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March 24, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-24

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Norman Thomas Confers With
Watson and Longworth
About Proposal.
Extra Congress Would Consider
Problems of Economic
WASHINGTON, Mar. 23.-(A')-A
campaign for an extra session of
Congress to deal with economic
distress was inaugurated today at a
conference of socialists, representa-
tives of peace societies and other
Delegates to the conference head-
ed by Norman Thomas, former so-
cialist candidate for president, con-
ferred with Republican leader Wat-
son of the Senate and. Speaker
Longworth to ask them to request
President Hoover to call a special
Agree to Present Request.
Both Watson and L o n g w o r t h
agreed to present the request to the l
president on his return from theo
Caribbean. Watson, however, said l
he was not con-
vinced that the f
situation required
N an extra session
and expressed the
view b usi n e ss
would revive bet-
ter with Congress
-;'" y adjourned.

Speaker to Present
Petition to Hoover

Buckley Murder Trial in Detroit
Enters Fourth Week in
Recorder's Court.
Prosecution Tries to Establish
Motive for Assassination
of Announcer.

Myron J. Sherwood Claims Wire
Sent by Wife to Central
Meeting Was Faked.
Saginaw Woman Offers Second
Proxy in Behalf of Mrs.

Thomas Lumsden Announces
Discovery of Possible'
Cure for Disease.

Nicholas Longworth,
Speaker of the House of Repre-
sentatives who conferred yesterday
with N o r m a n Thomas, socialist
leader, concerning an extra session
of congress to deal with the prob-
lems of the economic crisis.
Photographing Plane Crashes
on Horse Island; Pilot
Is Uninjured.
HORSE ISLAND, Mar. 23.-(IP)-
Pilot Bob Fogg, who flew from Con-
cord; N. H., to obtain photographs
'f the Viking disaster, crashed on
Horse island today. The plane was
amaged but neither Fogg nor his
companion was seriously injured.

Delegations a
called on Sena
Norris, Repub
c a n, Nebras
and Wheel
Democrat, Mo
tana, to urge ti
EORGE WNOS' they and o t h
leaders of ther
cent progressive conference app
to the country for an extra sessi
Wi lMake Radio Appeal.
Senator Wheeler agreed to ma
a radio appeal, but said he did n
think the progressives could infl
ence President Hoover to. call Co
gress into session.
Plans were made for sending
delegation to the White House wh
President Hoover returns and f
having members of Congress su
mit periodical reports to the pre
dent on conditions in their distric
There was much difference
opinion over what problems shoo
be cited in the appeal for an ext
It was generally agree that cc
nomic concitions should be the N
sis for the demand, but some of t
delegates wanted to include vario
international problems, such as t
world court, recognition of Russ
cancellation of war debts and ti
Hawley-Smoot tariff bill on rel
tions with other countries.
State Bulletins
(My Assoiated Press)
Sunday, March 22, 1931

e r,;


