NIIPIINO 1 .11 1 1 1 1- ESTABLISHED 1890 , EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 130 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1931 ---------- WIL BEI TODA Senior Literary Students Will be Offered Greatly Reduced Combination Price. WILL LAST THREE DAYS HOOVER, RESTED A TRIP, DISPOSE. President Leaves Farm Board to Define Its Own Policies; Names Three Judges. WASHINGTON, Mar. 30.-(A)- Invigorated by his Caribbean vaca- tion, President Hoover today plung- ed into the task of disposing of problems that accumulated during his absence. The chief executive gave recess appointments to three f e d c r a judges and the White House let Literary Section of Honor Group to defne Will Receive Payments f and defend its own policies. at Four Places. President Hoover will discuss re- cent developments with Republican Collection of senior literary class Leader Watson of the Senate, at. a dues and a sale of subscriptions to breakfast conference tomorrow. The the "Alumnus" wily begin today for farm board situation, the perspec- the first of a three-day drive. Mem- tive $700,000,000 treasury deficit and bers of the recently appointed lit- -- - - erary section of the senior Honor Group will receive payment for dues and subscriptions from 8:30 ' o'clock until 3:15 daily at four stra- tegic points on the campus. The places where collection will be made are the lobby of Angell a ° Hall, the Engineering arch, the center and the northwest corner President's Decree Gives Nation of the diagonal. Offer Dues, Alumnus For $3.50 First Week-End Free From Dues and a year's subscription Rioting in Months. to the Alumnus will be offered to- gether for $3.50. Although the B E Ra I N, Mar . 30.-(/1P)-Gcr- "Alumnus" usually sells for $4, the many, whose week-ends for months Alumni association have agreed to have been occasions for political reduce the price of the magazines meetings and clashes usually end- to $2.50 providing this sum is ac- ing in violence, passed a remarkably companied by an additional dollar quiet Saturday and Sunday with for the class dues. This is being political agitation stifled by the done not only in an effort to ex- drastic presidential decree of Sat- tend the circulation of the "Alum- urday. ndus" among Michigan graduates, Although considerable opposition thus enabling them to keep in touch has developed to the president's with University affairs, but also to use of the emergency powers con- assist the senior classes in solving ferred by article 48 of the Weimar the problem of collecting dues. 1 constitution to suppress the rights Charge Reapportioned. of assembly and free speech, it Because of the high charge of Ihas gained approbation from many dues in former years, the brunt of who were tired of the old riotous paying for the expenses connected order. with class activities was borne by Strangely enough both Commu- a minority of the graduating stu- nists and Fascists, chief offenders dents. With the dues this year set in the clashes of the past, general, at a dollar, the burden will be dis- ly professed to be pleased-the trbuted equally on all. By previd- Communists that the Fascists at ing that no senior may have his last were throttled and the Fascists name in the class announcement that undesirable Communist ele- and also that he will be unable ments would be forced to leave the to secure either announcements or peace-loving National Socialists a- invitations to the commeneement lone.. exercises, it is hoped that all liter- ; ary seniors will be reached by the I drive. In addition to defraying all c s L I U LL expense from now until June, the money collected from the dues will be used to take care of the exp n- :UI ses of the permanent class officers., and to start a permanent fund fo- a suitable class memorial, which Educator Says Pension Tends to will be purchased at a later date. Steady Both Depression, Boom Periods. Unemployment insurance must tend to lessen both depression and (By Associated Press) boom cycles in industry, said Dr. Monday, March 30, 1931 Theodor F. S. Plaut, professor in -_ Hamburg university, speaking here FTER CARIBBEAN ; S OF NEW PROBLEMS party politics are expected to be major topics. The White House announcement concerning the farm board resulted from attacks made on the board as a result of its decision not to en- N R STWG *gage in stabilization operations on - the 1931 wheat crop. Combine Sued for Violation ofI Senator Reed, of Pennsylvania, a Sherman Anti-Trust st r o n g administrative supporter, has advocated abolition of the Regulation. board while other administration * senators have defended the deci- 50 COMPANIES NAMED lion In the face of opposition from Complaint Mentions InfluenceI Senator Schall, Republican, Min- Over Farms Not Members nesota, th e president appointed Gunnar H. Nordbye to be judge of of Combination. the United States district court for N that state. Schall announced he NEW YORK, Mar. 30.