ESTABLISHED 1890 C, , r Aii an iii MEMBER ASSOCIATED' PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLI. No. 97 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS , 4, ; , . ;. f r , A. riA %S.ES L kl'lm-uNS' 01L L B Y LRGE AJORITY MONARCHIST GRUP STATES NEW POLICY FOR SPANISH RULE, LEADERS WHO MAY ORGANIZE NEW MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN SPAIN Juan Bautista Aznar, Premier, Organizes Government. Adnirai New OTHER PARTIES ATTACK De La Cierva Promises Liberty With Lifting of State Censorship. (By Associated Press) MADRID, Feb. 19.-Admiral Juan II Bautista Aznar, who views himself as a simple sailor called to lead Gen. Leopoldo Saro (left), former chief of King Alfonso's palace Spain out of the waters of discon- guard, and Gen. Martinez Anido (right) were mentioned as possible orC a nm n-.toy ,1iMtai-rombhi in m in tent, tonight completed organiza- tion of the conservative monarch- ist cabinet he heads as premier. The swearing in of ministers was completed today and the cabinet held its first meeting for a definite declaration of policy, which is mainly to restore economic and political normality and to seek modification of certain sections of the constitution of 1876. Country Remains Calm. In the meantime the country re- mains calm but the opposition is already speaking of refraining from participating in elections to be called by the government. They also criticized the new gov- ernment, saying it is too close to the king and thus will lose its independence. The republicans continue attack- ing the monarchy but the socialist attitude will not be known until Saturday when the directors of the Spanish socialists and the General| Union of Workers will decide. But monarchists of all classes have expressed their adherence to the monarchy, expressing jubila- tion over the solution of the crisis. Provinces Are Loyal. Numerous personalities h a v e signed the albums in the royal. palace and many telegrams have been received from the provinces and also from abroad, confirming allegiance to the throne. The new ministers sworn in to- day were Juan Ventosa, finance; Admiral Luis Rivera, marine, and Antonio Gascon y Marin, who were unable to take the oath yesterday at the same time as their col- leagues. A promise that the censorship would be lifted when possible was given at this ceremony by Juan de la Cierva, minister of public works and father of the inventor of the autogyro, who declared: "The gov- ernment desires to give the people liberty. The censorship will be lifted as soon as those who demand it make this possible." State Bulletins (fay Associated Presss February 19, 1931. TRAVERSE CITY--An effort to enlist all members of chambers of commerce in the state to fight the proposed reduction of four fire ap- propriations in the administration's budget bill now under considera- tion at Lansing was started by the local chamber today. James T. Milligan, president of the Traverse City chamber of commerce, said the conservation department's for- est °fire division would be helpless if the p r o p o s e d budget goes through. SAGINAW-Officials of the Con- sumers Power Co. today announced that construction of a 54-mile high pressure gas line will be started next month. The project, which will cost $326,000, will serve eight Sag- inaw and Tuscola county towns. It was made possible by securing fran- chises from villages and townships through which the line will pass. CADILLAC-Mrs. F r e d Suther- land, 67, former president of the ninth district Women's Christian Temperance Union, is dead at her home here following an illness. tn. ,aAlllyt 6 Uljt a, Iii... VY ± 1tu. 'a y ct. ULAIjlblll. 111l jiallS. UUHLISi HLVELL iLIVES OF RlOYALTYI Nobility in Suffers Unhappiness Retaining Power, Marie States. "Lives of princes and princesses were very lonely," said G x a n d Duchess Marie last night in a lec- ture on "My Old World Background for a Modern Life." "We had very few friends as children that we were allowed to play with. Those + few were not permitted to call us, by our first names, and if their be- haviour did not come up to stand- ard, if they were considered too rowdy, they were not permitted to come again." The life of royalty is not all hap- piness, according to the Duchess. "My brother and I were jealous of the children who came to see us," she continued. "They seemed hap- pier, and lived more intimately with their parents. With us, the differ- ence in generations was not easily bridged. Our father generally saw us twice each day - once in the afternoon, and in the evening when he used to read to us before we went to bed. Our drives in the afternoon were regular ceremonies. We went out in a carriage, attend-I ed by coachmen and footmen in their royal liveries. When we stop-' ped to walk around, soldiers and officers saluted, and crowds watch- ed us and followed us." The revolutionary period did not first bring her in touch with mur- der and assassination. "During the1 Russo-Japanese war, there was a great deal of dissension and un- popularity," she said. "At that time we were living with my uncle, who7 was governor of Moscow. One eve-' ning on the way to the theatre, an1 attempt was to be made to assassi- nate him. However, the man who I was to have given the signal was+ afraid, and we all escaped death.