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March 28, 1931 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-28

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28, 1931




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\ ctmard, President
Dies at Mjayo Clinic ,
ROCHIEgTER; Minn.. star. 27.--1
I (sP)-Ei'nt S.- Ha -nard, president
Chtmeiler Turns Best Time of the A eritan League is dead.
for Breast Stroke; Fenske, The man wh sueceed"e Byron
Raike Place in Diving. B e4 Johnson as s- ie s det of
the league four ye'amaolbcause


T Two Betas Named on First Squadi
JAUIILPIIAIT of All-Campus Basketball Team




CIUCAGo, Mar. 27. -(AP)-
Michigan took the lead in the 1
struggle for the National Col-
legiate indoor swimming chain-
piopzhiip toigbt by qualifying-
two relay teanms and eight men
hm the preliminaries. MinnesotAi
was next with 6 men, although
Princeton aud Rutgers were
certain of giving Micigau the
hadest fight for the' title.
CHICAGO, Mar. 27.-(P-)-With
six of the nine events decided,
Michigan led the field in qualifiers
in the preliminaries of the National
Collegiate indoor swimming cham-
pionships tonight, placing six men
and a 400-yard relay team.
Michigan placed men in the div-
ing events where Raike and Fenske
both qualified. Other qualifiers were
in the breaststroke which Schmieler
took with a first place in the time
of 2:35.6; Valentine in the 150-yard
back stroke; and Kennedy in the
440-yard free style event. Miller of
Michigan also placed in the breast
stroke event.
No Wolverine entries qualified in
the 50-yard free style event which
Carter of Purdue won.in the best
time of 24.8 seconds. Michigan's
relay team was composed of Ken-
nedy, Ladd, Klintworth, and Smith.
The Rutgers entry in this event,
however, turned in the best time
which .was 3:39.6, a new national
collegiate record as this event has
never been included on the tourna-
ment program. Rutgers team was
composed of Kojac, Cramer, Sun-
derland, and Dryfuss.
Fancy high board diving-Riley,
So. Cal., 125.68 points; Raike, Mich-
igan, 86.78 points; Fenske, Michi-
gan, 74.58 points.
400-yard relay-Rutgers (Kojac,
C r a m e r, Sunderland, Dryfuss),;
Princeton (Turner, Dayton, Schar-
er, Lee); Michigan (Kennedy, Ladd,
Klintworth, Smith). Best time by
Rutgers, 3.39 3-5 seconds. (New na-
tioia t c egate recod because first
time event included in tourna-
200 - yard breaststroke - John
Schmieler, Michigan; West, Prince-
tan; Miller, Michigan. (Best time
by Schmieler, 2.85 3-5).
150-yard backstroke-Valentine,
Michigan; Long, 'Princeton; Lee,
Washburn. (Automatically quali-
fled as no preliminary held because
of only five entries).
440-yard free style-Clapp, Stan-
ford; Crabbe, So. Cal.; Kennedy
Michigan. Best time by Clapp,
5:03 1-5.
50-yard free style-art4er, lur-
due; Turner, Princeton; Williams,;
Georgia Tech; Scharer, Princeton.
Best time by Carter, 24 4-5 seconds.
Fisher Works Di4amomI
Sqvad i Fed JoHse
(C tinued from Page 61
cepjiont of a couple of sre arms
and Hudson's rapidly imrovin
leg Injury, little more could be ask-
ed by the baseball mentor in this
Enough sophomores are on the
squad to compose a fuil team a-
mong themselves. They include two
catchers, a pitcher, three infielders,
and as many outfielders. These are
expected to aid the coach mater-
ially in rounding out a well balanc-
ed team.
Tennis Captain Gains
High Ranking in West
(Continued From Page 6
ly got started before being elimin-
ated by Stagg, the Chicago ace, ir
the second round, so his dual meel

record which shews seven wins ir
nine matches gives a much better
indication of his'actual ability.
NEW YORK - Frank Carideo,
famous Notre Dame quarterback
feels that the call of the mat, when
it speaks in terms of $10,000, is not
to be slighted. This is what he car
make if he cares to follow the foot-
steps of his old teammate, Joe Sa-
voldi, now professional wrestler.

of Johnsowis cenfic$s 'wih Kene-
saw Mountain Land is cam, issioner
of babseh H, died unexpmtely late
today while chatting with his wife.
Mr. Barnard came to Rochester
yesterday fo observation at the
Mayo 4rotheYs clinic. lie had cut
short his inspection trip in the
siring training camps of the A n-r-
iean League clubs becausei he
thrught he was suffering from
stomach trouble.
All football candidates are re-
quested to report for uniforms
at the Field house today. Prac-
e sessions will be held today
and continue Monday.
Harry Kipke, coach.

