NOR FOU1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20.1931 Published every morning except Monday during the UJliversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- ratches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published herein. etered at the postofflce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rte of postage granted by Third Assistant Pot- maaer eneral. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $ Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4923 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY Fwrx E. COOPER, City Editor News :Editor ..............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor.......... MaryL. Behymer Music, Drama, Books.......Wm.J. Gorman Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0 Warren Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor...........George A. Stauter Copy Editor.................Wmn. F. Pypet NIGHT EDITORS an unsuccessful World's Fair in 1933 staring them in the face un- less some housecleaning is done, the voters have been aroused and apparently for the first time in years, an intelligent vote might be recorded and a competent man put into office. If this is done, Chicago will have done much towards help- ing her reputation and will again be classed as a civilized and re-j spectable metropolis instead of a hang-out for the barbarians and vandals which have been repre- sentative of the city. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less that. 30 words if possible. Anonymous comn- munications will e dsre garded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published shouldnotrbe construed as expressing the editorial MUs"C AND DRAM AiAbout Books" 1 -- CIE I 1 - - - 1 TONIGHT: In Hill Auditorium be- ginning promptly at 8:15 the first performance of the old Freiburg Passion Play, the native produc- tion with members of the Fass- nacht family of Freiburg in the leading roles and support to the spectacle being given by members, of the Play Production group and a trained chorus under Prof. Earl V. Moore. MARY WIGMAN A Review by Roberta Reed. b ID e S. Beach Conger Cal S. Forsythe avid M. Nichol John D. Reindel Richard L. Tobin Harold 0. Warren SPORTS ASSISTANTs Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend REPORTERS !E. Bush hoinas M. Cooley Morton Frank Saul Friedberg Frank B. Gilbreth lack Goldsmith oland Goodman Murton Helper Edgar Hornik Iatnes Johnson ryan Jones Denton C. Kunze Powers Moulton Eileen Blunt Elsie Feldman Rutl Gallmeyer Emily G. Grimes ainyLevae Wilbur J. Meyers Brainard W. Nies Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Theodore T. Rose Jerry E. Rosenthal Charles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert Robert F. Shaw Edwin M. Smith George A. Stauter John W. Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Margaret O'Brien EleanoreRairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager K.A R H. HALvERSON, Assistant Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising ................Charles T. Kline Advertising ................Thomas M. Davis Advertising ............William.W. Warboys Service...................Norris J. Johnson Publication............Robert W. Williamson Circulation................Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts...................Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenan r t t i To the Editor:r Below are some resolutions, which, while not promulgated by our worthy Senate committee and{ dean's office (both of which seem to act on every principle except justice and decency), may have popular support. Resolved: That Michgian is prob- ably as dry as any university in the country; That through these raids much, unfavorable publicity has been vis-' ited upon our college;, That these raids were unethical, possibly illegal in character, and totally unjustified of purpose; That since liquor could have been found in practically every frater- nity and rooming house, in the homes of many faculty members, in the residence of a vast number of townspeople, therefore, these raids show unfair discrimination; That in view of the nature of the raids, not only was the penalty out of proportion, but absolutely pre-! posterous; That the penalty was determined for political reasons and other ir- relevant considerations rather than by a desire to honestly enact jus- tice; That such raids can have no good influence, for drinking will con- tinue, if' not in fraternity houses, then in many other places and in a more public way; That Prosecutor Rapp, who has said he would prosecute individuals if