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April 04, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-04

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Services Held at First Methodist
Episcopal Church; Offices
of City Closed.
Catholic Tre Ore Services Held

In jects Live B a ctIer ia Into annual convention of the American
Spleen; Observes Them Association of Pathologists a n d
for 21Days'The monkeys are immunized by
the injection of live paralysis, or
C L E V EL AND, April 3.-(AP)- poliomyelitis, bacteria into their
Search for a method of ma ng hu- spleens and then exposed in an or-
mans resistant to the infection of dinary manner to the poliomyelitis
infantile paralysis, which often infection. For 21 days the monkeys,
kills or badly cripples, has led sci- 11 in number, were observed, and
entists to discover a means of im- their temperatures charted, but no
munizing monkeys against this dis- symptons of paralysis were main-
ease. ifested, Dr. Brebner said.
The method has been developed He told how he concived of the
in the laboratories of the Washing- idea of injecting the bacteria into
ton university medical school at St. the spleen through the study of the

Six Players Who Helped Bring
National Fame Will Act
as Pallbearers.




Convicts Leo V. Brothers
After Deliberation
of 27 Hours.


at St. Thomas Church; Other Louis, and was described by Dr.
Churches Have Meetings. William B. Brebner, of the school,
at the opening session today of the
City business stood still for three
hours yesterday afternoon while I
Ann Arbor's citizens attended serv-
ices in six churches, in addition to LARGE OTESEEN
the union service at the First Meth-
odist Episcopal church in observ-Y
ance of Good Friday.
city closed their doors during the I-
period as did the offices in the city One County, All City Officers to
hall and the county building in re- be Chosen; State Questions
sponse to the plea of Mayor Ed- to be Submitted.
ward W. Staebler. The plan was t eSbitd
also backed by the Chamber of Ann Arbor will cast its vote Mon-
Three Speakers Secured. day in the biennial spring election,
Three out-of-town speakers were choosing its municipal officials for
secured for the union meeting by the next two years, and centering
arrangement of the Ann Arbor i its interest in state affairs. Only
arragemet o theAnn rbo one county office will be decided.
Ministerial association. Rev. Merle The vote to be cast is expected
A. Anderson, of the First Presby- Thvoetbecsisxptd
terian church presided. y to be large, election officers point-
Rev. George D. Jeffrey, of the ing to the fact that, besides im-
Scovil church, Detroit, was the first portant questions of state-wide
to speak. His sermon was "The importance, all city offices, includ-
Compassion of the Cross." Dr. Ralph ing the mayoralty chair, are to be
D. Kearns, of the First Presbyterian decided.
church of. Flint, spoke on "The Interest in the state officers up
Agonies of the Cross," and the serv- for election is focused upon the
ices were concluded by Bishop candidacies of Regents Junius E.
Thomas Nicholson, of Detroit, who Beal, of this city, and of Ralph
preached on "The Triumph of the Stone, who seek reelection, and Dr.
Cross." M. S. Pittman, of Ypsilanti, nom-
The three-hour service was divid- inee for superintendent of public
ed into three 40-minute periods instruction.
with interludes of organ music. The lone county office is that of
-Lewis Has mMeitatis. Icounty school commissioner. Cora
Services of the traditional nature Haas, incumbent, is unopposed.
were held yesterday afternoon by The capital punishment act, pro-
the Lutheran andi Episcopal congre- viding death in the electric chair,
gations, including St. Andrew's for first degree murder, will be de-
Episcopal, St. Paul's Lutheran and cided in a state referendum. Two
Trinity Lutheran.. Rev. Henry Lewis, amendments, one dealing with the
of St. Andrew's Epicopal church, I improvement of landing fields and1
confined his services to a series of the other empowering the state to
'meditations on the "Seven Last' borrow money for the purpose of
Words of the Cross." paying or refunding outstandingf
The Tre Ore service, traditional bonded indebtedness, will share a
Good Friday ceremony of the Cath- place on the ballots.
olic church, was held yesterday H. Wirt Newkirk, Republican, and
afternoon at St. Thomas' churc, {Charles J. Hutzel, Democrat, candi-
while services were also held at the dates in the mayoralty race, will
Bethelem Evangelical church, hold the spotlight as votes are cast.
Campaigns in the interest of the E
two nominees have aroused intense
(Continued on Page 3)
State Bulletins IDINAMA DO
(P Asnr o d resst'
Friday, Apr 3, 1931M
LANSING-The state public util-
ities commission today set April 8 T E FLOOR MEET
as the date for a hearing on the
Michigan Electric Power company's Reports of Immorality, Drinking
application to increase its securities Leads Authorities to
structure. Conduct Inquiry.
KALAMAZOO-Prof. Francis D. INDIANAPOLIS, April 3.-(P)--
Curtis, of the University of Michi- Faced with reports of alleged im-
gan, will be one of the principal morality among high school stu-
speakers when teachers of science dents attending the annual state
and mathematics in southwestern interscholastic basketball tourna-
Michigan meet April 10 at Western ment, the Indiana state board of
State Teachers' college for their education today authorized a com-
annual conference. mittee to investigate advisability of
abolishing the tournament.,
EVART-The Evart high school The investigating body will be;
chemistry laboratory was ruined appointed by George C. Cole, state1
and the interior of the building superintendent of public instruc-
damaged by fumes from burning ticn, who announced he will name
chemicals last night. Superintend- A. Wirt, superintendent of Gary,
ent S. J. Martin said the damage Ind., schools; President Linnaeus N.1
may amount to several thousand Hine :, of Indiana State Teachers'
dollars. The cause of the fire is college, Terre Haute, and Frank S.1
unknown. Reynolds, Cambridge City, Ind. i
ESCANABA-Three ons of Adolph Relating reports of drinking andI
E immorality which he said h a d
Dahl, Bark River farmer, were reached him following the tourna-
seriously injured last night when I ment last month, Eirt told the
they exploded 100 blasting caps board "it's a bad thing to throw so
they had taken from a highway toh y
construction company. The oldest niyhout g aperones. inThe chit
boy, Cletis, 15, who lost both eyes cannot possibly assume responsi-'
and may lose his hands, is not ex- bility for their (pupils) actions
pjected to live, while in Indianapolis."
Indiana, a hotbed of basketball
G R E G O R Y -Mrs. Lawrence competition, holds one of the larg-.
Owen, 23, was instantly killed to- i est scholastic tournaments in the
day when the car she was driving nation
left the road and tipped over. The _

