THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1931 ublished every morning except Monday ing the University year by the Board in trol or Student Publications. [ember of Western Conference Editorial sociation. he Associated- Press is exclusively entitled the use for republication of all news dis- hee credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and the local news published in. ;utered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, higan, as second class matter. Special rate vostage granted by Third Assistant Post- Aer General. ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by trail, $4.5o. offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard eet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4929 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Boar4 HENRY MERRY FPANX E. CoOPERnCity Editor ws Editor ...............Gurney Williams torial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds arts Editor............oseph A. Russell men's Editor..........:Mary L. Behymer sic, Drama, Books.........Wm. J.Gorman istant City Editor......Harold 0. Warren istant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl egrap. Editor ..........GeorgA.Stautei Iy EditorG..............o .. Pypet NIGHT EDITORS are of little or no value to the stu- dents, and it would certainly regu- late the certain faculty members so that they would find it advisable to view their classes, students, and grades with at least as much con- sideration as their books, theses, and research work. Campus Opiion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less thai. 300 words if possible. Anonymous com-. munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construedl as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the Editor: I do not purport to be a propo- nent of capital punishment, but as it appears to me that there are two sides to every question, I think it is time that someone brings out whatever excuse there may be for the measure, since the University seems to be devoid of any organized group in. favor of it. Professor Reeves has done so, tho not very fully, and apparently without any support here at home. T0ASTED ROLL TDAY A S APRIL FIRST I p His statement at Raleigh that The construction is under the di- Maynard street between the Helen nections with large influential ty-eight graduates of American ar- chitectural schools participated in in an eight-hour private meeting SJTs.9Alun al Jo uolmnuluoa 1u sl * * DAILY POEM donations of food from fraternity,+ for some time, but which appar- productions and is being issued for Brigode to Play for Engineers; school, announced yesterday. Eigh-. WHAT HO DEPARTMENT Five ways in which students could help the jobless of Ann Arbor and fn L~~7rQ eacb Conger S. Forsythe 4 M. Nicho John D. Reindel Charcs R. Sprowl Richard L. Tobin Harold 0. Waren Srora ASsiSTANTS Cn rwllrn Trlln Kend~ CemUont. .. unerton. Lu enJ enney- or rawers. Charles A. Sanford At the one meeting which I have -a snoquaataq s1 -JlE uBuaauT5 REPORTERS attended, Prof. Wood suggested that -ua au aAoE uojitsod s xooIn pa rhomas M. Cooler Wilbur J.1Mey.ers the measure was a "red herring" -Jieaddsp ana apis guul, ak qmn Morton Frank Brainard W. Is drawn across the trail of some oth- * * Saul Friedberg Robert L. Pierce frank B. Gilbre Richard Racine er activity or question that the leg- ftoland Goodman Jerry E. RosenthalDONWT-EBRYHL Morton Helper Karl Sei.fert islature wished to conceal. If Prof. DOWN-WITH-NEWBERRY-HALL Btyan Jones George A. Stauter Wood knows what this "trail" is, we DEPT. Denton C. Kun~e ohn WV Thomas Powers Moulton John S. Townsed would be glad to have him say, as it - Kleen Blunt Mary McCall would help clear up his contempt qu jaA su m gun gaaas paunu Nanette Dembit Cue Miller for the bill. The general opinion department of the University and Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien of most people on this campus Lloyd George today was able to Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin seems to be that the measure is s'et 'V6, 'plAaS 'g xoaapad )ean Levy_ Margaret Thompson wnteGog .Bohtaeln Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell worthy only of contempt, and that won the George G. Booth travellmg Susan Manchester for several reasons. BUSINESS STAFF In general, as to the principle it- Telephone 21214 self, the bill intends to re-establish T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business 31m70ge a "savagery," which the people of XAXPul I. HALVERSON, Ass$sta$t MGae this state, being the first to abolish, DEPARTMENT .ChANAGERs '- . should