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April 08, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-08

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4 ~Ait






BY 191,000 VOTES
Democratic candidate Victorious
Over Big Bill' Thompson
in Windy City Race.
Defeat Means Political Oblivion
for Incumbent; Was Pledged
Never to Run Again.
CHICAGO, April 6.-(P)-The
final unofficial tabulation of votes
gives Cermak, 667,529, against
475,613 for Thompson, Republi-
can, a majority of 191,916.
CHICAGO, April 7.-(A)-Anton
J. Cermak, Democrat, was elected
mayor of Chicago today, ending the
reign of M a y o r William Hale
The vote with 2,600 out of 2,987
precincts in: C e r m a k, 585,906;
Thompson, 407,306.
Outstripping M a y o r Thompson
from the start, the Democratic
challenger, maintained a command-
ing lead from the hour the count
started, although his margin was
trimmed to a ratio of six to four
as the Thompson bailiwicks turned
in their story.. True to his symbol,
the "boom," Cermak swept the city
into the Democratic fold, complet-
ing the conquest begun by Senator
James Hamilton Lewis, who carried
virtually every Cook county office
with the Democratic banner last
Cermak's slogan was: Sweep the
city hall clean of crime."
Thompson had cried: "Fight for
Thompson, ie fights for you."
Thompson to Retire.
For-"Big Bill" the blustering, spec-
tacular cowboy of the 10-gallon hat
and kiendy .smile, this was the fin-
ale. His had been a stormy suc-
.cession of sensational years, and
always he had. been the master.
Amid the heat of his last campaign
he appealed to Chicago to support
him, pledging that he would never
ask their aid again, win or lose, he
was through. He lost.
He had fought the last fight all
but alone; democracy, united, stood
for Cermak and a divided party
failed him. Civic leaders, normally
Republican in faith, Julius Rosen-
wald, Silas Strawn, Frank Loesch,
and others, plied their way against
Concedes Defeat.
Mayor Thompson conceded his
defeat four hours and a half after
the polls had closed. He sent Cer-
mak the following telegram:
"The people of Chicago have
spoken. I cheerfully abide by the
decision. I congratulate you on your
As the results became certain the
Democratic victory march began
with a parade of brooms. Automo-
bile backfires barked salutes, guns
roared and rumbled and flashlights
lit the scene with a ghostly light.



Incomplete Returns Indicatei
Plurality of 55,000
Against Bill.
State Improvement of Landing
Fields, Refunding Bond
Issue Quashed.


Weakened Buildings Fall to
to Confusion Left by
Former Quake.


Debur Rediscovers TrophyI
After Two-Month Search;.*.
Nozzle Replaced.
Who's going to get the Oilcan? -
That's the question that tonight's:
banquet will decide when the ninth
annual Gridiron "razz fest" gets un- ....
der way at 6:30 o'clock at the Union
ballroom. With attendance figures
set at approximately 200 guests,
committeemen are predicting theE ; ....
most attractive banquet in the his-
tory of the function.
The discovery of the Oilcan itself :
created quite a stir in the Press
building yesterday when George A.
Dusenbury, '31, managing editor of

Chaumont to Sail for Virginial
With Americans Leaving j
Stricken Area.

