, and Sarah Bloom
have been nominated for the jun-
ior positions of which there are two.
Class Representatives Nominated.
Candidates for the position of
senior representative to the board
of directors are Winifred Root,
Helen Kitzmiller, Burnette Bradley,!
and Esther Kirby. For junior rep-
resentative, Jean Botsford, Margar-
et Keal, Jane Rayen, and Adele
Ewing have been named, while Har-
riet Jennings, Margaret Smith,
Marian Giddings and Ruth Duhme
will run for the position of sopho-
more representative. Two will be
elected for each class.
Only members of the Women's
Athletic Association will be permit-
ted to vote for candidates for offces
in that organization. The two wo-
men nominated for president are
Dorothy Birdzell, '32, and Dorothy
Ellsworth, '32. Jean Bentley, '33,
and Gladys Schroeder, '33, have
been nominated for vice-president,1
and Marjorie Hunt, '32, and Adria
Parks, '33, are the candidates for
secretary. Agnes Graham, '32, and
Jane Fecheimer, '33, are nominated
for treasurer.
Photographs Are Posted.
Nominees for point recorder are
Elizabeth Gardner, '32, Clara Grace
Peck, 33. Annette Cummings, '33,
and Susan Manchester, 32, have
been named for the position of
pubicity chairman.
'Lorraine Larson, '32, and Helen
'..ownsend, '32Ed, are the candi-
dates for intramural manager.-
Chamber Music Club
Will Hold Election
Thursday at League
An election of officers for the
coming year will be the feature of
the annual meeting of the Ann Ar-
bor Chamber Music society. The
club will meet Thursday, April 9,
at 3:30 o'clock in the Women's
League building. All subscribers
who are interested are invited to
be present at this meeting which
will be one of the most important
during the entire year, announced

Mrs. C. P. Wagner last night.


Iynpeech Sororityti
Time in which entrants may sign Durin Pecent Michigan Women Contribute
CONT ST M CHISup for the tennis tournament has D rn eetSa to Collection of Poetry.
been extended from today until
Catain Arthur Cstis Is Coach Friday, April 10. Posters have been Another famous name has been Sale for the new edition of iar-
placed in Barbour gymnasium and added to the rosterPer's Anthology of College Verse
in InterIcollgate the Women's Athletic building and Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Eta, the will be sponsored by the League
Tournament, women interested in playing are nationalspeech-arts fraternity, that Lbrary committee, according to an
Out of 23 matches fired during asked to sign their names there. of Jane Cowl,rnotedtactress and announcement by the chairman,
the intercollegiate rifle tournament Papers on which students may formance at the Whitney Theatre Frances' Jennings, '31. Orders may
i-held during the past two months, sign up for tennis were also given last Monday evening, Hannah Len- be placed either this week or the
>e s t the Women's Rifle team won ten out at the intramural malagers non, '31, president of the chapter week immediately following vaca-
This is the first season any of the meeting yesterday and will be dis- pinned the honorary gold emblem tion, and the book will retail for
team members took part in the on Miss Cowl, thus making her a
sport and the team improved dur- ibuted to the vaios houses to- s her two dollars.
p member. The pin bears the crest
ing the season from a score of 472 day. These papers must be returned of Zeta Phi Eta and is set with six Two women are among the four
to 493. to Miss Marie Hartwig in the intra- pearls. Michigan students whose poems
The team was composed of Aline mural office by Friday afternoon. Miss Cowl's first stage appear- appear in the selections. Ruth Du-
Smith, '34, Elinor Keniball, '34, The names will be pred as e was in December, 1903, when hme, '34, Frances Jennings, '31,
XKatherine Kempfer, '33, Marjorie she played in "Sweet Kitty Bel- John Swain, Grad., and Ellen Mar-
Elsworth, '32, Adria Parks, '33, Lor- soon as the lists are com, lete and laire" at Lhe Belasco Theatre in tin, Grad., are the students whose
raine Larson, '34, and ' Elizabeth playing will begin immediately alt- New Yok City. Since then she has contributions will appear.
" rCady, '34. Aline Smith made a per- or vacation. had numerous stage successes as The book will be delivered either
et score of 100 twice during the Eligibility -ill n u bc required oI wr i as having had the distinction late in April or early in May, and
season. The team was under the entrants in the tournament as it Iof playing the part of Juliet in it is advisable to place orders early.
Ihr Pu -I o direction of Capt. A. B. Custis. was previous y stated. No minligi- 1923. The play ran for 157 succes-
Dorothy Elswvrth, '32, Dorothy Birdzell, '32, The matches were telegraphic. ble player will be given W. A. A. sive nights which is the longest
Nominees who have been selected to run for the office of the Presi- On February 28 the colleges cor- points or awards, but she may par- continuous run any Shakespearian ______
dent of the Women's Athletic Association in today's election in Uni- peted with, were Louisiana State ticipate i the tournament. i drama has ever enjoyed.
versity hall. College, University of South Dako--S~~ -' ~-~ ^~-_~~
___ _____ta, University of Kentucky, Kansas S chool u --
of Maryland. The meet of MarchI
____-______of Wyoming, Idaho, Maine and the
Both nominees for the presidency more year and is now on the W.A.A. Keene Normal School. CARL F. BAY
of the Women's Athletic association board as golf manager. On March 14 the rifle team com-
have participated in student activi- Adria Parks, '33, is also a candi- peted with South Dakota State Col- JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST
ties during their freshman and date for W. A. A. secretary. She lege, State College of Washington, Nickels Arcade
sophomore years and are holding played hockey and was in the ten- Carnegie Technical School and De
campus positions at the present nis tournament last fall and is now Pauw University. The following (No Admission Charge)
time. rifle manager on the W. A. A. board, week the match was against Mich- - ----- - --
Dorothy Eirdzell, '32, played on Jane Fecheimer, '33, who is run- igan State College, Northwestern BERTHA HILDEBRAND, Pi.
hockey, basketball and baseball ning for treasurer, was a committee University, University of Missouri anist, Student's Recital, Tuesday,
teams as a freshman and was fi- member of the Freshman Pageant, and Nebraska. April 7, 8:15, School of Music
nance chairman of the pageant. In and Sophomore Cabaret, played University of Kansas, and Penn- Auditorium.
her second year she was chairman hockey and speedball, is on the sylvania State were the opponents PALMER CHRISTIAN Univer-
of the sophomore cabaret finance1 Michiganensian staff, and was Pen- the week of March 28 while the last sity organist, will give a program
committee, played hockey, basket- I ny Carnival treasurer this year. match shot the week-end of April of "Easter Music" Wednesday,
ball, and speedball, was bowling Agnes Graham, '32, is also nonm4i- was against Syracuse University April 8, at 4:15 in Hill Adi
manager on the W. A. A. board, nated for treasurer. She is a mem- and Minnesota. torium.
(hairma n9 r' 1 istr tin',of f 'th