+ Because of the danger, our Uncle rode alone all the time, and two1 days later he was murdered." , "After his death, my aunt want-' ed to shut herself in a convent, but+ she had to take care of me.- House to Postpone Liquor Probe Here (Bv Associa fed Press) LANSING, Feb. 91 ----The house indicated today it will take no action on a resolution recom- mending an investigation of liq- uor conditions at the University of Michigan until next week. Action on the recommendation submitted by the rules and reso- lutions committee was deferred today in view of the absence from the session of Representa- tive Frank P. Darin, of Detroit, sponsor of the original resolu- tion asking for a joint probe by the house and senate. Repre- sentative Darin is not expected to attend the Friday session. Pleading for more time to con- siderthe recommendation, Rep- resentative Andrew I-. Harnly, Saginaw Baptist minister, said he had not determined whether the investigation was intended to be "a smoke screen to divert attention froi conditions at the University or an honest inquiry into moral conditions at the in- stitution." I MORRISON STATES5 VUALUETO AUTOIST OF GOOD HIGHWAYS 500 Highway Delegates Registeft for Engineering School ' Conference. PLAN BANQUET TONIGIT Brucker, Ruthven Will Address Engineers at Michigan Union Tonight. Automobile owners could s a v e thousands of dollars each year if the state would maintain better roads, was the statement of Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the highway engineering department, who spoke yesterday afternoon at the Union on "Sidelights on Highway Econo- mics" before the seventeenth an- nual highway engineering confer- ence. Professor Morrison stated that the average motor vehicle is worth five cents per mile, and since they are made for speed the roads must be built wider and smoother. He also emphasizedthat stoplights should not be placed at intersec- tions where traffic is light. Engineers Register at Union. More than 150 additional engi- neers from all parts of the state registered today at the Union. Total registration figures now stand at approximately 500. The conference is being sponsored by the engineer- ing college in cooperation with the * Hon. Wilber M. Brucker, gov- * ernor of the state, and Grover * C. Dillman, state highway com- * - missioner of Michigan have * * been obtained to address the * * banquet of the seventeenth an- * nual highway engineering con- * ference to be held tonight at * the Union. * President Alexander G. Ruth- * v yen will be present and will * ' deliver a short message of * , greeting to the group. Otto * Hess, president of the Michigan * , association of road commission- * * ers and engineers will preside * and Prof. John L. Brumm, of I the department of journalism, 'I will act as toastmaster for the *I affair. * The Interfraternity Council, in conjunction with University officials, is attempting a solu- tion of the fraternity problem, it was announced last night by James Ward, '31E, president, of the council. "A committee has been ap- pointed by the Council," stated Ward, "which isworking with IDean Bursley and President Ruthven in an effort to bring about closer cooperation be- tw een the administration and tefraternities. If a suitable system can'be worked out, it 'may be presented to the Uni- versity Senate for action." The committee consists of Ward, Robert Crane, '31; Kas-I per Halverson, '31; Hollister, Mabley, '31 ; William Gentry, '31 ; Jack Dobbin, '33L; Gurney Williams, '31 ; Jack Rose, '31 Howard Gould, '32; and Wal- lace Wessels, '31. BILL 011CAUSES SPLITi NOTED MICHIGAN ALUMNUS IS DEAD Both Parties Approve Bill as Passed by House. VETO EXPECTED World W a r Veterans May Borrow on Certificates. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, F e b. 19- The Senate passed the veterans bill tonight, 72 to 12, completing one of the most devastating routs of the administration on capitol hill in the term of President Hoo- ver. The measure to which t h e President only yesterday voiced his vigorous objection was rush- ed through the Senate with not only the votes of 34 Republicans for it but with the support of many of t h e s e administration members in debate also. Applause rang from the galleries and the floor as the overwhelming majority was announced by Vice- President Curtis at the completion of the roll call shortly after 6 p. m. Veterans Can Borrow Money. The, bill would allow World War veterans to borrow up to half the amount of the face value of their compensation certificates, an aver- age of $500 to each of the 3,400,000 ex-service men. Ti w, a s r aCCtA e vd , i t. S 4n I BULLE TIN i Pitzgerald Submits Measure Retain Administration of Driving Licenses. to OVERRIDES ADMINISTRTlOI'S OBJECTIONS, APPROVIN6 LOAN EAS5UHE, BY VOTE OF 72 -12 FORMER BASEBAL HEAD NERDEA1TH (By Associated Press) LANSING, Feb. 19.