DETROIT, Mar. 23.-(/4) ---The LANSING, Mar. 23.-(/P)--Like the
Gerald E. Buckley murder trial en- Republican state convention which
tered its fourth week in recorder's preceded it, the recent meeting of
court today, featured by a renewed the party state central committee
attack on the alibi of one of the today had an aftermath.
three defendants and an attempt Letters were written to Howard
by the prosecution to establish a C. Lawrence, chairman of the com-
bythve poseution ro eabliuns amittee, John Leasia, secretary to
motive for the radio announcer's Governor Brucker, and Represent/'.-
assassination July 23. tive John F. Van Brocklin, of Mar-
Francis E. Weinert, a convict in quette, .charging a proxy presented
the Michigan state prison, testified in the committee meeting was fak-
he had seen Ted Pizzino run from ed. The letters were signed by My-
the LaSalle hotel, pistol in hand, a ron J. Sherwood, of Marquette, and
few seconds after Buckley was shot the proxy in question was one of
Ito death. two submitted on behalf of Mrs.
Pizzino, who claims he was in Sherwood, a member of the com-
New York at the time of the slay- I mittee.
ing, is on trial with Angelo Livecchi f Adams Showed Telegram.
and Joe Bommarito. When chairman Lawrence called
Testifies Against Smith. !for proxies in the committee meet-
Testi es Aatrl Smit ing last week, William Adams, as-
Testimony that Norman D. Smith,'sistant egata-rso
reputed supporter of Former Mayor> snat osergeant-at-arms of t h e
Chares owls mt intheLa~llesenate, offered a telegram purport-
Charles Bowles met in the LaSalle ing to be signed by Mrs. Sherwood,
hotel with "his boys" on Jan. 20, authorizing him to east hervote.
1 9 3 0, and resentfully discussed l Ah second letter Catherine Eng-
Buckley's radio attacks on organ- li.sh, of Saginaw, produced a tele-
ized vice and crime was given by gram giving her the proxy. Law-
George Marvin, a former investi- rence ruled the proxy held by Mrs.
gator for the department of street English would be accepted as it
railways.,gishwudb cetda t
aitays. wvwas datedalater than the one offer-
,Smith is now a convict in the ed by Adams.
federal penitentiary at Leaven- Asks Investigation.
worth, Kan. The witness told of Sherwood, in his letters, alleged
being admitted to Smith's suite in'the telegram offered by Adams was
the hotel and of being introducedia "pure and simple forgery." He
to Pizzino, Livecchi, "Black Lee" asked an investigation, asserting
Cellura, a man named Meli, W od uch praclti must be halted to
another known only as "Pete." purify politics.
Cellura Wanted. I nvestigations of various sorts
Cellura is wanted for the slaying w e r e properly launched. Leasia
of George Collins and William Can- asked the manager of the tele-
non, alleged narcotic peddlers, in graph office at Marquette to check
front of the LaSalle hotel July 3. the telegram received by Adams. He
"Pete" is said by the state to be received a report back that it was
Peter Licavoli who was indicted filed by "an elderly couple," who
with the three defendants for the were not Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood.
Buckley slaying but who still is -
Marvin testified that Smith
boasted of having directed effortsI
by a certain group which resulted
in $11,000 being raised for the'
Bowles campaign fund. He also T ISLAND CAPITAL
testified that Buckley's speeches
against vice were mentioned and
that "Pete" said Buckley should be( Hoover and Party Acclaimed on
silenced. 90-Mile Journey Across ,
. ~ Porto Rico.

By Howard W. Blakeslee
(Associated Press Science Editor)
NEW YORK, March 23.-Cancer
tissue growing artificially in glass
dishes is killed in a few minutes
by a new serum developed in the
cancer research laboratory of Lon-
don hospital, England.
Unlike other tumor remedies this
serum is harmless to living tissues
except cancer.
These discoveries and their pos-
sibilities for experimenting with
cancer in man are told in the
April issue of the American Jour-
nal of Cancer by Thomas Lumsden,
M.D., director of the London lab-
oratory. The journal is edited by
Dr. Francis Carter Wood of Colum-
bia university.
The serum comes from animals
which have been inoculated with
cancer. It is tested upon cells of
cancer, of heart, kidney and other
body tissues growing artificially
outside of the living beings. A start
has been made in testing it upon
living animals, a few rats having
been cured of cancer, and others
made immune.
"Animals," Dr. Lumsden says,
"are capable of forming anti-bodies
having a specificially lethal effect
upon malignant tufnor cells of any
Dr. Forsythe, Detroit Pastor,
Professors Shepard, Levi
to Talk Today.
Arguments opposed to the cur-
rent bill in the legislature provid-
ing for capital punishment will be
c nsidered by Rev. Eli J. Forsythe,
of Detroit, Prof. Moritz Levi, of the
French department, and Prof. John
F. Shepard, of the psychology de-
partment, in an address before a
meeting at 4:15 o'clock today, in
room 231, Angell hall.
Dr. Forsythe is known in Detroit
as a public speaker and a counsel-
lor on the problems of life. His
work in Detroit has consisted pri-
marily of conducting a clinic in per-
sonal efficiency, in the operation of
which he has interviewed scores of
men and women on various prob-
lems of work and their relations'
with their fellow men.
Commenting on thestudent of'
human affairs, an editorial in the1
Detroit Journal states:
"He is an American. In speech,!
manner and personality, he grips
and holds." A recent magazine ar-
ticle about him states:
"Dr. Forsythe is one of the great-
est students of character I have ev-
er met. He knows the human heart
and he knows human nature."
Rev. Henry Lewis, of the Epis-
copal church, will serve as chair-
man of the meeting, which is be-
ing held in view of the pending re-
ferendum on the capital punish-
ment bill.
Liner Steams for Rio
With Prince of Wales
S. S. ALCANTARA, Mar. 23.-(/')
-The Prince of Wales and Prince
George spent long hours today sun-
ning themselves on deck as the
Alcantara steamed northward to-
ward Rio de Janeiro.
The liner will reach Santos, Port
of Sau Palo, Tuesday, giving pas-
sengers opportunity for a few hours
ashore. The princes are taking
their meals with the other pas-
sengers just as they did on the pas-
ward voyage from England. They
to normal cells."


