PAGE SEVEN " T'-T r M T f T-1TT(°'A 1 fAT I.V V TZMAY, FE3 ZJARY 20, 1931 VIA- SIT'S6 ~g { 1 l te. J A j FOO HLPROSE EC DS AL 1111 WJ i Ft! ES HOW p ERORT d 1 2 L IVI i , I E I~ LA SSIFIED NOTICE SUDENT would like work paying 17 t _ ... _... , AacIr Ak -11 5T per week or equivale n in PRO ( TENNIS STARTA I LL G NTU 11 J " i N , J u A > 1' 5IL u ___ra m - .i _ . Ypsilanti Gleans 42 1-2 Points as Detroit City College Is Held to 10. By Bill Myers Michigan's Varsity t h i n c 1 a d s opened the 1931 indoor traek sea- son last night in Yost field house with a brilliant win over Detroit I City college and Michigan Normal in a triangular meet which toppled over four field house records and tied a fifth. Michigan scored 66%12 points to 421/2 for the Ypsilanti team and 10 for the Detroiters, tak- ing four first places to two for the, Norm alites and a single for Detroit. New records were established in the mile run, the two mile, the low hurdles and the 880 with the former high hurdle record tied. It was a most auspicious start for Coachi Chuck Hoyt as Varsity coach. Austin gave one of the most spectacular performances of the meet in the two mile run when he completely lapped his opponent in a fast finish to lower the old house record by 14 seconds. Michigan proved especially strong in the track events completely shutting out the visitors in the 440- yard run which Russell won in the fair time of 52.1 sec., closely follow- ed by Gladding. Wolfe also came in for his share of the glory when he lowered the time for the mile two-tenths of a second to garner a first place for the Varsity. Beatty, Michigan Normal's color- ed flash pulled a surprise when he took the high hurdles over Egles- ton of Michigan. Beatty's time tied the house record at 8.4 seconds. Arnold of Michigan Normal also set a new house record of 1 min. 58.9 sec., in the half mile to beat Turner, Michigan's entrant. Simms of Ypsi set a new record of 7.3 sec. in the low hurdle trial heats only to have his buddy, Beatty, beat him in the finals and tie the record. Summary: 65 yard high hurdles -Won by Beatty (Ypsi) ; Egleston (Mich.) s e c o n d; Haefle (Mich.) third; Simms (Ypsi) fourth. Time 8.4 sec. firs fINDEPENDENT TEAMS. inaugurate a class for Tue.sdy and Ties field house record. Miinsesota to Afford Michigan Thursday evenings at 7:30, for 60 yard dash - Won by Tolan Swimm ners Their First Big /rnouncement comes from the which a small fee would be chorg- (Mich.); Campbell (Mich.) second; en p' Com tcon. Intramural Department that there Cd. Lewis (Det.) third; Brown (Ypsi) is still time for any Independent ,Inaa a definie aInnoUic- fourth. Time 6/. sec. :z When Coach Mart Mann and his Teams which would like to try for ment has already been made by the One mile run - WVon by Wolfe!ofcilinhagofteewU- Michigan natators invade the poe1 the All-Year Trophy to enter a versity course, that no one would (Mich); O'Conner (Ypsi) second;' Criger (Ypsi) third; Fitzgibbons of the Minne ota Gophers next Sat- team and have a chance to effec- be permitted to play unless they (Mich.) fourth. Time 4 min. 26.7 urday night, they expect to admin- tively compete with teams already could demonstrate some knowledge see. New field house record. ister the first defeat of the season entered. Only three of the ten of the etiquette of golf and the 440. yarddrun -do oy Russell , a sports on which points are awarded game itself, it is expected that (Mich.) ; Gladding (Mich.) second; to th:e Nors~:ee a.. cowere, that hv eeIu f eidstemany will wish to take advantage Eknovich (Mich.) third; Mosser this wvil be a dilioul t a-signrnit' have been run off. Besides the maywilistotkedvntg Ek h h) ird;is attestetoy hfchat te team trophy individual awards are of this opportunity. The funda- (Mich.) fourth. Time 52.1 sec. is attested to by the fact thatthegiven out to members of the win- mentals of the game, such as grip, 2 mile run - Avon ay Austin Gophers, in five contests, have n stance and the rudiments of the (Mich.); Howell (Mich.) second; piled up at least fifty points per ingThe events still on the schedule swing will be stress in the classes. Hill (Mich.) third; Baucr (Ypsi) meet and have been improving e evens Ftb. on the h e ies fourth. Time 9 min. 31.2 sec. New rapidly. Their victories over Wis- are: bowlindg Feb. 20-28 at the field haousc e cord.cosnadowbytevrhlm Michigan Union: handball, start- Michigan Grapplers inscoes of and2 2-2 3r - ng Feb. 23; track meet, March 11 65 yard low hurdles-Won by the Field House; relays, March ta atty (Ypsi); Simms (Ypsi) second; 'spectvely, gve a f. r mdeation of 12 at the Field House. After Spring Squad Here