ESTABLISHED 18900 ' AV 44hp Job 1600* Ifit r fl 4M MEMBER ASSOCIATED EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE'UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 126 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS |T(II SHUBER TO SPEAK LIR S OBEFORE SENIORS RLUMNI OF HAVEN ANNOUNCE CHOICES ANGELL ERA PLAN FOR HONOR GUARD GATHERING IN JUNE Palmer, Class President, Names Group to Serve at All Spring Functions. TO ORGANIZE TONIGHT Dr. Huber, T. Hawley Tapping Fred Randall to Address Group at Meeting. . Senior literary appointments to the Honor Guard of the graduating classes were announced yesterday by H. Bruce Palmer, '31, president of the class. The group, which will serve as a nucleus for all senior ac- tivities, from now until commence- ment exercises in June, at which it will officiate, was selected froml the men who have been outstand- ing in university affairs, Palmer said. G. Carl Huber, Dean of the Graduate school. who, with T. Hawley Tapping, will address members of the senior honor guard at the Union tonight. nnu *r' nnuVi :I To Meet in Union. I IUN IflHI Organization .of the literary sec- tion of the Guard will begin with 1 a i e e t i n g at 7:30 o'clock toB- night in room 316 of the Union. Appointment of the executive com-|r mittee and short speeches by Dean I G. Carl Huber, T. Hawley Tapping, I Youthful Revolutionists Protest Fred Randall, all officers of the Against Execution of Alumni association, will occupy the attention of the group. All literary Three Rebels. seniors will be exp'ected to attend, and unless previously excused, those KARACHI, India, Mar. 24.-(AP)- not present will be removed from Turmoil broke out again in India! the Guard. today as Mahatma Gandhi, here Prominent Students Listed. for the Nationalist congress meet- Sixty students were named to the Guard by Palmer. They are Perry ing, was jeered by communists, and Austin, Charles Baldwin, Merton British troops at Cawnpore shot Bell, Keith Bennett, Fenelon Boes- down at least 30 rioting National- c h e, Palmer Bollinger, William ists. Browne, Leigh Chatterson, Donald t Cook, Frank E. Cooper, Roberti These disorders grew out of the, Crane, Palmer Crawford, Jerrold execution last week of three Indi-J Curry, Stephen Dinius, Beakes Dick- ans convicted of the murder of a erson, A 1 b e r t Donohue, Joseph 21-year-old police official in 1928.? Downing, George Dusenbury, Harry. Gandhi was taken off a train 12 Eastman, Dean Esling, William G Garrison, William Gentry, Jack Gil- miles outside of town, but the thou- bert, Robert Gordon, Kasper Hal- sands gathered here for the con- verson, George Hamilton, LawrenceJ gress meeting spotted him as he Hartwig, Arthur Highfield, Whit- rode into town in an automobile. field Hillyer, George Hofmeister, A group of 30 or more young fel- Daniel Holmes, Malcolm Hume, lows, known to be of communist Louis Hurwitz, Jack Levy, Henry leaning, made for him with jeers Merry, Douglas Miller, Charles Mon- and one even made as if to attack roe, Clifford Murray, John Noyes, the frail little man with a flagstaff. (Continued on Page 3) Some carried a tray with a grue- some mess of mud and blood. "Here's the blood of our brothers who were murdered," they cried, re- ferring to the three executed In- (By Associated Press) dians. "Take it back with your Wednesday, March 25, 1931 truce to Delhi." Wednesday,____ arch___ _,_19 _ Gandhi's men drove off the as- - Commissionersailants and there were cheers for DETROIT-Police ommiudoner the Mahatma. Many thought to- James K. Watkins issued an appeal night the outbreak might rally new to mortorists and pedestrians tonsuppotra ght's n- - eliminate carelessness and inatten,- supporters to Gandhi's non-viol- tion while on the streets. Thece ence campaign and the congress for hiappealnwas the repo t of would line up even more strongly for his appeal behind him. traffic fatalities so far this year. The day at Cawnpore was even There have been 80 deaths compar- more serious. Rioting began last ed with 52 at this time in 1930. 