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February 21, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-21

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VOL XLI. No. 98




Professor Waterman, Leader'
of Group, Returns
From Work.
Characteristics of Civilization
in Ancient Mesopotamia
Brought to Light.
Significant additions to the his-
tory of the Parthians, an ancient
Asiatic race which has long been
covered with a comparative obscur-
ity, have been made by his discov-
eries in the season just past, ac-
cording to Prof. Leroy Waterman,
head of the Univesity expedition
to Mesopotamia, who has just re-"
turned from the site of Seleucia-
on-the Tigris, where the work is
being carried on.
The season of 1930-31 is the
fourth in which the work has gone
on. The expedition is being financ-
ed by the Toledo and Cleveland
museums of art, which are privileg-
ed to select for their collections
from the material brought back.
Excavate Palace of Noble.
The University provides the per-
sonnel, and takes care of publica-
tions. Professor Waterman, who is
head of the department of Oriental
languages, is in charge, and spends
the first semester of each school
year at the excavations, leaving
just after the close of the Summer
The recent work has been a con-
tinuation of that of previous years,
the excavation of a palace, evident-
ly that of some high noble, which.
shows signs of great wealth. It is
about one block square, and con-
tains 250 rooms. The various ob-
jects total #bout 4,000, double the
rgest nimber vert= be obtained
before in one year.
bnaddition to a number of doc-
Utents in Greek, Pehlevi, and
Cuneiform, which constitute t h e
most valuable portion of the finds,
a large amount of pottery, metal
instruments and decorative objects,
jewelry, and coins were found.
Valuable Jewelry Found.
Evidences 9f a rather high de-
gree of civilization were shown by
the art work. Many figurines of
terra cotta, stone, and marble in a
well-preserved state were discover-
ed. Especially outstanding was the
jewelry, worked il gold and semi-
precious stones, with pearls.
The material accumulated is be-
ing shipped to Ann Arbor. It is ex-
pected to arrive in about o n e
month, when an exhibition will be
made of it. Professor Waterman
State Bulletins
(0 Asor ar1 Jrr')
February 20, 1931.
Bay City-Five guarantors today
signed bonds totaling $100,000, Bay
City's share of $300,000 to be ad-
vanced to the federal government
for immediate improvement of the
channel of the Saginaw river. The
signers of the bonds, which will be
taken to Detroit for the approval
of the war department district en-
gineer, were James E. Davidson,
Guy H. Moulthrop, Charles Bige-

low, Leslie P. Kesgen, and William
H. Reid. Saginaw banks and the
American Steamship Co. of Buffalo
will share equally in advancing the,
other $200,000.
Grand Rapids-The annual meet-
ing of the Michigan League of
Home Dailies opened here today
drawing numerous editors from
small town papers. Officers for the
ensuing year will be elected.
Jackson-It was announced herel
today that manufacture of an im-
proved oil burner, will be started
in Jackson in about six weeks. The
Combustion Products Corporation,
which is moving its plant here from
Columbus, 0., will be located in the
plant of the Knickerbocker Manu-
facturing Co. Clarence M. Day of
Jackson, is president and general
manager of the concern, which was
known in Columbus as the Perfect
Combustion Burner.

