SUNDAY, APRIL 5 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY CIG FIVE -W f r MWA F. FNAC CHA IMN FESTATS DUES DRIVE FOR CLASS Of '34' Elizabeth Cooper Cites Need of Funds for Freshman Pageant Support. APPOINTS ASSISTANTS Lydia Seymour, Eleanor Allen, Miriam Hall and Marjorie Thompson Will Help. "With the exception of $100.00 donated by the Women's League there is no means of support for the Freshman Pageant except dues," said Elizabeth Cooper, '34, chairman of the finance committee, "there-' fore we are asking each eligible freshman woman to contribute $1.00. This money is to be used for advertising, costumes, properties, and whatever other expenses are incurred," Miss Cooper has appointed mem- bers of her committee to collect from dormitory and League houses. Lydia Seymour is taking charge of the dues from Helen Newberry, El- eanor Allen from Betsy Barbour, Miriam Hall from Mosher, and Mar- jorie Thompson from Jordan. The remaining members of the com- mittee are collecting from the League houses. "During the past week everyone has been splendid about cooperat- ing with the committee," said Miss, Cooper, "and we hope to have all the money turned in before springJ vacation. In order to get the work under way as soon as possible we will have to have a reserve fund. It is for this reason that we request promptness in paying. Announcement of the members of the publicity committee was made at the same time by the chairman, Caroline Hyde. The fol- lowing were named: Corinne Tilton, Margaret Smith, Kathryn Davis, and Joyce Macdonald. Mental Hygiene Topic of M'Clusky's Speech Professor Howard Y. McClusky ?will speak on "Mental Hygiene. Service in High Schools" at the meeting of the Women's Education Club to be held at 4 o'clock tomor- row afternoon, in the Women's Ath- letic Building. Plans for an all-education ban- quet to be held in May are now be- ing completed by the Women's Edu- cational Club and the other edu- cations clubs on the campus. EASTER INSPIRES'f TT WIFE OF MISSISSIPPI'S GOVERNOR, SOCIiAL FUNCTIONS |VV13 IL|LiUIIIL L SECRETARY, TO RUN FOR POST Sorcrities Give Show rs, Rushing frDPresent Secretary of State Is politics this year at the end of the Dinners, and Teas. U L U U IU USomewhat Disconcerted at present administration. --HFeminine Competition. Both seek to enter the August Easter has occasioned special teas roupWill .. ,Drimary against Walker Wood, pres- and dinners at several of the sororT- GopAnswer Inqures. ent secretary of state, who admits ity houses this week-end. Pre-vaca- of Prospective Members. JACKSON, Miss., April 4. -(/P)- that he dislikes the idea of femi- ion ushis pesked a f- This Week. Gov. Theodore G. 3ilbo is on the nine opposition. nrushing parties have also firl Angriddle. Mrs. Wimberly has been men- ured prominently in the busy whirl Any students who have questions Two Mississippi women-the gov- tioned frequently for theoffice. of activities during the past week concerning membership in the Wo- ernor's wife and the governor's sec- Both women have left a loophole and at two houses showers have men's Athletic Association or who retary-have indicated their desire - the w o m a n 's prerogative to been given in honor of prospective have earned the five W. A. A. points of seeking the office of secretary of change her mind. brides.necessary to membership and wish state. Mrs. Bilbo has been close to poli- bride s nto have them recorded may see Governor Bilbo so far has main- tics practically all her life, but Laura Joslyn and Fredricka Welce the membership committee from tained an outward neutrality and never has sought office for 'erself. are guests at the Gamma Phi Beta 2:30 to 5 o'clock every afternoon is making no comment. Both pros- Mrs. Wimberly has demonstratcd house this week-end.rWednesday this week in the W. A. A. office on pective candidates supported him particular aptitude for the game. right the sorority entertained sy- the main floor of the league build- when he made his last campaign eral guests at a rushing dinner. j o oenr om lS rn ac ThrdyeeigA1phaChiIng. - for governor. Formal SpringDac hudyevnngAlhrCh JAll women students enrolled in MG.hilbnsyJordtouedtn Omega had four guests at a rush- the University are inactive mem- Mrs. Bbo says she toured the iven by Jordan