1night when Moslem shopkeepers re- fused to close their stores under a MT. CLEMENS-County Treasur- Igeneral strike order by the con- er Thomas Simms went to Lansing gressman. Troops came out when today to ask the attorney-general the fighting got serious, and before for a ruling on whether holders of the worst was over 30 had beenj bank stocks in MacComb county killed and at least 100 injured. must pay a personal tax on their shares. . . Luther Conant of Chicago Heads Work of Arranging Convention. iUNIVERSITYTO BE HOST Graduate Hopes to Form Society of Early Alumni on Plan of Tappan Reunion. Alumni who graduated from the University in the classes from 1855 to 1871, and those who attended college here during that period will take part in the Haven-Angell re- union, June 19 to 22, it was stated yesterday when plans for the gath- ering were announced. Arrangements are going forward under the direction of Luther Con- ant, '64-'66, of Chicago, who has written letters to all living alumni who attended Michigan during that period. The reunion is an outgrowth of the meeting of the 90-year-ola "Tappan Boys" which was held last spring during the commencement and regular reunion period. Visitors To Be University's Guests. Those who attend the reunion will be guests of the University dur- ing their stay in Ann Arbor. They will be furnished reserved seats for the president's address, commence- ment exercises, and the alumni luncheon. They may attend the ,Class day exercises, organ recitals and receptions as well as visit the museums, libraries, and points of interest on the campus. Mr. Conant plans to establish a club which will be known as the Emeritus club. "The club idea," he said, "evolves Ifrom the reunion of June, 1930, in honor of Dr. Tappan, the first pres- I ident of the University, attended by I the living members of eight classes who matriculated between 1855 and 1862, and are now from 86 to 96 years of age.' He pointed out that the reunionj proved to be the most interesting and enthusiastic meeting of the re- union year. Will Be Continuous Organization. "It is evident that by adding next older classes each year it will be- come a continuous multi-class or- Iganization of great value to the University and to the alumni. The title 'Emeritus club' describes it ex- actly," he said, "and is a fitting tribute to -those who after long and -meritorious service in college and life, are now retired from the arena with the affection of their succes- sors.'" LITZENBERG NAMES' MIMES PLAY CAST the country. Election to Class Day offices and As if writing words and mus- Mock Election posts will be held' ic weren't enough, the young- by the seniors of the literary college sters have illustrated the work from 1 to 5 o'clock this afternoon profusely. in the lobby of Angell hall, the Bob and Ted are the sons of League and the Union. ' Guy Maier, pianist and profes- Nomination of the candidates for sor of music at the University the five Class Day and the sixteen of Michigan. They live in Ann Mock Election positions took place Arbor. yesterday afternoon. Two new po- sitions were added to the list that 'will be filled in today's election. The "senior most likely to succeed" and the "biggest man on the campus" I will be chosen for the first time in recent years. Class Day Candidates Chosen. ,ON HKNG P 9NS Candidates for the Class Day Dean Humphreys offices are: Class Orator: Town- send Clark, Albert Donahue, and System at Campus Forum Lawrence Hartwig; H i s t o r i a n: Meeting Today.George Dusenbury; Prophetess: Al- M n T y bertina Maslen and Jessie Winchell; To sum up the evidence for and Prophet: Henry Merry, Paul Show- against the present marking sys- ers, and Gurney Williams; Poet: Roberta Reed, Mary Stuart, and tem in the University, Dean W. R. , Elizabeth Valentine. Humphreys of the Literary college Those nominated for the Mock will address an All Campus forum Election posts are as follows: MostF at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in attractive girl: no nominations; room 4:, Alknisemoralernllnup-Most popular girl: Hermine Soukup room D, Alumni Memorial hall up- and Mary Stuart; Most respected on the subject, "The Present Mark- senior: Merton Bell, Henry MerryI ing System." and Bruce Palmer; Best appearing This talk by Dean Humphreys man: William Gentry, D a n i e 1 will tie in with.the work that is be- Holmes, Malcolm Hume; Class ath- ing done by the forum committee lete: Joseph Austin, 'Joseph Roys- of the Student Christian associa- ton, and J. Harrison