be the last to vote back. Ad- Advertising.... ...Thomas M. Davis mitting that it is unpleasant, and Advertising ........William W. Warboys Service ...................Norris Johnson that we would do without it if we Circulation.............Marvin . Koblace" could, I think most of the people Accounts.......... ...Thomas S. Muir of the state feel that for the safety Business Secretary..........Mary J. Kena of society, it is a necessary meas- and Margaret Faulkner, '31. ssstanure. The conditions of 1847 are not Itwas decided that as a prelim- Ve non Bishop Don WgLyonger those of today, and we shouldn't fellowship in architecture. William Brown William Morgan Work is progressg rapidly on obert Callahan Richard Stratemeier sacrifice the security of our persons the tunnel has made necessary the Richard. Hier Noel D. ITiiroer . ment of policy were withheld for Miles Hoisington Byron C. Veddet consistency. True, as Prof. Onder- donk so eloquently argues, it may, . *l g da Marian Atran Helen Olsen(WEL WHTD YO KNW An Wa Vn~i ya Mler be signing the death warrant to our WELL, WHAT DO YOU KNOW Helen Bailey Mildred Postal rrown children, or even of ourselves, A Toselihine Convlsse* Marjorie RougeAOTTHS ET axine Fishgrund Mary E. Watts but it seems to me that if it is de- AT D Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese , served, our answer should be, "What d it asks parliament to do noth- Dorothy Laylin vided i ssprimn od oh of it?" Is it an argument for shirk- homes for jobs, club work, and so- ing responsibility that we ourselves cial service. WEDNESDAY, APRIL .1,. 1931 may have to pay? The reply of the I TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1931 opponents, of course, is that most ;ight Editor --DAVID M. NICHOL crimes are of the "sudden passion" * * * variety, and are excusable and not CONTRIBUTORS DEPT. THE PRESENT MARKING apt to be repeated. If so, why should SYSTEMW we punish the innocent victim of the preliminary , contest, five of ! his own passions with a life of im- outlying districts, were outlined by The marking system at present prisonment which, itis claimed, these being selected by a jury of Ised in the Literary college is so the prisoner most dreads? It might Knightlinger, '33, R i c h a r d Mc- integral a part of the entire educa- be said also that the conviction of Creary, '33E, Ralph Wurster, '33E, tional system that 'it would seem an innocent man is providedc against week to contribute a bushel basket unfeasible to propose any drastic as well as, humans can by Sec. 5 of asthe curriluoperationmethod of the Act, which provides for theT aste crrculm nd etodsofcompulsory review by the Supreme MOTHER MACHREE DEPT. instruction remain the same, a Court of the State of all cases in more accurate and direct means of which the prisoner is convicted, be-- asa.1 aW tl samanTa; aiU Jo auO determining grades must wait. fore the execution can take place. Lorch, head of the architectural To be sure, there are evils in all i These considerations drive us back porated into the decorations at the marking systems, and also strongon Short speeches were given by arguments against any plan that main Elizabeth M. N o t t o n, '33, Erle points of contention in the present would permit students to pursue controversy. courses without receiving a numer- The first of these is that capital LIBLdlI ical expression of the quality of punishment is no deterrent for sorority, and league houses, a sale their work. However, since the murderers because the "sudden of tags, the canvassing of local Michigan system is without doubt passion" murderer doesn't think of T6T '8 HO VIA 'VGSflJ, one of the most effective and popu- the penalty, and the professional standing figures in the history of lar, there is little doubt but that murderer kills in spite of it. I rnauuax Aq patpa aq o s uo the dean's committee will find it think, however, that, in view of the -Ino oq J1 v i ui pai2ua oaIaq unnecessary to bring about a com- purpose for which this bill was pro- heat and power for the new Press plete revolution in the present posed, this phase of the question method. doesn't vitally concern us. Every- What Michigan needs is a closer one will admit that at the present DAN BAXTER. check on the methods individual time we are coming more and more professors employ in determining to the conclusion that crime is a this, therefore wili never convict marks. At the end of each semester'- disease and should be treated on the accused man. I agree that this there is a large number of students that basis, that the whole theory is a serious difficulty, but I think