-(/P)-The would oppose confirmation. c h federal government today started1 A wohl samoseonimat. H over suit to dissolve the Sugar Institute,c I At the same time Mr. Hoover ap- charging it has violated the Sher-t pointed James A. See to be United man anti-trust law by maintaining1 States judge for Oregon and John r a comprehensive scheme to enforcec Knight to be judge of the western oppressive and uniform prices. district of New York. Members of the institute, which Meanwhile, Secretary Hurley, who includes the leading sugar produ-. accompanied President Hoover on cers, manufacture 85 per cent of his Caribbean trip, lost little time the products used in this country,i in removing himself from the cen- obtained their raw material "at7 ter of vice-presidential boom which normally low prices," the govern-v sprung up during his absence. He ment charges, from Porto Rico,t announced soon after reaching his Hawaii, Cuba, and the Philippines. office that he would support Vice- Profits Are Large. president Curtis for re-nomination The American Sugar Refining and re-election if Curtis ran. Co., and the National Sugar Refin- ing Co., of New Jersey, together produce about 46 per cent of the ugar made in the United States, plain and their profits have beenr IE FThe government charges Ameri- can Refining profits have increasedY from $3,070,851.57 in 1927 to $8,016, Naval Celebrity Will Talk About 436.72 in 1928 and the National Re- Cruse fining jumped from $292,486 in 1927x 1My Buccaneering Cruise to $3,372,986 in 1928. ' in Hill Auditorium. Individuals Charged.C About 50 companies and individ- Count Luckner, German explorer, uals are named in the complaint. naval officer and sailor, will appear Their activities have been undert at 8 o'clock Thursday night in Hill investigation by the federal trade1 auditorium under the auspices of commission and the department ofc the Oratorical association. He will commerce for two years. talk on "My Buccaneering Cruise." That part of the sugar used in Luckner was originally scheduled the United States and not made byx to lecture here on Ma ch 3, but due institute members comes from beet to an accident, his talk was post- sugar refiners, the complaint says, poned, and Dr. Daniel Davenport and the institute is charged with 'was substituted, h .kg* enced these refiners tot Von Luckner was a son of titled restrict their competitive activities. parents, a grandson of Marshall --I Luckner, to whom the Marseillaise Ii was dedicated. For years he sailedi before the mast under an assumed name as a common sailor. He latert became a mate, then an officer inC the Imperial German navy, and C was soon the favorite of the ex- Kaiser, William II. During thet World war, he was sent out by the Bomb Ruins Living Quarters of admiralty to raid the Allied ship- Buiding; No Political t ping in an old wind-jammer. In Motives Seen. his ship, "The Seeadler," he ran theM British blockade and sank m o r e f than $25,000,000 worth of shipping. H A.V , Mar. 30. --(/l--One of The count wears 27 decorations ebargte bourseye te plodresenit rom his own and other countries, campaign of ati-government ter- and is an honorary member of more a nt vr re t than 50 American civic orgenizaor1rorists, Sunday night destroyed thecon- tions. He appeared on the Oratori- l qu ar eranon- cal lecture series two years ago, and nsul Cuenca r this year he will tell the complete trn ueca story of the months of raiding from Windows of the consulate and IclndtsFj.tnivdaltckt adjoining buildings were shattered. Iceland to Fiji. Individual pickets The consul's [wdroom ws wreck' may still be obtained at 3211, An-T cnsuls bedrowo was wek gel! hall in the offices of the speech E d and his bed blown to