Simrall. tion in sounding outstudentsopin- Seniors Doing Most Named. ion on the subject of marks, ac- Senior who has done the most for cording to the statement of Jule Michigan: Frank E. Cooper, Kasper Ayres, '33, chairman of the com- Halverson, and Bruce Palmer; Sen- Aittee sponsoring the talk. The ior who has done Michigan for the Student Christian association has most: Merton Bell, Albert Donohue, investigated the results of various Jack MacIntyre, and Stuart Smith; systems in more than 400 colleges Smoothest politician: Kasper Hal-j and universities throughouttle verson, George Ryerson, and Vinal country, besides doing considerable Taylor; Most literary senior: George research on the campus here atlDusenbury, Paul Showers, Walter Michigan. Wilds, and Gurney W i11i a m s; Dean Humphreys is chairman of Smoothest man: William Gentry, George Hofineister, Marion Sher- the committee appointed t h r e e wood, and Montgomery Shick. years ago by Dr. Clarence Cook Lit- Most astute grade beggar: George tle to consider possible changes in Dusenbury, Dix Humphreys, Cad- the present system, well Swanson, and Roger Turner;E Some of the aspects to be con- Co-ed's choice: William Garrison, sidered this afternoon it was an- Theodore Metz, Ward Nessen, and nounced will be: should the in- Marion Sherwood; Most popular structor grade on the work done by man: William Brown, Montgomery a student or on his native ability? Shick, and J. Harrison Simrall; Should we go back to the old.sys- Senior most likely to succeed: tem of limiting grades to a mere George Dusenbury,. George Hof- pass or not pass? How can the dis- meister, and Gurney Williams; Big- crepancy between the grading of gest man on campus: George Dus- two'instructors in the same depart- enbury, Henry Merry, Bruce Palmer, ment be. avoided? and Marion Sherwood; Most ingen- It is hoped by the committee uous blonde:, Jane Howard, Her-I sponsoring the talk that a large mine Soukup, and -Barbara Strat- number of students having ideas ton. on this subject will be present to express their ideas about the mat- ter. -9 O T PR S N Wilfred Sellars Talks on Politics in France Associaea rea oto Charles P. Plunkett, WASHINGTON, Mar. 25.-(/P)- Rear-Admiral Charles P. Plunkett, whose efforts silenced the "Big Bertha's" bombardment of Paris1 during the World War, is dead at 67, a victim of heart disease. In command of the naval railway battery, he shattered the morale of1 the German army by putting pow- erful battleship rifles on wheels and trundling them up to wreak havoc along the front lines. FOENIC SCIE TY HOLD 0S INITIATION 38 Engineers Enter Membership in Sigma Rho Tau at Annual Banquet. Thirty-eight engineering students were initiated into the mysteries of Sigma Rho Tau, forensic society of the Engineering college, at the annual initiation banquet held last night at the Union. - Dean Alfred H. Lovell, of the Engineering college was the chief speaker at the banquet, and spoke on the subject, "The engineer in discussion." The newly initiated members were tendered a welcome by Fredrick Arnet, '31. Among those initiated are: W. F. Ardussi, '31, L. H. Brown, '31, B. F. Bailley, M. E. Bates, '33, R. E. Black- well, '33, D. W. Button, '33, M. W. Dadd, '33, W. G. Daoust, '33, H. H . Davis, '33, W. E. Davis, '33, J. D. Dietiker, '33, J. R. Doty, '33, W. A Elrod, '33, J. B. Etheredge, '33, K. H. Fillinger', '33, R. G. Finch, '33, R. 1 L. Gillilan, '33, M. F. Hamill. '33. R. H. Hancock, '33, R. H. Highley '33, F. L. Johnson, '33, D. Larmee '33, D. W. Lyon, '33, W. S. McDowell '33, J. R. McNitt, '33, D. Mack, '33 F. R. Martin, '33, E. Menton, '33 R. W. Merritt, '33, A. M. Mosier, '33. J. D. O'Brien, '33, B. E. Porter, '33 W. H. Powers, '33, S. M. Rockwood '33, C. O. Rogers, '33, P. L. Smith '33, E. E. Sommer, '33, G. L. Strehl. '33, G. Winters, '33, L. Zanoff, '33., Locomotive Engineers Take New Wage Rate LONDON, Mar. 25.