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March 21, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-21

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:411 t1p



VOL. XLI. No. 122





T ( ( ||T 0 "| (' FORMER ASSOCIATE
PEAK AT MEETJoslin Is First Newspaper Man
to be Selected for Post
!ON UNEMP Y F T WA """" in Modern Times.
former Associated Press office boy,
Murphy, Dexter, McBroom Bare who became one of the leading po-
Question Before Meeting litical writers of the country and
who was to have been as close to
Arranged by Ministers. President Coolidge as any other
--Washington correspondent, is the
GOVERNMENT ATTACKED new secretary to President Hoover.
Theodore Joslin, 41, good hum-
Dexter Declares Religion Must ored and a prodigious worker, is
Strive to Prevent Returns .thefirst active newspaper man to

Latest Findings Have Enriched
World's Knowledge of
Parthian History.!
After First Level Uncovered
Found 200-Room Palace
of Ancient Noble.
Contributions to the w o r 1 d's
knowledge of Parthian h i s t o r y
made by the University of Michi-
gan-Toledo Museum expedition in
Mesopotamia were outlined yester-
day in a general lecture to the
Michigan Academy of Sciences by
Prof. Leroy Waterman, of the Sem-
itics department, the leader of the
The expedition, in its fourth sea-
son of research at Seleucia-on-the-
Tigris, made discoveries which have
added significanty to the formerly
obscure history of this Asian race,
Professor Waterman said. With the
aid of an airplane survey, the ex-
cavators selected what seemed to
be an important section of the site
at Seleucia, and uncovered a pal-
ace, evidently that of a noble, he
Found Ancient Palace.
On the first level, the palace cov-
ered an entire 'block and had 2001
rooms, Professor Watermansaid,
but on digging down to the second'
level, the excavators found a struc-
ture that had been in use about the
first century, A. D., which contain-
ed 250 rooms, and gave up a very
valuable collection of pottery, metal
instruments, ornaments, and coins,
which evidence a high degree of
Remarkable jewelry, worked in
gold and set with semi-preciousM
stones, was discovered, as well as a
wide selection of Parthian pottery,;
he said. In the second level palace,j
b r i c k s bearing Nebuchadnezzer's
stamp were discovered.
Professor'Waterman pointed out
that, in earlier days, excavators
went after certain kinds of mater-
ial and neglected other discoveries. I
Often the Parthian sites in Mesopo-
tamia were overlooked, he said, be-
cause they were in remote places.{
Built Over 3 Civil zations. 3
Seleucia, however, is built over
the remains of three other distinct]
civilizations; and the site has been
that of an important center under
each one, he said. Possibly the old-
est Sumerian city-state was located1
there, and following it was a dom-
inant Babylonian city, he declared.
The place was taken over by Se-
leucia and made a powerful city,1
he said, later emerging again under
the Parthians. Parthian domina-
tion made Seleucia an important1
center of trade with India and,
China, he declared, and also devel-
oped it into a meeting place for
Parthian and western culture, since
Ctesiphon, the Parthian capital,
was located across the river from it. I

veseecuu ya 1A tl1w11 1 UU


The above picture shows the di
prison set on fire following a riot b
previously set the chair factory of1
were called in folowing the fire-riot

