THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1931 TH MCHGA DIL TESAY.MRCf3, 93 01 .r Published every morning except Monday ring the Universit year by the Board in ontrol jzr Student publications. Merber of Western Conference Editorial ssociatioii. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled the use for republication of all news dis- tches credited to it or not otherwise credited ithis paper and the local news published erein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Elchigan, as second class matter. Special rate fpostage granted by Third Assistant Post. aite: General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.So. Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard hones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214' r -T EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4923 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FA x E. CoOR, City Edifer ews Editor ...............Gurney WilliamsI ditorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds ports Editor ..........Joseph A. Russell romen's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer usic, Drama, Books.. ...Wmn. J. Gorman ssistant City -Editor....H...Harold 0.Warren: sistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl elegraph. Editor.........GeorgeA. Stautei opy Editor...................Wn.E. Pypet NIGHT EDITORS First, more money will be needed for any radical improvement; sec- ondly, there must be a more liberal extension of academic freedom through a wider integration of the fields of knowledge and research. Further, on this liberal basis of scholarship there must be encour- aged a more intensive program of study of human problems; and last- ly the results of this study must be. disseminated more widely by means of adult education through exten- sion institutes and universities. Pre-views of the problems pre- sented by Dr. Hutchins seem to be alike in their condemnation of any plan which attempts to educate the outside world before (to quote the Yale News) "the undergraduate has been taken care of." There is nothing in Dr. Hutchins book which places graduate or non-student education first, ahead of under- graduate training, however. The theory behind extension edu- cation toward a better appreciation of the business world by those who are already in it is all right in its place, but perhaps Dr. Hutchins has misjudged its value. The under- graduate is, after. all, the primary importance in our modern educa- tion. After he is taken care of, nothing can be said against exten- sion to the outside world, but his welfare must first be assured. ampus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than. 300 words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Beach Conger rl S. Forsythe vid IL Nichol OASTED ROLL REVOLT REVOLT REVOLT U Yes sir, revolting . .. that's what it is! Our old pal Pack the careen- ing congressman has put up a MUSIC AND DRA I John D. Reindel Charles R. Sprowl Richard L. Tobin Harold U. Warren SPoaTs AssIsTANTs Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles'A. Sanford REPORTERS omas M. Cooley orton Frank ul Friedberg ank B. Gilbret land Goodm*3% orton Helper yan Jones nton C. Kunze wers Moulton leen Blunt nette Dembits lsie Feldman ith Gallmeyer oily G. Grimes an Levy_ orotly Magree san :Manchestef Wilbur J. Meyera Brainard W. Hles Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter Tohn W. Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Cile Miller Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell - I BUSINESS STAFFA E Telephone 2I2Y4 MR. PACK REPLIES T. HOLLSTER MABLEY, Business ffafer The Eitor at IE SO S o the Editor: DE ARTESON, AAs.While I have no desire to enter Advertising...............Charles T. Kline into an argument with The Daily Advertising............. Thomas M. Davis on the merits of one of my bills Advertising........... William W. Warboys Service-..............Norris J. Johnson now in the legislature, I do desire Publication........ ..Robert W. VTilliamson Circulation........ Marvin S. Kobacker to coment on your editorial of Accountst................Thomas S. Mu Sundayand clarify my own posi- Business 'Secretary...........Mary J. Kenan Sna Assistant tion. Marry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger The threat that fraternities may V ernon Bishop Don W. LyondedterporistoheU - William Brown William Morgan deed their properties to the Un- Robert Callahan Richard Stratemelet versity in order to evade taxation William W. Davis Keith Trlerhalogbeasurefwry Richard H. Hller Noel ). Tu hs log be oreo or Miles Hoisingtoa Byrou C. Vedder to local property owners. My bill was introduced after receipt of a Maian Wrane HellvaOMsle petition from the Board of Super- Helen Bailey Mildred Postal of this, county that I take Josephine Convlsse* Marjorie RoughviosfthscuytatIak Maxine Fishgrund Mary E. wattt in the matter. Whether justi- Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiesea Dorothy Laylin fied by any probable future course of action on the part of fraternities ___________________________or not, this feeling of uneasiness TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1931 remains. It is today a material factor to be considered by anyone Night Editor - JOHN D. REINDEL =contemplating the purchase of a home here. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Local taxes are admittedly high. They are high on my own home. Governor Leslie, of Indiana, re- The fraternities are not alone in cently signed a bill providing for their complaint. If fraternities are a change of judges In cases of in- being overtaxed, I favor reducing direct contempt of court, following their taxes. I do not for a moment an 18 month's campaign by Sigma wish it to be thought that I am Delta Chi, journalistic fraternity, antagonistic to fraternities, for I for the passage of the bill. have cherished my membership in The bill is but a step toward a one national social fraternity for more distinct definition of the con- some 16 years. I favor the frater- stitutional guarantee of "freedom nity system so long as it asks noth- of the press." Recently in Indiana, ing unfair. two editors criticized a judge for My measure proposes no change. his decision in a certain case, 1 It merely says that the present sys- whereupon he found them guilty tem shall remain in force. A few of, and fined them for, contempt years ago, a large factory which of court. Later, however, a higher would have employed some 300 court reversed his decision. girls as textile workers contem- This new legislation should pre- plated locating its factories here. vent this type of case from recurr- Local citizens discouraged the move ing. If the press is not allowed to in the belief that a factory of this criticize, constructively or destruc- sort was undesirable for obvious tively, there will be no method of reasons. This meant the loss of expressing public opinion. Politi- several hundreds of thousands ofj cians heed the editorial columns of 1 dollars in prospective taxable pro- their constituent newspapers more perty. In spite of opinions to the than anything else; almost every contrary, the most friendly spirit representative or senator at Wash- between town and gown prevails. ington subscribes to all the news- Townsfolk realize that the Univer- papers in his state in order to "feel sity is their greatest asset. the public pulse" and to note re- Your editorial describes me as a Actions on his own policies. political opportunist, at least by Freedom of the press is a neces- implication. Nothing couldabe any sity to the political philosophy that further from the truth. I have no rules the United States. When a political aspirations whatever. I newspaper gives evidence of a am merely trying to represent the1 (Revolt) lovely bill in the legislature just to show that no nasty little college snips are going to put anything over on him. * * * It seems that last time he threatened to raise the taxes (urged on, it is alleged, by the Ann Arbor Landladies league) on fraternity houses, they came right back at him and threat- ened to deed their houses to the University. After a period of hard thought he evolved a bill making all University own- ed club-houses of all sorts with the exception of faculty and honor society groups admit anyone on the payment of a twenty-five dollar fee. ** * Something he never thought of I'll bet is that he was raising the price and depriving a lot of de- serving people from joining a fra- ternity. Why, the last time the only fraternity man I know saw twenty- five dollars he woke up just in time to put his arm back into joint before his 8 o'clock. Another thing he couldn't have thought of is the fact that no one would join any place where they couldn't at least pretend that they were picking out the men they were going to live with. And another thing is that he very likely never even suspects how silly spite legislation can look. * * * As a defender of personal liberty and the innate right of man to pick out his own tooth- brush and roommate without the aid of Mr. Pack I take this opportunity to suggest thathit might be a good idea to gather together and whiz up to Lans- ing one of these days in a body each bearing in hand one stone from Newberry hall and place them gently but firmly in Mr. Pack's lap, thus killing two birds withdone stone or rather getting rid