ESTABLISHED 1890 Alp i1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XL. No. 94 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1931 RE T11AR1FULTS N1M LLTA PRICE FIVE CENTS I CUT Senate Defers Action. on PROSECUTOR AWAITS UNIVERSITY DECISION ON STATUS Of HOUSES; COMMITTEE TO 1hEAR PETITIONS Viceroy Asserts Indian Peace Rests on Gandhi NEW DELHI, India, Feb. 16. Peace in India now rests in the hands of Mahatma Gandhi, Lord Irwin, the viceroy said today, for the government is ready to concede most of his denands if he will agree to call off his civil disobedience campaign and give some evidence VETERAN LOAN BILL BY HUCEMAJOIY Measure Goes to Senate With Enough Votes to Down President's Veto. h ty i Student Council Appeal Condemns Severity of Senate Act. Further action by the Senate committee on student affairs of the University regarding the closing o: five fraternities folowing liquor raids last Wednesday morning was deferred yesterday until 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Yesterday's scheduled meeting was carried over, no action being taken. Two petitions were received late yesterday afternoon in the offlce of J. A. Bursley, dean of students, asking for reconsideration of recent Senate action. One, from the stu- dent council, termed the action "an unprecendented and unwaranted degree of severity," while the other. signed by 25 fraternities, reiterated the council's view that the Senate action had been too harsh. Both of these petitions will be presented be- fore the Wednesday assembly of the Senate committee. Meanwhile, members of the Phi Delta Theta, Theta Delta Chi, Kap- pa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Delta Kappa *Epsilon fraternities were seeking rooms and board throughout the city yesterday and today as a result of the order to Thirty-seven student waiters And dish washers will be forced to leave the University if the five fraternities raided by the Ann Arbor police are not re-opened by the Senate Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. Information was re- ceived from managers of the various fraternities. Fifteen townspeople who serve as cooks, helpers, and porters will also be thrown out of em- ployment it was revealed. House managers expressed the opinion that few of these would be able to find employment. "padlock" each house, issued by the Senate on Thursday atiernoon. This action evicted 182 student members of the five houses until at least September of this year, with social probation during the two semesters following. The student council resolution charged that "irrelevant considera- tions influenced the expressed opin- ions of those who were responsible for the unnatural severity" and that "no consideration was given to the unanimity of student sentiment ex- pressed by student members of the committee." The resolution added that it hoped the Senate commit- tee would especially reconsider its action on banning pledging and initiation of new members during the present school year. Case e f r of a "change of heart," toward the Rapp May Drop Charge government. if P niti e DereeLord Irwin has set aside all of if Punitive Decree tomorrow and the next day for con- Is Maintained. ferences with the picturesque little - man who is leading India's cam- Prosecution of 79 students ar- paign for independence, and today rested by Ann Arbor police in con- he spent several hours talking to nection with raids on five fraternity three influential Indian delegates houses will not be pressed until the to the recent round table confer- ence in London. University Senate indicates what course it will follow in regard to Stock Market Boosted punishing the students involved, it y Ird was indicated yesterday by Prose-? y increased Trading cutor Albert J. Rapp. (/ '' y iayd!Press) "I believe that it is the duty of NEW YORK, Feb. 16-Bulls boost- the University Senate to decide cd the stock market up a few more what steps the University will take pegs today, having regained their against the offending students," Mr.-I wind in the quiet trading of late Rapp declared. "If the University last week. i '> G.O.P. LEADERS SPLIT punisnes tnem, we Imay drop our A wide assortment of industrials, disorderly conduct charges. If the rails and utilities made substantial University takes no action against progress and gains of from $1 to $4 the individual students, we may a share were numerous. Some of press the charges. I cannot say the more erratic issues were whirled definitely at the present time." up $5 to $8 and Auburn was again Examination Friday. a market sensation, rushing up The examination of the 79 stu- $20.50 to $200.50, crossing the 200 dents now held for investigation, mark for the first time in nearly a is scheduled for Friday morning, in year., the co?,t of Justice Bert Fry. - The decision to hold the 79 stu- dents was made Wednesday morn- ing by Prosecutor Rapp, at the re- quest of the city police. ^- In making the raids,' the only purpose of the police was to secure liquor to be used as evidence against the two men who confessed early Wednesday morning to having de- Freiberg Version