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March 25, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-25

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VOL. XLI. No. 125




Wayne County G.O.P. Chairman
Sends Resolution to
The Daily.
Believes Tax Reduction Would
Destroy Security of
John Gillespie, chairman of the

Wayne county delegation to the
state Republican convention, in a
communication to The Daily, for-
warded a copy of a resolution
drawn up at the Wayne County
convention, but which, due to other
issues, was not at that time given
widespread publicity. The resolu-
tion condemned any attempts to
reduce in any way the Mill tax, as
proposed by Governor Wilber M.
Sends Resolution.
The resolution read as follows:
"For upwards of the past 50 years
the financial affairs of our great
state University have been for the
most part removed from the tur-
moil of partisan politics by reason
of the passage of an early date of
the so-called Mill tax as the chief
source of the operating income for'
the University of Michigan. We
believe that one of the chief rea-
sons for the attainment by tde Uni-
versity ci its high rank among
leading universities of the country
has been the existence of this Mill
tax, and the consequent assurance
to those charged with the upbuild-
ing of the University and the edu-
cation of the youths of the state
that adequate funds would be a-
vailable from year to year without
the necessity of embroiling the Uni-
versity in political controversies at
every meeting of the legislature.
Condemn Abolition of Tax.
"We condemn, as contrary to the
best interest of the present and fu-
ture generations of youths of the
state, the attempt now being made
in some quarters to abolish or re-
duce the Mill tax and thereby de-
stroy the security which the state
University has enjoyed in the past
in the important matter of finan-
ces. We, therefore, urge the con-
tinuance of the legislation which
has existed for upwards of 50 years
as vital to the continued and suc-
cessful growth of the University of
(By As sorocted Press)
Tuesday, March 24, 1931

Spadework for Student Government.
The flimsy efforts made by the Student council at its last meeting,
designed to reorganize and elicit some vestige of campus respect, seem
to have the face value of futile, empty gestures. Were any constructive
measures to come of these orations, the result would be as miraculous
as a resurrection of the dead, albeit the Student council is not yet buried
When such a group ceases to display any trace of dignity or authority,
when student government becomes a farce, or perhaps a myth, on the
campus, when no stable body exists which might possibly exercise the
functions of student government, it is high time for the Michigan cam-
pus to do some wholesale political housecleaning and begin with a clean
The council today goes through the formalities of weekly meetings,
and carries out the routine duties traditionally assigned to it. In doing
so, it hypocritically pretends to be accomplishing something, while in
reality it simply complicates the machinery of campus organization.
There is no excuse for an organ as pretentious and unwieldy as this
to concern itself with routine matters that could be given to one of
the many other organizations. It is cluttering up the field with a dead
body so that none else can function in an effective manner. Its futili-
ty is reflected in the matter-of-fact duties that it has assumed, and
which it carries out from time to time as the occasion arises. Further,
it is extremely unstable, due in part to the fact that the entire mem-
bership is changed by political machinery and chicanery every two
years, and hence permits fluctuations of morale and calibre, inimical to
capacity and responsibility.
The only solution is to scrap the present council and provide for some
new method of student government. The Daily has previously advo-
cated a revision of the Senate Committee on student affairs to include
seven faculty and seven student members, with the Dean of Students
as ex-officio chairman; the nominations for four elective students would
be by this committee on petitions, and followed by all-campus elections.,
This plan would eliminate the present instability, which has undermined
the Council, through consistency and maturity gained from the faculty,
members, thus helping to form a more permanent policy than possible
under the present plan. The students would have a committee which
would function effectively and consistently on student problems rather
than one which would adopt makeshift resolutions from year to year
without any apparent result.
The proposed committee would, therefore, be more stable and effective
than the present one. It would cut down to an irreduceable minimum
the evils of political maneuvering, and yet retain a student member-
ship which would be consistent with a reasonable view of what student
representation should be. It would further afford an opportunity to
deal straight from the shoulder with the administration; to discuss
across the table student problems which at present appear to have no
place on the calendar of the Student council. A mature and, what is
more important, immediate and effective solution of student problems
would be obtained, while the field for routine matters would be open to
such individuals or groups as the new committee might appoint at the
proper times. While the present Student council remains, ordinary and
reasonable demands of student self-government must remain Utopian.
While the proposed plan is submitted with no brief for it as a panacea,
The Daily firmly believes that it will go far toward resuscitating the
shade of student government.


