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April 01, 1931 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-01

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idate Threatens

Presby and Kieglar Victorious
Over Yannigans in First
Game of Season.
Seven innings of spirited work-
out on the Ferry field diamond
brought the Michigan baseball
squad out of doors for the first
time this season yesterday after-
noon to put on an exhibition game
in which the Varsity first team
slammed in seven runs while the
subs crossed the home plate but
three times.
Presby went into the box for the
Varsity squad in the opening inning
and came through with a fair per-
formance for the initial game,
showing a greater degree of control
than his wild exhibitions of last
SKiegler Goes In.
Kiegler replaced Presby o'n the
mound for several innings, but he
didn't have anything new to offer.
Douglass was on the receiving end
of this battery, but was relieved for
a time by Carr. Bartholomew and
Travers did the hurling for the re-
serve squad, with Diffley doing his
best to hang on to their offerings.
In general, Coach Ray Fisher's
proteges put on a good showing for
the opening session, and although
the play was a bit ragged at times,
the squad has some wonderful pos-
sibilities for a snappy nine this
season. If they continue to show
the spirit they put forth 'in yester-
day's session, the men will be in
good shape by the time for the
southern trip, which starts next
Butler sprung a bit of a surprise
when he slammed out a three-
bagger for the best hit of the game
and also popped out three hits for
the day's honors. If he can con-
tinue this hitting throughout the
season he will be a much more val-
uable, shortstop to Fisher.
Hudson at First.
Hudson held down the first sack
for the Varsity yesterday with
Daniels at second and Superko
handling the ball at third. In the
outfield were Eastman, Capt. Tomp-
kins, and McCormick. Lindsey got
in for a time for Eastman out in
the right field position.
The reserve infield was composed
of Cracht at first, Moody at second,
Berger at third, and Manuel at
short. Richmond, Brendle, and
Drabicki handled the outfield work
for the defeated subs.
Outdoor practice games will be
continued throughout this week
with several innings in store for
the squad each day. More intensivef
drills are on schedule for the
moundsmen next week.
tobacco of the
Dartmouth man
F you want to know the Dart-
mouth man's favorite tobacco,
watch him as he loads his pipe be-
tween classes in front of Dart-

mouth Row. Watch him as he
strolls along Wheelock Street and
pulls the familiar blue tin of Edge-
worth out of his pocket.
A pipe and Edgeworth-this is
the smoking combination that has
won the college man. Harvard,
Cornell, Michigan, Stanford, Illi-
nois ... all agree with Dartmouth.
Natural merit has made Edgeworth
the favorite smoking tobacco in
America's leading colleges and uni-
College men everywhere respond
to the appeal of pipes packed with
cool, slow-burning Edgeworth. Be
guided by their choice; try Edge-
worth yourself. Taste its rich nat-
ural savor that is enhanced immeas-
urably by Edgeworth's distinctive
"eleventh process.'! You will find
Edgeworth at your nearest tobacco
shop-15ยข the tin. Or, for gener-
ous free sample, address: Larus &
Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Rich-
mond, Va..
Edgeworth is a blend
of fine old burleys, r===!

Sophomore Cand

In tramural News

to Take Regular Berth.
(Continued From Pa~p W )

With the results of the three
round decided that he had had Spring sports yet to be determined,
enough. Alpha Kappa Lambda leads in the
Montague has shown consistently all-year inter-fraternity competi-
'good form as a medalist, and e tion ith a total of 1035 points, a
achivemet magm o 66points over Theta
haps his outstanding aChi, the runner-up in the results
along these lines was a sparkling to date. A. K. L. took the lead by
69 over the long and difficult Kent gaining the final round of the vol-
Country Club course in Grand Ra- ley-ball tournament, with a pos-
pids, which tied the Amateur course sibility of annexing 10 additional
record. points by defeating the winner of
Maroon Star Chosen
as Badger End Coach
MADISON, Wis., Mar. 31.-(/')-
SElmerA. Lampe, former Universtiy
of Chicago foot ball star, today was
Kipke Puts Large Squad Through announced as the choice of the
Fundamentals Practice o I Wisconsin University Athletic' Coun-
Ferry Field Grid. cil to succeed Jack Ryan as end
FrFd r.coach for the 1931 foot ball season.
(Continued From Pv( 6) Graduated from Chicago in 1926
boost by the veterans of the 1930 after three years of play on the
machine who will come out then. I Maroon varsity, Lampe for the past
Practically every one of the old two years has been athletic director
men, except those engaged in other } of foot ball and track at Evanston
sports, are counting on taking part Township High School. His teams
in the spring drills. won the suburban high school
Practice will be held every day, chan1pionship in 1929 and 1930.1

the semi-final round of the oppo-
site bracket. Theta Xi is third in

the present standings with
Fraternity Standings.
Theta Chi.................
Theta Xi..................
T. K.E.....................
Phi Psi..................
D. A.E.....................
Alpha Omega.............
Phi Lambda Kappa........
Tau Delta Phi............
Pi Lambda Phi...........
Phi Beta Delta...........
Kappa Nu...............
Phi Kappa Sigma.........
Sigma Chi...............
P.S.K ...................
Tennis and horseshoes.




Entries for the fraternity com-
petition in tennis and horseshoes
are now being received by the In-
tramural department. The tennis
tournament victor annexes 100
points in the all-year scorings,
while the horseshoes winner re-
ceives 75. Psi Upsilon is the de-
fending champion in tennis, the
horseshoes tournament was won
last year by Delta Upsilon.


weatner permitting, until next Tues-
day, when it will be suspended
until after the vacation period.
Upon returning from their week of
rest the men will begin upon the
final stretch of spring practice
which will be either three or four
weeks in duration.
In these closing weeks of the
training period the squad will be
divided up into four groups and
a series of games will be played in
the stadium between the different
teams. Besides these games several
scrimmage sessions will be held so'
that every man will see plenty of
action during these weeks.
For the second time in two weeks
the cry of "wolf" was sounded on
the campus, and the fraternities
dumped their liquor. The raid wasl
started on one house and these
men immediately spread the warn-
ing to the others. Nothing anti-
volstead was found and the campus
is still called dry.
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ately long tips.
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I Ii

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