woman, who was the mother of two Community Fund Mails'
small children, was attempting to
dodge a flock of sheep. Ballots for Election

process the disease makes in the
body. He found that it often infects
the spleen without spreading to the
rest of the body, and found that in-
fection in the spleen makes the
rest of the body resistant. In the
injections care must be taken, he
said, not to inject other parts of
the body.
"We don't know how far we can
go in these experiments or what
practical value they may have," Dr.
Brebner said. "Each injection re-
quires a major operation, and that
hardly could be given common ap-

Conley, Yarr, Carideo, Schwartz,
Brill and Mullins to
Carry Casket.
SOUTH BEND, Ind., April 3.-(A')
-The same strong arms which car-
ried Notre Dame to unequaled glory
on the gridiron during the past two,
years will bear Knute Rockne on1
his last journey tomorrow.

Gunman Retains His Impassive
Demeanor; Trial Three
Weeks in Length.
CHICAGO, Apr. 3.--(P)-Leo V.
Brothers was convicted late today
of assassinating Alfred (Jake)
Lingle, Chicago Tribune gangland
reporter. The sentence was recom-
mended by the jury as 14 years


Annual Spring Meeting to Open
at Union Tuesday; New
York Man to Speak.
The sixth annual conference of
the Michigan Real Estate associa-
tion and the School of Business Ad-
ministration will open at 11 o'clock
next Tuesday in the Union.
Prof. Ernest M. Fisher, professor
of real estate, will open the con-
ference. The feature address of the
morning session, "The Outlook for
Chain Store Locations in 1931," will
be presented by William J. Baxter,
of New York, president of the chain
store research bureau. Matthew
Carey, of Flint, will lead the dis-
cussion, and J. G. Lloyd Alexander,
of Grand Rapids, will preside over
the session.
Maynara Newton, Ann Arbor,
first vice-president of the real
estate organization, will preside at
a luncheon which will begin at
12:30 o'clock. C. E. Griffin, dean of
the business administration school,
will give the address of welcome. A
response will be presented by Rob-
ert P. Gerholz, of Flint, president
of the real estate association.
Speakers at the afternoon session,
which will start at 1:30 o'clock, are
Robert F. Bingham, of Cleveland,
general counsel for the Guardian
Trust company; Prof. R. D. Mc-
Kenzie, ,of the sociology depart-
ment; and Prof. Thomas H. Reed,
of the political science department.
Joseph Brinkman, of the School
of Music' Faculty, to Play
Two New Numbers.
Joseph Brinkman, of the faculty
of the piano department of the
School of Music, will appear in a
recital at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
The public with. the exception of
small children, may attend.
Brinkman several years ago won
the prize for younger musicians in
Chicago, the reward being an op-
portunity to appear as soloist with
the Chicago Symphony orchestra,
under Frederick Stock. Since then,
Brinkman has appeared many
times with Stock. During the pres-
ent school year, he has appeared
with the School of Music trio in
several recitals.
His program will consist of the
following numbers:
Tocatta Fuga, by Frescobaldi-
Respighi; Two Ballades, D Minor
("Edward") and F Major, by
Brahms and Chopin; Tocatta, by
Purcell-Sowerby; Sonata (Allegro
moderato, Scherzetto, Andantino,
Allegro maestoso) one of his own
compositions; Prelude, C minor, by
Gliere; Siluetas De La Calzada, by
Turina; Gargoyles, by Goosens; La
Marchande d'Eau Fraiche, by Ibert;
On Remembering a Child's Tune,
by Lee Pattison; and Caprice Ital-