the University did not take ac- tion, is making a fool of himself- as the officers of the law responsi- ble for the raids have more to fear from any action taken than have the students themselves; That finally, the whole affair has demonstrated that the students should have at least equal repre- sentation in the Senate committee and that the Interfraternity coun- cil should have power to defend its members against such unwarranted attacks by the city, the Dean's office or the President of the Uni- versity. R. W. L., '32. Harry R. Begle* Vernon Bishop William Brown Robert Callahan William W. Davin Richard H. Hiller Milles Hoisington Ann' W. Verner Marian Atran Hfelep Bailey us 5hine Convisse Xaxine Fishgrund Diorthy LeMyire Dorothy Laylin Assistants Erie Kightlinger Don W. Lyon William Morgan Richard Stratemeier r Keith T"f'er Noel D. Turner Byron C. Vedder Sylvia Millet ]le en Olsen Mil dred Postal j Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese Vividness and animation marked i he work of Mary Wigman in her1 dance recital at Orchestra Hail, Wednesday evening. The perfor-a mance of Miss Wigman has been1 anticipated with a certain excite- 1: meent as marking the true pattern 1: she has set with the Modern School of dancing. In general, the pro- gram was creative with a strength of spirit and a depth of individual-n ity. The use of unusual musical in-.i. struments to emphasize a pose ors a movement was very impressive.t The music was strictly in accom- paniment rather than seeming to invite the dancing.c Undoubtedly the best numberso were her Face of the Night and the Witch Dance. The first mentioned was marked. by sinister groping and advances of rather frenzied' movements interrupted by retreats and advances of rather frenzied excitement. Each motion spoke thet attitude of alert but fearful anda sinuous progress in the night. The latter was in the jerky grotesquet gesturing of the fanatic. This wast accentuated by a mask worn, por- traying the witch face. This dancef was the exercising of a mood- strange, sharp movements pronoun-i cing surges of acute feeling. The Pastorale hardly justified a place on the program. The danc-t ing was simple and langorous, but it lacked all emphasis of the indi- vidual. Arm and body movementst as the dancer reclined upon thei floor, lacked the "grace in strength"'' of her work. The same slow lan- guidness in the Summer's Dance was more pleasant. Here a volupt- uousness entered the mood, making in all a more unified spirit behind the work. There was a marked lack of light- ness in the dancing. That is, the1 "lifting" movements, such as those used by his "Jubilate," were missing even in Festive Rythm, h e r closest approxima- tion to this style. This detracted from the freedom and lightness of footwork, such as marked Kreutz- berg's work. There was in Miss Wigman's d a n c i n g, however, a' beautiful strength, and a depth of feeling more decidedly shown than in the general tenor of the Kreutz- berg program. The Monotony Whirl Dance was the only number which seemed de- liberately an exhibition of skill. A repetition of certain arm move- ments a c co m p a n i e d a smooth rhythmic whirl. The balance and accuracy here were truly remark- able. Artistic play with the soft hangings of a dull-red costume was the only merit of the Storm Song. The swirls of her garment undul- ated about her body giving a vivid interpretation, although here too the "lifting" of her foot-work was conspicuously lacking. Miss Wigman's last numbers, two Gypsy Dances, were a reminder of Georgi's piquant charm. T h e s e dances were spirited and free, seeming to mark a release from the 3HE LAST DAYS OF SHYLOCK: y Ludwig Lewisohn: with Twelve )rawings by Arthur Szyk: Publish- d by Harper Brothers: New York, 931: Price, $2.50: Review Copy3 Courtesy of Slater's Book Store. Ludwig Lewisohn has in his pre- rious two novels evidenced a dis- einct critical attitude toward the acial problem. To find him' in a naturalistic vein in this last "The i Last Days of Shylock" is something of a surprise. His ethical concerns n the "Island Within" were very plain. The "Island Within" was an attempt to solve this problem through the solution of certain problems in the novel. In "The Last Days of Shylock" however, while there are certain interesting conclusions reached within the novel and which are pertinent to it, Lewisohn refuses to allow him- self to point a moral. While a cer- tain viewpoint is indicated in an elusive manner, it is impossible to classify it further. Whether because of a fear of prejudice or because of some