of Story of livered liquor to the five houses Christ to be Presented Tuesday night, Chief Thomas O'Brien said yesterday. The two Friday and Saturday. men are Joseph Looney, Huron ho-' tel, Ypsilanti, who is awaiting trial Thestory of the lastseven days for possession of liquor, and Shirley of Christ's life will be presented in O'Toole, 215 N. State street, who is a 700-year-old version when the held as a witness.. Freiburg Passion Play is given this Rapd sOresros cutioFriday and Saturday in Hill audi- Rapp Orders Prosecution. torium, with the cast direct from The students in the houses at Freiburg, the time the raids were made were taken to police headquarters, but Heading the cast will be two men no charges were preferred against who represent the fifth and sixth them until Prosecutor Rapp decided generations of their family to play to swear out disorderly warrants. the leading roles in the play. George Mr Rapsadthaiserderdy warrantsoFassnacht, Sr., under whose direc- Mr. Rapp said that he decided to tion the play has been presented in swear out the warrants because the largest cities of the country, polic had received many com- will play Judas, and his son, George plants from Ann Arbor citizens who Fassnacht, Jr., will play the Christ- lived in the neighborhood of the us. five houses, to the effect that the As U members of the fraternities in- gi tvenl on the staige of Hil auditorium, the Passion Phy will dulged in many noisy drinking differ in no way from the age-old parties late at night. manner in which it has been given Members of the Michigan house for more than 709 years. Approxi- of representatives committee on the mately 125 student members of Play University will visit the campus to- Production will act as "supers" and. day, it was announced yesterday in as assistants to the regular com- Lansing. This will be the regular pany technicians. Prof. Earl V. annual visit of the committee.' Moord, of the School of Music, is F. R. Darin, of River Rouge, is directing a chorus of 150 voices chairman of the groip. Other mem- which will render the incidental bers include H. E. Barnard, Jack- music for the Passion Play. son; James G. Frey, Battle Creek; The production will be given' Phil Q. Pack, Ann Arbor, and Hozen s three times, on Friday and Satur- J. Hatch, Marshall. Although Darin day nights, and Saturday after- is the instigator of a bill asking for noon. Mail orders may be sent to an investigation into student af- Play Production, sponsors of the fairs, it is understood that only engagement. The box office in Hill routine business will be transacted auditorium will be open daily from during the visit. 10 until 6 o'clock. I r l i l . . L r . . > i 1° a 1 Speaker Longworth Influences 216 Republicans to Vote for Measure.E IAsscuir !ress WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-Strik- ing hard at administration opposi- tion, the House today passed the veterans loan bill by the over- whelming vote of 363 to 39. It provides for an increase from 22% to 50 per cent in the loan value of the adjusted compensation cer- tificates which were aproved by the' House 355 to 54 in 1924. Amid dramatic intensity, the measure was sent to the Senate i within an hour after Speaker Long- worth opened the way for consider- ation. . Bill Overrides Veto. It carried with it more than enough votes to override a presi- dential veto. Similar quick action is 1 expected in the other branch. With their leadership split, less than two score old-line Repub- licans rallied behind Majority Leader Tilson and Chairman Haw-. ley of the House ways and means committee. . Crowded galleries looked on as the members balloted after 40 min-I utes of debate. More than 400 of 435 members were present. Under the procedure, the bill had to receive a two-thirds vote for passage. Mellon Fears Difficulty. Speaker Longworth swung 216 Republican votes for the measure against the warning of Secretary Mellon that the treasury would have difi'culty in financing it. Minority Leader Garner mustered his forces with 151 votes for the bill and the Farmer-Labor member-Kvale-of Minnesota, added his to make the total. KINGASS NEM IES TO FORM MINISTRY Political Coup Restores Spain's Confidence in Monarchic Regime of Alfonso. MADRID. Feb. 16-King Alfonso today made the daring political gesture in an hour of crisis of in- viting the enemies of his regime to help govern Spain, and thereby, in the opinion of most political ob- servers, saved the monarchy from the most menacing situation of re- cent history. The medium of his invitation was Jose Sanchez Guerra, a powerful political opponent of Alfonso him- self, who tonight at the king's re- quest was working to form a m- istry to replace that headed by Darnaso Brnguer which resigned Saturday, The royal gesture had an imme- diate effect of restoring confidence. The stock exchange had one of the busiest sessions it has known for months. Values rose generally and bankers and business men express- ed an optimismn that has been long absent. Sanchez Guerra's plan is a radi- cal one, and one that if it is suc- cessful will strip the crown of much power and privilege. Education Club Names Heads; Ruth en Speaks Wisconsin Will Close Experimental College MADISON, Wis., Feb. 16.