-The ground- Work for a major division over an administration proposal was laid in the legislature today. Alarmed over a prospective exe- cutive message on an automobile drivers registration bill, friends ofs Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of state, rushed a measure simultan- cously into both branches, designed to retain in the state department the division issuing drivers and chauffeurs licenses. Charles Rubi- ner, assistant attorney general, and drafter of the administration mea- sure, had prepared a message in a bill proposing to shift the issu- ance of the license to the depart- ment of public safety. The Fitzger- ald adherents, by prompt action, forged into the legislature with their measure first. It is expected the administrative proposal will be submitted in a day or two. On the surface the conflicting bills were merely measures dealing with a technical detail. Under- neath, however, there was great activity and strong feeling. Fitz- gerald, when he learned that the administration reregistration bill provided for taking from him the issuance of 2,000,000 operators li- censes, intimated he viewed the move as an "unfriendly" gesture. The state department, he said, has the machinery for issuing licenses and is acquainted with the work. To remove so important a branch of the state department during his1 first term as secretary of state could be construed only as a slap, he said. Frank Collins Emerson, Governor of Wyoming and well known Michigan alumnus who suc- cumbed early yesterday following an operation. Governor Emerson was one of the most influential en- gineers in the West and a member of the famous Colorado river irri- gation commission. CRAN C'EMERSON Death Following Operation Ends Brilliant Career of Noted Alumnus, Governor. Frank Collins Emerson, '04E, gov- ernor. of Wyoming and world re- nowned engineer, died at Chey- enne, Wyo., early yesterday morn- ing after complications had set in following an operation Tuesday from which he never rallied. Gov- ernor Emerson was one of the most prominent men in the University and had been a visitor in Ann Arbor as recently as Jan. 31 when he at- tended and was a speaker at the fourth Michigan Engineering con- ference. Shortly after receiving his degree, Governor Emnerson was attracted to Wyoming because of the possibilities of the field of civil and irrigation engineering which that state of- the identical form House approved it Monday. Ban' Johnson Confined to Louis Hospital; Grows Steadily Worse. ne zenaro in in which the 363 to 39 on St. (1y Associated Press) ST. LOUIS, Feb. 19.-The condi- tion of Byron Bancroft Johnson, for many years baseball's dominant figure, grew steadily worse tonight while Mrs. Johnson, rushed to his bedside from her home at Spencer, Ind. A blood transfusion was perform- ed today but it was followed by a chili, and attendants at St. John's hospital, where the veteran base- ball leader has been confined since Jan. 26, said his condition was more unfavorable tonight. Earlier in the day his condition had been report- ed as unchanged. - - - -~-- ______________________________________ -______________ Disorderly Conduct' Charges Not Original, Daily Files Show HE recent raids by the police 'one of the "observant officers," who upon five of the campus fra- immediately took the entire group ternities and the subsequent ar- to the police station where, in the] rest of 79 students are not nearly words of The Daily's account, "the: as novel to the Michigan campus next morning Pro'secutor Burke as is generally believed. In fact, gave t h e offenders a gruelling it is just 20 years ago this week, 'third degree' examination which according to The Daily for 1911, lasted about two and a half hours, that the arrest of a student who as a result of which the students made a clean breast of the whole Michigan state highway depart- ment and the Michigan Association of Road Commissioners and Engi- neers. Two sessions were devoted to technical discussions of highway engineering problems yesterday morning and afternoon. Grover C. Dillman, state highway commis- sioner of Michigan presided at the morning session in the assembly (hall of the Union. Three discussions of pavement problems were given by men preeminent in this field. De Glopper Presides. The afternoon sessio nwas pre- sided over by Martin De Glopper,1 business manager of Michigan state highway department. The first ad- dress was that of Prof. Morrison. "Design of Concrete Pavement" was discussed by Paul M. Tebbs, assist- ant chief engineer of