In keeping with the wishes of 'imprisonment. ~J
Notre Dame's and the nation's im- Deliberate 27 hours. Alexander J. Groesbeck,
mortal football coach, six of the The jury returned its verdict FormerpgovernorWofMichigan,
players who helped to give the after nearly 27 hours deliberation, who rwill, with John W. i -
Ramblers two national champion- marked by fierce arguments and ocratic candidate for presidet
shp ee cos enp odayas active sudden changing in the balloting. 1924,represent therSenate in its
pallbearers for the impressive but Thus'the question:corfihwthPedntovr
simple funeral services. cor ih ihPeietHoe
implerads is. "Who killed Jake Lingle?" was to remove Chairman Smith, of the
Conley Leads List. . answered by naming Brothers, St. power commission.
They were Tom Conley, captai Louis hoodlum, as the man who
of the 1930 team.. Tommy Yarr crept behind the reporter in a
captain-elect of the 1931 team, pedestrian subway under Chicago's IE 5 H0
which faces the heartless task of busiest boulevard last June 9 and wgL
ter; Frank Carideo, the "little Na- But, "Why" Lingle was killed and
poleon" of the Rockne Raiders for other questions which had thrown
Chicago into a turmoil of rumor,f
Schwartz, who so often saved the 'remained unanswered. The trial!
day for Notre Dame from the field r oming thiswotd thing
of battle; Marty Brill, a youth who did not bring this out and nothing Former Oil-Can Holders, Noted
came to Notre Dame as a "football I more than speculation on possible Mayor to Give Speeches
failure," but who was forged by gangland alliances or murder plots,
kfgedsystemed from the testimony directed I-at Razz Fest.'
Rockne into one of the greatest of chiefly to identifying Brothers.
them all, and Larry Mullins, his ahe idtiwyingBrders Noted speakers, famous not only
line-crashing fullback. The verdict was regarded as ,
Hundreds of mourners from all compromise betwen acquittal, that as campus celebrities but as na-
sections of the nation streamed into some jurors were understood to tionally prominent men, are in-
the picturesque Rockne home in; favor in deliberations last night, cluded on the program of Sigma
Sunnymede, a South Bend residen- and death in the electric chair. Delta Chi's ninth annual Gridiron
tial section, today to pay tribute to Trial Lasted 3 Weeks. banquet to be held next Wednesday
the great Viking. From 11 a.m. un- The case was built almost entirely iatue' ndnd
til far into the night the mourners on identification of Brothers as the night at the Union.e
came, braving raw, cold, drizzling man seen fleeing from the Ran- Among those scheduled to speak
rain. Eyes were clouded with tears, dolph street pedestrian tunnel the are more than half of the former
more so because none could take a day Lingle was shot down from the holders of the Oil-can and the
last view of the body, sealed in the back. mayor of one of the nation's larg-
bronzed casket forever because of One man said he saw Brothers est cities. Joseph Russell, '31, chair-
its condition. Plans were completed drop a pistol near Lingle's body but man of the banquet, refused to re-
today for the funeral. The cortege no one testified to seeing him fir veal his name yesterday although
- cavalcade of automobiles carry-~i the shot. it was stated that it would be given
ing Mrs. Rockne and family, Rock- The verdict came at the end of out before the banquet.
ne's 72-year-old mother and his the third week of the trial. Preparations for presenting the
three sisters, officials of the Univer- Brought in by deputy sheriffs, lie Oil-can, symbol of honor and re- I
sity and other relatives and close leaned calmly against the witness spect among members of the fac-
friends - will leave the Rockne stand, elbow on rail, hand on chin, ulty, were being made yesterday by
home at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow for the and as the decree was read, he the committee. It was said that the
Church of Sacred Heart on the slowly turned and quizzingly re- Oil-can winner had been selected