Tonight Jackson (Mich.) third; DeBaker the potential power stored within vacation, softball, horseshoes, and (Mich.) fourth. Time 7.3 sec. New them. tennis will be run off. (Continued From Page 6) fil os eod g nt Iowa, apt- in Lowell field house record.aWonyArnol MansiCed. pthr th back At the present time a total of efit, in the 165-pound bout with yard run - Won by Arnoldsro event nl :40.2 (cAly t\Je- nineteen teams are competing, and Blshaw, alder brother of the oos-j (Ypsi); Turner (Mich.) second; afifths of a secon behind the i it is hoped by officials in charge Blhawrgeer broend n the oos- Braden (Mich.) third; C o g g an tatfthisiumbetrmybor.LanrrentirFcaptain and anotherns of last (et)fut.Tm i.589 sec A.sociated Press Phcoto Ten record.1Langan Frrll gii (Det.) fourth. Time 1 m. 5.. c ete in bo the 220 and 40d at least a few late entries. Full year's veterans. Doug is one of New fice n house racordh zea 40details may be obtained at the of- Michigan's strongest men and he Mile relay - Won by Michigan Famous Czechoslavakian ace, who jee style eve fice. (Glading, DeBaker, Eknovich, Rus- will tour the nation with a troupe attept to brea ttheie nuwill ot give thYke i enr dany sell); Ypsi second; Detroit third. of professional tennis players. !ng between thrn for a number HOCKEY, more chance to make up for defeat Time 3 min. 29 sec. Teamed with Emmett Pare he will of firsts. They have tied each other last Saturday than he, Doug, can 16-pound shot put-Won by Gold- play William Tilden and Francis four times in early meets. In the only Hockey game on last help it. smith (Mich.); Roth (Ypsi) second; Hunter. Huhtala, Hayden, Quail and Far- night's schedule Psi Upsilon de- Webb (Ypsi) third; Nieman (Dot) . rl will compete in the relays for feated Phi Sigma Kappa 4-0. At fourth. Distance, 41 ft. 3 in. theWolverine wheNorsemen,but they are con- the end of the second period Psi wil wrestle Mitchell, a new man on Pole vault - Won by P o t t oveie w rsm n ceeeltl caceo wnig Upsilon led 1-0 and their position the Hoosier squad this year, but. (Mich.); McKinley and S n y d e r to Fence Il ini Next either of them against the kind of was anything but secure until three one who has plenty of form and (Ypsi) tied for second; Miller and opposition which the Wolves are goals coming in rapid succession at will take some trouble to pin. Cap- Hawk (Ypsi) and Dougal and Hum- (Continued From Page 6) sure to show. They are also admit- the beginning of the third cinched tam Auer will finally see action for phrey (Mich.) tied for third. Height gible for the first semester and tedly weak in the short dash events, matters. Artz accounted for two Michigan tonight when lhe enters 12 ft. 6 in. may become eligible later this se- but Marsh and Nappa are being of the winners goals, with Palmer the heavyweight bout against Ras- High jump - Won by Rosenau mester. He is a good man in the depended on to give Schmeiler and and Fryberger gaining credit for cher of Indiana, who is another (Det); Thorpe and Hyatt (Ypsi) epee. Bourland and Edelman are Ladd a hard battle in the back the other two. new man on the squad. Each man and Noyes and Cox (Mich.) tied lost from the sabre squad because stroke and diving events. There is has been out on injuries already for second place. Height 5 ft. 812 of poor marks and Madero and also a possibility that Blaisdell, a GOLF. this season so there will be little in. Morley are likewise lost from the former sprint man will compete in advantage for either on that count, foil division, the diving event. Ray Courtright in charge of stu- but when the factor of experience i Aanin~ i(,T t.-~tot he Maize Alhoiugh delighted with the form dent and faculty golf classes held is taken into consideration Auer I oard. Box 159. 2 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C USED CLOTHES bought and sold. Call 4310. 215 E. Washington. H. Benjamin. 246C Your old fur coat-Will make you a Jacquette-Chic in Style- Reasonablein price.' Also fur re- modeling, repairs, and cleaning promptly done by experts at ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP 123C j ~WAIr D , The main topic O conversation along the subject of baseball right nov; is that of the new ball to be used this coming season. Catchers, pitchers, and coaches from coast to coast are vitally interested and each day some of them publishI their ideas of what will result with this newest of changes. gainsL illagan +uu Ciiac"~ h and Blue squad ran up a 111% to shown by his charges in their earlyi 512 score. The Wolverines complete- meets Coach Neils Thorpe, of the' ly outclassed the Spartans by hold- Gophers, is well aware of