aesthetical view, he does1 not 'take sides.' As may be guessed from the title, the book is an evolution of the trial scene in the "Merchant of Venice." Shylock comes home after the trial acutely conscious of his ridiculous defeat and of his pleGge to ie oap- tized on the morrow. The money thorities and the rest can be uivid- he is to lose does not bother him, for most of it is in other countries and so beyond the reach of the au- ed among his friends for safe keep- ing. But the necessity of having to become a proselyte, although on- ly for a day, tortures him. He re- mains awake all night dreaming of the past. The first half of the book is in retrospect. He recalls the way in which he found service with the Marrano family of Nassi, immense- ly wealthy and transfering through Shylock their money to Turkey where they later went to resume their faith. He recalls the various flames, actual and symbolic, which he has witnessed. The recital of the burning of the martyrs is one of the most eloquent passages in the novel. In the morning the guards come to take him to church. He goes willingly and is baptized without trepidation for he expects to board a Nassi vessel which is now lying in the harbor, to go to join his master in Turkey. Nassi and his wife, Donna Grazia, trusted nobles of the Sultans court, fit out an expedition to take the Jews from all over Europe to a portion of Palestine which the Sultan has granted them. The failure of this colonization, while Lewisohn plans it as inevitable and ironic in con- nection with the oft repeated greeting "this year here, next year in the holy land," is dramatic. Shy- lock returns to die in peace after his daughter Jessica, who has mar- ried out of the faith (recall the "Merchant") has returned. The character of Donna Grazia INVITATIONS AND ) PERSONAL CARDS PRINTED Long years of experience Dependable Service A Red Arrow Place O. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 d i \ ' t, f,( i . _ ' I V ry y i iliYVI 7 . Check Colds with "SNIFF" In These Dangerous Days i FOR YOUR NOON-DAY LUNCH "Quick Service" The Betsy Ross Shop 13-15 Nickels Arcade We Deliver }i - ____________ I .. I I jCOMEDY "OCLUB Dial 5931 "SNIFF" is a premier help in the fight on colds. Its vapors go direct to the membranes. At first sign of a cold, use on your handkerchief daytimes, on ,your pillow at night. But use also to prevent infection. Carry into every crowd. Lek children carry it to school.o"SNIFF" costs only 35c at all drug stores. Get it now. CRIPPEN ANN ARBOR'S THREE RED ARROW DRUG STORES. FOR SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER STOP AT pREKETE'S SUGAR BOWL 109 South Main St. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL TIMES Presents I The Strdait- jacket' 11 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1931 Night Editor -CARL S. FORSYTHE A FITTING MONUMENT I . J. L. BR UMM by As a culmination to a dream of more than twenty years standing, the contracts have at last been let and provision made to start work on Michigan's new Press building. When completed, the new struc- ture will be the finest student press building in the country. It will house the offices and equipment of the three major student publica- tions, The Daily, the Michiganen- sian, and the Gargoyle. Its equip- ment will be entirely modern and, with the site on which it will be placed, will represent an investment of more than $180,000, all of which has been raised by the student pub- lications in the past twenty years. Since the building was first pro- posed, more than 2,000 Michigan students have worked on the staffs of the various publications and have provided the means for carry- ing out the plans. The structure will be a fitting tribute to the energy and the sincerity of their labors. UNCIVILIZED CHICAGO Crime-ridden Chicago, seat of the gangster kingdom and con- trolled by bosses reminiscent of the old days of political buffoonery next Monday faces the task of try- ing to pick a Republican candidate for mayor. With the hope of hav- ing a capable and good man in the office for the World's Fair of 1933, the voters will be up in arms for the occasion. For the past few months, the several candidates for the nomin- ation have insulted and disparaged each other in such a way as to please the heart of any politician of the old school. Underhanded work, mud-slinging and actual fighting have given the country a veritable slapstick comedy. How- ever, due to the seriousness of the affair, the whole thing is far from humorous. One wonders, when reading the reports which have come from the fourth