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March 21, 1931 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-21

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21, 1931


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Special Conference at Chicago
April 18th Will Take up
N.C.A. Dispute.
CHICAGO, Mar. 20.-(j)-It's the
Big Ten's next move in its "friend-
ly dispute" with the North Central
Association of Colleges and Sec-
ondary Schools over athletic sov-
Fai-ing to make satisfactory head-
way yesterday on the association'F
convention floor, flig Ten chiefs to-
day planned to proceed with their
special conference in Chicago April
18 to determine just what attitude
the conference should ta'.e.
Survey Starts It.
The dispute was precipitated sev-
eral weeks ago when several inves-
tigators came to Northwestern Uni-
versity and asked the university to
co-operate with them in an ath-
letic survey at that institution.
Northwestern officials, including
President Walter Dill Scott, refused/
to lend such co-operation and asked
the North Central group by what
right it had to make investigations
of a Big Ten school.
At the North Central convention
yesterday, two presidents of Big Ten
schools, President Scott and Presi-
dent Edward C. Elliott of Purdue.,
personally defended the conference
and challenged the right of the
North Central association to med-
dle with the conference's athletic
affairs. Just when everything had
seemed peaceful and the matter
about to be forgotten, President.
Elliott moved that the convention
strip its board of review of power
to act in the Northwestern case.
A lively debate resulted between
President Elliott and George V.
Zook, president of Akron College
and secretary of the association's
commission on institutions of high-,
er learning, and the motion was
N. g. A. Will Fight.
Although the board of review,
which recommends which univers-
ities, colleges and high schools
shall be accredited within the con-
fines of its territory in 20 states,
agreed to meet with the Big Ten
leaders April 18 to thrash out the
dispute, the fact that the conven-
tion refused to handcuff the board
of its power which could place
Northwestern on the association's
blacklist-was regarded as a strong.

When the baseball fortunes of
the Philadelphia Athletics are being
discussed it seems to be the gen-
eral concensus of opinion thatl
Mickey Cochrane, brilliant catcher,
is the man most responsible for
the success of that club. Yet no
man can be given the entire credit
for the rise of the World's Cham-
pions, especially when such other
players as "Lefty" Grove, George
Earnshaw, Al Simmons, and Jimmy
Foxx, are included on the same
Simmons has spent many years
now in the regalia of the Athletics,
while Earnshaw, Grove, and Coch-
rane were far from young in ex-
perience when they joined the club.
Of the five players mentioned, only
Jimmy Foxx actually grew up on
the Philadelphia team, and onlyI
Foxx can be said to have developed,
right from the start, under the
guidance of Connie Mack.
Strong at Bat.
Foxx is one of those typical ball
players who have come into so
much prominence in recent years,
since the increased mania for
slugfests and mighty home run
-louts began. True such players as
"Babe" Ruth, "Goose" Goslin, Rog-
ers Hornsby and many othersj
were hitting the ball far andI
wide before Foxx ever started, but
he was one of the first to be picked
up by a big league club merely for
his slugging alone.
Since his start in the majors
about six years ago, at the tender
young age of 16, Foxx has turned
out to be not only a slugger of the
first degree, but a first baseman
of no mean ability as well. He is
still rather awkward in the field,
but he gets around well enough to
warrant his retaining the initial
sack position for the A's merely
because of his slugging.
Listed as Catcher.
Originally Jimmy was a catcher,
,but with such receivers as Coch-
rane and Cy Perkins already on the
club he had no chance to break in
at that position. From there he
shifted to third base, and at last


Winter Sports to be Concluded
at Open House Program.

Intramiira1 w


On Wednesday night from 7 to FRATERNITY RELAYS c weight will be allowed in each divi-
10:30 o clock the third annual Open lsion. Preliminary bouts will be five
House program of the Intramural During the Michigan - Cornell minutes in length, with a time ad-
ports department will hold sway track meet tonight at Yost Field vantage' of 30 seconds necessary
throughout the Intramural build- house, the four fraternities that for a decision. In the finals the
ngrecently qualified for the finals in matches will be eight minutes and
The program will consist of exhi- a time advantage of 45 seconds re-
bitions in several sports with final the relay carnival will fight it out quired for a win. Entrants may
games being played in many of the for winning honors.sweigh in at the Intramural build-
department's tournaments. Frater- Jing between 3 and 5 o'clock the
nities which have excelled in in- preliminaries, Phi Sigma Kappa day of the bouts. Entries close on
tramural athletics during recentshould win as they made the best Tuesday night. Numerals will be
tramralathetis drin reenttime, 1:30.3. However, many fac- azice1t n ~a inriiec
years will have their trophies on 'ete inoe nal r so ittei inner in each
display. t r n e n o t e fn l r n s t weight.
On the list of tournaments which is almost impossible to pick a win-
will take place are all-campus ner. .ALL-CAMPUS GYMNASTICS
wrestling, inter-class boxing, all- The teams will draw for lanes,
campus fencing, all-campus gym- Eand each quartet will be decked The all-campus gymnastic meet
camustn fencinall-campus gym-r out in a different color. Alpha will take place on Wednesday night
~ nastcsandfialsof h~ ndor Sigma Phi will wear white, Phi
A,__ _t e n n i s tourney. Championship Sm , at 8 o'clock in the auxilary gym of
games will be played in interclass, SIma Kappa, red, Kappa blu the Intramural building. Cometi-
- independent , and-classes A, , andand Sigma Phi, green.m.
Jimmy Foxx, aat dL aes A, E, a-- tion will be held in live events, side
C of fraternity basketball. Exhibi- AL-APSWETIG lrspalebrhointla,
moved over to first where he has tion matches will be held in bad- ALL-CAMPUS WRESTLING horse, paraile1 bars, horizontal bar,
remained since that time. minton, codeball, diving, swimming, On Wednesday, the Open House flying rings, and tumbling. Two re-
Foxx's hitting has been one of handball, squash, and volleyball, night at the Intramural building, quired and one optional exercise
the biggest factors in the recent The handball matches will be play- the all-campus wrestling tourna- are called for on each piece of ap-
successes of the Mackmen. It was ed between players of the Univer- ment will take place, starting paratus. An entrant can partici-
his mighty circuit clout in one sity and Toledo Y. M. C. A., the at 7 o'clock. The tourney will fea- pate in as many events as he de-
game of the last World's Series squash exhibitions will be betwen I ture bouts in eight weights, with sires. The vinner of each division
that broke up a pitcher's battle to University and Toledo Athletic club any student, except lettermen and will receive a gold medal, and the
give the Athletics the game and raqueteers. Chinese students and numeral winners in wrestling and high point man for the evening will
give them practically a certain Ann Arbor Y. M. C. A. players will those scholastically ineligible, able get a cup. Tuesday night is the
hold on the pennant. take part in a volleyhtll game. to compete. Three pounds over- ! deadline for entries.