-Upon request of Dr. Alexander Meike- john, the college advisory board of University of Wis- consin today had planned to recoi- mend discontinu- ance, temporarily at least, of the eperimental col- The closing of the five-year ex- periment, unique in its inception in !I American educa- tional circles, will give the school authorities oppor- EXANDER hIKLEdOHN tunity to study the results of the college, Dr. Meiklejohn, director of the college, said. After determining results, he said, the faculty would be in a better position to determine if the experimental college should be modified or abandoned. CIP MAY1GETADDITION Hoover Bill Asks $20,105,000 for Public Buildings; Ann Arbor to Share. Ann Arbor may have an addi- tion to its postoffice-if an appro- priation recommended yesterday to Congress by President Hoover is au- thorized, according to the Associat- ed Press. The appropriation, calling for $75,000 as Ann Arbor's allotment, was included in a request by Presi- dent Hoover of $20,105,000 for pub- lic buildings under the $415,000,000 public buildings pregram. According to the dispatch, the to- tal recommendation made by the chief executive is for the first allot- ment under the $100,000,000 Elliott bill, recently signed by the Presi- dent. A. C. Pack, postmaster at the cen- tral office on Main street, said that since the addition, if made, is to be under the supervision of the super- intendent of architecture at Wash~- ington, no announcement could be given out, Federal postal inspectors visit Ann Arbor last summer, holding numerous conferences with Post- master Pack in regard to a new addition. HEGNER Will EGI LECGTURE THUSA J ohnis Hopkins Professor to Talk on 'The Jnvisible Fauna of the Human Body.' Dr. Robert W. Ilegner, professor of protozoology at Johns Hopkins university, w ill lecture at 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Na~- tural Science auditorium on "The Invisible Fauna of t h c Human Body," Prof. Peter Okkelberg, of the zoology department announced yes- terday. r Dr. Hegner was professor of zoo- logy here from 1908 to 1918, and has since been connected with Johns Hopkins university. He returned here in 1928 to conduct a course in protozoology. He has traveled ex- tensively, and in 1926 was exchange 1 professor at the London School ofI Hygeine and Tropical Medicine. In addition to the public lecture, Dr. Hegner will present two more t e c h n i c a 1 discussions. A t 7:301 o'clock Thursday night in room 2116 Natural Science building, he will talk on "Host-Parasite Rela-t tions among Protozoa," and at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon, he will speak in the same room on "Trans- ADOPTION OF PROPOSAL -WOULD" RESULT ~UIN DRASTIC EUCIN OF STAFF, "SALARIES, HE STATES00 President Says Repudiation of Constant Tax Principle Would Reduce Michigan to Third-Rate University. Dismissal of many faculty members and a drastic curtailment of educational activities were cited yesterday, by President Alex- ander G. Ruthven as inevitable results if the proposed legislation to reduce and limit the Mill tax becomes a law. Such a law, he said, will be felt in two ways; first, immediately, through the reduction of funds; second, more seriously and definitely, through the implied repudiation of the principle of the Mill tax. The statement was in the form of a letter to the editor of the Grand Rapids Press. "Salaries already too low," President Ruthven stated, "will have to be reduced and men will have to be dismissed at a time when - -------------- --- the University is teaching practi- cally as many students as it ever Berlin Police Place did." The staff can only be reduced Bar on Beer .Steis by limiting the number of students accepted, perhaps by closing a col- (I Assoiated Prrss) lege or omitting the freshman year, BERLIN, Feb. 16.-Police today he said. gm took steps to remove beer stemns In discharging staff members from the list of political weapons. with whom it has contracts the An order made public today University and the state are re- provides that in the future beer pudiating their obligations, the may be served at political meet- President said. He further stated ings only in paper cups. It re- that the proposal to substitute ap- sulted from frequent stein fights propriations for the Mill tax is an during which a number of per- even more serious menace to the sons were injured. welfare of the University, since it The order further provides that means the loss of what is certainly chairs and tables must be firmly its greatest and in a sense its sole screwed to the floors and no bot- asset toward building up a faculty tles be brought into the meeting and an institution serviceable and halls. creditable to the state. "No amount of funds alone would - have permitted Michigan to develop as she has through :ie years," he said. "Whatever progress has been UR 9K made is due to the stability and certainty brought by the Mill tax law. It is difficult to take from or L to keep from privately