TH, EMICHIGAN SAILS' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1931 DAIL ...EDA, A1-25-13 _, ,_..- - Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control ar Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newsedis- paetches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor', Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate 0f postage granted by Third Assistant Post- maiter aGeneral. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492z MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FuRM E. CoopuR, City Editor / News Editor. ...Gurney Williams Editorial Director......... Walter WV. Wilds Sports Editor............ oseph A. Russell Women's Editor... . Mary L. Betymer Mfusic, Drama, Books.. .. Wm. J. Gorman Assistant City Editor.......HaroldO. Warren Assistant News Editor. Charles R. Sprowl Telegrapb. Editor .... .... .George A. Stauter Copy Editor.................W.m. F. Pypel NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprowl DavidM. Nichol Richard L. Tobin Harold 0. Warren Sporti AssisTANTs Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS Thomas M. Cooler Morton Frank Saul Friedberg Frank B. Gilbree* Tack Goldsmith oland Goodmas Orton Helper Bryan Jones Wilbur J. Meyers Brainard W. Nie Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine JerryE. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter Tohn W. Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Cile Miller Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thomson Claire Trussell en Blunt nette Dembits ;ie Fieldman h Gallmeyer i ly G. Grimes n Levy an Manchester BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21a14 T. HOLLISTER MA LEY, Business 1fewe, KSaa JT. HALVEXsON, Assistant Manaw~ DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising...............Charles T. Kline Advertising . «.. .......Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service ................. Norris J. Johnson Publication...........Robert W. Williamson Circulation ..............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts r........homas S. Muir Business Secretary...........Mary J. Kenan Assistants Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger Vernon Bishop DlonW. rCaon wuam mw Robert Callahan William W. Davin Richard H. Hiller Miles Hoisington Richard StrattmeeI Keith Trer r Noel D. lTurner Byron C. Vedder Ann W. Verner Marian Atran Helen Bailey Josephine Convissei axine Fishgrund Dorothy LeMire Dorothy Laylin Sylvia Mille Helen Olsen Mildred Postal Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1931 Night'Editor; CHARLES R. SPROWL as "Persian Pussies." Such declarations as these come from individuals who have been ab- sent from the campus for many years or who have been entirely blind as to the attitude of the new order. Undergraduates today are more skeptical of educational trends and leaders than ever be- fore, and Michigan has not been one of the universities where stu- dents have lacked the back bone to do and act as they believe right. Alumni are right when they say we have ceased to wave our hats, tear seats from theatres, and en- gage in fights with the town po- lice. But they have overlooked the fact that Michigan has just won three winter Western Conference sports championships. They fail to see that the new order is studying harder than the old did, and that they are meeting requirements the old knew nothing about. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, conining themsel es to less tha 300 words if possible. Anonymous com munications will be disregarded. The S names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the editor: At a recent meeting of Michigan sheriffs fear was expressed that the capital punishment bill would be defeated as "the underworld and the church are opposed to it". Mrs. Kathleen Norris, Henry Ford, Prof. Robert Morse Lovett, William Allen White, Zona Gae, Jane Addams, Senator Royal S. Copeand, and Clarence Darrow will be among the many who will have to decide whether they belong to the under- world or the church as they are op- posed to the state murdering hu- mans, which savagery bears the dignified name of "death penalty". The sheriffs who spoke in favor of capital punishment, like thousands of others who plan to vote for it, would surely visit a doctor to con- sult him in health questions and advise with a lawyer concerning legal proceedings; yet they imagine that they need no information from specialists when it comes to fighting crime; they believe inno- cently that they are experts on what forms a deterrent. Men like Lewis E. Lawes, former Warden of Sing Sing, Prof. Arthur