The 79 students ordered to ap-
pear at 10 o'clock yesteray morn-
ing in the justice court of Bert E.
Fry, following raids on five campus
fraternity houses at which liquor
was found, were informed by Prose-
cutor Albert J. Rapp that no
charges would be pressed against
iThe students were forced to miss
classes toiattend the hearing at
which Rapp informed themd that
formal charges had never been pre-
ferred against them. No complaints,
he said, were signed against the
individuals. They were merely held
for investigation.
Rapp stated that he held the
University responsible for the ac-
tions of the students, and that it
was up to that institution to see
that they behaved properiy. "As far
as I and the olice are concerned,"
ihe said, "it is a closed incident."
All afternoon the members of the
fraternities, whose doors v e r e
locked last night, tramped the
streets seeking rooming houses and
moving their belongings to new
quarters. Many were unsuccessful
in obtaining suitable rooms, and
had to take quarters far inferior
to those in which they had been
living, they said. Several students
were indignant at the condition of
many of the rooms approved by the
$330,000 Appropriated by State
for New Psychopathic
Appropriations for the construc-
tion of the new $330,000 addition
to the State Psychopathic hospital
which will be erected on East Cath-
erine street were released from
Lansing yesterday,and bids for the
new structure will be received im-
mediktely, Pt . Albert MV. Barrett,
psychiotrist and director of the
present hospital unit, reported. last
Construction of the new unit will
be started some time in April, Pro-
fessor Barrett stated. No estimate
of the number of men who would
be employed in the work could be
The building will be erected di-
rectly in front of the present unit
and will face on Catherine street.
The plans which were prepared for
the project by Fry and Kasurin,
Ann Arbor architects, call for a
two-story brick structure w h i c h
will be in harmony with the present
The appropriations from Lansing
cover cost of the equipment for the
new unit and are the result of re-
quests which have been placed for
the last several years, Professor
Barrett said. The present unit is
inadequate for the amount of work
which must be done, he explained.
The building of this structure
will make the second hospital addi-
tion to be built this year. Work is
progressing rapidly on the $280,-
000 addition to the University hos-
Railroad Manual Goes
to House Committee
(C v Assiatrd Pss> )
WASHINGTON, Fe. 20.-A man-
ual of American railroad ownership
was laid before Congress today by
the House interstate commerce

committee, with a recommendation
for legislation to put under federal
control those holding corporation
engaged in acquiring domination
over operating railroad systems.
Chairman Parker summarized the
findings of the long investigation
by declaring that 14 railroad
groups, some of which are unified
1railroad groups, control 210,000
miles of a 260,000 of first class rail-
roads in the country.

Senator Reed Announces That
President Will Return
Bill to Congress.
Legislators Predict That Act
Will be Passed Over Veto
by Required Majority.
(8 31Assciad Iess)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. -- Presi-
dent Hoover sent word to the de-
fiant Congressional advocates of
the veterans loan bill today that he
would return it- to Congress next
week with a veto.
Flushed with their overwhelming
victoryin bothhSenate and House,
sponsors of the legislation confi-
dently predicted tonight that it
would be enacted over the veto, a
move that requires two-thirds ma-
Hoover's intentions were relaye 1
to the Senate by Senator Reed, Re-
publican, Pennsylvania, after Sen-
ator Couzens, Republican, Michigan,
had undertaken to block enact-
ment of other legislation until the
president had acted.
Couzens Fears Pocket Veto.
Couzens expressed iear of a poc-
ket veto which would kill the legis-
lation without a chance for Con-
gress to vote on the presidential
objections. With this assurance of
the White House, the Michigan sen-
ator ended his campaign.
About the same time Reed was
informing the Senate that a veto
would come next week, the Presi-
dent made it known at the White
House that he would announce his
decision next week.
In his regular press conference,
the president said he would act on
the measure next week. He did not
specify to the correspondents what
.has ;c iaU-wU d. _be.
Reed Makes Statement.
Senator Reed in his brief state-
ment to the Senate said:
"The president has authorized me
to say that his intentions is to re-
turn the bonus bill to the Congress
in the middle of next week and not
in any event later than Thursday
of next week with a message giving
his reasons for a veto of the bill.
The Pennsylvania senator who
opposed the measure which would
allow veterans to borrow up to half
the face value of their bonus cer-
tificates explained to the Senate
that he had telephoned to the
White House when he noticed the
filibuster against the naval appro-
priation bill.
He added, he had "neither the
right nor the desire to pose as the
spokesman of the president in this
Congressional action on the mea-
sure was completed today when
Vice-President Curtis and Speaker
Longworth signed it. The bill was
'approved by the House by a vote
of 363 to 39 and in the Senate by
72 to 12.



Advocates County Absorption
of Township Roads in
Conference Talk.