Civil Service Foisted Crooked1
Personnel on Him, Hill
Tells Legislators.
JOLIET, Ill., Mar. 20-(A)--Fight-
ing for his reputation as a prison
executive before a legislative invest-
igating committee, Warden Henry
C. Hill today "damned" civil serviceI
as foisting "crooked guards" upon
him, and placed part of the blame
upon them for unrest which led to
last Wednesday's prison riot and
$1,000,000 flre.j
Prisoners in ce1l house "F" at
Stateville, while the warden was
testifying, sought to stage a riot
and to escape. The riot was short-
lived. to prisoners were released.
The disturbance consisted princi-
pally of breaking of glass in the
cell block and yelling and cursing.
At the hearing, Warden Hill,
pointing to his questioner, Roger
Little, chairman of the legislative
committee, said, "I'm making no
general complaint against my
guards. When you get 22 men in
a prison as guards you are bound
to get some disloyalty in with them.
"There are disloyal guards here,
both in the old prison and in the
new one. I don't know who they
are. As fast as I locate them I fire
them. They come here under civil
service and civil service will never
give good guards. I wish we could
;et out from under it.
"Thcy add to the unrest, I know,'
and everyone knows. We don't need
to wait for former Chaplain Whit-
meyer to tell of such things, nor of
the narcotics and liquor here.
Lewis' Face Slapped;
'Outrageous,' He Says
NEW YORK, Mar. 20.-(iP)-Theo-
dore Dreiser ("The Genius") slap-
ped the face of Sinclair Lewis
("Babbitt") last night.
"It was an outrageous, scandal-
ous affair," said Lewis, the only
American ever awarded the Nobel
prize for literature.
Dreiser's comment was twice as
long--it contained 12 words:
"Rash and unwarranted insults
were rewarded with two slaps upon
the face."
The men, met in a room off the
dining room of the Metropolitan
club, where they were attending a
dinner given by Ray Long, editor
of the Cosmopolitan magazine, in
hnr o, jf nrq Pinvowk_ R sian