r i

Engineers Win Second Place in
Volleyball Series by Win
Over Army Team.
The Engineers took three out of
f ou games from the Army team
ycst:reay afternoon at the Intra-
mural building to place second in
the finals of the Faculty volleyball
tournament. The Reserves took two
j out of three games from the Archi-
tects to win first place in the tour-
narient standings. By virtue of its
win yesterday the Reserves rank in
first place with 8 wins to one loss
during the tournament. The Engi-
neers ended in second place with
5 wins and 4 losses.
The Architects won 4 games and
lost 5 while the Army volleyball
team holds down the cellar w .h
only one win and 8 losses. Practice
matches will be continued Monday
evenings and Friday afternoons
until Spring vacation.

By John Thomas had submitted their selections, it The All-Campus Intramural track
Editor's note: Tf e Board of Rey- was found that Bob Cummings was meet held Thursday night was fea-
erees that compiled this team is the favorite in this position. By ap- tured bythe stellar performance of
composed of Earl Riskey, chairman; pointing him, however, it would Edward D'Anna, '31, who set a new
H. B. Purdom; Earl Glocheski; mean that two Betas would be intramural record in the 880-yard
Smith; S. W. Steensma; Bill Merrill; placed on the first team and they run. The new record of 2:04.6 bet-
and John Thomas. did not win the title, while only onea ters D:Anna:s Tuesday night perw
Certificates will be presented t Aloha Sig would be on it and they formance o y 2:05.2 which set a new
the members of the first All-Star ciid win. inter-fraternity mark in the 88(.
Intramural team in basketball and Cummings received two votes at
hockey, Earl Riskey anounced last forward and one at center. He Summaries:
night. plhyed the tip-oft position for the -
The selcction of the In nru:ai L ta' but then shifted after the 60-yard dash: (1) Barnes, 2) Me-
department's first All-Star bask t- S-Lart of the game. For this reason .y, (3) Rogers, (4) Bradley; time:
ball team from the "A" irater'nity Riskey selected Cummings for cen- Shot put' (1) Blum6e6feld,(2)
was made by the Board or Referees t job and then to shift to forward. Shot put: 1)nB (um ebstr2
wiih Earl Riskey in the positiom of So the Board considered his votes I Hagen, (3, Bohnsack, (4) Webster;
director. Each referee chose an; ias three for forward. The next distance: 38 ft. 3 in.
all-star team and Mc, Riskey com- highest was Adams, also of Beta 440: (1) Lennen, (2) Cooper, (3)
piled the results. Theta Pi, and Kagay of Lambda McRoy, (4) Rollins; time: 55.3.
Glen Black Chose Captain. Chi Alpha with two each. Broad jump: (1) Silber; distance:
Glen Black was chosen as the Black, Lindsay, and Renner have 21 ft. 8Mf in.
captain as he had captained the good eyes from around the foul cir- High jump: (1) Silber, r2 Try-
Beta Theta Pi team and was the cle, and Dougal is a long shot artist. byszewski, (3) Harris, (4) Blumen-
outstanding leader in the league. This leaves a glaring weakness in feld; height: 6 ft.
His selection at left guard was as- follow-in shots. None of the all- Pole Vault: (1) Noithrup, (2)
sured as he received six votes out stars have exceptional heighth but Renick, (3) Fryberger; height: 10
of seven for this position. He is with the addition of Cummings, the ft. 6 in.
not outstanding ,offensively, but he team gains strength in the follow- 880:1 ) D'Ania sn2) Horton, (:4
kept the Betas going at top speed in department and also gets its Harbison, (4 Johnson;i-
all of the game and seldom failedmuch needed heighth as Cum- (new 1record) .

Piano Tuning! Phone 6676. Victor
Allmendinger, the concert artist
tuner. Tuner for Univ. School of
Music. Office at residence, 1(308
Morton Ave. 345C
NATIVE PERSIAN student in the
University is an exi lenc i ed
Oriental Rug repairer. Reay to
do any kind of work in the na-
tive way, during vacation. Rates
very reasonable. Dial 9094.
Nakhchevani. 46
!Buy Now! Fur Coats, Jacquiettes
Scarfs of every diseription. Low-
est prices in a decade. All fur
work expertly and promptly done
at reduced rates.
Since 1904
HISTORY 11 and 12, tutoring and
Exam Question Review, Person-
ally by TOMMIE MACK.
310 S. State -Phone 7927
INC. College work a speciality
for over twenty years. Mode-ate
rates. 0. ). Morrill, The Type-
writer & Statiuncry Store, 314
S t i Staie Street. C