of one bird and a whole lot of stones that we didn't want anyway. WHEEEEEEEE. The Pherret just wandered in looking a trifle frazzled to report that the B & G Boys have discover- ed a lovely new kind of soap that is strongly perfumed and all over the floor of the campus buildings whereupon they are too. I don't quite understand this, but he says so and I guess it must be. CORRECTION The lecture-recital to be given by Henry Cowell, American composer and editor of "New Music," is to be given Friday afternoon at 4:15 in the Mendelssohn Theatre rather than Thursday evening as an- nounced previously here. Today's paper contains the announcement that Mr. Cowell has just received a Guggenheim Fellowship in Music. THE "ST. MATTHEW PASSION" IN DETROIT Two performances of Bach's greatest oratorio will be offered in Orchestra hall on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week by the Detroit Symphony Choir of 250 voicese the Detroit Symphony or- chestra, three assisting choral bod- ies and nationally known soloists, all under the direction of Ossip Gabrilowitsch, who has conducted performances of it for several years in a row. Three trained choral bodies will sing the responsive choral passages which were sung by the congregation in Bach's day. The Main choral body has been training since last Fall. The soloists will be Margaret Matzenauer, con- tralto; Jeannette Vreeland, so- prano; Richard Crooks, tenor; Nor- man Eddy, baritone; Fred Patton, bass. Chandler Goldthwaite, who has played the important organ part for Mr. Gabrilowitsch several times, will again be brought from New York. Mr. Gabrilowitsch will conduct from the keyboard of the piano, which he is called upon to play at certain occasions in the score. Needless to say, the above facts mean that Orchestra Hall offers a pretentious and careful perform- ance of one of the greatest of all choral scores. Even with extreme caution, one can predict an unfor- gettable musical experience. SPECIAL WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON PROGRAM Palmer Christian, University or- ganist, will present a special pro- gram of Good Friday music on the Frieze Memorial Organ, Hill Audi- torium on the afternoon of Good Friday, April 3, at 4:15 o'clock. This program will take the place of the usual Wednesday afternoon recital, the program for April 1 being omitted. The cordial appre- ciation and response on the part of the public to Mr. Christian's offering of Good Friday recitals in past years has encouraged Mr. Christian to continue this plan this year. Good Friday afternoon is a most fitting opportunity to listen to appropriate music on this most sacred of days. Mr. Christian has built a pro- gram for this occasion designed to follow a definite sequence in the mood up to the "Crucifixion" from Marcel Pupre's "Passion Sym- phony," following which the most unusual item on the program a Fugue, Canzone and Epilogue for organ, violin and women's quar- tette will be heard, the text for the latter being "I believe in the Life everlasting." The final number will be a presentation of the famous "Good Friday Spell" from Wagner's "Parsifal." For the women's voices Mr. Christian will have the assistance of Laura Littlefield and Thelma Lewis, sopranos, Gwendolyn Zoller and Annis Dexter Gray, contraltos and Wassily Besekirsky violinist. The general public with the ex- ception of small children is cor- dially invited but is respectfully re- quested to be seated on time. Toccata per L'Elevazione ......... .Frescobaldi Two Choral Preludes .......Bach "We thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast died" "O Man, bemoan thy grevious sins" Meditation (Suite in E minor) .... .Borowski Reverie..........Strauss-Christian Gethsemane ..... ........Malling Crucifixion (Passion Symphony) . .Dupre Fugue, Canzone and Epilogue . .Karg-Elert For organ, violin and women's quartette Laura Littlefield, soprano Thelma Lewis, soprano Gwendolyn Zoller, contralto Annis Dexter Gray, contralto I Wassily Besekirsky, violin Good Friday music from "Parsifal" ........................ W agner would seem like shipboard or some- thing. All that was missing was the rail. Well, the medicine wasn't much good, Danny, because my MARTHA A. NILSEN 228 South Thayer, Opp. Hill Auditorium Custom Tailoring, Remodeling and Alterations FUR WORK OF ALL KINDS j Telephone Connection III usT I T XER WAT CH R EPAIRING H ALLER S State Street jewelers E, LoEs Cost t0oME SMALL the parentalXpevr e siring holders doubt the vaflue o education? Perish the th1oughlt ICs ;rhaout time to show them the saving spirit sOad: comes from assiduous application to e con- omits, political history, and animal hushaan- dry. What better way iluaun to travel home for Easter vacation by / reyhound hems ?