of Depression. ern times for a secretarial post.
----His predecessor, George Akerson,
Unemployment, in all its nation- had been a Washington correspond-
wide ramifications, together with ent, but he left newspaper work
suggested cures was given a public to join the staff of Mr. Hoover when
siring through the medium of ad- he was in the cabinet.
dresses by three leaders in the ApoicawrtrfrTeBsn
fields of religion, municipal gov- A political writer for The Boston
ernment, and social work at a mass ratednscript for 18 years, Joshln is
meeting sponsored by the Ann Ar- tere as onenos the a t
bor Miisterial association, which diagnosticians of trends in politics
;s wasrhelditeril ausdcitoiunwhashand of public reactions to issues of
wa hheld in Hill auditorium last national importance.
Dr. Robert Dexter of Boston From the time Calvin Coolidge
brought to the discussion the atti- became president, Joslin has made
tude of all organized religion. a special study of White House af-
"Religion," he declared, "must fairs. He knew Coolidge intimate-
concern itself with unemployment, ly when he was president of the
if it is to uphold men's dignity and Massachusetts state senate. When
prevent them from being ground Coolidge came to Washington as
to powder in the industrial ma--
chine." He mentioned that thei
church should concern itself not
jonly with providing relief for theJCHURCHESENDORSE
pJresent situation, but more par-
, - " ; ..ticularly with the greater problem
of seeing that periodical recrudes-
cences of depression are prevented.
,. .: ..Scores Administration.
....~~~~~~~ Dr. Dexter saw as the underlying Ueo otaetv esrs
ning room of the Stateville, Illinois cause of the depression the lack of Use of Contraceptive Measures
y the convicts. The prisoners had an equable division of wealth be- Advocated by Protestent
the institution ablaze. State police tween capital and labor. He declar- Representatives.
to quell the disturbance. ed that the church must influence
employers to stabilize their indus- NEW YORK, Mar. 20.--(/)-The
tries. "careful and restrained" use of
"Our nation is behind every other contraceptive measures to regulate
nation on the globe," he declared, I the size of families was endorsed
"even in finding out the numbers 3 today by an organization made up
of unemployed." He severely con- of representatives of 27 American
demned the Hoover administration, Protestant churches having a total
asserting that it played politics on I membership of approximately 23,-
ia vital human question. D o00T,0.
Commissioner of Prison Says: Mayor Frank Murphy of Detroit The endorsement was given in a
Increase in Crime Has took up the discussion, telling majority report on birth control
What the Community Can Do." Hd
Not Been Alarming. also attacked the national admin- submitted after several years of
gsrtodclrn"htth iyo study by the committee on marri-
Sdeclarigta t thscitm o f age and the hom e of the Federal
"Although in the last few years Deroit had alone spent more than Council of Churches of Christ in
crime in England has shown a the whole national government to America.
slight increase, it is not regarded Murphy continued to describe the The committee unanimously a-
as alarming, and there has been governmental agencies, which have greed that, because of economic
no increase in the prison popula- been set up in Detroit to assist De- considerations and, in many cases,
tion," Alexander Paterson, British troit's 46,000 destitute families. the welfare of the mother, there
i Principal among these was an non- can be no question as to the neces-
commissioner of prisons declared partisan employment bureau, which sity for some sort of effective con-
in a lecture here yesterday iwas created after a conference be- trol of the size of the family and
The principal reason seen for the tween capital and labor. the spacing of children."
stationary prison population was McBroom Speaks on Industry. The committee also agreed unan-
the fact that British courts did not' F. M. McBroom, director of the imously that, whatever the final
regard prisons as a panacea, and Lansing community fund, who has decision of the church may be, "the
they have been compelled to find recently completed a survey in church should not seek to impose
other means of dealing with thei Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana its point of view as to the use of
prisoner. The probation system has towns to determine what they had contraceptives upon the public leg-
been put into use for older and done in regard to unemployment, islation or any other form of coer-
veteran prisoners, as well as for l spoke on the subject, "What In- cion, and especially should not seek
young first offenders. Large fines dustry Is Doing." He enumerated ito prohibit physicians from impart-
have been exacted by the courts, the several means of stabilization t ing such information to those' who
with a system of extended pay- of production and employment lin the judgment of the medical
ments being invoked. Also there which several large firms have used, nrofession are entitled to receive
has been a growing disinclination particularly emphasizing a system, it."
upon the part of the courts to send established by 14 manufacturers in A minority, however, refused to
young offenders, to prison. Rochester, N. Y., which sets up an sanction the use of contraceptive
Paterson continued to outline employment reserve fund, by which measures and called upon t h e
other characteristics of the British unemployed workers may be sup- church, "when control of concep-
prison system. Classification of pri- ported. tion is necessary, to uphold the
soners into various categories, he standard of abstinence as t h e
mentioned, was one means widely ideal,"
used in English penal institutions Capital Punishment j The committee agreed, however,
to prevent contamination through that "it should be expected that
prison contacts, and also to pro- Not Preventative, guidance will find e x p r e s s io n
mote the ease of instruction. through the research and experi-
" It is only sporting," he said, Says CriMinologiSt ence of physicians and men of sci-
"to give consideration to the indi- ence as well as through the cor-
vidual characteristics of a prisoner, "It porate conscience of the church."
through which we catch him, in "it is difficult to discover how -
the problem of training him." many persons arc deterred by the GENERAL STUDENT
Other British characteristics which thought of capital punishment, be
he\enumerated were the tendency cause the deterred man never goes USE OF TAXIME]
to pick the prison administrative to a police court anri publicly an- ___
personnel by careful selection, and nounces it," Alexander Paterson,
also to introduce into the prison noted British criminologist, declar- Students Believe That Drivers
walls voluntary teachers, for the ed in an interview following his ad- Collect Extra Money
purpose of giving the prison more dress here yesterday. "However, for Themselves.
of a real life touch and making it those that aren't deterred leave
seem less like a mere institution., their record, in a country having By Beach Conger, Jr., '32
Paterson stated that there were capital punishment, in the number Student opinion as to whether
only 30 prisons left in England, of murders they commit," he added. taxicabs should be made to carry
with the rather low total popula- Mr. Paterson did not believe thatImeters was predominantly in favor
tion of 12,000 inmates as com- the thought of capital punishment of the proposition, according to
pared to the figures in American could have any preventative effect various representative students in-
prisons. He added that this was on the person, who kills in a fit terviewed yesterday by The Daily.
partly due to the low average sent- of passion. However, he claimed "Taxicabs," said one s t u d e n t,
ence in England, three months, as that it did have that effect for pro- coming from an economics class,
compared to three years in the fessional criminals committing pre- "have a virtual monopoly on the
United States.,i determined killings, services when the fare is in the
- He said that it was difficult to cab, and he has to pay. I think