Threaten Removal of Financial
Aid if Germany Carries
Out Treaty Plans.t
Move Considered One of Most
Important Developments
Since World War.
PARIS, Mar. 24.-(I)-Denuncia-
tion of the commercial treaty with
Germany and a decision to abstain
from all financial aid constitutes
the possible policy of France toward
Germany if she persists in carrying
out an economic pact with Austria,
the Associated Press was informed
tonight in official quarters.
Important Political Move.
Inquiry among diplomats accred-
ited to France shows a prevalence
of belief that the Austro-German.
move is one of the most important
political developments since the
war, embodying a possible attenipt
to form a central European bloc of.
powers just as the naval accord
between France and Italy have giv-
en optimistic conviction that the
war clouds of Europe had been dis-
It is now admitted that the
French representation to Vienna
has taken the forim of a resolute,
though "friendly" protest, and it
was learned that at yesterday's
meeting the French cabinet judged
the affair so potentially grave that
it devoted the entire session to the
Detailed Reports Received.
After receiving detailed reports
of the nature of the Austro-German,
agreement, which is generally re-
garded as the first stage of a poli-
tical union, France has decided,
this correspondent was informed,
that the agreement is entirely in-
What concrete steps will be taken
will be elaborated after consulta-
tion with other powers, including
especially Great Britain. Aristide
Briand has begun to exchange views
with the British foreign minister.
Zeta Phi Eta Loses Contest on
University Marking
Opposing a substitution of satis-
factory and unsatisfactory marks
for the present marking system at
the University of Michigan, Athena,
national women's debating society,
was awarded a decision over Zeta
Phi Eta, in the annual debate of
the two women's forensic organiza-
tions last night. Prof. James H.
MacBurney, who was judge, gave
Athena the decision because of su-
perior argument, refutation,' and
The winning side, Athena, main-
tained that the present system be
kept because it is necessary, desir-
able, and satisfactory; that the sug-
gestion is unsound and if a change
were necessary the English Oxford
system would be superior to the
'pass or flunk' plan.
Athena debaters were Madelon
Andrus, '31, Gertrude Cook, '32Ed,
and Dorothy Bloomgarden, '31. The
Zeta Phi Eta team consisted of

Alice Schleh, '32, Frances Summers,
'31, and Elizabeth McDowell, '32.
R 1 -~

1 .4
Andrew Mellon,
Secretary of the treasury who
has served under three presidents, I
spent his seventy-sixth birthday
yesterday working at the. desk he
has occupied more than 10 years.
Secretary Mellon observed his usual
custom of declining to grant news- !
paper interviews.y
Preliminary Voting for Mock
Election Also to Take
Place Today.,
Seniors of the literary college will
nominate officers for the tradition-
al Class day exercises at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. Selection of the
candidates for the usual senior
mock election posts will also take
place at the meeting.
The Class day offices that are tol
be filled are class historian, class;
poet, class prophet, class prophet- k
ess, and class orator. Only a man
may be nominated for the position
of orator while a woman must beI
selected poet. The office of historian
will be open to either.
The mock election posts for which.
fnominees will be chosen are most
popular man, most popular woman,
most respected senior, best appear-
ing man, most attractive girl class'
athlete, senior who has done the I
most for Michigan, senior who has
done Michigan for the most
smoothest politician, most literary
senior, co-ed's choice, most artful
senior, smoothest man, most astute
grade beggar, most ingenuous blond,
and most effective brunette.
Balloting on the nominations for'
the various offices will take place
from. 1 to 5 o'clock tomorrow after-l
noon in the lobby of Angell hall,1
in the League building, and in the

Adoption of Redistricting Measure in Upper
Branch of Legislature Appears
Virtually Assured.
LANSING, Mar. 24-(P)--Congressional reapportionment swept
over its first barrier today in such impressive style that its adoption
by the upper branch of the legislature appeared assured.
In committee of the whole the senate brushed aside attempts to
delay redistricting by submitting the proposal to a referendum. The
Harding bill, providing for the creation of four new districts to ab-
sorb the added congressman allotted to Michigan, was advanced
without amendment to the order of third reading, which places it
on the calendar for a final vote Wednesday.
Two senators voiced objections to the measure, Senator James
G. Bonine, of Cassopolis, introduced an amendment proposing to
fsubmit reapportionment to the
voters in 1932. . He received only
DEA TH CLOSES one vote in suport of his motion.
ACTOR'S CAREER He then submitted a pair of bills
advocating the election of four
HOLLYWOOD, Cal., Mar. 24.- congressmen-at-large in what he
(P)-Robert Edeson, 62, the last termed "super-districts" next
of the four men who turned their year and the creation of a five-
backs on golden careers of the member apportionment commis-
stage in 1914 to risk their for- sion to make recommendations to
tunes in the untried films, join- the 1933 legislature.
ed his old cronies in death at
dawn today.Sadowski'Dissents.
Seventeen years ago, the four: The other dissenter was Senator
Edeson, Theodore Roberts, Dus- George G. Sadowski, of Detroit, the
tin Farnum, and James Neill, lis- lone Democrat member of the up-
tened to a persuasive tongue of per house. He offered a bill pro-
Cecil B. DeMille, and with a posing apportionment on a strictly
warning of failure ringing in population basis. Like the Bonint
their ears from their compatriots bills, it went to the apportionment
of the stage, they threw up their committee which probably will be
careers to go to a dusty little its grave. The Harding measure,
town named Hollywood. . as approved by the committee of
the whole, places three of the four
___________________-___new districts entirely in Wayne
county. The fourth would embrace
Oakland county with portions of
i ~Pack Submits Fraternity Bill.
Representative Phillip C. Pack, of
Ann Arbor, submitted a bill to pre-
vent college fraternities and soror-
itiesfrom evading their taxes by
To Address Meeting of World's deeding their property to their par-
Business Heads Convening ticular institution. The measure
would limit the occupation of insti-
at Washington, May 4. tutional buildings at the University
of Michigan, Michigan State col-
WASHINGTON, Mar. 24.--(P)- lege, the state normal colleges, and
Industrial leaders of 46 nations will the Michigan College of Mines to
be mobilized here in May for a con- "societies whose membership would
dbe open to any member of the stu-
certed assult upon the problems of dent body.





