THI E MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 29 n. -441{> RlYLfV ( w, 1931 blished every morning except Monday Ig the University year by the Board in rol ur Student Publications.. mber of Western Conference Editorial ciation. e Associated Press is exclusively entitled ie use for republication of all news dis- ies credited to it or not otherwise credited is paper and the local news published in. itered at the postofice at Ann Arbor, ligan, as second class matter. Special rate ostage granted by Third Assistant Post- er General. bscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.30. Ilices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard t. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business,ara14. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4923 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FPRAN E. Coosn, City Editet sEditor ........Gurney Williams Erial Director ..........Walter X. Wilds ts Editor............Joseph A. Russell en's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer c, Drama, Books......... Wm. J. Gormnan tant City Editor......Harold . Warren tant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl graph Editor...........George A. Stautet r Editor.................WM.. R. Pypet NIGHT EDITORS Beach Conger ri S. Forsythe x~vid M. Nichol John D. Reindel Charles R. Sprowi Richard L. Tobin Harold O. Warrn SPoRro AssISTANTS on C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS nas M. Cooler on Frank Friedberg tk B. Gilbre*~ nd Goodma on Helper_ n Jones Lon C. Kunze ra Moulton n Blunt ette Dembitx Feldman iGallmeyet y G. Grimes' Lev tMaynceer ,n Manchester Wilbur J. Mee Brainardl W. Ries Robert LPierce Richard Racine Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter john W. Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Cie Miller Margaret O'Brien Elea nor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell in deeding the interests to the Uni- versity in trust. If this move were prevented, the proponents of ex- emption would then have to take their chances with the state legis- lature to secure their aim. Although this method has a sound basis in precedent and would be warranted by the nature of fraternities' rela- tionship to the University cited above, the legislative channel is lengthy and arduous. The most immediate objection to this bill is that it would remove a most potent argument for forcing a re-evaluation of fraternity prop- erty on the tax books. So long as the fraternities can threaten to deed their property to the Univer- sity, there exists a slight chance for their demands to do away with injustices as obvious as one forc- ing a fraternity to pay higher taxes than a downtown bank with the same frontage. The fraternities should be permitted -to determine the future of their property at their own discretion. It is quite apparent that this measure would receive little serious attention from any sober-minded or conscientious legislature. Never- theless, the bill is a piece of pre- posterously inflated political mon- key-business, even desperate in its absurdity; as such it merits an ex- tinction more immediate even than that obtaining from natural causes. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to 'less tha. 300 words if possible. Anonymous omn munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be .construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily A REPLY TO A COMMUNICATION To the Editor: I regret to state, Sir, that I be- lieve you are decidedly narrow- minded; the particular senator you speak of, broad-minded-enough to see or at least try to see the other side of a question. As a comparison we will take the traffic laws. This perhaps will not entirely be suit- able to you because of your vehe- ment attitude toward violation of the Eighteenth Amendment. How- ever, taking it from a legal stand- point, violation of the traffic laws is as bad as violation of the liquor law. Each is violation of the law. May I ask: "Would you withhold diplomas from a group of students who had passed through four years of study with that end in view (of obtaining them) and were anxious to enter "the outside world" with a clean slate, merely for failing to stop at a red signal or going past a stop-street. This was probably the attitude of the senator when he passed judgment and in my mind he was entirely justified in think- ing as he did. You speak of "their decent, law- abiding clasmen." I might remind, you that the life of modern youth is fast (in the minds of the past generation) and that the general trend will be along with modern youth( in any generation). I con- BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2T214 T. HOLLSTER MABLEY, Business Memoge KAuzae "*1 HALVEtSON, Assistant Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertisingr....... ....Charles T. Kline Advertising..........Thomas M. Davis Advertising........... William W. Warboys Service..................Norris J. Johnson Publication.......Robert W. Wi lliamnson Circulation............