I DETROIT, April 7.-()-Another
movement to restore the death pen-
alty to Michigan's basic law wasc
shelved in Monday's referendum.
The proposal which would havel
placed an electric chair in the state
penitentiary at Jackson was defeat-
Anton J. Cermak, ed by a majority of approximately
I Democratic candidate, who deci- 55,000, in a total vote that will ag-
sively defeated W i11i a m Hale gregate close to 600,000 when com-
Thompson for the Chicago mayor- plete returns are tabulated.
alty post. Majority Climbs Steadily. t
The steadily mounting majority
against the proposal reached 52,084k
when returns from 2,622 of the
state's 3,391 precincts had been
posted. The figures showed for the
WILL jdeath penalty, 215,662; against it,c
267,746. The negative majority had
I climbed steadily during the earlys
To Confer With British Foreign hours Monday night and continuedt
To to spread throughout Tuesday. Twot
Secretary, Henderson; other amendments to the state con-I
Briand May Come. ' stitution went down to defeat with'
____y om.the capital punishment proposal. c
LONDON, April 7.-(AP)-Discus- These proposed amendments would Ir
I'sions affecting the future of Eu- have authorized the state to aid in f
sgn gthe improvement of airplane land-
rope are expected to take place in ing fields and empower it to issue
a projected visit of Chancellor refunding bonds.
Heinrich Bruening of Germany and Like the capital punishment bill,
the reich's foreign minister, Julius the refunding bond issue had been
'Curtius to London, probably next sponsored by Governor Wilber M.i a
month. The vote on the landing fieldst
The two Germans will come at ! proposal was shown in returns fromr
the invitation of Arthur Hender- 2,368 precincts which gave: for,
son, British foreign secretary, who - 190,623; against, 230,546.
has asked Aristide Briand, French On the refunding bond's proposalr
the vote in 2,349 precincts was: for,s
foreign minister. Since a date con- 178,694; against, 226,112.:
venient to all may be difficult toe
arrange the meeting may be simp- All the Republican candidates for
ly a British-German affair. elective office went in on the usual
During a recent conference of Republican tide.I
Mr. Henderson and M. Briand in The successful candidates were:
Paris, the British minister express-! Two justices of the state supreme
ed regret that German representa- court, Henry M. Butzel and Howard;
tives were not present, since there Weist, elected over Fremont Evans
were several matters that he wished and David E. McLaughlin, Demo-
to discuss with them. crats.
The projected meeting here was Two regents of the University of
then planned. Berlin dispatches' Michigan, Ralph Stone and Juniusf
- today said that Bruening and Cur- E. Beaan were eected overCalaen,
tius were understood to approve 1 F.DemasadL eoClaa
cordially the suggestion for a Fran-Dm rats.
|co-British-German conference on'
"all matters affecting the relations RICH DISTRIBUTES
of these nations." ELECTION CARDS
It is presumed that the projected
Austro-German customs union andc
matters pursuant to next year's dis- Request is Made That Conflcts
armament conference will come up' be Reported to Office Soon.
for discussion. 1
In an effort to avoid confusion'
Iat the end of the year, due to cour-1
'LISBON ATTEMPT Ises which have been dropped or
changed, postal cards have been
sent out to all students in the liter-
ary college, showing their electionsc
as filed in the office of the regis--
trar it was announced yesterdayc
by Prof. D. L. Rich, director of clas-t
Pn4srs G +r~mt t Tn 7tr fnIification_

SMANAGUA, Nicaragua, April 7-- the 'Ensian, uncovered the trophy
AAGUAeNiaragquae Aprild- after a two months' search. The
(IP-Another earthquake of mod- nozzle of the Oilcan had been brok-
erate intensity struck Managua to- en off and necessitated a replace-
day, sending badlyrweakened walls J ment, so Dusenbury and Robert L.
tumbling into the ruins left by the Sloss, '33L, went into Detroit to find
catastrophe which came .just a week la new top. After searching through
ago. The material damage was rel- 'every mechanic's kit, machine shop,
atively slight, for there was not round house, and wholesale store
muchsleft of Managua. The people, in the city, one was found which
stl staggering under last week's bore a slight resemblance to the
heavyN blow, were badly frightened old top and was substituted. Dusen-
Natives Exhausted. br n ls eundt h
Many of them are on the verge bury and Sloss returned to the-
of nervous collapse, so heavy has Press building triumphantly relat-
been the strain .of the past weeksing their long search for the re-
but there was no panic, for they pced trophy u srehow they had
are too tired. So far as could be from practically every oilcan n
learned the new quake added no Detroit.
casualties to the already heavy list Mayor Frank Murphy, of Detroit,
of dead and injured. will be the principal speaker to-
As the tension eased somewhat night and will feature a program of
and some semblance of order re- skits, speeches, and an all-campus
turned, it was definitely established movie which will precede the pre-
today that although the American sentation of the Oilcan. The recip-
Baptist hospital on the outskirts of; ent of the famous trophy, the most
the city was destroyed last Tues- 1 h hems
day, all the nurses are safe. All the