endowed schools the best men on the Michi- gan faculty. Such men can be en- Marie of Russia Will Give Talk gaged on a two-year basis. They Here Under Auspices of must have some security or tenure and some assurance for the future Oratorical Group. or they will neither come to us nor Rusastay with us.. Most members of the Grand Duchess Marie ofRussi faculty have joined the staff or will appear Thursday night in Hill stayedywith the University because auditorium as the fifth speaker on the Mill tax has been a policy of the Oratorical Association lecture the state of Michigan for the past series. She will speak on "My Old 58 years, If it should be repudiated World Background for a Modern! the key man will drift away, re- Life." gardless of appropriations. In 1905, the Grand Duchess' uncle, "The mill tax was first proposed was murdered nearly before her in 1867 and has been actively in eyes. In 1914 Russia entered the operation since 1873. Only once war and she prepared for duty as a since 1881, and then temporarily, nurse, in Eastern Prussia. Continued (Continued on Page 2) work on the front and near Petro-, grad made her so skillful that she performed minor operations herself, TDR RAYT[ ....,... State ABulletins ( >v so ,led r ) rFebruary 1G, 1931 LANSING-The industrial bureau of the Lansing chamber of com- ,merce announced today that em- ployment in this city continued to show some improvement. The bur- eau's figures for 18 of the leading industrial plants showed 9,594 per- sons on payrolls compared with 9,483 for the preceding week. SEBEWAING-Richard Hornde- cher, 21, was found dead in the wreckage of his automobile a mile and a half east of here early today. The youth who had been visiting a friend started home at 2 a. m. When he failed to arrive a search was started. SAGINAW-The Michigan Engi- neering society holding its 51st an- nua1 convntion here. today elected, Mayor Staebler Calls University Decision on Fraternities Severe In 1918 she escaped from Russia and went to. Roumania, where Queen Marie was of great assist- ance to her. Later she went to Paris, and established a factory, manufacturing embroideries, to give employment to Russian refugees, before coming to the United States. The Grand Duchess is closely connected with European royalty. Besides being cousin to the late Czar Nicholas, she is a couzin to King George of England, a grand- daughter of the former Czar Alex-! ander, and a grand-daughter of King George of Greece. A few tickets for the single lec- ture are still available at the offices of the speech department in An- gell hell, Book Exchange Proves Success, Asserts Orr "Round Table club's book ex- change has proved itself a success already," said Charles A. Orr, '32, I chairman of t h e committee in Icharge of the store, in an interview yesterday. "The exchange had already sold, |more than 400 books at the end of the first day of the new semester," I he continued," and the demand for them has been so great that twice this number could have been sold if they had been available, Demand for engineering books is the great- est; mathematical texts run a close ~end." IIIUI LUUUI1 Ufl/ I LI1 TO DISCUSS TREES Faculty Members to Offer Talks During Week From Campus Broadcasting Studio. Prof. Dow V. Baxter, of the fores- try school, will speak on the sub- ject "Why Trees Get Sick" at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the UJiversity broadcasting studio. Raymond Morin, pianist, will play an all request program. Russian literature will be discuss- ^d Wednesday afternoon by Prof. Clarence L. Meader, of the Russian literature department. S i d n e y Straight, tenor, will be the soloist. The second one act play presen- tation of the play production class- es will be given Thursday. These plays are written by students, acted by students, and directed by the faculty of the speech department. Famous Russian Expert Will AddressEngineers Bors A. Bakhmeteff, formerly pro- lessor of hydraulics and director of the hydraulics laboratory at the Poly-technic institute at Petrograd, will present several lectures here Thursday and Friday as a guest of the University. Mayor Edward W. Stachler, in an interview yesterday, condemned the action of the University Senate Committee on Student Affairs as "too severe" a punishment to be in- flected upon the five raided frater- nity houses. "To an outsider," he said, "the action taken seems to have been very hasty, without a great deal of consideration given to the matter. I believe that the students are as well-behaved as any group of youngj people I know. Their conduct is gentlemanly." State Savings Bank, asserted tht i "the student body is as well-be- haved a group of young men and women as any. They are even more conservative and I e s s boisterous than the students of 10 or 20 years ago.," Gilbert W. Fletcher, proprietor of Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co., stated that he believed the students were better behaved than most groups ofs people of the same age. He said it was unfortunate that a few frater- nities were made to bear the brunt of the action because he believed