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts . ..............Thomas S. Muir Busiue.s Secretary ...........Mary J. Kenau Y R. Beglev n Bishop im Brown t Callahan am W. Davis rd H. Hiller a oisington W. Verne" an Atran nBailey hine Convisse ne Fishgrund thy LeMire thy Laylin Assistannt$ Erle Kightlinger Don W. Lyon William Morgan Richard Strat:melt Keith Tyler Nloel D. lisur Byron C. Vedder Sylvia Miller Hielen Olsen Mildred Postal e Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1931 Night Editor - HAROLD WARREN PACK'S POLITICS While the performances of pub- licity men in the arena of politics have been a common sight sincel the press first became a powerful social factor, it has been a long day since we have witnessed such a cliche as that recently made by Representative Pack, Washtenaw's mnember in the state legislature. With the astuteness of an earth- worm, Mr. Pack is seeking to justify his political existence, and its per- petuation we surmise, by introduc- ing a bill designed to prevent the, Screen Reflections MAYNARD STREET Names may make news but they don't necessarily make great pic- tures-as shown by the fact that Louis Bromfield wrote an original screen story which Sidney Howard adapted and George Fitzmaurice, directed; yet what entertainment there is in "One Heavenly Night" is due mainly to the excellent per- formances of an able cast. This Majestic feature stars and introduces Evelyn Laye, so-called British nightin- . gale, to the talk- ing pictures. This is the charming blond songstress w h o captivated Broadway in Noel { . Coward's "Bitter- sweet (w i t h a dash of whipped cream.) Her in- '>tial screen per- formance is en- _ .tirelysatisfactory, and given better John Boles roles and stories she should soon attain considerable popularity. Delving into the plot, one soon sees that the Bromfield-Howard- Fitzmaurice combination failed to whip the elements of a good but none-too-clear story into suitable form for film presentation. The action is laid in Hungary where a flower girl admirer of a reigning night club queen is given a chance to impersonate her on a six months' exile in the country requested by the police. The woman-killing coun- try magistrate is too sure of him-- self the first night with the result that Miss Laye walks home in the rain. The next night, however, is the heavenly one. Chief of the difficulties is the fact that Bromfield laid too much stress on the character of the flower girl - and while slhe might have made a; suitable material for a novel, is not ' ; delineated clearly on the screen. John Boles has the leading male role as the hand- fra.,' some magistrate. Honors among the men, however, are awarded without LILYAN ASH-MAN question to one Leon Errol of the wobbly legs and shiny head. Many a comical scene in which he par- ticipates provides the best enter- tainment in the picture. Lilyan Tashman is the wild night club ad- venturess, contributing an able per- formance. This is on the borderline between a C and a B. LIBERTY STREET The Michigan takes "The Easiest Way" 'out with Constance Bennett, eldest daughter of Sir Richard. Coupled with Constance to form an all-star cast are Adophe Menjou, Robert Montgomery, and Marjorie Rambeau-let alone Anita Page. Despite the fact that the stage play from which this was adapted is rather old, re- ports f r om our c o n t emporaries indicate wide- spread approval of t h e picture. Freshmen and children under 16 weren't admitted in Chicago-that bespeaks of either a British or a ris- que drama. CONSTrANCE NENETT A new Laurel and Hardy com- edy "Be Big" is also on the bill along with a Mickey Mouse cartoon. Tomorrow night's Owl show is none other than Ernest Lubitsch's production of "Monte Carlo" with Jack Buchanan and Jeannette Mac- Donald. This played here last fall and is one of the few pictures we've liked to the tune of an A this year. MAIN STREET "Fighting Caravans" a la Zane