bits. No department. lone was injured since he and his .family had not yet returned from (a Sunday evening social call. The supervisor 'of municipal po- TElvilice, Senor Betancourt, hurried to NE ~JiD IIME V I the scene with a detail of officers and conducted a thorough investi-. WESTERBN R~ EG ION gation, but no arrests followed.I Passersby recalled having seen two suspicious characters, their identi- States Digging Out After Recent ty unknown, in the vicinity of the consulate prior to the explosion. Snowfall Find Efforts The bomb shook the entire city Balked; 16 Dead. land caused considerable excitement and apprehension among residents. KANSAS CITY, Mar. 30.-(/P)- Police said it was an attempt a- The middle west, digging out from I gainst the life of the consul rather a snowstorm which took a known than a mere political demonstra- toll of 16 lives last week, found its tion. efforts mocked by a fresh fall to-1 day. 1'SPRING' GARGOYLE SALE Snow began falling in the Rocky POSTPONED TO THURSDAY mountain states of Colorado, Wyo- Gargoyle's spring number, an- ming and Montana Sunday and nounced to appear on the cam- late Sunday night was falling in pus on Wednesday, will not ap- Nebraska, Kansas and western Mis- pear until Thursday, it was an- souri. Temperatures were moder- nounced yesterday. Enforced de- atehowverandther wa nolay in the obtaining of the cuts ate, however, and there was no . t a i-is the cause. INDIAN CONGRESS' APPROVES GANDHI PACT WITH IRWIN Delegates Unanimously Approve Leader's Truce Despite Extremists' Stand. SPEECH CARRIES VOTE Breaks Silence of Day to Talk GANDHI'S T RUCE _________ L;BR UCKER AGREES GAiNS APPROVAL F~~~!I TOCONIDE TA in Favor of Action; SeeWD Stp sAdvace IWould Exempt Dealers Step as Avance. k With Gross Sales KARACHI, India, Mar. 30-P)- Below $25,000. Despite fierce opposition from theB$ extremist wing, Mahatma Gandhi's LANSING, Mar. 30.-(P- A truce with Viceroy Irwin was ap- sales estimated to proved today by unanimOus vote of gid bet $100 ad delegates to the all-India congress. yie etween ,0, ,00 and' After series of fieryp$15,000,000 annually, will be stu- Gandhi himself took the stand to died carefully by Governor Wil- support passage of the resolution Mahatma Gandhi, ber M. Brucker as a possible ave- and when he finished the gather- Indian nationalist leader, whose nue of relief for real property ing broke into resounding cheers. truce with Lord Irwin, English vice- owners, he said. There was not a dissenting vote roy, was confirmed unanimously by A large delegation, claiming to when President Vallabhai Patel put the National Congress, meeting yes- represent the independent merch- the question. terday at Karachi. Gandhi did not ants, farmers, wholesalers and a speak until the end of the confer- good many other groups, met with 40,000 Gather. ence, but his force of character had the governor and urged him to give KARACHI, India, Mar. 30.-(P)- already carried the day for him. his support to the McBride-Dykstra A silent, wordless Gandhi, squatting bill pending in the house. sphinxlike in the center of 40,000 lWould Regulate Profit. souls, downed active opposition to .AIt proposes a sales tax of one- his creed by sheer force of person- talf mill on gross sales up to $400,- ality Sunday night, and put the an- 000 and a graduated scale up to one nual meeting of the All-Indian Na- +Iper cent on sales of $1,000,000 or tional congress on record as favor- ImL nore. Frankly designed to "level ing most of the things for which he off the competition between chain has fought. sores and independent merchants" At Gp.m. tonight, when the burn- Swedish Artist to Offer Recital it provides that corporations or ing desert sands which surround in Mendelssohn Theatre r anizations under a centralized Karachi have cooled somewhat, the Saturday Night. ontrol must group their aggregate congress will indorse most of thels regadess o the number of remaining principles of his policy, Ronny Johansson, Swedish dan- tle C. V.ienner, scre- and give its sanction to the recent cr, will appear in Ann Arbor at ry of the Home Defense League, truce with Viceroy Lord Irwin at :30 o'clock Saturday night in the or the Great Atlan- New Delhi which ended the civil F3:0oclc aura ihti h tic & Pacific Tea Co, would pay disobedience campaign.0 Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, giving ,000 a year, while other chains Begins Silence Early. a dance recital, it was announced vould pay proportionate amounts. In order to be able to spe ak to- yesterday. Her appearance at the 'ach retail merchant or chain night in defense of the truce, if it theatre concludes the series of re- would file an annual report of sales should be necessary, Gandhi began citals by noted dancers for this sea- .nd would remit the proper tax. It his usual weekly day of silence six son. 1-was cliaimed the merchants; rather hours earlyk, at 6 p. . Sunday Miss Johansson made her debut in lia the public, would absorb the Others spoke for him, particularly Vienna, and first, came to America levy. Oths spkefr h, particla as guest artist with the Adolphe T o Even School Tax president of the congress, reiterated Bolm ballets in Chicago. Since then T 1 bill, in its present form, pro- Indian Nationalism's demand for she has appeared in New York, Chi- vids that revenue shall be used to unqualified self-determination and cago, and Detroit, having given re- -uaire school taxes. It would independence. citals at Columbia university and Dempt merchants whose annual Among resolutions passed by the -the University of North Carolina.! ross sales are less than $25,000. body were those condemning the Ruth St. Denis, of the Denishawn l;overnor Brucker questioned mem- liquor traffic and advocating full dancers, who appeared in Ann Ar- hers of the delegation relative to woman suffrage. bor early this year, says of Miss the exemption clause, wondering Countless thousands passed by Johansson: whether such a provision would be Gandhi in an eloquent mass obeis- "The reason that Ronny Johans- constitutional. Fenner and others ance to their leader. Women rushed I son is my pick of the dancers is said they would waive the exemp- to kiss his feet. because she actually has evolved a Lion provision if that would help personal vocabulary of gesture. She enactment. The governor also said has an elusive and most individual that while school cost equalization CANE SALE TO CONTINUE sense of humor and poetry, and be- is needed, there also should be UNTIL SPRING VACATION I cause she is truly a creative artist.I some reduction in the general state Continua . on of the sale of She has achieved the expression of tax, indicating that if the legisla- canes for senior literary students a unique personality in a unique tre adopts a sales tax he would until the Friday preceeding the style...She has actually added new favor a portion of the yield going Spring vacation, was announced gestures to the slowly growing dic- -nto the general fund. yesterday by Frank E. Cooper, tionary of the dance.".... chairman of the pipes and canes Miss Johansson is at present as- committee. sociated with John Martin and Elsa Orders for canes may be placed !Findley in their New York school. H 6 r U 4 with Wagner and company.-- I SRoertson to Speed I Patent Applicatfin ___ 01NG0 0M41N01 WASHINGTON, Mar. 30.--(P- Unfair Practices in Importing An early end to delay in action on Asbestos Charged; Atorg 1Patentapplications was predicted Head Ordered to Leave. today by T. E. Roberston, patent Indignant Workers Protest Pay commissioner. In a radio speech, WASHINGTON, Mar. 30-(IP)-An Cut b DelaingService IRoberston said new employes rapid- investigation of alleged unfair prac- y D ng ly were being trained in their work vices in the importation and sale of Goods Spoil in Yards. and that applications, piling up RIu sian asbestos in the U n i t e d steadily since the World war, had ;Mates was ordered today by the LONDON, Mar. 30--(/P)-The met- been reduced 22,000 in the last 12 a if commission. At the same time ropolitan district was threatened months. He termed America's pat- the labor department announced today with a serious dislocation of ent laws the most liberal in the tha Feodor M. Zyavkin, general railroad traffic as a consequence of world. manager of the Amtorg Tradingl inauguration of a "go slow" or "obey -- _ ___ - Corporation, must leave the country the rules" movement among work- Wheat R s sl voluntarily or be subject to deposr- ens in the freight yards. hatResumes Place tation. The Amtorg company is the The movement is i n t e n d e d, as Leader of Market official Russian trade agency. through meticulous observance of ---- A tariff commission set a hearing a large set of intricate and unwield- CHICAGO, Mar. 30.