Hall ing party. Talisman roses floating bers of W.A.A., and may become sor's candid acieres. Lulu i in green bowls, and green tapers active members by earning five W. berly i the go ernor's secretary Spring flowers formed the deco- were useu on the tables, A. A. points and by paying the rkiy h govern secretar, rations for the spring formal given Thisoafternoon bypeaiylngasterworked in his campaign headquar- last night by Jordan hall. Dean This afternoon a special Easter membership dues of one dollar. ters as assistant manager. Alice Lloyd, Miss Jeannette Perr, tea is being given at the Alpha Chi Points may be earned by participa- gaisa dean of oenney Omega house in honor of the guesis tion in outdoor sports, by playing The wife of ahe governor gives assosth Miss wsmel Ide and families of the members. Miss on an intramural or interclass team fic her esre o kpr the me Miss sary ey, Winifred FIierrin will pour. For t: is and by attending W. A. A. ativi-' office her desire to keepthnmeMsLisFiyMs.ayE.B - Winifren Eer in ou.For tis. dbyatteof Bilbo in Mississippi politics. fington, Miss Elizabeth DeVol. and occasion Easter flowers in b1:xcck ties, I g bowls will be placed about the No student will be permitted to The governor's secretary admits Miss Sara W. Lutes, acted as chap- she dislikes the thought of retire- erons, and Bud Mitchell and nis Alpha Xi Delta had seve r mn- who is not a member of the organ- ment from the fascinating game of orchestra furnished the music. whsseovemmerosheogn- -________________ _ _ ____________ bers of 'the faculty as guests at a ization. Those whu have earned formal dinner Wednesday. Tiose their points may pay the dues at present were Prof. C. D. Thorpe and 'the table at the time of voting, or Mrs. Thorpe, Prof. W. B. Ford and may see Dorothy Ellsworth before Mrs. Ford, Prof. Franklin Shull and Wednesday. Gladys Schroeder, '33, Mrs. Shull. Prof. Jean Earhard, is chairman of the membership Prof. Stevenson and Mrs. Steven- committee, and will assist Miss son, Prof. M. S. Pargment and Mrs. I Ellsworth. Pargment. r I S« A crystal shower was given for Harriet Henderlong, of Ann Arbor, Monday night at the Alpha Xi Del- ta house. Mrs. W. F. Stahl and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Farmer, of New Rochelle, N. Y., are visitors at the Sigma Kap- pa house this week-end and will attend the wedding of Margaret S. Stahl, '31. Friday night members of the sorority gave a dinner in their honor, Artist's Viewpoint Is Best for Public, Declares Hon That people need to be taugL see intelligently as much as read intelligently was the idea veloped by Paul Honore, well-kn Detroit artist, in his speech at meeting of the American Asso tion ofUniversity Women, heli 3 o'clock yesterday in the G Rapids rcom of the League Bu Beta Kappa Rho Holds Easter Fete at League Beta Kappa Rho held an Easter party last night in the Cave of the Michigan League. Entertainment, under the direction of Dorothy Da- vis, consisted of dancing, guessing contests, Easter games, and an Easter egg hunt. Simple refresh- ments, in charge of - Ena Jeftries, were served. Transportation home was provided for all those who at- tended the party. VALENCE SALON AND ART STUDIO (Over the Ritz) Complimentary makeup, prescrip- tion and color scheme. No obligation. Phone 5807 for appointment. SOUTH 5TAT E 5TRE6ET Speaks Are you one of L I w Scientifically Selected and Prepared Foods Reservations only. Phone 9102 OPEN EVERY EVENING INCLUDING SUNDAY GREY SHOP TEA ROOM 514 Forest a GO Aodste Shoppe Dial 21 1129 VN CREATIONS ormals=-Street Wear sutchirig and Alterations 620 East Liberty those who have not yet tried the Parrot? We are confident that if you try our meals once you wi!1 become one of our regular visitors. The fo~od is superior . . . The service is the II' '__ _ .i I assammemaeumassmess j 3.54 Shampoo, Finger Wave, Arch Marcel, SPECIAL Manicure, Facial, Hot Oil Any $1 " No Exltra One Oc7o c An $1;Charge WaveolIne System 201 EL Liberty St. %- Phone 28414 - T _SOI .s i I I I t best . The I . + .". . ... . .. .. . i WI- . , ;a t- ' , , . , ,, ,,7 \\ 111@ ' .i ' F/ \ _ , l11 ,''/ % t _ __ .. ;. it i . 4 . The Shot o Personal Scr Extends to Yo the f vice atmosphere and music is just as you like it,. Pay us an Easter visit. "TT I NI I i