Says Principle of Levy
IInsures High. Place
of University.
Out of State Students
Pay Way Fully, He
Tells Realtors.
"The principle of the mill tax
has given the University the high
place in education which it holds
today, not the amount of reve-
nue," said President Alexander
G. Ruthven in an address before
t e sixth annual conference of the
lichigan Real Estate associatidn
last night.
"Our faculty men," he contin-
ued, "have, in the past, no doubt
been tempted by the large salaries
which some other institutions are
able to offer, but they have remain-
ed here because the University's
steady income from the Mill tax
ensures their positions."
Spikes Statements.
He denied the frequently recur-
rent statement that the institution
is supporting students from other
states and countries, pointing out
that they pay their way. fully, and
that their cosmopolitan effect on
Michigan youth is highly valuable
in itself.
"If the state were to cut' $600,-
000 dollars from the University's,
budget," he said, in discussing the
proposed slice in the Mill tax,,. each
taxpayer would be enabled to' save
only 7 1-2 cents'on a $1,000 valua-
tion. Yet such a reduction would
cripple the institution, and neces-
sitate lowering 'of faculty salaries.

members of the Protestant missions'
from the United States also were
reported safe.

Nervous Strain High.
BALBOA, Canal Zone, April 7.-
(.!)-Under high nervous tension
after witnessing the destruction of
Managua by last Tuesday's disas-
trous earthquake, 189 American wo-
men and children stopped over in
Panama today on their return
The Chaumont, which was car-
ried through the canal today, will
sail tomorrow for Roanoke, Va.,,
with 75 of the refugees. The re-
mainder will start for the west
coast of the United States on the
Somme late today or to the east on
the Grant in several days.
National Committeeman Avers
Party Will . Not Split
on Liquor Issue.
A united Democratic party will
not be divided by the prohibition
question, and the South, seeing the
disappointing results of a party
split, will stand with the party
without another withdrawal for at
least another generation, in the be-
lief of Horatio J. Abbott of Ann
Arbor, national Democratic com-
"There will be no split on this
question," Mr. Abbott asserted last
night. "The South is becoming rec-
onciled gradually to the position of
the national chairman. The exper-
ience of a split as in the last cam-
paign was enough for the South for
one generation at least."
"The last two Michigan state
Democratic conventions in their
resolutions recommended 'that the
Congress set up machinery so that'
a nation-wide referendum might be
taken on the matter of repeal or
modification of the Eighteenth
amendment," he continued. "The
proposal of the chairman of the
Democratic national committee
m a k e s provision under what is'
known as the Home Rule plan that
the Eighteenth amendment shall
not be repealed but proposes a new
amendment which only becomes a
part of the constitution when rati-
fied by a majority of the people of
three-fourths of the states of the
Union. This, it seems to me, throws
sufficient safeguards around the
question of liquor control to satisfy
the most ardent drys and is funda-
mentally democratic."
Eight Men Admitted

