: 29 193'1 T'HZ T.4IC IGA: DAILY 29 191TI IC IA AL IIISJDOYLDS SdLLIOSOCIOLOGISTS EXPRESS DISAPPROVAL ILocal Youth Inured OF FOSTER BILL ON DEATH PENALTY Fin Automobile Crash Wood Says Capital Punishment the judge no power to discriminate Injured in a collision which oc- SI Bears Little Relation between different types of murder- curred Friday nighc at the inter- to Crime Rate. ers, and require him tn exact the section of Packard street and the Efforts to Get Exact Location supreme penalty, once the jury has Beltin64 W.cut- A ext, irtolac by Radio Compass Fail; General disapproval of the whole reported a decision of guilty. Joseph's Mercy hospital with a Fc ,idea of capital punishment and "The clause delaying the killing fractured lf leg anal eere cuts Sebago' Reports. ore especially of the Fs'pending'Tos-h aw answithchl nt t and bruises. NEW YORK, Mar. 28. -(APD)-A ter act which is to come before the child is born is an insult to the Bartolacci was a p ssenger in a fle't of ships today wasz searchingvoters April 6 is the attitude taken state" Professor Wood maintained. car driven by Nick Papatheropoulos, off the New Jersey coast as result by threemembers{of the sociology He concluded that the bill would ouDetroit,lfo ivstiaio Pal Sef S O S messages which indicated aculy rec ements- probably not pass, providing the theropoulos' car collided with one Prof. Arthur E. Wood, criminolo- people realized the particular slant a ship had sunk.. and its company ( driven by Robert Seeger, Jr., 829 S. to lifeboat gist of the department, declared it took on matters. Main street, who was driving south that capital punshment was really Prof. L. J. Carr, although he be- on the cut-off when the collision The ship was not identified. of little importance as compared to lieved the bill would probably pass, o c c u r r e d. Throadcasting was halted. Three other problems of penology. He stated that capital punishment c o a s t guard destroyers and a mentioned that capital punishment would be futile.C a freighter put out from New York; bears little relation to the problem "What we need," he added "is notoCoal of reducing the crime rate, stat- increased severity of punishment &eal $20 From Office three power boats were out ro ing that it could not be proved pos- but rather increased certainty. This the New Jersey coast. l itively a deterrent, and pointed out would call for a complete reorgan- Gaining entrance to the ohice of The Sebago, first rescue craft D that the number of crimes actually ization of the legal system." the Ann Arbor fuel and supply# icach the vicinity, reported short committed was para y larg- Prof. R. C. Angell also stated that company Frida ng b breaking after 5 a. m. No rockets or othe° er in states having the death pen- th severity of punishment was of a window in the buildig at -14 1 teslinlscuibete.tlythniehoerothvn importance, especially as jur- E. Madison street, burglars smashed istresas signals could be seen. Professor Wood declared that capi-tQ be ne, pely convit the combinations from two safes, Messages from the ship purport- tal punishment would no more mil- and added that there was of course, forced open a cash register drawer, ed to be in distress gave neither itate against Michigan gangsters no rectification of mistakes with and escaped with $20 in cash. call letters nor name. Police, navy than it had against their colleagues p The burglary was reported to po- arid commercial wireless stations in New York and Chicago. capital punishment.lice early yesterday morning whn begged in vain for the information. "The Foster death bill is a par- . H e r m a n Buehler, vice-president The first message came at 12:41 ticularly vicious bit of legislation,'' Churc es Plan United and general manager of the com- Im. and stated merely "S. O. S. Professor Wood said, "especially in Passion Week Services pany, discovered the thert. "0 miles off Barnegat." Efforts to its mandatory clauses, which give_-__ Presents k I T he SA DEVIL UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ORATORICAL ASSOCIAT'N He Needs No Introduction A World Hero Whose Experiences Are More Than Thrilling 1 get the exact location by radio compass failed. At 1:47 the station at- Brooklyn navy yard asked: "Are you still with us?" The answer was: "Yes, send