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March 25, 1931 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-25

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ESDAY, MARCH 25, 1931

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Finals of Leagues in Several
Sports Will Feature Card
of Annual Event.
Exhibition Matches to Furnish
Added Attraction on Card
for Those Attending.

Exhibition Matches
in .SquashScheduled
The Toledo Athletic club is
bringing nine squash players to
compete in the Open H-ouse ex-
hi ition tonight. The matches
will begin at 8 o'clock.
Charles Bather is the number
one player of the Toledo group.
He will meet Johnny Reindell on
court eight. Earl Vail, playing
in their number two position,
will oppose Bob Angell on court

Winter activities of inter-frater- Pa;ticipation in a number of
nity, inter-class, and all-campus in- inter-club matches has given the
terest will be concluded in the third Toledo Athletic association a
annual Open House program of the reputation as having a good
Intramural Department which will group of players. The matches
hold forth in the Intramural Build- begin at 8 o'clock.
ing from 7 to 10:30 tonight. In ad-_
dition to the conclusion of the var --_
ious leagues of athletic competition,
there wrill be added attractions of ALL AROUND G YM
exhibition games and matches. TITLE AT STAKE
Finals to Feature.
The high lights on the schedule
for the evening will be the finals Vach Man Must Enter Optionall
of classes A, B, .and C inter-frater- and Required Exercises.
nity basketball, inter-class, and in-
dependent cage leagues; all-campus
wrestling finals; inter-class boxing Individual and all-around cham-
finals; all-campus gymnastic and pionships in gymnastics will feature
fencing finals; and finals of the in- part of the Open House program
door tennis tournament. These ac- tonight. The contest is scheduledl
tivities alone are enough to fill for 8:00 p.m. in the auxiliary gym-
more than an evening's program nasium. Entries will be accepted
and cover such a wide variety of at the time of the meet and each
sporting interests that no student contestant must enter at least two
on the campus should fail to find exercises, one to be optional and
something going on at the Intram- the other required.
ural Building tonight in which he To become all around champion
can take a personal interest. it will probably be necessary to en-
Competition is Keen. ter most of the events, according
The competing teams, or individ- to intramural officials, but a con-
uals as the case may be, represent testant might enter only three and
the best of the campus, as evidenc- by winning first place in each one
ed by their progress to the finals become the all-around winner.
of the respective sports, and all the The events included in the pro-
games and matches tonight will gram are to be run off in the fol-
furnish plenty of action for all that lowing order: high horizontal bar,
come to witness them. ,The Intram- side horse, flying rings, parallel
ural Department extends its heart- bars and tumbling. Elmer Towns-
iest welcome to one and all to take ley will act as head judge of the
advantage of this chance to see program and the other judges will
the entire building functioning in be members of the varsity gymnas-
its purpose of furnishing athletic tic team.
facilities for the vast body of stu- --
dents that cannot make the grade DETROIT SQUASH
in Varsity competition.
As further attractions to any who TAR WILL PLA Y
might not be interested in the a-
bove lines of sport, or who might quas fans willghafee oppot-
want to see just how some of the tunity tongsh xhi itin by our
newer sports on the Intramural mamnsrsh e it y C.f
program are played, there will be members of the Dof the exhibition will
a series of exhibition matches in e heatu o the e ,.itio
handball and squash between pick- be the match between Burke,. Mich-
ed teams of the University and the igan squash champion for the last
Toledo Y. M. C. A. and Athletic nine years and George Reindell Jr.,
Club. Chinese students and Ann a brilliant squash player and win-
Arbor Y. M. C. A. players will put ner of the Detroit City Singles
on an exhibition game of volley- championship. These players are
ball; and there will be other scheduled to appear at 8 p. i. on
matches in those newest of sports, court 10 with Burke the favorite to
codeball and badminton. win.
Program Well-Filled. Another match will bring togeth
Besides the above events on the er Tom Paddock the Detroit Coun-
program, there will be matches in try Club golf champion and a lead-
the inter-class handball champion- ing squash player of Detroit, and
ships, exhibition diving by Varsity Doug Robey, former Michigan full-
and freshman team members and back who is recognized as a lead-
a series of races by Michigan's ing squash player. This will take
Western Conference swimming place on court 6. It is planned af-
champions, to be held on the courts ter these two matches have beer,
downstairs and in the intramural run off to have the players split
pool at the east end of the building. up and play other matches.
All in all, the only fault with the These players have appeared in.
program is that it is going to be Ann Arbor previously and are in-
impossible for anyone to watch terested in helping students at the
everything tonight. - University develop their game.