the Pennsyl- vania state highway department and C. F. Fisher, county superin- tendent of highways in Champaign county, Illinois, spoke on "Single Lane Concrete Highways." Porto Rico Debating Team to Meet Varsity The University of Porto Rico's de- bating team will appear in Ann Arbor next Thursday, Feb. 26, at Hill audiuorium in a contest with a picked University of Michigan team. The debate is being sponsored by the Oratorical Association. The visitors will uphold the nega- tive of the question, "Resolved: that the American policy of armed intervention in the Carribean re- gion should be continued." Three experienced men have been chosen to represent the University,, Howard Simon, '32L, Lawrence Hartwig, '31, and Nathan Levy, '31. They have ben at work for several weeks preparing their case. fered. As a state engineer he served on the commission from Wyoming at the conference which drafted the Colorado river division-of- water project, a task which was of vital importance to seven western .TRIP TO NEINstates in the Colorado basin. On Jan. 3, 1927, he was electedI governor of Wyoming, thus making Genoans Fete Italian Aviator, him, at 45, one of the youngest Trans-Atlantic state executives in the United Crew as TStates. He was re-elected to office Flight Is Hinted, and had served but a short part of his new term at the time of his ('y Associater Press) death. GENOA, Italy, Feb. 18.-General Italo Balbo, returning in triumph Orrie Brown Examined from his recent flight to Brazil, 1 in lot Machine Case hinted tonight that he plans to; lead a formation flight to New Demanding an examination on a York. second charge, Orrie Brown, former Genoa was a riot of bunting and Law school freshman, will be given cheering crowds when the Steamer a hearing next Wednesday before Justice Payne on a charge of pos- Comte Rosso warped into the dock essig a slot machine. and Balbo, followed by his 43 com- Brown was arrested several weeks panions on the Brazil flight, march- ago :long with Robert K. Custer ed through the lane of the black and Alan Thompson in connection shirt militia to the city hall where with a campus liquor ring. Custer, Mayor Broccardi gave him the key a senior in the school of education, to the city. Is at liberty on $2,500 bond, while Tonight there was a reception Thompson was released on his own and Balbo, briefly rehearsing his recognizance. great adventure, said he and his Brown is being held in the countyy I crew~ were rP lrvinor an euvn J ril inr pfo,-1+ ,of (1,1 Orin nl nn n I- Bolstered with these tremendous majorities the legislation will be sent to the White House tomorrow and a certain veto was forecast. Senator Harrison, Democrat, Mis- sissippi, asserted in the Senate to- day it would be passed over the veto and the Republican leaders tonight conceded this was probable. Alarmed that the measure might be killed by a pocket veto without returning it to Congress before ad- journment was stilled late in the day by semi-official word from the White House that Mr. Hoover would veto it within 48 hours. Democrats Support Solidly. Democrats voted solidly for the loan measure which was advanced as a compromise for the full cash payment of the certificates advo- cated by many. Senators Watson, of Indiana, and McNary, of Oregon, the Republican leaders, joined in the party bolt to support the bill. Watson will support the veto as the administration leader but there was little indication that any oth- ers would switch over to help sus- tain the veto. Of the 12 who did not vote only four were paired against the meas- ure, thus giving the opposition a total strength in the Senate of 16, far less than the required one-third plus one necessary to sustain a presidential objection. REIBURG PLAYERS O0PEN PLAYTONIGHT German Group, Under Auspices of Play Production, Will Present Passion Play. The Freiburg Passion Play, a 700- year-old drama portraying the life of Christ, will open at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium for its first performance. Two more shows will be given, one matinee tomor- row afternoon and a second eve- ning presentation tomorrow night. Play Production is sponsoring the presentation of this play, which is older than the passion play by more than 500 years. The leading claimed to be a freshman engineer on a charge of "disorderly conduct" led to the jailing of one William C. Binder proprietor of the Central hotel and honorary president of the Imperial club. Binder was arrested and charg- ed, Feb. 23, 1911, with violation of the state liquor laws-selling liquorI _witutiH~~, l P n P n -id InelieP wuie.r affair." The upshot of the incident was the break-up of the Imperial club which was "in every respect an ideal society," according to The Daily. "There were no officers, di- rectors, by-laws, or dues;" the ac- count continues, "only an initia- tion fee of twenty-five cents for. .." r"'T'hp. rps of the' studntnfranc