campus of Notre Dame .garded Judge Sabbath. and that everything was in readi-
Choir To Sing. ness for the presentation. Waldo
The choir will start the services Abbot, of the English department,
by singing "Improperia Poipule R1110 1 R111CISTIwill give the speech welcoming the
meet the body at the door of the bot was given the trophy last year.
church at 3 p. m. to give prelimi- TOP f fI~Initiation ceremonies for mem-
nary blessing, as the procession en- hers of the class of 1933 selected for
ters the church and proceeds to IN UBE membership in Sigma Delta Chi will
the alter the chant of "Miserere''Idbe held this afternoon and will be
will be sung by the choir. Another,, Allen Clark, Jones Will Lead followed with a banquet at the
the Gregorian chant, "Subvenite," C ons Union tonight. Gurney Williams,
will follow. Discussions; Woodwind Uintig.Guey iliam,
wihe elo. lb thJr., '31, president of the organiza-
The eulogy will be the Rev. I Ensemble to Play. )tion, will preside.
Charles L. O'Donnell, C. S. C., presi- Tickets for the banquet are being I
dent of the University. At 3:45 the I Forestry, engineering, and Eng- sold rapidly, Chairman Edward S.'
body will be blessed and then taken lish will be the subjects of faculty McKay, '32, announced. They will
to the Highland cemetery on the discussions at 7:30 o'clock tonight remain on sale until Wednesday
outskirts of the city. from the campus broadcasting stu- morning, after which they cannot
. dio. be obtained. The theme of the ban-
Senate Court Fight Prof. Shirely W. Allen, of the for- quet will be the usual "razz" fest
estryschool, will explain "What a with skits, a campus movie, and
on Power Chairman Forester Does." Claude L. Clark, speeches featuring the program.
research engineer, will speak upon This year's theme will include re-
to Start Next Wt eekI the general title "Metals." Prof.-( cent campus events which will be
Howard Mumford Jones, of the i satirized.
English department, will give a' -_ _
WASHINGTON, April 3-(P)-The synopsis of his radio talks that arel
Senate's unprecedented court con- broadcast each Thursday after-,
test with 'President Hoover to re- noon under the general heading EVANSTON, Ill., April 3.-(A')
move Chairman Smith of the power "Contemporary Interpretations of
commission probably will get under America." -Earl E. Fleischman, instruc-
way next week. The music will be presented by tor in the department of speech
Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon- 'the Woodwind ensemble, a group of at the University of Michigan,
tana, leader of the movement to students in the music school, who won first place and the Sidney
oust Smith, announced today he are under the direction of Nicholas . .
would confer with counsel in the Falcone, instructor in band instru-Lamer medal i the first annual
case next Friday and that the suit ments, and director of the Varsity Northwestern University poetry
would be filed shortly thereafter. band. speaking contest here tonight.
Senate counsel are John W. Davis,
of New York, Democratic candidate
for president in 1924, and former OHIO CONVICTS BEG DEATH PENALTY
Governor Alex. J. Groesbeck, of
Former Senator Pepper of Penn-I
sylvania, will represent Smith and Started Fatal Columbus Fire;! murder charged in the three indict-
tne justice department has served Would Now Sooner Face ments against them.
notice its attorney will defend his Electric Chair. tThe conspirators, who confessed
case vigorously. n ithey used candles, oi, and wood
----lshavings to set fire to wooden con-
Cort Fr CCOLUMBUS, O., April 3.-(')- crete forms on the roof of a cell
Death in the electric chair rather block, causing the death of 320 pris-
on Vagrancy Charge than life in the Ohio penitentiary, oners who were locked in their
where the fire they set caused 320 cells, said they had spent nine years
C H I C A G O, April 3.-(A)-Al deaths, was the choice today of in the penitentiary on robbery
(Scarf ace) Capone, first by number two convicts who confessed they charges, and they did not want to