largest city in the world, just how much the law-abiding citizens of that' metropolis are going to stand from the crooks and bosses who are apparently making the politicians eat out of their I February 26,27 and 28 Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre I1 I I FOOTBALL Without football, Am leges could not exist;t become religious senmi academies of learning haps educational institi "In a vainly dignified efi fooled nobody) to keep t within civilized bounds, Powers met in an arbiti ference a few years ago, ed on a kind of limitatio ment: they agreed no battle practice before a c each year, and not to s other." If a certain yea black in the football a university, revolution fo wake. The alumni clamo Dean must go . . . We blood . . What canS the way they make th work now? . . . Just a drinkers down there." It is a serious busines college cannot win foot its very existence becom ous and there is no t soon it will have to clos Everything suffers: Busi tion, souls grow percepti ble. So let us all join th when The Day comes; tl .nemies tremble! There should be, no noncomba I say more? Professor o Editorial Com A writer to the N. Post lists the seven natu: of America as Niagara, erican col- they would inaries, or ;or per- utions . . fort (which the warfare the Great ration con- and decid- .n of arma- t to begin ertain date py on each r has been nnals of a llows in its "-4U 4 {y. L )r that" the rather heavy moods she assumed! need new in the rest of the program. you expect, ose fellows MAIER AND PATTISON lot of tea- FAREWELL Guy Maier and Lee Pattison, well- s. For if a known two piano ensemble, made ball games, their farewell appearance with or- ies precari- chestra last. Tuesday"afternoon in elling how Carnegie Hall. The remarks of Olin e its doors. Downes, the critic of the New York ness, diges- Times, should be of interest locally bly less no- where Maier and Pattison have Ae fray and been so often enthusiastically re- hen let our ceived: are, there "It is a great pity, from the stand- tants. Need point of the public, that Messrs. Maier and Pattison should have de- r Emeritus. cided to end their public associa- tion. Because there are few, if any e other pianists who appear together today who have achieved by long itnent and intimate association and the o hardest and most persistent labor the ensemble effect conspicuous Y. Evening yesterday. The work performed ral wonders was the Mozart concerto in E flat the Miss's- major. It was played with a spark- the Pali- ling beauty, lyricism and purity of Great Salt style, which are often spoken of Nassi, because of its consonance with the tone of the prose, is an extremely gentle and beautiful one, as fine as any I can recall in re- cent literature. She is the first to realize, and the first to hint at Lewisohn's conclusion. It is a con- clusion based on the constant greet- ing "peace be with you." After the failure to remove from the perse- cution of the nations to Palestine, and to peace, all the characters change. They grow in wisdom. There comes an unexpressed real- ization that the way of peace is not through a miracle Messiah from without, but through an in- ward growth. I should like to conclude with a short indication from the book of the amazing attitude of the people to the Jews which will serve two purposes, in illustrating the moti- vation of this book and also, al- though this is not one of the best passages, the beauty of the prose. The aberration of the burning of the Jewish books is taking place in the market and Shylock is there to witness it. All around him are the people of the town, who though they be renaissance scholars or vul- gar soldiers are united by a com- mon ignorance of what Judaism stood for. Shylock speaks to a gentle old lady in hope of discover- ing a difference. To her he says '"What think you, good mother, of the burning of the books?' Shei A-rc 1 Welding Diminishes the Din of Steel SConstruction to a Whisper IN Boston-Dallas-Los Angeles--and in other cities, lofty buildings are going up so quietly that the passerby all but stops and strains an ear for the old familiar .. ils i clangor. Silently, swiftly, rigidly, economically, arc welding knits steel with joints as strong asi the metal itself. Arc welding is being used more and more in the fabrication of buildings and ma- chinery, the construction of pipe lines and tanks, and as a repair tool of universal utility. Development of General Electric arc weld- :"r~ L " In r 1 ~O" *I- - Tr - rS rc rrc , r 1 sippi, lades, Mammoth Cave, Grand Canyon,t I akp and the Ppt.rifiprl T+ _: ..