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March 22, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-22

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AY, MARCH 22, 1931




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WOMENS ATHLETIC Prof Arthur Crossl
I TlDiscusses Studer
ASSCITIN PES at English Co




Topic of Talk


Committee in Charge
Dispense Information
to Non-Members.


Those Who Have Earned Five
W.A.A. Points to be
The Women's Athletic Associa-
tion officially opened its spring
membership drive last Thursday
with the appointment of a new
membership committee, which will
work with Dorothy Ellsworth, '32,
treasurer, during the campaign.
Gladys Schroeder, '33, is chair-
man of the membership commit-
tee, and will be assisted by Beatrice
Olmstead, '33, Corrine Fries, '34,
Josephine Fisher, '32, Lydia Sey-
mour, '34, Frances Manchester, '34,
Eleanor Allen, '34, and Elizabeth
Cooper, '34Ed.,
This committee will be in the
W. A. A. office on the main floor of;
the League building after 3 o'clock
next Tuesday afternoon, and will
answer any questions about the or-
ganization and admit toumember-
ship those who have earned the
five W. A. A. points requisite to
membership and who pay the mem-
bership fee of one dollar.
Activity Requires Five Points.
All women registered in the Uni-
versity are inactive members of
W. A. A., and' may become active
members by earning five W. A. A.
oints and paying the membership
fee. W. A. A. points may be earned
by hiking, by participating in ma-
jor and minor sports, tournaments,
the annual horse shbW and dance
drama, and by attendance at the
outdoor parties sponsored by the
Membership in the association
offers opportunities for leadership
and healthful recreation through
the traditions it sponsors, such as
the Penny Carnival, Lantern Night,
and Freshman Play Day, and
through its more strictly social ac-
tivities such as skiing and tobag-
goning parties, breakfasts at the
fire place, and hikes.
The organization of W. A. A. is
made up of four officers, and an
executive board composed of rep-
resentatives of each major and
minor sport on the campus. Each
sport chairman manages her activi-
ty during its season, arranging in-
tramural and interclass tourna-
ments, and co-operating generally
with the physical education depart-
ment for women. The other mem-
bers of the executive board are the
publicity manager, the point re-
corder, the intramural manager,
the outdoor manager, and the A. C.
A. C. W. representative.
Members May Wear Jacket.
Members of W. A. A. are permit-
.ted to wear the regulation jacket,
of dark blue flannel, with class
numerals or awards on the pocket.
These 'jackets may be or de r e d
through the treasurer, Dorothy
"Taking as its standard 'Athletics
for All'," states Helen Domine, '31,
p r e si d e n t of the organization.
"W. A. A. is striving to build up a
constructive program of sports in
which every woman student may
find a place."
A chart explaining the point sys-
tem and awards is printed in the
"M" book, a copy of which may be
obtained at the W. A. A. office.

"In more than one way does the
University at Oxford differ from
our American University," stated
Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross of the his-
tory department who has visited
Oxford several times. "As to the
English woman, she has entirely
different ideas of work, entertain-
ment, and dress,"
Professor Cross continued with a
description of the woman under-
graduate at Oxford. She is quite
serious and mature and very de-
termined. She is most often a plain
looking individual, for the sombre
black of the regulation- cap and
gown which she wears detracts
from her appearance.
Bicycle is Popular Vehicle.
The bicycle is the popular ve-1
hicle in England and the English
woman rides her bicycle to and
from the lecture halls which are
the campus buildings. Attendance
at lectures is not compulsory and
she may go to classes whenever it
pleases her.I
"Although the Oxford woman de-I
votes most of her time to her stud-
ies, she takes a great interest in
athletics and afternoon teas," as-,
serted Professor Cross. Sports are
the English woman's forte. She is
proficient in tennis, golf, lacrosse,
hockey, and rowing. After an en-
ergetic game or two, she goes to
the men's "diggings" with the pro-
per chaperonage and has her af-
ternoon tea.
At eleven o'clock the college gates
close and all women must be in.
Program Featured at
Black Quill Meeting
Reading of manuscripts by two of
their members formed the program
of the Black Quill meeting which
was held last week in the Cave
room at the League building.
Shirley Olmsted, grad., read one
dealing with cross-sections of life
and the other one,. a humorous one
about Saint Patrick's Day was read
by Eleanore Corcilius, '31.
The rest of the meeting was tak-
en up in formulating plans to in-
vite members of the faculty and
students to speak at future meet-
ifortense Seibel, '32, was accepted
into the club as a new member.

