FOULi ITlfl M CH.I AN DAILY . . TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1931 FOTIEMC IG N D ILTESAMAC 4,13 ............. . Published every morning except Monday during ie University ear by the Board in Control uz Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $ Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FPaNK E. Coorni, City Editor News Editor ...............Gurney Williams Editorial Director.......Walter . Wilds Sports Editor,..........Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor. ..... .....Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books........Wn. 1. Gorman Assistant City Editor.......Harold . Warren Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor.........George A. Stauter Copy Editor.................Win. . Pypet NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D.RReindel Carl S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprawl David M. Nichol Richard L. Tobin Harold U. Warrea seeks admittance to a hospital, it is interpreted that the care and at- tendance needed is beyond the scope that can otherwise be given. Generally, the attention required can only be given in the operating room. In the case of orthopedic children, for example, braces are necessary for physical defects. Treatment of more serious cases, hospital authorities claim, has just- ified the present rate. The attempts of legislators to set as standard a fee which is below that charged by the ordinary prac- tician stamps them as ignorant of facts which are known only to those in the medical profession. Legisla- tors are not doctors. Neither are doctors legislators. But the point to be emphasized is that the hospi- tal authorities themselves, not the legislators, are best informed as to the nature of the treatment to be prescribed. The University hospital, as an integral unit in Michigan's medical instruction and as the chief agency for treating the indigent patients of the state, cannot afford to jeopardize its pre-eminent posi- tion in medical circles nor impair the quality of its treatment through the operation of a measure as un- appreciative of the true conditions as the one now proposed. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining thexnselhes to less that. 300 words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. SPRING IS HERE. I just found the bones of that Robin I saw a month ago. He was buried in the depths of a nasty old snowdrift. Now that Ann Arbor's springtide has taken its toll, I have faith and believe that perhaps the mud season is really about to set in in earnest. * * * And among other signs that the glad season is here, I notice that Sinclair Lewis has had his face slapped. That would make any season glad. It makes me particularly happy because it takes just one more job off of my busy hands. Now that Mr. Dreiser has fixed that up, I can turn my attention to more im- portant if less congenial tasks. MI51 C AND DRAMA ,. . -- . 1i{.- __ ti h< a G v 0 s t v a o i d r; THE FIRST MRS. FRASER A Review. Two of the richest performances ,he road (that is, Ann Arbor) has aad the privilege of enjoying prob- bly in some time made Grace 3eorge's production of St. John Er- ine's "The First Mrs. Fraser" onel f the most memorable Mendels- 1 ohn evenings this year. For indeed, he production and the acting was very much the thing last night. )ne probably didn't recognize this t the time. But certainly long after one has forgotten whose husband s divorcing, has divorced or will divorce whom among a group of rather familiar stage-Englishmen, one will be recalling with delight the humour (and the stratagem) and the radiance of Miss George's acting and the richness and preci- sion of A. E. Matthew's technique. Technique is generally a rather appalling word; it frightens people. But, as I say, it was quite the thing last night. If it were not for two splendid techniques indulged last night with such joy-in-the-process that one tends to heedlessly wor- ship the people using them,hlast night's audience would never have believed so whole-heartedly in eith- er St. John Ervine's narrative or his incidental comment. He merely employed what the French call les surpris de divorce as a springing- board to comedy of manners, that is, to brilliant, more or less static and undramatic writing. 1 1 I ' 4; _ , BROWN-CRESS & Company, M.-, INVESTMENT SECURITIES Orders executed on aN ex. changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin. Telephone 23271 ANg ARBOR TRUST BSLD. let FLOOR 111 THE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF ANN ARBOR Presents Detroit String Quartette R. SINGER, Viola G. BEDUME, Cello Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Wednesday, March 25th, 8:15 p. m* 1=- Single Admission, $1.50 Student Admission, 50c F..- ~ it L Sroars AssISTANTs Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS Thomas M. Coole Wilbur J. Meyers Morton Frank Brainard W. Nics Saul Friedberg RobertdL. Pierce kFrank 'B. Gilbretbt Richard Racine hack Goldsmith . erry E. Rosenthal oland Goodmn Karl Seiffert orton Helper George A. Stauter Bryan Jones Tohn W. Thomas John S. Townsend Eileen Blunt Mary McCall Nanette Demblts Cile Miller Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin can Levy Margaret Thompson borotuv Maaiee ClaireTrussell ,I _S n Manchester BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 22x4 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Mnaget .A*WR3 1. HALVERSON, Assistant MMauaa DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising..............Charles T. Kline Advertising.... .......Thomas M. Davis Advertising.........William W. Warboys Service ..................Norris jj Johnson Publication............Robert W. W#illiamson Circulation ............. Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts..............Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary..........Mary J. Kenan Assistants Hlarry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger Vernon Bishop Don W. Lyon William Brown William Morgan Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeste William W. Davis Keith TTer Richard H. Hitler Noel D.1). la Miles Hoisington Byrou C. Veddei Ann W. Verner Marian Atran Helen Bailey J osephine Convlset *axine Fisbgrnnd Dorothy LeMire borothy Laylin Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen Mildred Postal Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese .TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1931 Night Editor -JOHN D. REINDEL MINIMUM ^FEES AT UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL A measure designed to curb "ex- cessive" rates charged indigent pa- tients at University hospital, which last week was introduced by Repre- sentative .Holbeck in the legisla- ture, would, if passed, jeopardize the hospital as an institution that stands near the acme of medical competence. The measure, which concerns indigent patients with the exception of tuberculars, is now before the house. The bill seeks to arrive at a standard fee for such patients. It would give the probate judge of the county from which the patient is a resident the right to send that patient to any hospital approved by the state health commissioner, with the same charge limit as pro- posed at University hospital. It would require the presentation to To the Editor:. It is admittedly a severe blow to the forces aligned in opposition to the proposed capital punishment law when a figure as prominent as Professor Reeves in the field of law takes his stand in support of it. Not that he has brought a wealth of logic to support his view but rather that he has thrown his name and wide repute upon the scales. The arguments which he develops in Sunday's Free Press in support of the proposed law are the same with which abolitionists have been contending, with reasonable suc-I cess, since penology was first stud- ied in the light of reason rather than tradition. Perhaps Professor Reeves is a stainless example of that particular 'group to. which Warden Lawes re- ferred as unconsciously adapting toI themselves the immobility of the laws which they study and inter- I pret. But immobile arguments and men are but ponderous, not imper- ishable. The professor would advocate an ancient mode of punishment for a "new type of murderer" which mode of punishment is to be di- rected against the individual, al- though murder nowadays is usual- ly a "co-operative" affair. Further- more "it is no longer the individual who premeditates a killing." But surely, to act as a deterrent the vision of the electric chair must have a significant place in some premeditations of a criminal. And the "many people" now involved in a killing need not feel particularly deterred by the fact that the death penalty may fall upon one of their number. To the general in France or Chicago it is the objective and not the casualties. One must doubt that Professor Reeves with his wide background of FACULTY NOTES In the Club-room of our learned and awesome pedagogues appearsA the following announcement.-"Fac- ulty Bottle-Pool Tournament...... HITCH YOUR WAGON TO A BOT-3 TLE !"' Again I have occasion to say 'Quis Costodet Ipsos Custodes?" Which, literally translated would read "Af-1 ter all, the faculty is an irrespon- sible bunch of devils and ought to have someone looking after them." * * * There is another thing about the working of faculty minds that one of the Bobbsey Twins was kind enough to bring around here the other day. He has discovered that first among' the statements on the back of the affair is the one which says "Before Student May Drop A Course It Is Necessary To Get This Slip." Or words to that ef- fect. All of which is strangely reminiscent of the letters that used to end up-"And if you don't get this, write and tell me." * * *I And once more, with the coming of spring, the doors of the down- stairs sanctum in Angell Hall are flung open exposing to the public gaze two lovely canoes. The old theory about having them there so that the boys can keep in prac- tice over winter has been displaced by that which holds that they are there to facilitate transportation about the campus sidewalks. * * * Which comes as a timely remin- der of the fact that, much as you may enjoy the idea that springtime is nice, we'll all have to come to school again when the summer is gone and summer is approaching at an alarming rate. Just think of it! Only a few more short months and weeks and things and then we'll be in the midst of nasty uncomfort- able snow drifts and blizzards. * * * It certainly does make a fel- low mad to think of that spring suit he has ordered with a prospect like that in the near future. No foresight.....that's what ails this country... .it's enough to make a man turn so- cialist, that's what it is, and if you've read the socialist's paper that they're selling on campus, you'll know that's something- even bordering on a something and a half. Which, naturally enough, leads around to the question of what's to be done with Newberry Auditor- ium when this department finally gets it torn down. You can't leave a pile of infectious material like that lying around without getting into a whole lot of trouble-at least I can't-and no self-respecting gar- bage man could be bribed into carrying it away. The only solution that suggests itself for the moment is that the place be blown up with something sufficiently powerful to make it land in another county and then let them go ahead and sue us if any of them survive the com- bineco stigma and epidemic. I see that some of the fellows are going for these new pansy j hats of green and blue and whatnot. Trying for the Bo- hemian or Andalusian atmos- phere, no doubt.....Andalusian proposition it is too let me tell you. (Boy! I had to work hard for that one, but it was worth it every old day in the old week IT IS HARD TO EXCEL A. T. Coc &Son for Quality & Service in Shoe Repairing 1109 South University -I WASSILY BESEKIRSKY Violinist, and MABEL ROSS RHEAD Pianist, in Sonata Recital . : I SCHOOL OF MUSIC CONCERTS Sun., March 29, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater JOSEPH BRINKMAN Pianist Sun., April 5, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater (No Admission Charge) It takes a sensitive intelligence, knowing how to make itself effec- tive theatrically, to put this sort of thing across. Nothing is worse than a bad production of high comedy (witness the Mimes Noel Coward a year or two ago). Nothing is morel delightful than a good one. Last night one had Miss George's sensi- tive direction, which by impercepti- bld' manipulation of tempos and styles realized mere dialogue in terms of diversified motion. Recall, for example, the subtly maintained contrast between the high-powered, excited delivery of the young peo-1 ple (Ninian, Murdo, and Elsie) and the cool, slow surety and calmness in the delivery of the old people (Janet, Philip Logan, and James Fraser). The effect of just such a contrast in holding attention and enjoyment of an audience is in- calculable. But certainly, there is an effect; and such neat causing of that effect is one of the more ob- vious signs of good direction. Of the performances themselves, it is difficult to talk. Of course, it is obvious that Mr. Matthews and Miss George understood the parts they were playing completely: the one, that James Fraser was an amazing- ly priggish Scot whose strength in business it was to be utterly in- capable of seeing anyone's view but his own, an egoist in a charmingly disarming way; the other that Janet Fraser was a nimble, poised, witty, very intelligent woman. Their performances made these concep- tions amply clear. But lesser per- formances could have done that. That's where the mystery lies. There was more involved in what Miss George and Mr. Matthews did last night than mere precision in impersonation. These two mature actors were aware that they possess such rich, uncannily rich, tech- niques that they can fill parts to the brim. They also had what I have called joy-in-the-process of filling to the brim, which communi- cated itself. They enjoy themselves, playing richly. That joy in tech- nique adds charm to their imper- sonations, makes the evening lively and the audiences beam. And that is the closest I can come to a pro- saic definition of what happens when Grace George makes the ra- diance of St. John Ervine's Janet Fraser so very radiant, when A. E. Matthews makes the drollery and quaint egotism of James Fraser so very droll and quaint. Perhaps I should have just given up and call- ed it personality. Really, I think it is very much more rare than that sort of thing. At least I prefer % think of it as an artist's joy in work. The other performance did not suffer a great deal from the fact of being in the same production with these two; and that is saying a great deal for them. Particularly good, of course, was that of Law- rence Grossmith as Philip, which XI MQ - -'T7 C.I- - , yr 1n orj + Ph l.- .I WATLING LERCHEN & HAYES Members New York Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Curb (Associate) Dealers in Investment Securities Accounts Cired for Clients Mezzanine Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phones: 23221.23222 Wassily Besekirsky Violinist Hans Pick Violoncellist Joseph Brinkman Pianist Sun., May 3, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater PALMER CHRISTIAN In Organ Recital EVERY WEDNESDAY. 4:15, HILL AUDITORIUM . THELMA NEWELL violinist, and LOUISE NELSON Pianist in Sonata Recital Sun., April 26, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater SCHOOL OF MUSIC TRIO W A Y WANT ADS PAY WELL I alues in fine fabrics re protected by the the probate judge for approval ti tWWUIUCYU UIULI theproat juge orappova !the taw would deny the possibilities itemized statements of c h a r g e s. of bodies of arbitration to success- Only then would payment be made. fully cope with international prob- It would provide for the payment lems. Up to this time for the most of any additional expense incurred part we have found it necessary to above the limit to which counties draft lives to protect portions of are liable out of the general fund society from other portions. It is of the state. quite possible also that a more sat- But the measure, it appears, is isfactory means can be found to unwarranted; the question is 'not Jprotect society from the menace of one of securing low rates only, but murderers than by "drafting thel onesin of o a e onl, ut lives" of the offenders. Granted a question of the amount and type that it is "only through govern- of service rendered. Dr. Harley A. ment that society can be protect- Haynes, director of University hos- d," it is not necessary to assume pital, has pointed out that the immediately that capital puish- present rates are lower than those ment is te only matrpunish- provided in Mr. Holbeck's bill. The whic go the only means through Long Lake representative's measure government may provide this would limit charges to $3.50 a day, protection. and additional expense, if any, Abolitionists will claim that there would be paid out of the general is reasonably convincing evidence fund of the state. The present ward to support the view that convic- charge for indigent patients is tions are harder to obtain where $3.25 a day, while for tuberculars, capital punishment prevails if Pro- provided for in another statute, the fessor Reeves cares to look for it. charge is $3.50 a day. Thus the They might also take the trouble rates at University hospital are not to quote a number of English jurists in excess of the charges which Mr. as to the real significance. of the Holbeck seeks to limit. This amount, capital punishment laws in Great - .nf n-,-Amo , ..., illa vnan I r Britain. ecurity is assured by the use of ight kind of equipment ,vory Soap exclusively heref ore phone 23123 and have of course, doesunot iciu ae expenses such as those incurred in the oper- ating room, in special laboratories, in the taking of X-ray photographs, or anliances for orthopedic cases. One wonders what significance can be attached to the reference to the capital punishment provision of the treason act. I doubt whether III U OLur laundry done oronerlv I