Administration Given Greatest
Setback by Upper House
of Current Session.
LANSING Apr. 7. -(P)--The sen-
ate today passed a new malt tax
measure in a manner so convincing
that it brought to the administra-
tion of Gov. Wilber M. Bru. er its
greatest setback in the current ses-
sion of the legislature.
Only four of a full membership
of the upper house voted against
the bill described by Governor
Brucker as "wrong in principle."
The executive not only campaigned
against the malt levy last fall but
insisted on its repeal in his opening
message to the legislature.
Backed by a strong legislative
element anxious to provide funds
for the construction of a new tuber-
culosis hospital in northern Michi-
gan, the malt tax bill found only
three senators lined up with the
administration on purely factional
lines. Another, Senator Alber J.
Engel, Lake City, cast his lot with
the opposition as a staunch dry. In
addition to Senator Engel, others
who voted against the bill, were:'
Senators Norman B. Horton, Fruit
Ridge: Chester M. Howell, Chesan-
ing, and Claude H. Stevens, High-
land Park.
The measure was passed' with
virtually no debate. A motion sub-
mitted by Senator Engel to delay
consideration was defeated. Sena-
tor James T. Upjohn, of Kalamazoo,
spoke briefly in favor of the meas-
Longworth Seriously
Ill WithPneumonia
AIKEN, S. C., April 7.-(AP)--
Nicholas Longworth, speaker of the
House of Representatives, has de-
veloped penumonia and is reported
by attending physicians as in a
serious condition.
Speaker Long-
worth, who has
been the guest of
Mr. a nd M r s.
James P. Curtis,
I of Washington, at
their winter home
... here for the past
: ":W' 1 10 days, contract-
ed a cold late last
week. Physicians
called in late yes-
. , terday o r d e r e d
} shim to bed. Pne-
- $LOQwQRT4 aomonia develop-
ed last night, they
His condition is not regarded as
critical at this time, and no de-
velopment is anticipated for about
,48 hours, attendants said.

coveted award on the campus, has
been selected by the committee in
charge and will be given the Oilcan'
by Waldo Abbot, present holder. Iti
is expected that James Schermer-1
horn, forner owner and publisher l
of the Detroit Times, will also
Special tables will be reserved un-
til 4 o'clock today at the Union!
for fraternities or other organiza-
tions whose members wish to sit
together. A minimum of six to a
special table has been set, although
there will be no extra cnarge for
such accommodation. Several fra-'
ternities and campus groups have,
signified their intentions of attend-
ing the banquet in groups. Tickets
are also on sale at Slater's.I
The function is formal, and will
begin at 6:30 o'clock. The announce-
ment of the winner of the Oilcan
will be made through the medium
of the Gaboon, Sigma Delta Chit
publication, which will appear at 8]
o'clock tonight.
Tri-Partite Naval Treaty, Austro-
German Customs Cause

f I

state B ulletins
(By Associated Press)
Tuesday, April 7, 1931
ST. JOSEPH-Fred Burke, notor-'
ious' Chicago gunman, who is be-
ing held here on a charge of shoot-
ing and killing Patrolman Charles
Skelly in 1929, caused preparations!
for his trial to move a step forward
today when he waived his right to
JONES VILLE-FredLakore,84,
dropped dead today from a heart1
attack as he was helping remove
furniture from the burning home
of his granddaughter, Mrs. Marian
Haskell. He had been quite prom-
inent in politics for many years.
DETROIT-Norman B. Conger,
head of the United States weather
bureau here, announced today that
all that prevents the moving of
lake navigation from Lake Michi-
gan down into Lake Huron is the
ice in the Straits of Mackinac.
LANSING-Grover C. Dillman,
man, state highway commissioner,
today named Martin Deglopper, of
Grand Haven, business manager of
+hA.nr. h ighway depa~nrtment, and

rortugese overnmento r ry to
Quell Revolt in Funchal
Without Bloodshed.
LISBON, Apr. 7.-(R')-The .Por-
tuguese government has decided to
take every means to avoid unneces-
sary bloodshed in putting down the
revolt at Funchal, Madeira, it was
decided at a conference at the war
office today.
The conference was held before
the departure of the troop ship
Kubanjo for Funchal, and a com-
plete plan of campaign was mapped
Four government hydro - air-
planes, it was decided, would stage
a demonstration at Funchal and
try to persuade the rebel leaders to
Debarkation anywhere except at
Funchal will be of little use, as the
city is shut off from the remainder
of the island by a mountain wall
4,000 feet high. Deep ravines make
progress toward the city impossible.
Funchal itself is defended by
strong natural fortifications and
high caliber naval guns left there
by the Americans during the war.
A strongly coalesced rebel force
might be able to repel a much

Students whose elections do not
correspond with those shown on
their cards are urged to report all
conflicts in room 4 in University
hall before spring vacation.I
"Usually at the end of a semes-
ter," stated Professor Rich, "several
students fail to receive their grades
promptly because of some discrep-
ancy on the election card-course
dropped unofficially, course elected
unofficially, course with w r o n g
number, course with wrong creditr
hours, etc. Since adjustments in all
such cases may be made only
through the administrativeboard,
petitions for adjustment cause both
the student and the board time
and trouble.
The Electoral Board of the
Union requests each applicant
for appointment to the position
of President or Recording-Sec-