Team Places Third
Two Telegraphic


MONROE - Ceremonies will be i
heid here tomorrow afternoon in
connection with the starting of the
$2,500,000 construction project at,
St. Mary's academy here. Sister M.
Ruth, mother-general of the Sisters.
Servants of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary, the order whichmain-
tains the academy, will turn theI
first spadeful of dirt.
DETROIT- J. Brook Nichols,
treasurer of the Polar Bear endow-
ment fund, announced today that
because a memorial has been erect-
ed in White Chapel memorial park
cemetery, contributions- made toI
the fund for a memorial are being I
refunded with interest.
BELDING - Stockholders of the
Belding Savings bank and the Peo-
ples Savings bank last night ap-
proved the merger of the two insti-
tutions. The consolidation will
bring together resources of $1,234,-
LANSING -The appointment of
William H. Zylstra, of Grand Rap-,
ids, as a member of the board of;
;managers of the Michigan Soldiers'
dome, was confirmed by the state
senate in executive sesion.
BATTLE CREEK-Homer Rogers,1
business manager of the U. S. Vet-
erans hospital at Camp Custer for
six years, has been transferred to.
:Hospital 74 at Gulfport, Miss. His.
;successor has not been announced.
GRAND RAPIDS - A. L. Miller,
president of Federated Publications,
ennmiinor1 that R. J. Boyle. vice-

Arguments against capital pun-
ishment were offered yesterday aft-
ernoon by Proi. John F. Shepard, of
the psychology department, Rev.
Eli J. Forsythe, secretary of the
Michigan association opposed toI
capital punishment, and Prof. Mor-
itz Levimofthe French department,
at a meeting sponsored by the
Michigan association held in Angell
Stating that Michigan needs an
improved personnel on the police
force, reform inlegal proceedure,
and a systematic study of social
conditions from which c r i m e
springs, Professor Shepard, pointed
out that capital punishment would
instigate the substitution of a spirit
of revenge for these fundamental
n"The death penalty is a camou-
flage for the public," he stated.
Professor Shepard said that the
death penalty was unjust for it
would treat the professional killer
in the same way that it would treat
an average person who had com-
mitted a murder because he hasI
(Continued on Page 3) 1

ST. JOHNS, N. F., Mar. 24.-(P)-
Back from the twin terrors of fire
and ice, the sealer Sagona today
landed sick and injured survivors
of an explosion which blew up the
sealer Viking off Horse Island.
They brought with them first-
hand stories of the disaster.
More than a score still were miss-
ing after a week's search of the
half-frozen ocean by a fleet of seal-
ers, but the quest was carried on
from the air today by a veteran of
Arctic adventure, Bernt Balchen.
This flier, Byrd's pilot over the
South Pole, took off from Corner
Brook for Horse Island this after-
noon, and made a three-hour sur-
Prof. Harold Bohr, of the depart-
ment of mathematics in Copenhagn
University, will deliver a lecture
at 4:15 o'clock, Friday afternoon,
in room 1035 Angellhall on~"Al-
most Periodic Functions." Profes-
sor Bohr is one of the best known
mathematicians in Europe at the
present time.
On Monday, Prof. Theodore F. S.
L. Plaut, of Hamburg university,
will speak in Natural Science audi-.
torium on "Unemployment Insur-
ance." He will show the effect of
the insurance on the economic pos-
ition of Germany at the present
time. Both are University lectures
and are open to the public.