-(P)-Another section of Great Britain's railway workers, the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, decided today to accept the award of the national wages board which calls for a maximum reduction in earnings of 5 per cent. In accepting, however, the na- tional conference of delegates of the union passed a resolution "strongly resenting" the board's decision, but added "we feel that there is no practical alternative but to accept the award." George Haller, Former Ann Arbor Editor, Dies George J. Haller, 66 years old, died at 1:40 o'clock yesterday after- noon at the home of his sister, Mrs. Conrad Georg, jr., of Hillspur d r i v e, Barton Hills, following a brief illness. Mr. Haller at one time was a stu- dent in the Law school, but did not i graduate. For many years he was city editor of the Ann Arbor Times- News and also the Detroit Journal, now non-existent. Smith, Fisher to Talk at Chamber Meeting Shirley W. Smith, vice-president i , .-7 o2 o- - r-- o m n TTn mreit C . Will BOB, TED MAIER TO PUBLISH BOOK Famous Pianist's Sons Compose Volume of Songs. NEW YORK, Mar. 24.-(A)- Bob Maier, 5, and his brother Ted, 6, have written a book. What's more, it's to be publish- ed. It's a book of songs (words by Bob and Ted; music by Bob and Ted) and it will be on the spring list of G. Schirmer, a house that puts out musical works for commercial, not sen- timental, reasons. "Song Car- go" is the name, and the pub- isherschave designed it for practical use in the schools ofE SENIORS WILL HOLD0 CLASSDAY 5MOCK Orator, Historian Prophetess, Prophet, Poet to be Chosen by Literary Students. TWO POSITIONS ADDED Polling Places in Union, League, Angell Hall to be Open From 1 to 5 o'clock. HEART DISEASE KILLS WAR HERO ILLI.NOIS SENATE, VOTES TO REPEAL STATE RUM LA9W Passes Bill Rescinding All Enforcement Statutes. DRYS' COUP FAILS Poll Is 26-24; Measure to be Referred to Governor. SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Mar. 25. --(R)-The Illinois state senate today passed the bill repealing the state's prohibition enforce- ment laws. The measure, already passed by the house, now goes to the governor. The vote was 26 to 24. The bill, one of the shortest ever enacted by the Illinois legis- lature, would repeal the state prohibition law and the, search and seizure act. In effect it would withdraw all state support from the federal government in fighting illicit 'manufacture and traffic in intoxicating liquor. Roberts Votes Wet. Passage of the O'Grady-McDer- mott bill, named for its sponsors in the house and senate, followed a lay of oratory, and was presaged Shortly before the final roll call by :efeat of a dry measure to attach -i referendum clause. The vote on 'he referendum also was 26 to 24. The attitude of Senator Adelbert loberts, Negro, held the house in sense expectancy until his vote for ;he reepal bill was cast. At recess ;ine, he had declared he was in loubt whether he would vote "dry" is he always had, or change as he ,'elieved he should and vote "wet." "I need time," he said1 in demand- ng the recess, "to think it over." "Not according to the dictates of ny conscience," Senator Roberts ,aid in explaining his vote, "but to )bey the mandate of voters in my listrict I vote an 'aye'." Long a stronghold of the "drys" ind as such a curb on a "wet" louse, the senate in passing the :epeal bill, recorded the first vote t has ever given against prohibi- tion. Sought Fulfillment of Plank.. Sponsors of the bill both are Democrats, but both house and ,enate are Republican by substan- ;ial majorities. Prior to the vote on the measure, lepublican leaders of the "wet" 'action had called on their col- eagues to support the bill to ful- ill a plank in the party's platform ast fall pledging Republican repre- ;entatives in Congress to adhere to ;he will of the people as expressed n the referendum last November m the prohibition question. The leaders cited statistics, as :ompiled by the Association Op- >osed to Prohibition, showing that the vote in the referendum for re- ,ceal of the state's prohibition act vas 1,054,004 and against the repeal 123,130. BUK LE A JITNESS HELD FORPERJURY Fred Tara, Accuser of Pizzano, Livecchi, Charged With False Testimony. DETROIT, Mar. 24.