Grey is whooping - it uprdown at the! Wuerth the first half of the week. : Tall, lanky Gary Cooper is at home again on a horse,: while aided by a promising sup- porting cast that includes Lily Da- mita (of "Cock- Eyed World") Er- n e s t Torrence, FRED-KOHLER, Tully Marshall, and Fred Kohler. The picture is from the novel of the same name. WOODWARD AVENUE AND ~JMsc AN DRAMA EVENTS THIS WEEK Piano and Violin Recital This Afternoon Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, and Wassily Besekersky, violinist, both of the faculty of the University School of Music, will give a pro- gram of sonatas this afternoon in the Mendelssohn Theatre at 4:15. This is one of the regular concerts in the Faculty Series which has been held all year. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited, but requested to be seated on time. The program announced for this afternoon is made up of the follow- ing three sonatas: Sontata F minor ...........Bach Largo, Allegro; Adagio, Vivace. Sonata G major Op. 73 . . . . Brahms Vivace ma non troppo; Adagio Allegro molto moderato. Sonata C minor Op. 45 ...... Greig Allegro molto apassionata Allegretto impressive alla Ro- manze Allegro aminato. Henry Cowell to Lecture On and Play Modern Music . All those actively interested in the contemporary musical scene will' welcome the lecture-recital to be given by Henry Cowell Thursday evening of this week in the Men- delssohn Theatre. For Henry Cowell is part of that scene in several very important capacities. He is one of the most important of contempor- ary American composers, haing introduced several very startling innovations among his habit of "playing with his arms," the lay- man's way of interpreting his in- terpretation of the piano as a per- cussive instrument and his new technique of producing the unique musical effects he calls "tone clus- ters." But even more important perhaps, he is a profound student of music who is able to lucidly pre- sent the logic of his innovations. He had an excellent training in the discipline of traditional musical training, has recently published a book "New Musical Resources," an original piece of work widely used by teachers of advanced musical theory and a presentation of the theoretical background for the "re- volutionary" aspects of modern music. Mr. Cowell is editor of the quarterly "New Music," vice-presi- dent of the Pan-American Associa- tion of Composers, Director of the New Music Society of California, and lecturer in 'musicology' at Stanford University. He is inter- ested in a very practical way in creating a wide appreciation for the aims and achievements of con- temporary music and his local ap- pearance, which is being sponsored by the University, is one of a series of engagements at the leading col- leges of the country. "Mr. Cowell's lecture-recital here Thursday evening will discuss the subject "New Musical Resources and Contemporary American Compos- ers." Ronny Johanssen Dance Recital Saturday Miss Johanssen is a Swedish dancer who has exploited the more inimitable aspects of the art of dance and won herself a world-wide reputation as one of the most gla- morous personalities in the dance- world. Recent reports, however, have it that she has considerably extended her reportoire beyond her specialty-the humourous dance- and is now building rounded pro- grams that include the lyrical and the dramatic. Her program for her appearance Saturday night in they Mendelssohn theatre has not yet been announced. I I' ', i ' l i I i ililda Burke A star of the Chicago Civic Opera Company Thursday evening and Friday afternoon concerts Soprano :1 Y Cyretia Van Gordon Contralto Chicago Civic Opera Company star Saturday evening concert FESTI Eleanor Reynolds Contralto L SIX CONCERTS May 913 14, 15916 Chicago Civic Opera Company and Staats Operas of Berlin and Vienna Thursday evening and Friday afternoon concerts Fredericek Jagel Metropolitan Opera Company Thursday evening concert Walter Waddop British National Opera Company Saturday evening concert Tenor Tenor Lily Pons Chase Baroineo Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company Saturday evening concert Soprano W Nelson Eddy American Opera Company Thursday and Saturday evening concerts Fred Patton Metropolitan Opera Company Thursday and Saturday evening concerts Baritone Bass Sensational French Prima donna of the Metropolitan Opera Company Wednesday evening concert NOW I Renowned woman virtuoso Saturday afternoon concert Violinist Igutace