world-wide economic recovery.
For the first time, a congress of
the International Chamber of Com-
merce will be held in the United
States. It will convene May 4 and
continue for five days. President
Hoover heads the list of speakers.
Silas H. Strawn, chairman of the
American committee, t o d a y an-
nounced a wide range of subjects
to be discussed. They included the
silver problem, the Russian "five-
year plan," agriculture, tariff, un-



of General Practitioners
Blamed for High Cost
of Medical Care.}


Psychologist Scores Professors'
Pessimistic Attitudes;
Analyzes Students.
More than 350 people, jammed
Lane hall auditorium last night to
hear Dr. Gustave A. Blumenthal,
vocational guidance expert, discuss
"Character Analysis."
Claiming that a human possesses
two characters, one telling him
what he can be, and one making
him what he is, Dr. Blumenthal
scored modern society's tendency
to let persons "arrive by chance or
accident, while scientific methods
-4 -1 m - ,-+ - ,-iCim i o zr na n

Fallacy of Barring Non-I
From University P
Willis J. Abbot Warns AgainstI
Legislative Restriction '
Limiting Number.
Willis J. Abbot, '84, contributing
editor of the Christian Science
Monitor, yesterday, in an interview
spoke forcefully in favor of the
University's stand th a t students'
from out of the state and foreign
countries are an asset to the state
and to the University, and that
it would jeopardize the standing
of the institution if legislation

Kesident Students
'ointed Out inInterview
lief held by Easterners that people
of the West are little interested in
national and international affairs,
and that they are concerned only
with their own sectional problems.
The West, however, is more in-
terested in international a ff a i r s
than ever before, is the belief of
Mr. Abbot, who, for the last week,
has been addressing women's clubs
in this section of the country.
In discussing the Christian Sci-
ence Monitor, he stated that it has
the widest distribution of any paper
in the country, perhaps the world.
More papers are sold in Los Angeles
4+nn in 4+ - f .h Pit mWhPI-. it

BALTIMORE, Mar. 24-(;P)-"Two(
many generals and not enough pri-
vates in the medical army," is one
reason for the present cost of medi-
cal care, the American College of
Physicians was told tonight.
Dr. George E. Follansbee of Cleve-
land, O., said there were too many
expensive specialists and not enough
general practitioners among physi-
cians. He spoke before the sym-
posium on public health, medical
practice, and medical economics, at
the annual clinical session of the
Because of the cost of medical
'care "the tide of public opinion
against the profession is rising and
is already a distinct menace," he
declared. "The number of self-'
styled specialists is ridiculous. It
should be unlawful for a physician
to pose as a specialist unless he is
adequately trained for s p e c i a1
The public has come to believe
the "family doctor" is not compe-
tent to handle many ailments and
is turning more and more to spe-
1 cialists. Many cases taken to spe-

employment, merchandising, a n d
distribution and the effects of the
decline in commodity prices.-
Georges Theunis, president of the1
International chamber and a for-{
mer premier of Belgium, will pre-
sent at the first pleniary session an
analysis of the international econ-
omic situation and propose possible1
remedies to hasten return of more
early normal conditions.
His report, based upon informa-
tion furnished by committees from,
the various member nations, will
provide the basis of discussion.
Irving K. Pond, prominent Chi-
cago architect, will deliver the third
of his series of four lectures Thurs-
day in the auditorium of the ar-
chitectural building. The topic of
the address will be "Psychology of
In the lecture, he will discuss the
human reaction to mass, details,
and direction of architecture.
On Friday, he will give the fourth
and last of the series, "Architec-
ture in Education."
Medical Body to Meet
Here Tomorrow Night
The Washtenaw County Medical
society will hold its regular meet-

Twenty-Seven Complete Annual
Union Race; MacDougal
Places Second.
G. W. McGloughlin, '33, won the
annual ten-mile swim at the Union
pool yesterday negotiating the spe-
cial 20-lap race in 7:15.4 to lead
the contestants who finished the
ten-mile grind last week. Of the
original 43 entrants 27 completed
the 705 lap swim last week and a
special 20-lap race was found nec-
essary to decide the winners of the
ten-mile medals annually awarded.
D. C. MacDougal, '32E, finished
second to McGloughlin, with R. F.
Fisk, '33, winning third position.
Other winners of the medals were
P. H. Eason, '33, S. M. Cram, '34E
R. A. Snyder, '34E, D. D, Ewing, '32,
J. A. Thoms, '32E, R. H. Howard,
'34, and W. H. Brown, '33, who fin-
ished the 20-laprace in that order.
Names of the winners in the
swimas well as all those who fin-
ished the grind, will be engraved
on the permanent cup now display-
ed in the Union pool. The contest
was carried out with each entrant
swimming one mile a day for ten
consecutive days. The winner's
time in the special 20-lap race for
medals sets a new Union pool rec-
ord for the distance, which is ap-
proximately three-eighths of a mile.
Activity in the Union bridge tour-
naments will be concluded this
week with the semi-final and final
matches. Winners will be given lov-
ing cups in both the singles and
doubles play.
Fresh Air Fund Drive

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