--(P)-Fred Tara, the state's ace witness in the Gerald E. Buckley murder trial, was back in the county jail tonight, charged by a defense attorney with perjury. Tara, who had linked Ted Pizzino and Angelo Livecchi, two of the de- fendants, with the slaying of the radio crusader last July 23, had hardly completed purging himself of contempt of court by submitting to a gruelling cross-examination on his own police record, when An- thony Maiullo, counsel for Joe Bommarito, the other defendant, nbcr1 that the witnesg he remanded 'The Perfect Alibi,' Milne, Will be Week of April by A.. Staged 20. A. I LANSING--Governor Wilber M. Brucker issued a proclamation to- day urging that merchants and other{business men observe Good Friday, April 3, by closing their bus- iness places for three hours. MARQUETTE-Dr. E. J. Hudson, manager of the Cleveland Cliffs company's charcoal iron furnace and chemical plant here, announc- ed today that the furnace and plant would close April 1. LAPEER-As the result of the re- fusal of all present city officials to run for re-election, a quiet city election is expected April 6. H. M.I Myers, local newspaper editor, is candidate for mayor. LANSING-Frank Wasky, 34, was killed today when a piece of metal dropped on his head while he was operating a drop-hammer at the Atlas Drop Forge Co. Death was instantaneous. PONTTIAC- Josenh E. Horak. con- of Custer, Thompson Arraignment of Robert K. Custer, 21, and Alan Thompson, on charges of violating the prohibition law, was postponed yesterday by Circuit Judge George W. Sample. The youths were arrested Jan. 27 by county officers in conection with a campus liquor ring operated by Orrie Brown, 25, former freshman law student, who now is serving a sentence of from six months to two years in Jackson state prison, for possession of liquor. Thompson last semester was a senior in the School of Education. Sample Calls Salary Cut Measure Illegal Judge George W. Sample, in dis- cussing proposed attempts to clear up the muddled salary controversy by granting bonuses or by effecting resignations followed by reappoint- ments, yesterday said that any such attempts would be to "evade the The cast for the next Mimes pro- 1 duction, "The Perfect Alibi," by A. A. Milne, was announced yes- terday by Karl Litzenberg, of the English department, who is direct- ing the production. The play, which was first staged in London as "The Fourth Wall," will be presented the; week following spring vacation in the Laboratory theatre, the former Mimes theatre. The cast includes the following: R. Duane Wells, '32, Kathryn Kratz, '32, Melvin Benstock, '32, William Mulrooney, '32, Edith Grossberg, '34, Margaret Smith, '33A, Anthony Swarthout, '32, Ray Suffron, '31, Irving Pearlstone, '34, Whitney Dix- on, '34, and William Dickert, '33. MAST ATOP SKYSCR RISES 1,252 FEE T Now Possible to Moor Airship on Tallest Building. In New York. NEW YORK, Mar. 25.-(IP)- Would you like to take a walk down a gangplank a fifth of a mile in the air? i French political lineups tend to -- shift rapidly because of the division Annual Spring Program Includes of feeling between nationalism and pacifism, each becoming stronger Variety of Numbers by Band, in turn as economic and social Guest Performers conditions change, according to Wilfred Sellars, '33, who spoke be- With a program which includes fore the Michigan Socialist club a variety of numbers selected by last night. Nicholas D. Falcone, director, the Sellars has spent a year in study Varsity band will present its an- in France and Germany, and gave nual spring complimentary concert several illustrations from what he at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Hill au- observed while there, in addition to ditorium. figures showing how party strength "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel will changed with the post-war depres- be the featured number on the pro- sion, and the Ruhr invasion. gram, the rendition of the three- year-old composition being the first APER 'UNVEILED'; time in the world a band has ever r AB VE FFTH VE.played it. Special permission of the ABOVE FIF TH AVE. copyright owner was obtained for the presentation of the arrange- ior 204 feet to the top, is a thrilling ment. experience. Leonard Falcone, brother of the Imagine yourself in a dirigible Michigan director, leader of the I nosing past the Statue of Liberty, Michigan State band, and a soloist up Manhattan to mid-town. Build- of note, will be the guest perfor- ings are buildings all along that mer of the evening. Falcone will route. Some 89 of them rise from 30 play "Fantasia di Concerto" on the to 65 stories. But you don't have to euphonium. dodge among these to "land." The --