Measure it

Fred Holbeck Introdu e s
i State Legisiature; Will



Conduct Own Investigation.

Favors Reissuing of Driving
Licenses for Removing of
Poor Drivers.
Advocating the absorbtion of
township road systems by countyt
systems, Gov. Wilber M. Brucker
told the members of the Michigan, ---
State Highway department, at the Wilbur M. Brucker,
seventeenth annual conference on Governor of Michigan, who last
highway engineering, held last night addressed the seventh an--
night in the Union, that this would nual conference of the state high-
nghtly indeUnian th atndhis woudway department at a banquet held
greatly decrease the road expendi- in the Union.
tures of the state. -_ - --
Money Wasted-Spent Small Units nri
He explained that the building
of roads by towns was wasteful be- O [r,
cause the money was spent in small
units. If the county was in charge 1191
of this construction, he said, the TOE PO R M
contracts for building would be- -
much larger and materials could
be bought in larger lots. This would Tickets for International Night
result in an economy that might to be Placed on Immediate
save over 50 per cent of the present Sale, Jacobs States.
expenditures, and would conse-
quently cut down the individual Plans are progressing rapidly and
taxes a i must begradual the program has been nearly com-s
This absorbtionmstb gradual,pltfotheghhnnaItr-
Governor Brucker stated, because pleted for the eighth annual Inter-
with the adoption of only two road national Night to be held Mar. 10
systems, the state and the county, under the direction of the Cosmo-
local officials will lose their jobs. politan club, William Jacobs, Grad.
In discussing economy, Governor F&C, announced yesterday.
Brucker again declared his policy General ticket sale for the affair
of applying the principles of busi- will be begun immediately, Jacobs
ness to the principles of govern-said
ment. "I believe that there must be! sa, and tickets may be obtained
a consolidation of all of the func- at anf othe booktecb
tions of government if rigid econo-- at any of the bookstore.
my is to be reached," he .said. A program of particular interest
ley, i sthoub itreached,"lie said. i

(Hy .Associated Pres s)
LANSING, Feb. 20.-Alleging that excessive rates are being
charged by the University of Michigan hospital for the care of indi-
gent patients, Representative Fred C. Holbeck, of Long Lake, said
today he is preparing a bill to place restrictions on the rate at the
An independent investigation is being made by Holbeck into
the hospital charges. Several instances have been uncovered, he

Shot Misses King, t
But Kills Adjutant
(P AsO ociePess) e in
VIENNA, Feb. 20.-King Zog of
Albania, one of the most closely I
guarded monarchs of Europe, t
whose life has been p 1 o t t e d is
against many times, was fired at T
tonight by would-be assasins, but a
escaped injury. t
The bullets missed the king, t
but his adjutant, Major Topolai, e
fell dead. According to one re- c
port, King Zog owed his life to
Major Topolai who sawsthe as-
sassin take aim and dashed in
front of his royal master. V
President Will be Given Wide d
Powers to Negotiate Lease
for Nitrate Plants. R



Education Committee z
to Hear President Sink
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president ofx
the School of Music and chairmant
of the Michigan Teacher's Retire-l
ment Fund association, has accept-{
ed an invitation to address the
committee of 100 on retirement al-j
lowances of the National Educa-
tional association at their meeting 1
Monday afternoon in Detroit.
The report of the Michigan com-
mission which was recently sub-
mitted to the governor and the
legislature, has attracted consider-
able attention on the part of Mich-
igan educatorsand school men in-
terested in retirement allowances
throughout, it was said at the
School of Music in making the an-