slow." A little later the plsition was given as 39 miles south ;ouitheast of Barnegat. At 1:55 the navy station picked up: "If we can get help in hurry we will last 11GSG (unintelligible). In boats room water." The navy messaged ships were on the way. At 2:03 a. m. there flashed: "Leav- ing now." There were no further signals. The land station operators said Library to be Visited by Illinois Students, Forty-six members of the Univer- sity of Illinois library school will arrive in Ann Arbor next Tuesday, March 31, to visit the University library. The group, which is visit- ing prominent libraries in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan, will be con- ducted not only through the gen- eral library, but also through the several departmental and college branch libraries. The visitors will have lunch at the League and will be served tea at the library lunch room at 4 o'clock. (Continued from Page 1) held in the afternoon at the First Methodist Episcopal church where Rev. Anderson will preside. Three guest ministers will be present at this meeting. Rev. George D. Jeff- rey, of the Scovil church in Detroit will speak on "The Compassion of the Cross." Dr. Ralph D. Kearns who comes from the First Presby- terian church of Flint, will deliver a sermon on "The Agony of the Cross," and Bishop Thomas Nichol- son, from Detroit, will talk on "The Triumph of the Cross." A number of merchants and bus- iness men of the city will close their stores and offices for three hours on Friday afternoon. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING All makes of machines. Our equipment and per- s o m n e I are considered ~ among the best in the State. The result of twenty years' careful building. i O. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone i 6615 VON LUCKNER COUNT the sender of small coil set, the message used a long outmoded. F L OWRS- FOR EASTER Delivered by Wire Anywhere 1 Among the Best and a Among the Best ..ad at Reasonable Prices FREEMAN'S H Our Weekly Financial Letter Contains Analysis of Beatrice Creamery Packard Motor Copy on request WATLING LERCHEN & HAYES Daily Market Letter Members New YorkStocksExchange New York Curb Exchange (Associate) Detroit Stock Exchange Mezzanine Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. , Phones: 23221-23222 Hill Auditorium Tickets, $1.00 Thursday Night ADVANCE TICKET SALE AT 3211 ANGELL HALL DINING ROOM ANN ARBOR FLORISTS, INC. BE SURE TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS EARLY Lunches 40c, Dinners 60c Sunday Dinner 75c I 122 East Liberty Phone 6213 ONLY ONE BLOCK NORTH FROM HILL AUDITORIUM i SUBSRIBE To THE MICHIGAN DAILY ar '! I Ask AMM fffim -AMAOM" ,en7s lomlhn4l Starting ues. March 31 0 ess's 9 A. M. I ~ai iYe Hoe IFRE with each Air unt l YOU HAVE BEEN EXPECTING LOWER PRICES ON HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR AND HERE THE Y ARE- t Easter 11 All FlureRs Reduced (Including Spying Styles Just Arrived) Wo Florsheitms ,l I With the New Future Arch in each pair these are the most comfortable, stylish shoes All $10.00 Styles Reduced to . . . . . . . . . . All $11.00 and $12.00 Styles Reduced to . . $9.00 . $10.00 in America today without any exception. WE NOW OFFER $11.50 and $12.00 0 0 Florsheim's are better than ever this season as to quality-style and workmanship and at these new low prices every man should enjoy the extreme comfort, long wear and un- usual style embodied in every pair of Florshiems. Flo~rsheiaS ortShoes STYLES AT . . . . . . . . $10.50 WE NOW OFFER ALL $0.06 STYLES AT.. ........ . . . . . . t9.0 All New Spring Styles Included Considering quality, style, and workmanship Ask any woman who has worn a pair. Florshiems are cheapest in the Jong run. 11 We have just received many new offered at these new low prices. Spring Styles. All will be r' r i 1 / r, T . _ Other Styles For Women $9.00 and $10.00 Styles Reduced r COY OEM, I I to"......"............ $8.00 and $8.50 Styles Reduced to $7.00 Styles Reduced to ...... $7.85, $6.85 $5.85 All New .Styles in Sport Oxfords I Included 0 I _w ALL PACKARD AND SELZ STYLES to be offered at new low prices I and S1 - 00t Soles Reduced to . . . . . . $7.85 and $8.50 R i e °; m SPECIAL! 200 Pairs of excellent styles in Tan -_., ,1 1 .-- -.-,-.-----C,-.11'- ;, I'