ke ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Mar.
not 23.-()- The last of the Viking
Lu- survivors at Horse island were safe-
ly aboard the steamer Sagona to-
day, but the progress of the rescue'
a ! craft toward St. John's depended
en upon her ability to clear a path
or, through a high ice barrier.
A changing wind was regarded
as a favorable factor in opening a
ts. trail for the journey to St. John's
of where Sir Richard Squires, prime
ld minister of Newfoundland, has an-
nounced an inquiry will be con-
- dueLed into the explosion on the
a~ Remo of eight men, six of
he them inju d, from Horse island to
us the Sagona unday brought to 118
he the number of survivors aboard the
ia, steamer. Nine survivors are believed
he on other rescue craft and two bod-.
a- ies have been recovered. Varick
Frissell and A. G. Penrod, American
motion picture men, and 24 others
are listed as missing.
S~ - ~ ,
8 .:

variety, but which are non-toxic
left Montevideo Sunday.
Whatever these protective anti-
bodies are, human cancers also
possess them, Dr. Lumsden reports.
"Perhaps the most specificially
anti-malignant of the sera tested
is the anti-serum obtained from a
sheep which has been repeatedly
inoculated with human cancer and
human breast tissue. When this
anti-serum is applied to mouse
cancer in vitro (in a glass dish) it
kills them (the cancer cells) with-
in five minutes."
ci What the human protective prin-
ciple can do for animals, the latter
can do for humans. As an example
Dr. Lumsden tells of inoculating
a rabbit with mouse cancer and
putting it in human breast cancer
cells living in a glass dish.
"It causes the death of these can-
cer cells," says Dr. Lumsden. He
warns that these experiments
"should be regarded as giving only
useful observations."
Vienna Proposes Breaking Down
All European Trade
VIENNA, Mar. 23.-(/P)-Austria
today answered protests against her
proposed customs union with Ger-
many with an invitation to other
European countries to join in an
abolition of customs barriers.
A formal protest by diplomatic
representatives of France, Italy and
Czechoslovakia drew f r o m Dr.
Johann Schober, foreign minister
and vice-chancellor, the word that
Germany and Austria had no in-
tention of concluding any treaty
which excluded the other powers.
On the contrary, he said, both
have invited any other European
state-all European states-to join
the projected customs union, so as
gradually to extend it to embrace
all European countries.
He declared also that Austria felt
more encouraged to embark on the
customs arrangement with Ger-
many since she was conscious that
the plan had the approval both of
Aristide Briand, French foreign'
minister and author of an am-
bitious pan-European scheme, and
of the League of Nations.
The protest of the three countries
against the customs union project
which they based on an allegation
that the union would impair and
compromise Austria's pledged inde-
pendence, aroused considerable bit-
ter feeling in this country. The
comment was made that it had
been logical to hope that any hon-
est effort to overceyne the economic
depression of Eu9,pean states, no
matter by whom inaugurated, would
receive encouragement.
----- T
Dr. Gustave A. Blumenthal Will
Discuss Ways of Reading
As a result of the interest aroused
by his all-campus forum last Wed-
nesday, Dr. Gustave A. Blumenthal,
vocational guidince expert, has con-
sented to deliver another lecture
here at 8:00 o'clock tonight in the

Upper room at Lane hall.
Since his lecture last week, Dr.
Blumenthal has been engaged at
Lane hall continuously giving per-
sonal interviews to students, fac-
ulty members, and townspeople de-
siring vocational guidance advice,
Dr. Blumenthal tonight will ex-
plain the methods by which he
judges character. Noted the world
over for his ability to judge people
accurately at a glance, he uses a
method which makes use of thej
personal appearance, speech, shape1
of head, answers to a questionnaire
and various other factors.
According to the statement of
Jule Ayres, '33, chairman of the
forum committee of the Student
Christian association, Dr. Blumen-
thal's original intention was to
make a three day stop in Ann Ar-
bor: the results of exneriment.