Fraternities and Independents
to Run off Last Braces
of Cage Tourneys.
Champions, in four basketball
leagues will be determined tonight
when the finalists of the playoffs
in the three inter-fraternity leagues
and the independent division will
entangle on the Intramural courts
as features of the annual Open
House night.
Alpha Sigs Are Strong.
In class "A" Beta Theta Pi will
play Alpha Sigma Pi. at 8:30. Both
teams are tall and. fast. The Alpha
Sigs won the championship last
year and will present a team equal-
ly as good as the winners last sea-
son. They have won the right to
play in the finals from harder op-
position than the Betas have been
forced to meet. Renner and Fay,
their best bets offensively, are fast
and have excellent shooting eyes.
Beta Theta Pi drew a bye in the
first round of the playoffs. When
they played in the second round, it
was their first game since Christ-
mas vacation as their games had
all been forfeited to them. They
made 80 points in the first two
games of the playoffs only to be
held 21-15 in two overtimes by Tri-
gon in the semi-finals. Captain
Black and Adams have the best
shooting eyes on the team. Neither
team is favored and should present
a close contest.
Other Leagues Close.
Sigma Pi meets Sigma Chi in the
finals of Class "B"xat 8:30. Neither
team has been extended to reach
the finals and little is known about
the teams. In the "C" class Sigma
Chi has another team in the finals.
Alpha Kappa Lambda will meet
them at 7:30. A. K. L. won the right
to enter the finals via the forfeit
route while Sigma Chi defeated Phi
Kappa Sigma 28-12 in the semi-
finals. {
The Law Club will play the Has
Beens in the finals of the independ-
ent league. In this game, at 9:00,
the Has Beens are favored.
Quarter-final Games
of Codeball on Card
Appearing for the first time on
the Intramural p r o g r a in, two
matches of codeball are scheduled
for tonight at 7 o'clock. The two
contests are quarterfinals in the
all-campus codeball tournament.
E. H. Groth and William Phelps
will meet in one match, while M.
Gamara and C. O. Carlson are the
contenders in the second. The en-
trants are well-balanced and the
matches should prove interesting.

All-Campus Matmen
to Grapple Tonight
for Weight Honors
Some fifty men will grapple to-
night at the Intramural Sports
building for the All-Campus Cham-
pionships in their r e s p e c t i v e
There will be outstanding men in
the 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
and the unlimited classes. Specta-1
tors will see some really aggressivec
and sientific wrestling for these
men have been in training for these
matches and will put forth every
effort to win their class numerals
and jersey.
Contestants will weigh in at the
Intramural Sports building between
3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Matches will
begin at 7:00 and continue until
the several champions are deter-,
Following are the rules governing,
this tourney:
Any regularly enrolled student of,
the University is eligible except let-1
ter, varsity numeral, and scholast-
ically ineligible men.
No contestant shall be permitted
to participate who has not been
in regular attendance at wrestling
class at least four periods.
No championship will be awarded
in any class having less than three
Three pounds over weight will be
allowed for each division. A man
over three pounds over weight goes
into the next division.
Preliminary bouts will be five
minutes in length. Final bouts will
be eight minutes in length. In case
of a draw at end of first bout,
there will be two two-minute ex-
tension periods called to decide the
winner. An advantage of thirty-
five seconds in all preliminary
bouts is sufficient for a decision
but forty-five seconds advantage
will be required in the final bouts.
Varsity swimmers will give a
swimming and fancy diving exhibi-
tion tonight at 8 o'clock. The div-
ing exhibition will be given by
members of the Varsity and fresh-
man teams while a series of races
will be run of by Michigan West-
ern Conference swimming cham-
pions. In view of their record-
breaking habits as evidenced in the
Big Ten meet, these races should
be good.
in every
college town there
is one outstanding
thacco' I

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T__ ET

Yearling Swordsmen Will I
Large Field of Entries
in All-Campus Event.


Twelve competitors have entered 1
the foil competition for the all-
campus championship held under
the direction of the Intramural De-
partment. Sixty-six bouts are nec-
essary to declare the winner this
year and the competition is expect-
ed to be very keen, owing to the
fact that each entry has been prac-
ticing with the Varsity team during
the season.
The Varsity freshmen have been
working out twice a week during
the winter months and they will
offer a strong front Uo all comers.
The following are the entries in or-
der of their standing to date: Mc.
Mullen, Plew, Barlow, Mahrgang,
Mayer, Dickerson, Rosenburg, Fisk,
Reamer, Houty, Madero, and Nath-
an. Madero placed second last year.
Sabre Event Hard.
Last year was the first year that
competition in all three weapons
was introduced. Previous to this
foil fencing was the only weapon.
Sabre fencing is one of the weap-
ons used in Conference competition
and represents the sword as a cut-
ting weapon. Training for this
event requires long and diligent
practice, but a good sized field has
entered this year.
There are nine competitors in
this event with 36 bouts and the
winner of the largest number will
be declared the champion for 1931.
The entries to date are Dickerson,1
Barlow, Mayer, Edelman, McMul-
len, Bauss, Goellner, Nathan and
Little. H. W. Wallace was winner
last year.
Ten Entered in Epee.
Epee fencing is the nearest ap-
proach to duels that we have in
modern fencing. The target in-
cludes the whole body from the feet
to the head, including the hands.
With ten entries there is a total
of 45 bouts to declare the winner
of this weapon.
To date Mahrgang looks like the
man to win this championship with
three wins and no losses to his
credit. The rest of the neld in-
clude Barlow, Mayer, DicKerson,
Rosenburg, Reamer, Irwin, Bauss,
Madero, and Reichard.

Finas iInercls
of Open Ho se Card
Finals in the into er boxing
tournament will be run oit as part
of the p-ogram tonght n th In-
tramural Open House schedue. T
bouts will start at '7:30 and be held
in the boxing room which is <n
the ground floor in the coat wing of
the building.
Coach Let Philbin of tic boxing
department will be in charge and
thinks that the scraps scheduled
will be of considerable interest. A
complete card of all the usual
weights in the boxing game has
been arranged and bouts in each
division will be run off, including
flyweight, bantam weigh. feather-
weight, light weight, welterweight,
lightheavy, and heavy weights.
The names of the boxeis entered
has not been announced as arrang-
ed yet but will be set up some time
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