-(-1')-King for May 19 at which testimony will ly rules, to delay the service great- Corn is dead! Long live King h presented. The action resulted ly in protest against acceptance of Wheat! from complaints by the Bear Can- wage reductions by the National Deposed by the native maize yon Asbestos Co. of Ambler, Pa., Union of Railwaymen. nearly three months ago, wheat was and the Regal Asbestos Mines, Inc., The men in some of the yards Shoved back into the cereal throne of New York City, which owns as- began the movement Sunday night today in the Chicago Board of b stos mines ii Arizona. They said and today it seemed to be spread- Trade, they had been compelled to close ing. The federal farm board's decision sync of their mines. ___ __- to keep "hands off" after the 1931 4W ' wheat crop is marketed ended I Adeiphi Will Discuss AVORS MEASURE corn's brief dynasty and oncemoreI Lare College Merss ?NIT Y TAX EVASION I placed wheat trading in the big pitr C e M_ the burden of taxes, This' burden,II Comparative opportunities f o r he added, would rest on the re- Sargent Will Discuss obtaining a liberal education in mainder of taxable property, thus forJobless large and small colleges will be de- increasing local taxes. I nuace o~ bated by members of Adelphi in the inr'ig oa ae. regular mueting at 7:30 tonight in Mayor Staebler pointed out that Noel Sargent, manager of the in- the society's room on the fourth LANSING--Rep. John T. Espie, of Eagle, tonight introduced a bill in the house which would prohibit the sale of milk in ac s wnicn hive not been officially pronounc-d f-cee of bovine tuberculosis. ADRIAN Detroit, Toledo, and New Yoxk capitalists have pecfe ed an organization and Ii ave laid plans for the operation of the continental isugar company's ptn" at Blissfield next fall. DETROIT -- The D c t r oi t and Cleveland Navigation company will open the passenger steamship serv- ice this year, when their first boat leaves the' dock here at 11 a.m. to- morrow. MONROE---Mike Sovich, 43, cm- ployee of the Newton Steel company was struck and instantly killeai by an ash conveyor this morning. The, conveyor, which is said not to have been in operation, broke Sovich's neck and left foot. PONTIAC -Leroy Eisenhart, 36, is in Pontiac general hospital suf- fering probably fatal injuries re- ceived when the car he was driving was struck by a gas-electric car of the .Michigan air line division of the Grand Trunk railway, on Tele- graph road: IONIA-The Pere Marquette rail- road announced today that its Ionia shop would resume operation April 6. The resumption of activities will c11 hack to work 72 men. ; yesterday on "Unemployment In-! .irance and Its Effects on the Eco- _ Inc Position of Germany." The insurance method reducesj coniumption in time of flourishing trade, Dr. Plaut explained, and puts money back into circulation during dpt ssion periods, keeping up con- ~umplion and aiding quick return to normality, General increases in wage levels are also accomplished by unem- ployment insurance, according to Dr. Plaut. Since it cuts down the army of laborers, he said, it reduces1 competition in labor.I 'Killer' Burke Read y to Fight Murder CaseI ST. JOSEPH, Mich., Mar. 30.-(A') j 'Fred Burke, termed the nation's most desperate killer, set out today to fight "a tight case." That was his description of the Michigan murder charge which brought the "most dangerous man alive" back from Missouri. He took the first step by refusing to waive preliminary examination. Justice of the Peace Joseph Collier bound him over to April 8, when he must show why the state should not hold him for the slaying of Traffic Policeman Charles Skelly. NOTICE The Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications, at its meeting yesterday, took the following ac- tion regarding s c h ola r s h i p prizes: tation in Oklahoma and northern Texas today. Meanwhile, the sections which felt the fury of last week's bliz- zard, accompanied by zero temper- atures, took stock of the loss in lives and damage to early crops and fruit. The known death list reached 16 Sunday when the body of Boyd Ed- VA Y'OR STAEBLER F TO BLOCK FRA TEA Says Elimination From Tax Rolls Would Increase General Burden of Taxes. mv_ --_1IT4-- l- 4