L~iii. ni riiegisurauon oi n
ii~L~'A~A~i "'"e ber of the Michiganensian staff, ~
A.C.A.C.W. convention and a Lan-WyernftheMphimore Caba tafm-
ter Niht ide DuingherjunorWyvern, a Sophomore Cabaret com-
tern Night aide. During her junior mittee, Penny Carnival and a Jun -________________
year she has been finance chair- ior Girls' play committee. She has'
man of the Junior Girls' Play, treas- played class basketball, speedball,
urer of the League, a member of j and hock3y, is W. A. A. publicity
the board of directors of the League, manager. -
a member of the central committee
of the Penny Carnival, and a mem- Two Nominees For Recorder.
ber of the Michiganensian staff. Elizabeth Gardner, '32, who is a Yot wil get more out
Miss Birdzell is also affiliated with nominee for pointrecorder,.was in of your University ca-
Wyvern. and Alpha Lambda Delta. the Freshman Pageant, on a Soph-rer if you able
Is W. A. A. Treasurer. I ore C a b a r e t 'committe e, has themes and theses. Your
Dorothy Elsworth, '32, was aey played baseball, speedball, and hoc- notes will Le much full-
member of the Frosh Frolic com-sr key and is member of the Under- othand Hundreds of
mittee, and was in the Freshman graduate campaign fund committee Michigan students have
Pageant her first year. In her and point system committee of the! learned typewriting and
Pgatinhefrs=ya.Ihr shorthand at Hamilton
sophomore year she was on the League. Business college. Many
Cabaret waitress committee, out- Clara Grace Peck, "33, who is a havnnused it to earn
canddateformoney on the side o
door manage: of W. A. A., class candidate for point recorder bq.s during vacation. You
chairman of the Women's commit- played hockey and was in the Soph- will also find it very
chairmanbaet.valuable in your career
tee, played on basketball, baseball, omore Cabaret, after graduation.
speedball, and hockey teams and a Annette Cummings, '33, who is
Lantern Night aide. During her also nominated as publicity man- I Typewriting
junior year she was a member of ager, played on a basketball team.horhand
the Pan-Hellenic ball committee, Susan Manchester, '32, who is
junior class advisory committee nominated for the position of pub- Accounting.
W. A. A. treasurer and played on licity manager, is a member of Thece r
the hockey team. She is also a Daily staff, was in the Sophomore .cretarali
member of the Archery club and of cabaret and has been on class bas- Training
Wyvern. ketball teams. ENTER AT ANY TIME
Jean Bentley, '33, nominee for Lorraine Larson, '32, is a candi- DAY AND EVENING CLASSES
vice president, was in the freshman date for the intramural manager.
girls' glee club, the Sophomore Cab- She has played hockey and was on HAMILTON
aret chorus, a member of an inter- a committee for the Sophomore :
class basketball team, and is a Cabaret. BUSINESS
member of the Michiganensian Helen Townsend, '32Ed, who is COLLEGE
staff, speedball manager on the also a nominee for Intramural
W. A. A. board, and has played on manager, has played class basket- State and William Streets
hockey and speedball teams. ball. -
Gladys Schroder, '33, also nomi-
nee for vice president, is a member I
of the W. A. A. social committee and f sh o/n sa ys
chairman of the membership com-
aret waitress, a member of the
Penny Carnival finance committee, 1
and of an interclass hockey team.
Marjorie Hunt, '32, who is run-
ning for secretary was in the Fresh- is the newest leafte1
man Pageant, on the sophomore
basketball team and the League li-
brary committee during 'her sopho-





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