who feel that they have been treat- of our criminal laws should not be that we have over-estimated it. ed unfairly or that they have taken that of revenge, and that reforms Your "sudden passion" killer ordi- a course which has been complete- are needed in laws, court procedure, narily will not have premeditated ly without merit. As the situation and penal practice. We should nev- his crime, and therefore, under the now stands the deans of the various er forget, however, that these meas- bill, could not be indicted for first colleges are rarely informed or ures are not before the public at degree murder. This would save aware of the feelings of many of the present time, and probably will from execution all those who do not these students. When professors not be until those of us who do all deserve it, and if we ever do enact are unable to make their courses the objecting to present conditions the proper reformatory measures, interesting to the students, when begin to do a little constructive he may again become a useful they fail to develop in them a spark work on the question. We might member of society. Conceding, how- of ambition and when the grades ask why, if the murderer doesn't ever, that he could have premedi- fail to reveal the character of the fear execution, he always seeks to tated his crime and still not deserve work done by individual compari- avoid it, but I think we need not execution (and this seems to me to son, then something should be be especially interested in the reply. be the only case in which there is done, and this alone can be ac- It should be borne in mind that our any serious question), it is apparent complished through the dean's of- objective, at the present time is the that the prosecutor, knowing he fice. elimination of the gunman, the hi- couldn't get conviction, would not A plan by which students would jacker, and the racketeer. If we charge first degree murder. It does be able to express to the dean of save a few lives from the bullets of not seem to me that he would thus their college individual feelings to- his machine-guns, we have accomp- be disobeying the mandates of the wards courses, and the ability of lished a result which fully justifies law any more than the jury which their professors and instructors as taking his life. Even Prof. Coffey, refuses to convict in a clear case, teachers, critics, and m a r k e r s, who has expressed himself as op- and he would at least have done his would certainly be helpful in the posed to the bill, has admitted that duty to society. If such a case elimination of many complaints he does not object to the removal exists, then the bill is defective, but which are so often directed against of such individuals from society. I cannot think that for this reason the Michigan system. In view of present day conditions, we should turn down what seems With the students in a position to I fail to see how the argument that otherwise to be a wise remedy, es- judge their courses and professors capital punishment is no deterrent pecially in view of the fact that if ad+ APnrP inc i iaiinl-nt han anv force. I(the defect i nractice nroves to he F I About Books O PIONEER! JONATHAN GENTRY: by Mark Van Doren: (illustrated by H. R. Bishop): Albert and Charles Boni: N. Y. C. There are certain aspects of American history which will bear the intense vision of a contempor- ary imagination searching for val- ues. Almost any chapter of the much-neglected book of W. C. Wil- liams, "In The American Grain," proves that very substantially. But the simple fact that pioneers came to America, got very close to the1 earth, loved it, and lived on it and that we are no longer pioneers but live in cities-at least if it is taken as simply as that-is not one of those aspects. Mr. Van Doren has just accepted this spiritual truism from American history and made it the basis for some two hundred pages of strictly lyrical writing. The result, for all its felicity, all its sensitivity, all its music, all its read- ability, is essentially trivial. I shall try to show why I think so. The poem begins with the estab- lishment of a family with its roots in a sombre, deep love of the land that had been an escape for the first "Jonathan Gentry, with an English heart Broken in two high places that must heal" who had sailed down the Ohio River in 1800 his mind eager for peace: "But over the American mountains The American meadows wait. Broad with good breath, Sea-green with only grass, And heaving with God's promises to men, The American meadows, faint from so long calling." It then skips to the Civil War