Ibeoning pi epared zor urepre t a iu--
i LceseSystem.
Wantsl w ic ac Sytem. i t~,Jacobs stated. AloughI no(1'Ascatdre)
Ie also showed very clearly that specific information could be ob- WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.-Only a
>rs driving licenses. This would not tained, it is understood that it will flimsy te barrier stood to nightc
>nly remove some of the people who consist of a number of acts by the between iscle Shoals legislation
he favored the reissuing of operat- foreign student groups on the cam- and the White House.
are not capable of driving automo- pus supplemented by the importa- Sped to the Senate by a vote of
biles from the road, he said, but, at. tion of several acts from Detroit. 216 to 153, its advocates looked con-
a charge of one dollar per person, The setting for the presentation fidently to adoption of the meas-
would enable the establishing and this year was prepared by Alan ure there. A similar measure has
maintaining of an adequate road Handley, '32. been approved by the Senate in
patrol. In connection with the program, the past.
the Cosmopolitan club held their The Democratic House minority
annual Oriental program last night joined by 87 Republicans and Rep-
in Lane hall. Three of the groups resentative Kvale, Farmer-Laborer,
of the Oriental students presented Minnesota, in favor of the report.
acts at the meeting and it is under- Three Democrats opposed it. They
stood that at least one of the acts were Representatives Douglas, Ari-
will be given on the International zona; and Linthicum, and Palmi-
Night program. sano, of Maryland.
Insurgents Forced to Disperse Two musical solos were given by For the second time in 10 years
members of the Chinese group and a president must rule on govern-
as Troops Quell Fighting the Filipino students had prepared ment or private operation of the
at Callao. some selections of music and a s150,000,000 project on the Tennes-
fencing. A Hindu magician from a a see river in Alabama. Two years
Copyright, 1931, Detroit was brought to the meet- j ago a similar bill was given a pock
by the Associated Press ing by the Hindustan club. et veto by President Coolidge. The
LIMA, Peru, Feb. 20. - A small I Two changes in the officers of thesTheisnopen to Hover.
group of soldiers and armed civil- club were also announced yesterday The bill now approaching the
ians attempted the overthrow of by Jacobs. Fuimiko Saisho, 32, will chief executive sets up a corpora-
the provisional government of Luis replace Margaret Dorman, Grad., in tion to operate the power plant at
M. Sanchez Cerro today, but were the office of secretary of the club, Wilson Dam, constructed the Cold
forced to flee to Callao, where after and Joe Akau, '31, has been named Creek dam in Tennessee and build
severe fighting they were over-- as social chairman. Itransmission lines to carry any sur-
powredandtakn pisoers -plus power to purchasers. State
Government troops who besieged I Lower House Debates fn loclovernents have the
them in the old fortress of Real Employment Measure The president is given wide pow-
Felipe at Callao, now used as a ers to negotiate a lease for the ni-
customs house, lost a number of (H sI J'car, trate plants. The lessee would be
killed and wounded, and several WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.---A con- sole power on the condition that
civilians who were watching the troversy over legislation to estab- not less than 85 per cent be used
fighting were killed by rebel bullets. lish a national employment system in production of fertilizer. Other
The insurgents were said to have was promised today as the House products could be manufactured
suffered heavy casualties. judiciary commitee approved an with the remaining 15 per cent but
Lima remained calm throughout administration substitute fur the not on government property.
the short-lived revolt and while a W agner bill. - - ----- - ------np o e t
few shots closed the shutters and Byne, bill. T W-
troThe Weather
plaza, business generally went on structed Chairman Graham to pro- (By Associated Press)
as usualp ose substitution of a bill drafted Lower Michigan: Fair but some
While the fighting was in prog- by Secretary Doak for the measure i cloudiness Saturday; Sunday un-
hess at Callao, the government de- by Senator Wagner, Democrat, New settled, probably rain in south por-
dared a state of siege and provi- York, when the question comes up Itions; slightly warmer Sunday in
sional president Sanchez Cerro i in the house on Monday.extreme southwest portions.
sued a proclamation declaring that
the authors of the attempt would CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS WITHOUT
bepunished severely.
The insurgents, numbering about MEANING STATES LAW PROFESSOR
60, were declared by authorities to --
be adherents of Former President Michigan Law Will Not /fecat inumber of crimes committed."
Augusto B. Leguia, who was de- N<b(r of Crimes, Ases "I see no objection," he stated
posed last yeIa a m ry juin'to taking the lives of proved anti-
herlead odbySc e ero.They Jo - B.social citizens but as long as we at-
Martinez, Colonel Zorilla Lujan and Capital punishment for Michigau tempt to take the life of certain
Captain Arenas, chief of the Callao would be only a "meaningless ges- persons by way of punishment there
police. ture," Prof. John B. Waite, of the will be the question as to whethei

