' I" HE MICHIGAN DAILY T H. ....MI C. ....GA N . ..DA I L Y. . . ... fational Shakespeare Memorial H0-ill Q NP WILL UNITE THREE TILIP PI IIHS ' INIP:1 N'ATIDN'', .......... SURVIVORS OF VIKING EXPLOSION SHOWN 19MILL I HONOR SOCIETY CLINGING TO WRE KA E" NE G O SUCCUIMIEBS LATER TO INDUCT NIKE A STARS SHU! j Eta Sigma Phi, Classical Body, ® V Furfflt f ---- i Will Hold Tjjit;<7tt;eil at . . . . . . . . . . . . .X.. . . Professor f~icischman Originated Flan and Brought It Before Speech Association. as: GIVEN GENERAL SUPPORT { >< =< Interest in Dramatics Said to^ ::><> be liarr.reasarrg in Colleges _ :;.;::.;::;.:;;.:. .: and Universities. N is as a perpetual living rnernor.:Al co llic greatest of Eng- { 1is17 cf rarer atlsts, and as a means of p -: :... fosterin#; amateur acting ar d the- atrical pro(luctions on a national ,sc:ale, the N-.tlona.l Shakespeare ",nd Memo- y f : 4 ~ r iiyyx{;.:.:{.y:y: :;.>:;.;>:::;?:">:.;}:"::>::.;:.;:: a . nc est. a -cam b th e su m m er o f , :: ................ ........... '...... :' .., ::......v .................?....... }: :::"... ,. f..,.: ,y.::;::$r ......:"':{:':?.?}:?yyyiy.:iy}:-0::"y:^:"ii:p:"yiy:0y}:.i::.i}:;ii{"i: i:::: }: i:i::".......:v ":.:v.....:.:v ......... . .. ...... .........: .. ..... '::: :::-$$: 1 broadcasting stu- 6it), Raymond Morin, concert pian- charge o. arrangements. 1i b .ntluc bc; c I 1;1c Y"- ist, will present the musical pro- will follow the induction services. l wjj t ram. Tip nln persons eli-ible for the ! - "- Carnp Davis, the Sumer camp of, soc ( (tire Dorothy Nowell, '32, Llue ' the engineeiiing college, will be dis- l4anrice Greenstar, 32, Anna Soc-h- cussed tomorrow by Prof. Clifton O. tens, '31, Jean McNau..rliton, "32,1 yc ,', t,,t_.; rz cre Carey, oi the geode.sy and surveying Julia Pogers, '32, Margaret Loomis, i Al depa°txrients. Tlidney Straight, ten- '32, Dorothy Wells, '32, Fralace- c;r, vdi;l be t+re soloist. He will be Waller, '22, and John Lcur'et, '31. ... rn ac;eor lpanicd at the piano by Crace m'rvicc ,SnycEer. <>±; lin, pianist, will be the musicians !of the national executive courr f 'L the cn thc program. Tau Leta Pr national honorary c. " z l 1;1G ill Ar- Forc stry, Cris=rxr crrn , and English. ;gill be the subjects of facultyds- # gineering society. As n a i c; Yr a 1 ' whom alumni representative he Kzs isted ; rc."j.icl. J 1, t 7 th,, ill the cussiorrs on file program Saturday in naming the recipients of eight city. night. Prof. Shirley W. Alien, of the forestry school, will explain "What fellowships awarded by the organ- - - - ---- - -- ization. a Forester .does. Claude L. Clark, _ research engineer, will speak upon a f RAVEL 'the general title "Metals." Profes- sor Jones will give a synopsis of his J OR ICKETS 8 r RESERV TIQc IS SEE YY ALL SIZES radio talks that are broadcast each i to unite the various cultural and "' -_ rw ' education interests in the spoken val, by Hatch. Josephine Ball will d amq _n an enterprise which seeks accompany Phyllis Brumm 33; in to realize the true aims of a non-!Concerto, A minor, first movement, commercial theatre." by Accolay. Slumber Song, by Schu- mann, and Hide and Seek, by Den- nee, will be played by Betty Dice. w1ii0h lias already been donated on Eleanor Phillips, 132SM, will pre- the shores of Lake Charlevoix inisent Life and Nlichig an, will be modeled on the Sonny Boy, by Cur-- lines of the National High School ran, and Sing Again, by Protheroe. Orchestra camp held .annually at Lark's Song, by Tschaikowsky, Interlochen, and which has be- and Avalanche, by Heller, will be come the outstanding cooperative offered by Magdalene Collins. Jean enterprise in national music. Ad- Maddy, with Dorothy Knoeik as ac- missions to the camp will be limit- companist, will present Fifth Pu-, ed to college students who have i pil's Concerto, by Seitz. Virginia re^ ched the junior year, qualified ; Osgood will play The Bugler, and members of civic groups, including Musical Snuff Box, by Liadow. But- such as have not appeared profess terfly; by Merkel, and Harliquiru , Ic, sionatly for three years.