E. Wood whose special field is criminology, Prof. Sunderland, Director of the Legal Research Institute and many others who have studied the prob- lem are convinced that capital punishment -far from being a de- terrent-actually tends to cheapen the value of human beings. Hence the public would do well to take the advice of these informed men and vote "NO" in the coming refer- endum. Out-of-town students would be fulfilling a humanitarian duty in procuring their ballots for this purpose. Among those who will vote in favor of Capital Punishment will be some who are thereby signing their childrens death-verdict. It is a superstition to believe that mur- derers plan their crime years in advance or that respectable, moral parents cannot have children who commit a murder. Crimes are fre- quently the result of passion and no one can foresee the temptations which may be in store for him nor the circumstances that will bring him or her into an insane rage. As Dr. Will Durant asked "Which of us is not guilty?". Goethe said he had never heard of a crime which he could not imagine him- ,self committing, and of which he had not the roots in his own heart. But then, the thousands of voters who will try to bring back capital punishment to the state which was the very first to abolish it are better and more intelligent than Mr. Durant or Goethe! In Henry Ford's opinion "capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong as a cure for crime as char- ity is wrong as a cure for poverty. I don't see how any one can vote for capital punishment unless he himself were willing to be the ex- ecutioner. I think there are mighty few citizens who would be willing to take that job. Then why ask the state, through any citizen, to do the killing? I am sure capi- tal punishment is not a deterrent to crime. Any man who has reached the point of being willing to kill another does not care whether he himself gets killed. It was only 13 years ago we were teaching millions of people to kill." According to Professor Coffey, thel gangster is used to gamble withj About Books. WORDSWORTH: By Herbert Read: the Clark Lectures 1929-1930: Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith, N. Y. C.: Price $3.50. This book,-a reprint of the im- portant Clark Lectures at Trinity College, Cambridge -is vigorous, dogmatic, original and probably provocative on nearly all of its is- sues. It is to-date the sanest, most well-balanced vindication of Mr. Read's own prediction (made some years ago in his "Reason and Ro- manticism that certain of the psy- choanalytic theorems would prove valuable in literary studies and in theories of the poetic proces. Mr. Read's own Introduction con- tains the most lucid definition of his intentions: "I had two general intentions. The first is strictly biographi- cal and concerns the develop- ment of Wordsworth's person- ality. That has been too often and too exclusively treated as an intellectual development... Wordsworth. 'Prelude" was conceived as an account of the growth of a poet's mind.... But what is the mind of the poet. It is con- ceived as independent of the body? That was evidently Wordsworth's idea. By apostro- phizing the mind, he hoped to conceal the significance of the body..... the greatness of the Prelude does not consist in its biographical veracity. It is not a true poem in that sense. Rather it is a deliberate mask. It is an idealisation of the poet's life, not the reality. To show what that reality was- that is my first purpose. "My second purpose is criti- cal and is only concerned with Wordsworth as type illustrat- ing certain processes of the poetic mind. I believe that Wordsworth in his life and lit- erary activities reveals more clearlythnn h ythan any other poet in our literature the delicate re- lations that exidt between poe- try and the poet's experience .......What crrelations can we make between the physical, psychological and e c o n o m i c factors in Wordsworth's life and the nature of his verse? That is roughly the object of my second enquiry.' Mr. Read's speculation on both of these points hinges around his reading of the "French experien- ces" of the young Wordsworth. He is in essential agreement with the official biographer professor Har- per, when he says: "Wordsworth's spirit, his mental energy, was a- wakened and given its poetic cast by the great event of his youth the French Revolution-not by direct inspiration, but through the phys- ical and emotional reactions which it brought to him in its train. It is only under stress that theim- agination develops, that intensity of application which is the poetic vision," Wordsworth's desire to