Make First Attempt in
Years to Settle
Alderman C. Freeman
Conducts Public
For the first time since the pas-
sage of the auto ban in 1927, a
concentrated attempt was made
to bring about a unification of
taxicab rates in Ann Arbor when
approximately 6o students, cab
operators, and townspeople ap-
peared at an open meeting of the
city ordinance committee last
night to voice their opinions re-
garding a proposed change in the
present scale of taxicab rates.
Headed by Walter B. Rea, as-
sistant to the Dean of Students,
four students representing campus
opinion on the subject gave voice
o complaints and suggested arbi-
oration of the cab rate situation be-
'ore the ordinance committee, rep-
, resented by Aldermen C. C. Free-
|nan, chairman, Edward E. Lucas,
Walter C. Feldcamp, and Benjamin
H. Graf. The students who spoke
were Henry J. Merry, '31, Kasper H.
ilalverson, '31, Le Verne H. Taylor,
3lEd, and George E. Hofmeister,
Reads City Ordinances.
Alderman Freeman opened the
:neeting by reading section 10 of
,he taxicab code of the city ordi-
aances. According to this docu-
:nent, under which all cabs are
,perating at t ar ingn
a meter is peItttEd a fare of 35
ents for the first mile and 10 cents
for every addition l one-half mile.
Additional p a s s e n g e r a may be
chargcd 25 cents each. If the cab
is not operating with a meter, a
dat charge of 3 cents per passen-
ger may be exacted for a ride any-
where within the city limits.
Discussion between the studens
present and C. J. Marsh, indepen-
dent cab operator, Berle H. Walker,
proprietor of the Ann Arbor taxk
company, Harry A. McCain, pro-
prietor of the Buick taxi service,
and Jay D. McPherson, proprietor
of Miac's taxi, revealed that with
-he exception of McPherson the
,arger operators in the city favor
,he use of meters, while the inde-
pendent operators and those oper-
ating smaller cabs are in opposi-
(ion to them.
Tentative Compromise Reached.
A tentative compromise between
the two factions was reached short-
iy before .the close, of the meeting
when the students present signified
a willingness to concurr in the sug-
gestion of Walker to accept a pro-
posal to equip all cabs with meters
at the rate of 25 cents for the first
one-half mile and 10 cents for each
additional half mile, and no charge
for extra passengers.
Pea spoke at some length, indi-
cating that the student body was
not necesarily in favor of meteis,
but rather of any equitable ar-
rangement for the unification of
cab rates,
Alderman Freeman closed the
meeting without taking any official
action.gHe indicated th the com-

: mittee would act on the question

ESCANABA- R u s s e 1 Pirlot, 8, O
died today of injuries received last
Friday when he was struck by an T OU IG ' L1
automobile while playing ball on aI
highway. Prisoner Moran Describes State
OWOSSO-An elevator at Coch- Board as Being Rotten
southeast of here, was destroyed to Core,'
by fire Sunday night, with a loss
estimated at $25,000. The elevator JOLIET, Mar. 23.-(A')-A convict
was the property of Floyd Lott.-f serving time for bank robbery told
ALGONAC-TheCanadian side of la legislative committee investigat-
te St. Clair river here tonight was ing the twin Joliet prisons today
choked by an ice jam rising in somerol that he had paid $2,000 for a pa-
spots to some 30 or 40 feet above Yefrom an undeserved sentence.
the water line. The ice, which mov- freehYet w months after he was set
ed down from Marine City, has e he was rearrested and return-
backed over a large area. I ed to a cell, Joseph D. Moran said.
Speaking under a pledge of legis-
GLADSTONE-City Manager F. lative protection, Moran whirled in
H. Beuchner today issued a warn- the witness chair, pointed to mem-
ing to unemployed that it would be bers of the state parole board and
useless for them to come here ex- said, "You're the cause of all this
pecting to get work in the new trouble in the prison."
Ford industriacldevelopment recent- "Rotten to the core" he said of
ly announced for Gladstone. He all pardon andeparole boards since
said that no construction work had 1918 when he came here. "For 12
been started yet and that when it 1 years I served time here for a crime
did start local unemployed would they know I did not commit."
be adequate to fill all needs. 'Ward Thompson, th e board
______member who died, sat there and
DETROIT-Harriet Malach, nine- told me 'Joe, I know you didn't
year-old daughter of Issac Malach, commit the crime you're charged
was burned to death today in a with, but if you did time for all the
fire which swept a six-family fiat crimes you are supposed to have
on Alger avenue. Four other per- committed, you'd be here a long

