B IATIONIRELIGIOUS LADER A AtP KR ONFESSIXrESOTH FARES L~fIII~ HS AREY OL KSS UIILddd~TOATEN METANN ARBOR NBVJS-BRWEFS Y QPAKR ITSfi olfllTflIT.P1R PT SATURiDAY, 'MARCH 21, 1931 RWITNESS SOUGHT IN MURDER TRIAL Counsel for Brothers Demands 1197 ALA Y utor,,bie Collide, CHICAGO, Mar. 20. -11')- Plans UPH LD N RfiN btt D mae Is Sliaht of the defense in the trial 'of Leo ---- I V.Brothers, St. Louis, accused as Supevisrs core fo Fiing Colidng a th inersetio ofthe slayer of Alfred Lingle, crime Detroit and Davision streets yes- Salaries in 1 928 ..i reporter, to demand the presence terday morning, two cars, one driv- en by Louis Harmon, 133 Oaklawn as a witness of John C. Hagan, a Salaries set in 1928> by the board! boulevard. Ypsilanti, and the other !prof essional investigator, were out- of supervisors, aff cli ih cell"- driven by C. C. Winegan, 111 Miller lined today. Hagan was said b~y ty officials, were h(,ld void, in an avenute, were both somewhat dam- counsel for Brothers to be the man opinion made yesterday by the at- aedl .'Winegan was driving west who first accuised Brothers of kill- torney-general at L ansing. a d Haron w as goncast on. De- ing the Tribune reporter in a ped- The salarie.1, tece1.c1e,0~i tre he h accn oc- estrian tunnel last June 9. shouldl be tho mont eb':n)cuied Noon was injured. The defense would miake its de- annual salaries act of 97 Ti mand in case the prosecution fails opinion was received by rank ii Y'Ā£ Sru!ck byvCare to call Hagan to the stanld. Hagan Tickner, county treasure:,.i once operated an alleged spuni- =_ ? i aresl Collar Bone ous detective agency which was The ruli i sc oiJ closed in Kansas City in 1923, and for exceedin he toity }c'_ IZU :1..__. cross Gyratnger avenue 1the defense contended that he has but one ins,.tance. Ltra afenosxyr-l been on the "board of strategy" The salaries of coui fleus6;3igeWlehi acka,,rd >treet, formed to investigate the Lingle i jas provided in thelicct,'2 ~eic an innjured collar bone case for many months. They also county treasurer, li0e coiyw eh ran into a car driven by asserted they had received word Eclerk, $2,000; register ofecLv,-, 1,dardSuckhardt, 113 E. Henry that he had been pledged 'a $10,000 000; deputy county treas . 1. Stee, alne Police took the, boy award for information leading to 000; deputy county cI k,.U9; o St. Josph's Mercy hospital, the slayer's arrest. deputy register of d0ed-,:$1;(A4 t .:hee dcto ars said his con dition Unless the selection of jurors is one deputy sheriff, $1,000; ind ,-}nt seios.Oice rs said Suck- speeded up Juidge Joseph Sabath dersheriff, $1,000.had' car skidded 25 feet before indicated that he would call a night jjThe ruling was the result of a h le struck the boy. session tonight. h ofxl ..l^ 'Pr cn 11 n-r T ....--v_... .I Prof. Ellswor th Paris, Of the University c-" Chicago, who will be one of the principal speakers at the Human Relations parley to be held March 28 anal 29 in Alumni 1Memorial hall. MI ~a TH LL AEnw f gas I Rapp and officials aofi;therborJobley VIL ILstgeneral's office in Lni.Th oS ell NeuwMagazine fin__ance committee of the boa;rd of_ Capone Included in Partial Lsuporervdisorhseveal ofao Ueployed"anew mag- ordeed arc chcksof ll ouny ane depictVing the present econo- of Gangsters Caught in Net officials involved. Tic!knor then tlepresion, will be sold on the ofJutceDpaten. sent a letter to Cansn ;, and F Ra~21et y needy Ann Arbori citi- --jsieDeatet later conferred with authorit iesat C.all1 articles in the mag azine WASHINGTON, Mar. 20.-(A')-A the state capitol., arc written by widely known cecon- 1 partial list of alleged gangsters In the 1928 the supervisor-' hgad omic and sociological writers with- caught in the net set for income set the following salarIiescif the out pay. All profits from the m~ga- county officials: sheriff, county zine go directly to the unemnployed taxvioatos s prt f he edealclerk, treasurer, register of deeds, of Ann Arbor. The sale of the mag- Iwar against orggnized iawlessness 1$3,000; undersheriff, $2,100; deputy azine is being sponsored by the } in Chicago was compiled today by sheriffs, $1,800; deputiesĀ° in the, First Unitarian Church of Ann Ar- the justice department. county offices, $1,800.' bor. This compilation followed the __ notice served Thursday by Attorney - ......,... 'R . 4-.L. 11 + ,-4 +1n ,, 11, ns- -i BRIGHT SPOT 802 PACKARD ST. TODAY, 11 to 1:30 TWO EGGS, ANY STYLE WITH BACON AND TOAST CHOP SUEY WITH RICE 30c 5:30 to 7:30 T-BONE STEAK PORK CHOPS LAMB CHOPS TOMATOES OR STRING BEANS' MASHED POTATOES 35c I WE DELIVER PHONE 8241 J i1 "I'm haivingwonderful success withmy I ELECTROCEF* electric range' "I BAKED A CAKE that was the NICEST I EVER! MADE"" "Baking with my Electrochef is a wonderful experience. It's so de- lightfully simple, and there's no guesswork. The automatic oven makes baking easy. The very first cake l baked in my Electrochef turned- out perfectly. It was light and fine-grained and tempting - one of the nicest I've ever made. Electric cooking is certainly marvelous. Now I can be sure of consistent baking results every time, without fail. I'm glad I discovered electric cooking with the Electrochef electric. range." *'A study of one thousand families using the ELECTROCHEF electric 'c r'range showed a cooking cost of less than one cent a meat a person <.\ ELECTRODCHEF'S CASH PRICE IS $105 INSTALLED including all necessary wiring. $10 down, $6 a month, small carrying; i .I w I Ii