t Dr. Arthur E. Wood, professor
of sociology, will discuss social
aspects of the eapital punish-
ment bill at the open meeting
sponsored by the League of Wo-
men Voters at 2:30 o'clock Wed-
nesday afternoon in the Michi-
gan League building.
Prof. Wood, who is especially
interested in the progressive and
liberal side of legislation, will
deal with the effect of the bill
on society rather than its legal
The meeting is open to the
public, and those who attend are
asked to look at the bulletin
board for the room in which it
will be held.
Five Members of Central Staff
for Next Year's Play
Will be Named.
Five members of the central com-
mittee for the Junior Girls' Play of
1932 will be elected when the soph-
omore women hold a meeting at 4
o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre of the
League. These committee heads
will begin work on next year's play
at an early date, and other chair-
men will be added later on.
The sophomore women will choose
a general and assistant chairman,
a business manager, a chairman of
programs, and a chairman of prop-
erties. Nominations will be made by
a nominating committee consisting
of the class representatives of the
League board, but additional nomi-
nations may be made from the
"Caucusing will be regarded as a
serious offense," stated Ruth Van
Tuyl, '31, chairman of the Judiciary
council. "Any evidences of it will
be disciplined by removal from eli-
gibility fog office holding and vot-
ing, and further measures will be
taken by the council.
Miss Van Tuyl will preside at the
meeting, and Dean Alice Lloyd will
also be present. Emily Bates, '32
will talk briefly on the duties of the
various chairmen.

Physical Education Department
Plans Vote on Most Popular
Athletic Activities.
Votes will be cast in the Monday
and Tuesday required Physical edu-
cation classes to determine t h e
sports that hold the most interest
for women. The purpose of taking
a vote is to find out what the stu-
dent wants in the line of sports
and then to offer it as a course in
the Physical education department.
The different activities to be vot-'
ed upon are tennis, archery, golf,
outdoor sports which include hikingf
and similar activities, b a s e b a 11,1
speedball, horseback riding for sec-i
end semester sophomores, individ-
ual gymnastics, rhythms, and swim-
Gym Classes to be Posted.
Those sports that prove to be
most popular will be arranged in
classes and the schedule along with
the assignment and name of in-
structor will be posted in Barbour
gymnasium on Thursday. O p e n
registration will take place Satur-
day morning in Barbour gymnasium
and the opportunity will be given
for all women to sign up for the
course they wish to take.
Golf continues to be one of the
most popular sports according tol
Miss Ethel McCormick, Assistant
Professor of Physical education.
"However," she added, "women de-
siring to sign up for golf must have
two consecutive hours free. This
year we plan to definitely divide the
1 students into three groups, begin-
ners, intermediate, and superior, in
all the sports so that players of
about the same ability will play to-
gether," she stated.
Independents Organize