_ proof positive of thrift, wisdom and filial consideration. Not only is travel by Greyhound less e:. pensive, its far more interesting, convenient and delightful. For interesting observaatdion, congenial companionship, and luuxurious travel comfort-go home for Easter this year by Greyhound bus. For tickets and informaation see Campus Trael Bureau Union Side Desk,12-6 .m.. Fast limited vacation specials to all points- new reclining chair parlor coaches at remark- ably low rates. GREYGUNID PiT School of M usic Concerts (No Admission Charge) KATE KEITH FIELD, Gradua- tion recital, Wednesday, April 1, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. STUDENTS' RECITAL, students of Thelma Newell, Violinist and Lucile Garham S c h o en f e l d, Pianist, Wednesday, April 1, 7:45, School of Music Auditorium. PALMER CHRISTIAN, Organ- ist, Faculty Concert (Good Friday Music) Friday, April 3, 4:15, Hill Auditorium. JOSEPH BRINKMAN, Pianist, Faculty Concert, Sunday, April 5, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. BERTHA HILDEBRAND, Pi- anist, Student's Recital, Tuesday, April 7, 8:15, School of Music Auditorium. STANLEY FLETCHER, Pianist, Student's Recital Thursday, April 9, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. THELMA NEWELL, Violinist, LOUISE NELSON, Pianist, Fac- ulty concert, Sunday, April 26, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theatre. SCHOOL OF MUSIC TRIO, Faculty Concert, Wassily Besekir- sky, Violinist, Hanns Pick, Violon- cellis, Joseph Brinxman, Pianist, Sunday, May 3, 4:15, Mendels- sohn Theatre. RAYMOND MORIN, Pianist, Student's Recital, Tuesday, May 5, 8:I5, Mendelssohn Theatre. 4 III gill HII S PALMER CHRISTIAN, Organist, in Organ Recital every Wednes day, 4:15, Hill Auditorium unless otherwise announced. ~U I inn r 1 II sound editorial policy, its readers will heed its opinions more than they will the hat-wavings and pre- judiced contentions of the more or less fanatical sheets. The interpre- tations of current events by a large newspaper either make it or break it, and those having crusading poli- cies which twist the facts around in an effort to make their cause appear just, will soon find a grave without the necessity of legal reme- dies. EXTENSION INSTITUTES Robert Maynard Hutchins, Chi- oago's youthful university presi- dent and former dean of the Yale Law school has written an article on "The University of Utopia" for' the next issue of the Yale Review in which he considers the relation of higher education to the prac- tical field of sociology and econo- people of this district as I think they should be represented. If I am in the wrong, I hope I will not be re-elected-failure to be re-elected will not cause me a moment's con- cern one way or the other. Possibly, however, when the pub- lic hearing on my measure is held at Lansing and communications are read from fraternity alumni prais- ing my bill, The Daily will realize that there are two sides to the question, even an "earth-worm's" proposal. I was once the editorial writer for The Daily and I know how much fun it is to call people names. IBut, if I may make a suggestion, it is this: In future editorials on the subject, why not base your pro- nouncements on a detailed study of the tax rolls? Facts and figures, after all, are much more convinc- ing than heresay. Of course that would require a 4.* . * .. He has just stuck his head in again to say that what he means is that the floors are too perfumed after the soap and the B & G Boys have been around. DAILY POEM Listen to the yelps of Robins In the yard they howl and squall When Winter comes they'll go away It's a fine world after all. * * 0 THESE FACULTY WITTERS The D. O. B. for Sunday starts off one of its articles with a bang by heading it-Economics 52 Cor- ruption. o * * Just as I thought! The Washtenaw Tribune wants to sell two typewriters, presumably be- cause they are going to take up writing the thing out longhand using bilge and a quill pen. * * * Dear Nephew: I've had the swellest time since I last wrote you. Friday night I and Uncle Jake went to the Crease dance (he found a ticket) and it was beautiful. Not the ticket-that wasn't so beautiful, but the dance was. I had a headache but some fellow Jake knew had some medi-' cine in a silver bottle and I drank UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ORATORICAL ASSOCIAT'N Presents M C -r VON UCKNE t r< A Hero of " W~n "y World Buccaneering Distinction Cruise" The GERMAN SEA DEVIL Thursday Night, April 2nd Hill Auditorium-8:OO Series ticket holders will be admitted on the same ticket used for the Davenport Lecture. I I I I mEl I