Vues recepts Nieeded
to Order Caps, Gowns
Senior engineers will not be al-
lowed to order caps and gowns un-
til they have paid their class dues,
according to an announcement
made yesterday by Howard Can-
field, chairman of the caps and
gowns committee of the engineer-
ing college. Van Boven's, who are
receiving the orders, have agreed
not to accept any unless the re-
ceipt for dues is presented.
Since orders will not be taken
later than April 10, the finance
committee will collect dues at first
opportunity. Details for collection
will be decided at the class meet-
ing at 9 o'clock this morning in
room 348, West Engineering build-
Comamitte'e of Senate
Holds Routine Session
Members of the Senate's commit-
tee on University affairs held a
regular meeting at 4:15 o'clock yes-
terday afternoon in room 2009 An-
gell hall. Regular business was
transacted and no measures were
passed. Discussion of proposed ac-
tion formed the bulb of the work
$700,000,000 Deficit
Seen by Government
WASHINGTON, Mar. 23.-(I')-A
$700,000,000 treasury deficit at the
end of the fiscal year on June 30
appeared probable tonight as in-
come tax receipts continued to

SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Mar. 23.-
(A)-President Hoover made his
first visit to Porto Rico today, re-
ceiving the acclaim of its people
along a 90-mile route from Ponce
to San Juan.
The battleship Arizona, w i t h
President Hoover and two members
of his cabinet aboard, anchored
outside Ponce harbor at 6 a. m. to-
day, and began immediately to de-
bark the president's party by motor
boat to the quays here. 41
From Ponce, where Gov. Roose-
velt and island officials and politi-
cal leaders were assembled to meet
Ohe president, the party went in a
caravan of 23 automobiles across
the island to San Juan, where Mr.
Hoover planned to make an address
in answer to his welcome.
The president was the last to
leave the Arizona., boats previously
having taken the large company of
newspaper men, photographers and
others of the entourage, including
Secretaries Hurley and W i lb u r,
ashore, where a large crowd await-
ed their coming.


Dr. Maximilian Toch With Aid gan weeding out the imitations,
of X-Rays Analyses Old the number was reduced to 600.
With the development of the
Masterpices. scientific processes the number has'
I NE YOK, ar. 3.-/P)Dr.been reduced.
NEW YORK, Mar. 23.-(P-Dr. Along two lines Dr. Toch pursues
Maximilian Toch, whose avocation his examination of paintings.
is detecting fake masterpieces with One is the principle that a paint-
the aid of photography, X-ray and ter's brush stroke are, like his hand-
chemistry, believes there are less w r i t i n g,characteristic-that he
chemistry eieves erearen le cannot alter them himself, and that
than 30 genuine Rembrandts in the they cannot be dUinlic~atedbhvan-

Doctor Says Violet
Rays Cause Spring
Unrest, Not Fever
Spring fever as an alibi is getting
rather trite, so Dr. Maurice Mcar-
vcy, of Health Service has thought
up a new excuse for University stu-
Sdents to write home about.
lE ie blames it all on the ultra vio-
let rays of the su.zDuLring the win-
ter, it seems, the sun doesn't fur-
Inish a generous amount of such
rays. The cause, he says, is the
sun's position below the equatorial
belt, and the result is a decided


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