PARIS, Apr. 7.-(P)---Difficultiesf
arising from the tri-partite naval1
accord, the proposed Austro-Ger-
man customs union and the coming
Anglo-German parley have throwni
French politics into confusion. If
Particularly, reported disagree-I
:nents in drafting the naval pact,<
where complete unanimity of opin- i
ion was believed to reign, has cre-j
ated an atmosphere of doubt and I
uneasiness in political circles.
"Never has diplomatic chaos been
more complete," says the conserva-
tive newspaper "Journal des De-'
bats," "the unhappy consequences
of policies recently folowed are ex-1
tending. The errors commited cer-
tainly furnish to governments that 1
seek new 'upheavals in Europe op-
portunities for action they had not
dreamed of."
On the other side of the picture
is the conviction in some observers
that Prime Minister Ramsay Mac-
Donald will do his utmost to settle
outstanding problems at the Lon-
don conference in May and by con-
ferring with Chancellor Heinrich
Bruening and Foreign Minister
Julius Curtius, of Germany, will ar-
range for a satisfactory settlement
of the Austro-German question
later in the council of the League,
of Nations.j
Immel Cites History
of Motion Pictures
"The ideal motion picture actor
or actress should have just enough
intelligence to do what he is told,"
said Prof. Ray K. Immel, of the
University of Southern California,
during a discussion of talking pic-
tures before Alpha Nu of Kappa
Phi Sigma, last night.
One-Act Italian Play
Given by Campus Club
A one-act play, the first dramatic
production spoken entirely in Ital-
ian that has ever been presented on

the closing .of a college, or the ellm-
ination of an entire class."
Called Panic Measure.
"The Mill tax was designed to
sustain the University during pan-
ics," President Ruthven continued.
"It was maintained successfully
through the Panic of 1873, and this
is hardly the time to repudiate the
principle of the system."
He went on to point out that
taxes paid to the state were only
one-ninth of the total assessment
on a citizen, and that local rates
have soared in recent years while
state taxes have kept very nearly
on a level.
"Michigan's Mill tax for educa-
tional institutions is one of the
wisest procedures that has been
enacted by the people of any state,"
he concluded. "Its repudiation will
mean that the University will be-
come a second; rate institu'tion."
During the conference, which was
attended by more than 85 realtors,
addresses were given by William J.
Baxter, of New York; Dean C. E.
Griffin of the Business Administra-
tion school; Robert P. Gerholz of
Flint; Robert F. Bingham of Cleve-
land; Prof. R. D. McKensie of the
Sociology department; Prof. Thom-
as H. Reed; Prof. Charles L. Jami-
son; J. Lee Baker, of Detroit; and


Tau Beta Pi Inducts Group of
Members at Ceremonies,
Banquet in Union.
Twenty new members were ini-
tia ted into Tan Beta Pi, honorary
engineering fraternity, at its ini-
tiation ceremony and banquet last
night at the Union.
Dean Herbert C. Sadler, of the
engineering college, gave the ad
dress at the banquet immediately
following the initiation ceremony,
Prof. A. D. Moore, of the engineer-
ing college, was the toastmaster,
and Francis H.sBebee, '31E, presi-
dent of the organization, spoke for
the active members. The speaker
for the initiates was Jack Beech-
ler, '32E.
The faculty members initiated
were Prof. G. G. Brown, Prof. H.
IW. Miller, and Prof. M. B. Stout.
The initiate for another chapter



retary of the Union to file seven
copies of his letter of applica-
tion at the student offices in the
Union not latter than 5 o'clock,
Friday, April 24. Carbon copies
on thin paper, if legible, will be

to Forensic Society
Eight students were initiated into
Adelphi, literary forensic society, at
the regular meeting last night. They'
were selected from those whoj


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