Additional Relief Being Rushed
by Navy; Milk and Medical
Aid Greatly Needed.
Ernest J. Swift Appointed Head
of Red Cross Body; Confers
With American Minister.
MANAGAUA, Nicaragua, April 3.
-(P)-The task of directing the
feeding and rehabilitation of Man-
agua's 40,000 residents, made home-
less by Tuesday's disastrous earth-
quake, was taken over today by
Ernest J. Swift, Red Cross official,
after his arrival by airplane from
The Red Cross official's first step
after reaching Campo de Marte-
marine and American headquarters
where Mathew E. Hanna, United
States minister, is housing his lega-
tion in the center of tents, was to
confer with Mr. Hanna and then
make an inspection trip through
the devastated city.
Swift Holds Conference.
Later Mr. Swift conferred with
marine and medical corp officers
and others to decide what immedi-
ate steps should be taken.
Meanwhile, other n a v a 1 relief
groups congregated at Corinto, to
which city a number of. wives and
children of the United States ma-
rines were taken by airplane today.
From there they will be returned to
their homes in the United States.
Naval ships brought food and
medical supplies to Corinto from
Balboa, Canal Zone. These will be
brought to stricken Managua by
airplanes, trucks and trains. Since
the railroad is not open all the way
to the capitol, trucks will meet the
trains with relief supplies at the
end of its line, several miles from
the city.
The medical corp, which sorely
needed aid for a while, is carry-
ing on its work efficiently although
doctors and their assistants are ex-
hausted from long hours of nerve-
racking work.
Hatfield Leads Medical Work.
Leading the work of the medical
detachment, Lieut. Comemander W.
B. Hatfield, of West Virginia, has
shown unfailing energy throughout
the disaster. His leadership has
been an important feature of the
rescue work.
The iron hand of martial law to
prevent looting in the destroyed
city resulted last night in the shoot-
ing of four plunderers by the na-
tional guard. This is unofficially
reported to have made a total of
approximately 20 looters shot to
date, although marine officers have
not confirmed this.
One of the commodities of food
most needed is milk for the babies.
Although marines had a large store
of condensed milk on hand, it was
insufficient for the wants of thous-
Ronny Johannson to Conclude
Recitals; Debut Made
in Vienna.

Ronny Johannson, Swedish danc-
er, will appear in a dance recital at
8:15 o'clock tonight in the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre. She will con-
clude a series of dance recitals
sponsored by the theatre this year,
which included Yvonne Georgi and
Carola Goya.
Miss Johannson has been asso-
ciated with Elsa Findlay and John
Martin in their New York dancing
school since her arrival in the Unit-
ed States. She made her debut in
Vienna, and has appeared in Co-
penhagen, Berlin, Budapest, Stock-
holm, and Prague, as well as in
New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Co-
lumbia university and the Univer-
sity of North Carolina. In Chicago
she appeared as guest-artist with
the Adolphe Bolm ballets.
Addison Hibbard, dean of the
; University of North Carolina, said

MANISTEE-The Michigan Can-'

Ballots for election of five direc-
tnr. nn th o har of the Commun-_

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