af- firm the "representative human- ity" of the people (which led him to see the infinite in the "plain man") is traced, probably correct- ly, to his contact with the French revolutionary movement. But Mr. Read parts company with nearly everyone in therfield (with Professor Herford's recent book, for example) in his interpre- tation of the effects on Words- worth's life and poetry of the re- cently discovered Annette Vallon. Here is his evaluation of that un- happy affair: "It transformed his being; I think that this passion and all its melancholy aftermath was therd e e p e st experience of Wordsworth's life - the emo- tional complex from which all. his subsequent career flows i its intricacy and uncertainty. It was this experience which Wordsworth saw fit to hide, to bury in the most complete sec- recy and mask with a long-sus- tained hypocrisy... With this key he becomes, not, indeed, a rational being, but a man whose thwarted emotions found an ex- ternal and objective compensa- tion in his poetry." In the light of this thesis, he ex- plains Wordsworth's apostasy (his turning against France, his change from a passionate revolutionary to such an uncompromisingly rigid Tory that Shelley exclaimed of him "What a beastly wretch") as due to Wordsworth's "uneasy consci- ence" about Annette, which "was salved by moral bombast against a nation associated with his early loss of self-esteem." Similarly, /IC AND DRAMA TONIGHT: The Detroit S t r i n g Quartet in the Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:15. THE DETROIT STRING QUARTET The Detroit String Quartet will present the last concert in the splendid series sponsored by the Chamber Music Society tonight in the Mendelssohn Theatre. Such a fine program has been announced that perhaps the students would be grateful for the reminder that the Chamber Music Society makes a special price concession to student devotees of music and admits them for 50c. The program follows: Quartet in B flat major, opus 67 .................:.....Brahm s Folk Song Fantasy in G Minor, Opus 18 .....H. Waldo Warner Sextet, "Verklaerte Nacht," Opus 4 .............Schonberg The Schonberg composition, though it is given frequent per- formances in metropolitan centers, is probably being given for the first time in Ann Arbor. It belongs to the first period of a composer whose activity and influence have made him fundamental to the con- temporary musical scene. It was written, the Chamber Music Ency- clopedia reveals, about the turn of the century when all composers were still overawed by the genius of Wagner and, fearing to write opera, were doing the next best thing-the symphonic poem. Schon-_ berg's work in one movement was a highly original attempt to intro- duce the symphonic poem's princi- ples into chamber music. It is a musical treatment of a poem of Dehmel's, the subject matter of which is, briefly, the wanderings of two lovers, mutually conscious of their guilt-laden love, on a cold, moonlit night. The content, and it is said the musical treatment, dis- tinctly derive from "Tristan." H. Waldo Warner is an English contemporary who was until re- cently the violist in the London String Quartet. He won American prominence by winning in 1921 the Coolidge Chamber Music prize which offers the severest competi- tion of any music contest in the world. Since then, several of his works have been in the repertory of most American quartets. The pres- ent Fantasy is based on the Berk- shire Folk Song, "Dance To Your Daddy.' ORGAN RECITAL The weekly organ recital in Hill Auditorium this afternoon at 4:15 will be played by William Zeuch, guest organist from Boston, whose annual series there is one of the well-known musical events of the East. The program follows: Chorale Improvisation... .Karg-Elert Andante from Fourth Organ Sonata..............Vach, Sketch in D Flat.... Schumann Finale from Third Symphony.. ... ............ Vierne Ave Maria ........... Schubert Cantilene ........... McKinley Distant Chimes .......... Snow Crillon Sortie...........Mulet "Meistersinger," Introduction to Act 3 ............... Wagner Ride of the Valkyries... Wagner BAND RECITAL Under the direction of Nicholas D. Falcone of the faculty of the School of Music, the Michigan Band has in recent years transcended its ( function as a marching and field organization and entered the grow- ing field of symphonic bands. The Band's first appearance in this function this year will be to- morrow night at 8:15 in Hill Audi- torium when it will appear in the regular School of Music Series. Out- stilding on the program will be the band's performances of Mr. Fal- cone's arrangements of Bi z