Ann Arbor High School tell in England whether or not that most drivers make a little on
there was an anti-capital punish- the side every time they make a
Loses Debate Chances ment opinion gaining way, since trip, especially if they think you're
the opponents of the death sen- green."

meeting of the Michigan Academy Rescue Ship Sinks.
of Sciences. At the annual business The sealer Sir William, compan-
meeting officers for the ensuing ion ship of the Viking, ended her
year will be elected, and resolutions' rescue efforts at the bottom of the
and recommendations drawn up. bay. Stuck in a vise-like ice grip,
Among some of the papers which she became waterlogged, burst into
will be given in section meetings1 flames and sank 10miles northeast
are "Some Predictions of Success IofHorse island, but her crew of28
in College from Placement Exam- sae ndre otesae
ination Scores," by Prof. Lloyd C. ecaped i dories to the sealer
Emmons, of Michigan State col- Ae
lege, and "Results of Examinations After bucking the ice fields in
Given to Entering Classes in Mich- the hay, a half dozen rescue ships
igan Colleges," by Prof. John virtually abandoned hope of finding
Everett, of Western State Teachers the 28 missing men from the Vik-
College. Both papers will be given ig, including the Americans, Var-
in the mathematics section meet-- ick Frissell and A. G. Penrod, who
ing, which will be held in room went north to make sound pictures.
1035, Angell hall, beginning at 9 Belief grew that 27 perished when
o'clock. theship exploded aend burned.
o'clck.racks on th ice led to th fear.
In the meeting of the language the other missing en oba
and literature section, Prof. Walter droxvned.rissing men probably
A. Reichert will talk on "Another Vague Radio Signals Heard.
German Hamlet," while Prof. C. M. Friends of Frissell and other pin-
Davis will address the members of ned their hopes on an unconfirmed
the geography section on "Hydro- radio message picked up by a Nau-
graph Reios of Michigan." ggatuck, Conn., amateur operator.
In the meeting of the zoology Yesterday the operator heard vague
section, which will be held at 9 signalsywi the sigatr he"Father
o'clock in room 2116, Natural sig nals with the signature, 'Father
'cloc uding roo 2116, Natul J. Kerwan, Harbor Briton, N. F.,
Science building, Prof. R. W. Esch- Station VPHJ." Today he succeeded
meyer will talk on "Progress Report in raising what was apparently the
on the Lake Survey of Michigan, same station and was informed:
Prof. John R. Greeley will speak "I told you yesterday Penrod and
on "Trout Stream Investigations two Americans were 0. K." A Hali-
during 1930," and Prof. Charles W. fax message said the station is 400
Creaser, of the College of the City miles cross country from Horse is-
of Detroit, will talk on "Fishes of land
the Region of the University of Father Kerwan, however, later
Michigan Biological Station." denied he sent out the message
attributed to him.

vice president, this friendship was
strengthened by frequent contact.
Joslin's cultivation of a knowl-
edge of presidential activities con-
tinued through the Coolidge ad-
ministrations and the two years
that Mr. Hoover has been presi-
It is said that his friendly con-
nections in the White House ex-
tend from the doorman to Mr. Hoo-
ver's valet, not excepting, of course,
the chief executive himself.
Political survey trips have taken
him to virtually every state in the
union, and he has a wide acquaint-
ance with political leaders and with
editors, particularly those of Re-
publican afilliation.
Business Meeting of Science
Group Will Finish 36th
Annual Conference.
Six section meetings, a luncheon
for the members of the mathema-
tics section, a meeting of the coun-
cil, and the annual meeting of the
entire academy will bring to a
close today the thirty-sixth annual