Much of the success of the St.
Louis Cardinals in recent years hast
been due to the playing of one ofl
the National League's most colorful
stars, "Sunny Jim" Bottomley, first
baseman and one of the two home
run sluggers that grace the lineup
of the Redbirds. Yet Bottomley,
once the idol of St. Louis fandom, is
far from sure of retaining his reg-
ular position when the team swings
into action in just a little over two
Late in the 1930 season "Sunny
Jim" showed definite signs of slip-
ping, but as he is still comparative-
ly young as baseball players go no
one took his slump seriously. In the
world series, however, against the
barrage of stellar hurlers that Con-
nie Mack pitted against the Cards,
Bottomley was the weakest mem-
bers of the entire St. Louis team,
his failure to hit being a big item
in the ultimate downfall of the
May Not Come Back.
Even now few people doubt that
Jim Bottomley will not come back.
He is much too good a player, and
too a powerful natural hitter to pass
out so soon when he should have
several more years of sterling base-
ball in his system.
Gabby Street, the Cardinal man-
ager, no matter what opinions he
may have as to Bottomley's ability,
to vindicate himself for the poor:
showing he made in the series
classic last year, has purchased an-
other first basemall that is capable
of giving Bottomley a real fight for
the position.
This new star, a rookie by the
name of Collins, who was one ofI
the big guns in the attack of the
Rocpester club of the International
League last year, is the new man
who will challenge the right of
"Sunny Jim" to retain his -regular
berth at first base in the.lineup of
the National League titleholders.
Collins is said to be a capable field-
er, but his hitting is: his strong
forte. Last season he was one of the
most powerful sluggers in the en-


Cummings Beta Theta Pi ...... L.F...... Kagay Lambda Chi Alpha
Renner Alpha Sigma Phi.....R.F..........Adams Beta Theta Pi
Dougal Trigon ................. C......... Damm Alpha Sigma Phi
Lindsay Phi Sigma Kappa ...... . L.G..........Shea. Alpha Sigma Phi
Black (C) Beta Theta Pi........ R.G....... Weinstein Tau Delta Phi

Two matches in th2 Cuarter-
finals of the Faculty tennis tourna-
ment will be played this orning at
10:30, at the Intramural indoor
courts. The pairings are: Baxton
vs. Gearhart (winner to meet John--
ston in the semi-finals), and Dana
vs. Haines (winner to play D":orsey)}.


tire International circuit, and the
notorious low fences in the St.
Louis park may prove a real target
for some of his long hits.
Hafey May Not Sign.
Whether Bottomley or Collins
plays the bag for the Cards, the
senior circuit champions are going
to have a hardl time to retain their
title during the 1932 season. Com-
petition from the Chicago Cubs, the
Pittsburgh Pirates, the Brooklyn
Dodgers, and the New York Giants
all promises to be of the highest
The fact that Chick Hafey, slug-
ging outfielder of the Redbirds, has
not yet signed his 1931 contract and
may even be traded before the sea-I
son opens on April 13, puts an ex-
tra burden on the first baseman,
whoever it may be. As the guardian
of this position, be it Bottomley or
Collins, will be counted on to add
much of the punch of the Cards'
attack along with Frisch, Douthit,
and Gelbert, these men will have
to shoulder more of a burden in
driving in runs than they would
ordinarily have to bear with Hafey
in the lineup.

to take the ball off the backboard.
He is not quite six feet tall but he
is one of the fastest men on the
team. He was the outstanding
guard in the playoffs.I
Lindsay, right guard: The selec-
tion of the running-mtes for Black
was a difficult job. Weinstein of
Tau Delta Phi and Lindsay of PhiI
Sigma Kappa tied with two votesI
each. Both are well under six-foot
and this caused considerable hesi-
tation on the part of Riskey in the"
final naming. Lindsay is faster than1
Weinstein and a better team play-
er, but the latter has more basket- I
bail ability as he was a member of
the Javees for two years. Weinstein
did not have a chance to show in
the playoffs as his team was defeat-'
ed in the first game.
.lougal, center: In the final con-
sideration, it was found that no
member of the team was a long
shot artist. Dougal caged four of
these baskets to keep Trigon closej
to Beta Theta Pi in the semi-final
game. Dougal is not more than
six-foot one and he was out-jumped.
by Cummings in that game. How-
ever, in the results of the referee's
selections, the Trigon star led the
center candidates by a comfortable
Renner, forward: Chosen as the
best forward on any fraternity
team this year, Renner, fast sopho-
more of the title-winning Alphal
Sigma Phi team, could not havel
been left off any team picked from
the leagues. His selection was
unanimous as he received seven
votes. Had he captained the Alpha
Sig team, he would have had the I
additional honor of captaining the
all-star outfit. Renner is five-foot
nine inches tall. He is fast and hs
the best eye of any member of the
Cummings, forward: The position
at left forward proved to be the
hardest to fill. After the referees