et's L'Arlesicnne Suite No. 2 and of Rovel's Bolero. Leonard V. Falcone will appear as a guest soloist, per- forming on the Euphonium. riage-such a poet is killing his feelings at the root.' I haven't the background to judge this speculation, thus loosely out- lined. But I can affirm that Mr. Read is a critic who conpels atten- tion. He draws a convincing pic- ture of Wordsworth as turning a- way from the passionate instinc- tive life (which had stimulated him to his best poetry) to a placid sob- riety in which he produced his worst and became a comically pa- thetic figure, a self-deceived egoist, a moral prig, vaguely conscious of the suicide he had committed and for forty-three years, weaving a ceasless net of words to conceal the truth from himself and the A star of the Chicago Civic Opera Company Thursday evening and Friday afternoon concerts Cyre . Vati Gordon Contralto Chicago Civic Opera Company star Saturday evening concert Eleano Reynolds Contralto SIX May 19,14 CONCERTS "J.UX 15 9 OIlii-i- Chicago Civic Opera Company and Staats Operas of Berlin and Vienna Thursday evening and Friday afternoon concerts Metropolitan Opera Company Thursday evening concert W -dd British National Opera Company Saturday evening concert Chicago Civic Opera Company Saturday evening concert Nelson Eddy American Opera Company Thursday and Saturday evening concerts Fred i'atton Metropolitan Opera Company Thursday and Saturday evening concerts Tenor FESTI Tenor .IlY Pons Baritone Baritone Soprano Sensational French Prima donna of the Metropolitan Opera Company Wednesday evening concert i Ililula .rke Bass Soprano I iuth ,ret n Violinist Renowned woman virtuoso Saturday afternoon concert SIC TRANSIT NAUSEA Last Monday night's hearing on extortionate and indefinite taxicab fare should go far toward relieving the unpleasantness of a situation which abounded to the students' 'disadvantage since they were first placed under the automobile regu- lation. At this 'recent meeting of the common council's committee, the city, students and administra- tion and officials of the taxicab companies aired their charges and presented their defenses, leaving the question somewhat mooted, but withal paving the way for an equit- able and, we hope, an immediate solution to this aggravation. The Daily's view in this affair may briefly be stated: we hold that the practice of permitting taxicab drivers to set-their own charges ac- cording to their whims or expecta- tions is a rank and diseriminating injustice to the students, whose business accounts for perhaps 80% of the revenue from taxicabs. Our chief concern, therefore, is that a consistent and, dependable method! of determining the fare be installed and that a rate equitable to stu- 'dents and taxicab concerns alike be established. To insure the effectiveness of.this solution, meters should be required an all taxicabs, subject to regular testing by the city, and equipped to register the total charges for a single trip. The matter of the rate to be charged is admittedly open to some, experimenting. It is suf- ficient to say that it should allow a reasonable profit to the operators without fleecing the students. The most immediate requirement is that a consistent rate be estab- lished by ordinance, and provision made for insuring its enforcement.. An immediate solution of this nuis- ance would, meet with complete sat- isfaction of the students and would also permit the taxicab companies to exchange better service for the good will of their customers. THE NEW ORDER That Michigan students have been curbed by the faculty until they cannot express and govern themselves freely is the belief held Ignace Jan Paderewski World's most renowned pianist Friday evening concert Palmer Christian. Leading American Organ virtuoso Friday afternoon concert Cerle V. Moore Conductor of Choral works Pianist Organist Musical Director Frederick Stock Orchestra Conductor Conductor or Orchestral and Miscellaneous programs Erie elamnater Assistant Conductor Assistant Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Juva igbee Children's Conductor Supervisor of Music, Ann Arbor Public Schools Un iversitYChoral Union Thursday and Saturday evenings. Three hundred voices. Chicago Symuphony Orchestra Entire Festival week. Seventy players Childrens tFestival hors Friday afternoon concert. Four hundred voices Bnrjs ~odjjf in English Mussorgsky Saturday evening concert St. at enfis o A sssee Thursday evening concert Pierne Old Jonny Appleseed (children) Friday afternoon concert Gaul SEASON TICKETS, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 (if Festival coupon is enclosed deduct 11 11