generation, where two brothers (Jonathan Gentry III and his ten- der, inarticulate young brother Charlie) are caught by a struggle that is meaningless to them, which they join because it threatens the land their ancestor had so deeply trusted. Charlie killed, Jonathan goes home to the same "click, click, clickety click" that had ac- companied his leaving it. The lovely calm of his sweetheart's let- ters during those years of turmoil, in which he had discovered that the men he was shooting at loved their land too, was reassurance that his land lay there, a consoling peace. In the third section, Jonathan Gentry V of our generation watches the finish of his race; receives his brother Joe who on occasional visits from the city drinks of the farm's rest only that he may the more fully savourhis beloved city's speed; silently regards his city- born wife desperately fighting the illusions of rich living the distant city inspires in her, weakening into a neurotic during a cruel drouth, dying in a shameful death. Jonathan is alone, stays by the land: "At least I see some honOr in an end Not hastened, not escaped-an end accepted. The first old Gentry would have had me stay." Mr. Van Doren on a blank verse norm, with occasional interfusion of simple lyrics (the old fiddler in the first section, soldiers' marching songs in the second, and the fren- zied jazz utterance of a half-witted hired man in the third), has at- tempted the lyrical evocation of this family pattern of living-in its creation, maintenance, and death. There is no estimation of the pat- tern from an attitude impressing one as contemporary. Mr. Van Doren accepts this very familiar historical concept of the lost pio- neer ecstacy quite uncritically and elaborates his feelings about it. The pattern is always interesting (in this case, it is interesting enough to bear a very readable minor poem of some length, which is of course a considerable achievement. But, taken simply, it is not always vital. It certainly is not vital enough to sustain (without a narrative struc- ture to give it depth) major poetry. Mr. Van Doren has won consider- able distinction as a writer of short lyrics, notable for their concentra- tion and tightness of design. It is hoped, I think, that "Jonathan Gentry' is only an interlude in a career, whose directions in such a volume as "Now The Sky" promisea much. E. A. Robinson and Robin- son Jeffers are the only poets, I take it, who are writing significant long poems today. The felicities of Mr. Van Doren's long poem have no relation to the dissimilnr work of I ',. III it i Sensational French Prima donna of the Metropolitan Opera Company Wednesday evening concert Hilda Burke A star of the Chicago Civic Opera Company Thursday evening and Friday afternoon concerts Soprano Cyrena Van Gordon Contralto FESTI Chicago Civic Opera Company star Saturday evening concert ,L SIX CONCERTS May 13, 14,915,16 Eleanor Reynolds Contralto Lily Ponts Chicago Civic Opera Company and Staats Operas of Berlin and Vienna Thursday evening and Friday afternoon concerts Frederick Jagel Metropolitan Opera Company Thursday evening concert Walter Widdop British National Opera Company Saturday evening concert Chase Ba roineo Chicago Civic Opera Company Saturday evening concert Nelson Eddy American Opera Company Thursday and Saturday evening concerts Tenor Tenor Baritone Baritone Soprano F Fred atton Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Thursday and Saturday evening concerts r I I RmutlitBretont Violinist Renowned woman virtuoso Saturday afternoon concert cj t! E' t Ignace Jati Paderewski World's most renowned pianist Friday evening concert Palmter Christian Leading American Organ virtuoso Friday afternoon concert Earle V. Moore Conductor of Choral works Pianist Organist 1 i F s t s ;. t e t t >, 1 e s t e t s s e s e t z s f e Musical Director Frederiek Stock Orchestra Conductor Conductor or Orchestral and Miscellaneous programs E'rl eI D ama rtes Assistant Conductor Conductor for Orchestral and Miscellaneous programs JuivaHigbee Children's Conductor Supervisor of Music, Ann Arbor Public Schools University Choral Union Thursday and Saturday evenings. Three hundred voices. Chicago Sy mphoniyOrchestra Entire Festival week. Seventy players Children's Festival Chorus Friday afternoon concert. Four hundred voices Boris Godunof in English Saturday evening concert St. Francis of Assisi Thursday evening-concert Mussorgsky Pierne Old onny Appleseed (children) Friday afternoon concert Gaul SEASON TICKETS, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 (if Festival coupon is enclosed deduct I