Air Hero, Two Companions to
Search Disaster Scene
With Airplane.
Survivors Marooned as Steamer
Grounds in Ice Jam; Sealer
Burns and Sinks.
ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Mar.
20.-(AP)-New woes for the rescued
and waning hopes for the missing
were today's tidings from turbulent
White Bay, where the sealer Viking
exploded and sank Sunday with a
probable loss of 28 lives.
Meanwhile, Bernt Balchen, hero
of many an exploit, flew into St.
John's, New Brunswick, from Bos-
ton, Mass,, this afternoon in a plane
in which he and two companions
hoped to search the disaster scene.
Caught in a vicious nor'easter,
with snow driving all about her,
the rescue steamer Sagona carrying
110 survivors from Horse island was
caught fast in an ice jam. Her ar-
rival here may be delayed indefi-

State, Bulletins.
(0y Aw< flH ress)
Friday, March 20, 1931
BIG RAPIDS -Robert Harrison
Derby, seven-year-old son of John
Derby, burned to death when his
father's farmhouse was destroyed
by fire today. Two, smaller children
were saved by an elder sister, but
she said she was unable to reach
Robert who was sick in bed.
DETROIT-A new radio beacon
will go into service en St. Martin's
Island in upper Lake 'Michigan
when Lake navigation opens
Charles A. Parke, superintendent
of the light service in the Detroit,
district announced today. The Man-
istique light radio beacon will also
begin its first full season of opera-
tion, he said
EAST LANSING-In the Michigan
State college student elections yes-
terday, George Merkle, of Milwau-
kee, was elected managing editor
of the Michigan State news, cam-
pus publication. Arthur Ungren, of
Lansing, was named business man-


Professor McCartney
Addre sses Academists
Prof. Eugene S. McCartney, of
the Graduate school, delivered the
traditional presidential address at
the close of the annual dinner of
the Michigan Academy of Sciences
last night. His subject was "Folk-
lore Heirlooms."
"A large part of our superstitions
have a classical basis," he said,
"although many parallels may be
found in Africa and Asiatic lore."
The stork's traditional part in
childbirth, he stated, is comparable
to early Greek theories that the
human species originated in trees
or sprang up from the soil. He also
discussed omens, especially those
connected with birth and death,
and the various uses of charms.

Education School Dean Succeeds
Merle Prunty as Head
of Association.
CHICAGO, Mar. 20,-(1P)--J. P.
Edmonson, dean of the school of
education at the University of Mich-
igan, was elected president of the
North Central Association of Col-
leges and Secondary Schools today,
succeeding Merle Prunty, of Tulsa,
J. T. Giles, superintendent of high
r,:hools, in Wisconsin, was made
irst vice-president, and G. W. Fra-
sier, president of Colorado State
Teachers College, at Greely, sec-
ond vice-president.
The new secretary, A. W. Cleven-
ger, was ,chosen a month ago by
the executive committee. He is
high school visitor for the Univer-
sity of Illinois.
Income Taxes Decline;
Predict Rise in Rates
WASHINGTON, M a r 20.-(P)-
Sharply decreased income tax col-
lections for the first quarter of 1930
were visualized today by treasury
officials as they studied latest re-
ports of receipts from that source.
Before them the officials had the
report for Wednesday, the latest
available, which showed only $88,-
691,515 had been collected that day
(,mmn-a wih t91A r A t f - +,n


dent-councillor, "is all right, and
would be a boon to Ann Arbor if
an equitable and fair flat-rate and
regular rate could be worked out.
Of course, if a flat rate of 50 cents'
were adopted, and after you had
gone two blocks the meter jumoed
to.75, the situation would be just as
bad." ~
On the other side of the question
were the arguments of a freshman:
"I think the flat rate is best. At
least you know how much the ride
is going to cost you, if the system
'is operated honestly. Of couirse,
this method is favored more by
those living quite a way out from
the campus."
Even the women think the meters
should be adopted.

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