Piano Tuning! Phone 6678, Victor
Allmendinger, the concert artist
tuner. Tuner for Univ. School of
Music. Office at residence, 1608
Morton Ave. 345C
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuf. Dial 9087.
to-house canvassing, Guaranteed
minimum earnings $460.00 for
summer months to those who
qualify. Personal interview re-
quired. Leave name, address and
phone number. Address to Box
167, Michigan Daily. 456123


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League President Cites

Effect of Other Changes
indication that the North Central
association planned to fight for in Baseball Code.
athletic sovereignty even against as
strong a conference as the Big Ten. PENSACOLA, Fla., Mar. 20.---{fl
If Northwestern should be ban- -The so-called lively ball is a myth,
ned as an accredited university for the new rule governing sacritic:
its refusal to co-operate with the flies will bring batting averag
athletic investigation, a long drawn down to where they should be, and
out fight between the Big Ten and the new regulation forbidding sign-
the North .Central group is certain. ing of sahd lot ball players by the
majors will help both the major
MANY MEN ENTER and minor leagues, in the opinion
of E. S. Barnard, president of the
WATER CARNIVAL American League.
"The new ball that goes into use
Expect Large List of EntiCs this season will, in my opinion, have
I-M. Swimming Meet. flittle effect on the players' aver-
for et ages," Mr. Barnard said as he ar-
One of the biggest and best swim- rived here to watch the Boston Red
ming meets of the year is sched- Sox in spring training.
I"In fact we were not even going
uled to take place Monday night at Ia anthin abot a chang
7:30, and indications point to a t ynth g a ad
large entry in the eight events list- permit the players andpubi to
lae eryn the eightmpsmmi discover the difference, if any,
ed for the all-campus swimmng[themselves. However, the National
meet. Anyone on the campus is League announced the new ball at
eligible, except lettermen and men its meeting.
on the Varsity squad and members "The size and weight ane the
of the freshman swimming tear.n ,Jame, the only difference being thai
Last year's numeral winners who larger thread is used and the searmu
are scholastically ineligible for Var- are therefore higher. This probably
sity competition are also ineligible will permit the curve ball pitche
for intramural aquatics. to get a better grip on the sphere,
A man may enter two events, but nobody expects any diflerenec:
which will be run off in the fol- n the style of pley.
lowing order: 50 yard free, back, "As a matter of fact, change in
and breast; 220 yard free; 100 yard batting stances and styles of bats
breast, back, and free; and diving, made the going harder for pitchers.
four required and two optional Twenty-five ryears ago bats wee
dives.: - practically alike in s.tyle. Thon
Babe Ruth began hi, long clouting
Big Red Track Squad and the glorification of sluggersf
Shows Poor Balance

.i !will
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- qmwmjlj WHOM

(Continued from Page 6)
may possibly place in the meet
Saturday. The relay team has not
been tested yet, since in its one
race, the baton was dropped on the
first leg. It is doubtful if it can
break 3:30, and may not even ap-
proach that time.
Captain Elmer, the best middle
distance man, is out for the season
with a broken ankle bone. He won
the 440 in the Michigan meet last
year. George Clark, one of the best
hurdlers in the East, has had a leg
injury, and will probably not be!
able to compete. HFlrt and Colyer
are the only other hurdle entries.


" f
C:tn4 '

e ver, IorwarJ r

T liE whole country is talking about the throat-
easy mildness and the prime freshness of Camel
Cigarettes in the new Humidor Pack.
Tlie above chart prepared by the Pittsburgh Testing
Laboratory tells you why.
Please examine it carefully. It is an unfailing guide
to cigarette selection and enjoyment.
As you can quickly see by the three upper curves on
this interesting chart, cigarettes that lack the protec-
tion of the Humidor Pack lose their moisture rapidly
from the day they are manufactured.
And day by day as this moisture disappears, the
smoke from these cigarettes becomes harsher, hotter,
more unkind to the smoker's throat.
Not so with Camels!
The Humidor Pack is moisture proof and sealed air-
tight at every point. It protects the rich, flavorful

aroma of the choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos
of which Camels are blended.
Make these tests yorself
It is so easy to tell the difference between parched dry
cigarettes and fresh prime Camels that it is no wonder
everybody is reaching for a fresh cigarette today..
Your fingers identify stale, dried-out tobaccos at once.
While a Camel is flexible and pliant.
Your ears can tell the difference too. For a dust-dry
cigarette crackles under pressure.
But the real test is taste and there is simply no com-
parison between the rich mildness of a Camel and the
hot, brackish smoke from a stale, dry cigarette.
Switch to Camels just for today then leave them
tomorrow if you can.


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