Rushing Parties, House Guests, Faculty
Dinners Give Busy Week at Sororities
Rushing parties are still occupy- women were entertained at rushing
ing the attention of a few sorori- dinners. Decorations carried out
ties while others are busy enter- the St. Patrick's motif at one din-
ner and spring flowers were used on
taining members of the faculty or Thursday night.
week-end guests f r o m nearby Kappa Alpha Theta seniors and
Michigan cities. juniors were guests of One sopho-
Wednesday evening Alpha Chi mores on Monday night at a party
Omega entertained the following after the Junior Girls' Play. Mem-
members of the faculty at a for- bers of Psi chapter of Kappa Alpha
mal dinner: Miss Ethel McCormick, Theta are visiting at the local
Miss Jeannette Perry, Miss Clara chapter house this week-end.
Grace Hunt, Miss Laura Littlefield,
and Mrs. Beryl Bacher. Yellow and NEWBERRY GIVES
green tapers and spring flowers
carried out a theme of springdec-s WEEK-END PARTY
orations. Alpha Chi Omega wishes
to announce the marriage of Lois Visiting Alumnae Feted With
Porter, '28, on last Saturday to Dinner and Tea.
John Moon, Delta Upsilon, both of
Muskegon. Many unusual forms of entertain-
Sorority Tonors Guest. ment were featured in the plans
Miss Bertha Schneider, province I for the Alumnae week-end party
instructor of Gamma Phi Beta, will rwhich was held at Helen Newberry
be a guest of the local chapter to-
day and tomorrow. A tea will be over Saturday and Sunday. Satur-
given in her honor tonight and a day afternoon tea was served in
luncheon on Monday by the Ann the drawing rooms in honor of the
Arbor Alumnae of the sorority at alumnae guests. Mrs. Florence W.
the house. Tousey and Miss Eunice Van Camps
Alpha Xi Delta entertained eight acted as the hostesses for the affair.
guests at a rushing dinner Wednes- Following tea there was a meeting
day night. There are two out of of the alumnae members.
town guests at the house this week- With the evening came the unex-
end, Mrs. Bernard Naglevoort, Roy- pected in the line of entertainment.
al Oak, and Mrs. Mary Follmer, All of the alumnae guests were en-
Vicksburg. tertained at dinner in the manner
Junior Honor Seniors. of a night-club. Place cards of guns
Monday night the seniors of Sig- and a color scheme of black and
ma Kappa were honored by the white set the stage for the feined
juniors at a dinner party. On Tues- raid which was featured. During
day and Thursday evenings several dinner there were several specialty

All Interested Women Students
Are Invited to Join
Sports Group.
All woman students who a-
planning to attend a ride at 10
o'clock this morning in the indoor
ring at the fairgrounds are nsk-i
to make special arrangements for
the event.
The girls will meet at 9:50 o'clock
in the main lobby of the League.
Those who wish to go must call
Guy Mullison to order their horses.
Transportation to the fairgrounds
will be furnished.
Riding classes will be held at 7:15
o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday
of this week. Classes for experienced
riders will be held Tuesday night,
and for beginners Thursday night.
Today's ride will include both ex-
perienced riders and beginners. All
those who wish to attend any of
these rides are asked to sign their
names on the bulletin board in
Barbour gymnasium. The ride will
be continued at the same hours
throughout the semester.
PRINCETON-The average yearly
income of Princeton alumni is $18,-
695 according to the results of a
questionnaire conducted by the
"Alumni Weekly."
43 .I
21413 320 E. LIBERTY



Indiana university co-eds not liv-
ing in the dormitories or sororities
have been divided into groups. This
is to give these girls the opportuni-
ties for social contact they would
not otherwise have. Each group is
to have a chairman who will bring
the girls together for parties and
holiday events.

Johnston to Instruct
Womens Fencing Class
Women's Fencing, for the first
time under the direction of John
Johnston, varsity fencing coach, is
now in full swing. This is the first
year the University has given fenc-
ing such an extensive push, ranking
it among the most popular outside
This has been strongly recom-
mended to those women who are
interested in asthetic dancing as a
means of developing graceful move-

_ __._
.._._ <i

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Manicure, Facial, Hot Oil N xr
ny A50y ^'75 Any $1 NO EXtra
One J'OC TwoI 5C Three Charge.
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numbers given. The students who
took part in this entertainment were
Ruth Duhme, '34, Ada Blackman,
'34, Harriet Jennings, '34, Margaret
Cole, '30, and Prudence Foster, '34.


- -
They may be a bit brighter
than navy or just navy, but
never without their con-
The navy suiti with white or
printed blouse is in rhythm
with the springtime.
The inevitable touch of
white allies itself smartly
with the new spring hats in
A navy printed crepe dress
topped with a matching
crepe coat claims smartness
in every detail.
Skipper with white . .
Navy with blue fox . .
are the newest in coats.
S c i Linen blue triple georgette
per blue flecked with white,. ihlnnlaeca ae
Priced $29.75. with linen lace coat makes
a most attractive afternoon

All makes of machines.

Our equipment and per-
s o n n e I are considered
among the best in the State. The result
of twenty years' careful building.
314 South State St. Phone 6615
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