mings is more than six-foot two. j
Strong Team Picked.
These five men would be a hard A
outfit to beat. All of the playersj
are good team-workers. The squad
has speed and shooting eyes. Lind-
say and Captain Black are good{
defense men. They are not very
tall for the general run of all-star
players, but they are fast and hard
workers. Black is especially adapt-
ed to taking the ball off the back-
board and starting it down thel
floor fast. If Dougal could not out-
jump his opponent, Cummings
could be easily shifted to that po-
sition for the tip-off.
Alpha Sigs Place Reserves.
The selection of Kagay and
Adams on the second team was
easy as they were the outstanding
defeated candidatess for first team
berths. Damm, Alpha Sigma Phi,
was chosen second team center aft-
er Cummings was given the for- I
ward position of the first team.
Weinstein clinched the left guard
position with two votes for the
fi'rst team. Shea, also of Alpha Sig-
ma Phi was selected captain and
right guard by the Board.
Pete Cornwall is the only center
in the honorable mention group. He
captained the Phi Sigma Kappa
team. Jones, of Trigon, is either a
I guard or forward. Other forwards
are Barta of Delta Tau Delta, Ruge,
of Phi Kappa Sigma, Bell of Phi
Sigma Kappa, and Miller of Beta
Theta Pi who received first team
consideration in both forward and
guard position.


Badminton, the Anglo-Canadian I
sport innovation, has found popu-
larity on the Michigan campus, 49B
evidenced by the 3: entries inm ti,
tourney which is to begin Monday.
Badminton, introduced here this
winter, is a court game which is
said to have originated in India
and to have come to America via
England. It bears a strong resem-
blance to tennis, the chief differ-
ences being in size of court and
height of net. There is no such
thing as a Badminton ball; a
"shuttle" is used instead. This shut-
tle is made of a hemisphere of cork
covered with white kid leather.
Around the rim are fastened 16
white feathers which keep the shut-
tle on its course.
According to Mr. Earl Riskey, ofI
the Intramural department, the
game is a speedy one and offers
plenty of opportunity for a "real
Sunday afternoon's session of
skating, closing at 5 p.m., will be
the last one for the Michigan
hockey rink this year. The Coli-
seum will be closed for the sea-!
son and all persons having par-
cels there are asked to claim
them before the closing time

'i'YeINU '.theses a specllty. 1'au~
ratess M. V. Elaxtsuff. Dial 9087.
A\CES Sld, rented, exchanged,
cleaned and r epaired. Our service
is among the best to be obtained
anywhere. 0. D, Morrill, 314 South
State St. Phone 6615. C
to-house canvassing, Guaranteed
' minimum earnings $460.00 for
summer months to those who
qualify. Personal interview re-
quired. Leave name, address and
phone number. Address to Box
167, Michigan Daily. 456123
STUDE~NTS-Opportunity to seciure
adequate earnings this sum:er
and qualify for permanent con-
nections with large influential
organization. Write Box No. 169,
Michigan Daily, giving age, ex-
perience, and references. 34561C

AT TIL A. 0r~i:T ID<r


AL'Ha SIMA Im pin.
please call 6739.


LOST-S. A. E. Fraternity pin, No.
36307. Norrik, 610 Forest. Phone
6539. Reward. 345
** * .


an the bo aBusiness


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is Vital to Effective Impression

SHAKESPEARE, unequalled as a liter-
ary genius, became a prosperous theat-
rical producer. Caucer, keen observer
of the Canterbury pilgrims, was Comp-
troller of the Cutstoms. Disraeli, a
popular novelist, became Chancellor
of the Exchequer. Daniel Defioe, of
Robinson Crusoe fame, was once a
hosiery manufacturer. Bagehot, vivid
writer on economics and politicsspent
a great part of his life as a London
banker. Our first and perhaps greatest
Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander
Ham ilton, collaborated in writing The
Fe-dera/isi. BeJaanin Franklin, whose
terse style is a model of simplicity,
both preached and practiced thrift and
sound investment.
It is not uncommon for capable
writers and speakers to become success-

ful business men. The ability to express
ideas clearly, which may begained from
practice in compositioa and the study
of literature . .with the corollairy devel-
opment of thinking power .. may be
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bond business. Clear, facile expression
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buying, sell ung or operating divisions
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If the Lnd husiness appeals to you
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ness--IVhat ItgR. e is--W hati Oftro
It contains an interesting expcsinkin
of the investment Luusfnesi ts oppor-
tunities, functons, organization and
requirements. Any interested student
may have a copy on request.


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