aid, of indigent patients being
harged more than private pa-
ients in other hospitals.
The proposed measure will
stablish a maximum rate by any
ndigent patient at the hospital.
t will also provide that the coun-
ies check claims before payment
s made by the auditor general.
he latter now pays the charges
nd deducts out of the delinquent
axes of the counties. Representa-
ive Holbeck claims there is no
ffort to verify the equity of the
Charges Extravagant Amounts.
Hoibeck's investigation has re-
'caled the case of two patients
rom two districts who were charg-
d extravagant amounts, he said.
Cne man was treated 'at the hos-
)ital at a cost of $18 a day for six
veeks. At the end of that time, the
nan was transferred to the state
hospital for the insane at Travers
City where he remained for ten
nonths at a cost of $266 and was
ischarged as, . Arother item-
zed account 8f an Tosco county
patient showed a charge of $720
or six weeks inlud
or nursing and para m
'baking" and "miassa ing." The
harge, Holbeck said, was so exces-
ive that the county withdrew the
)atient from the ho 4lando
aas him under the a
Holbeck Cites Cases.
The Arenac representative stated
;he charges exacted by the Uni-
versity hospital has led to resolu-
:ions by several county boards of
supervisors not to send any more
indigent patients to the institu-
don but to keep them under private
,are in their home counties.
"Last year we had three indigent
patients in my district sent to Ann
Arbor that cost more than the
county road system. The itemized
tatements that I am collecting
show that they are charging midi-
,ent patients at the University
;wice as much as private patients
n other institutions," Representa-
ive Holbeck said.
Payments by the counties to the
Jniversity hospital for indigent pa-
dents has increased from $140,000
.or children and $195,000 for adults
:n 1921 to $974,000 and $760,000 ih
1930, Holbeck declared.
Haynes Makes Reply
Dr.. Harley A. Haynes, director of
he University hospital, in a state-
nent to The Daily last night, said
,hat the charge ofdexcessive rates
.or the care of indigent patients,
nade in the legislature yesterday
y Representative Holbeck, was
nly 'general."
Replying to the statement made
>y Holbeck that he had "uncover-
ad" several instances where indi-
;ent patients had been charged
none than private patients in other
.iospitals, Dr. Haynes declared that
specific cases could not be taken as
a criterion.
"Charges made for care of pa-
ients," Dr. Haynes explained, "de-
)end uapon the case and the condi-
,ion of the patient. Cases must be
reated as they are found. Exces-
give charges, such as those pointed
ut by Mr. Holbeck, are too general.
fhe charges for treatment of a pa-
;lent with appendicitis and a pa-
ient with a broken back will bring
nut this point, since the care of the
>ne will extend over a short period
f time, while for the other inten-
live treatment must be given for
several months and regular treat-
:nent kept up indefinitely."
As to the specific cases found by
Representative Holbeck. Dr. Havnes


- -I-

Tires of Car Are Deflated
Unknowing Posers Voice
Their Disapproval.


Victims of the recent e a r ly
morning liquor raids on five fra-
ternities didn't take kindly to the
newspaper men who attempted to

more than 50 students surrounded
and actually snatched the camera
from their hands.
"There is no law against getting
our pictures back is there, Mr.
Rapp?" shouted one of the stu-)
dents, and the Washtenaw county
prosecutor who was watching the
affair from across the street only


Hobbs to Give Lecture

Law sefool, said yesterday of the
bill before the state legislature
w-1) n ne,,fre dealoth -nen-

the individual deserves that pun-
"The anunefin of deserts." he con-


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