thet ing a good margin in each class power of the Maize and Blue, andf of competition. Captain Gordon agrees that they will have to showj was the star of the meet winning something better than they havek two points in the foils and two in yet displayed in order to emerge the sabre class. victorious.1 under the direction of the Intram- ural department, announced yes-' terday that although his student classes were filled there were still places for six or eight faculty mem- bers in his 3 o'clock class. He also announced that if the de- mand was large enough he would a, has an edge that looks good for Michigan's hopes for an avenging victory tonight. The bouts will be run off on the mat set up in the Field House on the basketball floor and admission will be either 50 cents or by stu- dent athletic coupon books. WANTED-Secretarial position on campus by young woman with University and business training. U n u s u a 1 experience handling academic routine. Box 160, Mich- igan Daily. 234 IOR RENT WARM pleasant rooms, single $3 and $4; double $2.50 and $3. 718 Monroe. Phone 22218. 345 FOR RENT-Nice single room on second floor, $3.50 per week. 420 Thompson St. Phone 21559. 345 rF O R R E N T-Desireable single rooms, reasonable, close to cam- pus. 1332 Geddes. Phone 3022. 345 DOUBLE and single rooms for men. l Also roommate wanted. Phone __ 5 3 2 0 ._3 4 5 APPROVED suite and large front rooms suitable for 2 or 3 men. Hot water, shower. 615 Church. 34 F 0 R R E N T-One single room, clean and warm. 516 Cheever Court. Phone 7073. 345 LARGE double room, newly. fur- nished, reasonable rate, would rent single. 410 E. Jefferson. r 234 FOR RENT-Pleasant front, single room; first floor; new bed. Very reasonable. Phone 7019. 234 SINGLE room at 507 So. Division. Also donwstairs room for tran- tiants. 4 FOR RENT -1111 Michigan; at- tractive three room apartment in quiet home, near campus; fur- nished and heated; $35.00. Phone 21340. 456 ' BLOCK FROM CAMPUS-The Monroe, one apartment has just become available; two rooms upholstered furniture, fireplace, private bath, electric refrigera- tor. Phone 22839 or call at 522 Monroe St. 456 FRONT two room suite one half block from Campus. Six dollars a week for two. Four dollars for one. With first class board $9.50 for one; $8.50 each 'for two. Phone 5156. 456 ROOMS-Nice suite in pleasant home; 3 blocks northeast of cam- pus; reasonable. 928 Oakland. 456. FOR SALE FOR SALE-For faculty family. Wonderful, roomy home on Brooklyn, near Ferdon. Owned by out-of-town financial concern. Make an offer. Phone represen- tative at 8373. 345 LOST A BLACK AND WHITE RUG taken from Alpha Kappa Psi booth at J-Hop by mistake. Please return. Call 4837. Reward. 4 N 'S f t IV I d __ _ / It f- / LN / Ip 11 , ''II , p}9j III 5! 69.5 d5 u oru E} We Specialize in Good Pies HOAGLIN PIE SHOP 11I Miller Avenue Phone 5501 LEI US SERVE YOU . _ .s..w..,_w .... ._. . _. .w.. .... . _ . ..A. .w.w4.. w ... ....A. .. . . ~._ . . . A. . . A. ..A,. . .. . A . . . o.. . A._ . .. . . . ... .s URITY PA STSRY HOP BAKED GOODS made PURELY for YOU I . 1 ,. u "We cannot make all the Ice Cream, so we just make the best of it" When you want a rea! surprise for that evening bridge 707 Packard Phone 9605 Daisy Meat Market STEAKS CHOPS Delicious Meats of a Quality You Can See and Taste no ROASTS 118 West Washington CHICKENS Phone 22596 S (ry o" Special Banana, Ch"co"h"-, Roasted A"nB -ick. e t Serve Individual George Washington or Hatchet Center Bricks Moulds ®. F M MED A timely hint for Lenten Menus- ANN ARBOR DAIRY FULL- CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE iBones 22353 436 Third Street "ANN ARBOR'S BEST ICE CREAM" rig F. _- _s We Need Be Especially Careful Of Our Diet In Early Spring KEEP A CASE OF ARBOR SPRINGS WATER On Hand At All Times, an ou'll Know You Are Serving Pure DriiIking Water. We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huron Phone 8270 ESCHE LBACH MA"' T = 4 1 Ann Arbor Dairy Full-Creaim Cottage Cheese is rich in proteins, and at this Lenten season is a timely suggestion as a meat substitute. SPECIAL ICE CREAM BRICK FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Hatchet Center % C LEY PRODUCE COMPANY FRATERNITY AND SORORITY SPECIALISTS WHOLESALE FRUITS, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, EGGS, AND MEATS A!f produce purchased fresh daily at the Detroit Union Produce Terminal. Practically all meats slaughtered and cured by us. Quality is Our First Consideration fill Advertising Is Economizing Advertise in the Michigan Daily. W DIAL 4159 20? EN a 1'HURON I 11 SPECIAL WEEK-END FEATURE CUDAHY'S MILD CURED I1 f am I I I w .a m I _ _ _