Jan Paderew ski World's most renowned pianist Friday evening concert Palmer Christian Leading American Organ virtuoso Friday afternoon concert Earle V. Moore Conductor of Choral works Pianist Organist University from accepting t h e ' dude from this that practically deeds to fraternity property, with 7-10 of the students of that uni- the avowed purpose of preventing versity were as guilty as those made the fraternities from thus dodging to account for it. the necessity of paying taxes on It is a fact of human nature that their holdings. the "adolescent nitwit" between the For downright ingenuousness and ages of 17 and 21 will attempt to naivete, this measure is unmatched; mimick the acts of his elderly class- the representative has dug deeply men. And this is so whether these and onorously to unearth a so acts be good or bad. But due to the that would warm the hearts of his fact that the upper classman is en- Ann Arbor constituency toward his joying the evils of drinking and, legislative efforts in their behalf. smoking, the "nitwit" will follow. But for all of its ludicrousness, When the, student first starts to this bill is -deplorable upon quite drink, his motive may be the de- serious counts. In the first place, sire to become sophisticated, but the bill if passed would specifiically this is soon supplanted by the en- limit, or rather determine, the joyment found in it. I am afraid course of any action the Regents I it would be necessary for you to may feel inclined to take toward enter college once more to see this acting as trustees for fraternity side of it. properties. Such a limitation upon i For the reason that there are so the policy-determining powers of many in oposition to the view, I the Regents, particularly yin the doubt whether the restrictions and case of a matter purely administra- punishments you mention could be tive, is hardly concomitant with carried out. There would be quite the basic principle upon which rest a hulla-ba-loo and it would all end the powers of the Regents to run in the same way as the argument the University. on the Eighteenth Amendment now In the tax-exemption problem it- exists-little done but rather tend- self, however, there are salient rea- ing toward repeal. sons for opposing Mr. Pack's illicit A ,Student. foster-child. The agitation for ex- emnpting fraternity property from Thevisiting Englishman who says taxation has two principal motives: Americans have a tired look should some hold that because fraternities try listening to prohibition for 11 bear a relationship to the Univer- years-Parkersburg (W. Va.) Sen- sity at least as close as that of tinel. dormitories (and recent utterances and actions of the Administration Arthur Brisbane commented on would indicate that it is evenclos- Mondaypthat "editors ofcollege er), the houses should be freed of newspapers could be among the taxpaying responsibility, like other most useful in journalism. They adjuncts of the University proper. reach the young mind while it is Others argue that fraternity prop- open to new ideas. The difficulty is erty should be exempt to avoid un- to find the new ideas.-Birming- just valuations now placed on the ham News. properties; at least, they believe, Musical Director Frederick Stoek Orchestra Conductor Conductor or Orchestral and Miscellaneous programs Fri tDelainarter Assistant Conductor Conductor for Orchestral and Misccllaneous programs Jtva Higbee Children's Conductor Supervisor of Viusic, Ann Arbor Public Schools Uiiversity Choral Union Thursday and Saturday evenings. Three hundred voices. Chicago 'SyphIonIy Orchestra Entire Festival week. Seventy players Children's Festival Chorus Friday afternoon concert. Four hundred voices ,- 0-1 ! What's 11 Going On GENERAL RECITAL-W a s s i I1y Besekirsky and Mabel Ross Rhead, 4:15 o'clock, Mendelssohn theatre. READING-By Prof. O. J. Camp- bell, 3:30 o'clock, Grand Rapids room, Michigan League, OPEN DISCUSSION-On Indian independence conducted by the Round Table club, 3 o'clock,Michi- gan League. CANTATA-"Olivet to Calvary," 4:40 o'clock, St. Andrew's church. MONDAY GENERAL - ~ m r r. T-~- - . __ T1- r- - .. _ !. . Boris God unof in English Saturday evening concert Si. Francis of Assisi Thursday evening concert Mussorgsky Pierne Old Jotnny Appleseed (children) Friday afternoon concert Gaul SEASON TICKETS, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 (if Festival coupon is enclosed deduct 4: n *-o t1,, m i ui 1,m C^% ..f-".+: 5 . , r5r 1*% - i