- All will be, by Byng, will be presented by L,_-Ina admitted only upon recommenda- Gutin. tion that they have shown sufficient Other studentsi and their pro- talent to benefit by advanced train- grams during, the recital are Bessie inP;'. [Field: Minuet, by Bach; Drolleries, Competition Planned. by Von Wilm; and Scarf Dance, by At the camp activity will consist' Chaminade; Helen Smith Pizzicati, clurin- the major portion of the by Deiibes; and Novellozza, by time in study, acting and producing Godard. various plays under the guidance of leading American and European - - -- directors. The second phase of -the season's work will be a competition in vvhich those showing the great-its est talent will be invited to come- MONDA Y Pete for specified roles, the latter, 9 provision being made to insure equal attention to minor roles as Ki J1 J'I1-I 11rSAAC:CW'AN a well as leading parts. Pr" ASHINGTON SHOPit RV A MW PLAY B 107 East Liberty ART MRs Clear and Block An hilarious comedy ur of the, "'tarty artists Your Hat wA LEON QUARTERMAID 1 l office yesterday. It is not known definitely when he will return, although he is ex-1 A& .,. - pected the last of the weep. _ NOW low A SLOWING i":":"i ::'"::. GARY COOPER :::":::":::::; :: a DAMV ITA TORPUa NJ 90"LHR TVUX 0 ' COMING ThL)RSDxx : JOE C% j-ir a e Barber Shup NICKELS ARCADE ' ' " Thursday afternoon under the gen k m a iE = TRAVEL BUREAU elal heading "Contemporary Inter- AS, CAOIM. TOVRS pretatlons of America." BOR, MIC E 6+I ( URANCC AGENCY Ik The music will be presented. by the Woodwin ensemble, a grou p of students in the music school, who arc under the direction of Nicholas - Valcone rebate Group Plans A N Constitution Change Important constitutional changes and other outstanding business will g be brought up before the members f.. of Alpha Nu at a meeting tomor- (Under P row night. The entire session will be closed to the public and to pled- ges. STATE The proposed revision of the so- ciety's That's where the constitution involves clari-- "F'LOYD SNYDER fication of some passages that have caused confusion this year, and new s&dor Dance Band rules for membership qualifications ! and election of officers. crazy- 14 BRIGHT SPOT Dance with us "i;''uesrla, 802 PACKARD ST. FRANK W. V TODAY, 11:30 to 1:30 325 So SPAUHETTI WITH MEAT BALLS VALUABLE PRI'' LEMON CUSTARD Drop into their I MILK OR COFFEE - 30c No Chat 1 5:30 to 7:30 INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN PIES SWISS STEAK ROAST PORK, APPLE SAUCE ROAST BEEF LAST T MASHED POTATOES FRIED EVTET '7N 'One PEAS, SCAL LOPED CORN LE 2:00-3:4{) C1 7:00-9:00 MA%)"E&FJ ihe for si I spank her. but what d t he do 1. op A i a , Welt you'll be sure; you see this amazing modern married life wrecking. Qu in ' kHti i ti>t )MINE" 41T'LNVM'mWp rs.. YWL:SfWJKV2l . ith Y-ADDLPHE MENJUU LRJORIE RAMBEAU s Am Wa ;COND CHANCE ... hey look from the sidelines as beauty breaking heart. The yearning of a as never before, in this remarkable GENEVIEVE ess. A thrill awaits you today! ZASU PITTS SLIM SUB From the stage success, q TODAY V and T,,,aa, L.,46 Anmbas-. I are t : , ili town AP RZIL 6 and JOSUH VFRNLR RF4D s+ nt By BEN N W. LEVY II ', I lieft osta ci wit ROBERT' MONTGOMEW1 ANITA PAIGE---MAI in "IF A GIRL HAD A SE, Orchids, pearls, ermines--haw good th sweeps past. Sometimes they mask a city's millions-of-girls is dramatized, a picture of Eugene ''Walter's stage succe in IN r / sr s. ff (D TTL f zpon the pretentiousness i and adolescent love NE, WAITER KINGSFORD/ I "Half Gods," by Sidney Howard I