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March 20, 1931 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-20

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for 1931


Players May Aid Connie Mack's Team MICHIGAN, CORNELL HAVE EQUAL I'T
in Drive for Another World Championship CHANCES FOR VICTORY ON TRACKN TO
s ' 1111 TinflifI nrrr

* 4 ______________________ 4..
____________________ ~.4.. .~ I
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By Bill Myers
With the Red and White squad of
thinclads from the East holding a
decided superiority in the field
events while the Hoytmen maintain
an equal advantage in the sprints,
ihe 440, 880 and the relay, the re-
spective totals stack up such that it
is enough to make the dopesters f
.flip a coin to see just which team
is going to win, when the final re-
lay is run off tomorrow night to
close one of the most evenly
matched dual meets in the history
of the classic. At present, Michigan
looks to be the favorite, but the
best prediction is that the team
which garners the majority of hon-
ors in the hurdles and the mile
will carry off the meet.
Considering the individual events
the winners on a basis of past ex-
periences are as follows:
60-yard dash: Tolan is the out-
standing prospect to capture a first
for the Michigan totals in this
event. If he can get down to :06.3
or lower he has things all his own
way with Campbell good for sec-
ond place. Meinig of Cornell is the
only Red threat.
Wolves Favored in Hurdles.
60-yard low hurdles: Here comes
the enigma. We will give the event
to Michigan with either Egleston
or Jackson taking the first. Hart
will be good for second for Cornell,
the third place is also Michigan's.
60-yard high hurdles: Again it's
a toss-up, but similarly our bet is
again on Egleston with Hart taking
second and Haefele or Jackson
440-yard run: This is good for
a slam for the Maize and Blue.
Procter is Cornell's only threat, but
does not rank with any of the
Michigan quartetw of Russell, Glad-
ing, DeBaker, or Eknovich. Russell
is back on the track after a little
trouble with his leg.
880-,yard run: Will be won by
Turner of the Varsity with a mark
of about 1:59.7 with Braden second,
1 and Eckert taking a third for the
j Red and White. Turner ranks far
above any Cornell entrant.
Mile run: Besides being one of
the best events on tomorrow's bill,
this one will go a long way toward
deciding the meet. Martin of Cor-
nell set a.new record of 4:24.6 in
the Yale meet which is better than
Wolfe has done as yet this year.
However, our coin came down on
edge so our bet is on the Michigan
man for first place. Finch of Cor-
nell is good for third if he isn't
beaten out by his own teammate,
Austin in Two-Mile.
i Two-mile run: A great event, but


two places ought to go to Michigan,
with Austin doing his usual 9:32
to beat out Ranney, the Cornell top
man. Howell or Hill, however, will
have a tough time trying to take
a third from Crosby and Kellog,
two other Reds who have been
pressing Ranney.
High jumnp: H-lere comes Cornell's
big opportunity, for it looks like a
slam for the far East with Ebel-
hare, Haidt and Hoppenstedt- tak-
ing all three places. Gafill has been#
showing some improvement, and
could take a third if he keeps his
Pole vault: Another boom for the
Ithaca point sheet with Colyer, na-
tional intercollegiate champion tak-
ing the event with a jump of 13
feet or better. Beloff of Cornell and
Pottle of Michigan are the logical
contenders to battle it out for sec-
ond around the 12 ft. 6 in. mark
unless Pottle loses his temper again,
for if that is the case something
else may be the result.
Cornell Picked To Take Shot.
Shot put: Schoenfeld of Cornell
is plenty good for a first in this
event with a toss of over 45 feet,
while his teammate, Gordon, is an-
nexing the second place. Goldsmith
is the only Wolverine who may be
a possibility for a third place.
Mile relay: A sure five points for
the Michigan total with Russell,
Glading, Egleston, and DeBaker
making up the winning quartet.
Apr. 13-St. Xavier, there.
Apr. 14-Kentucky, there
Apr. 17-Vanderbilt, there
Apr. 18-Vanderbilt, there.
Apr. 21-Mich. Normal, here.
Apr. 25-Iowa, here.
Apr. 27-W. S. Normal, there.
Apr. 28-Hosei, here
Apr. 30-Colgate, here.
May 1-Colgate, here.
May 2-Indiana, there.
May 5-Illinoishere.
May 8-Wisconsin, there.
May 9-Chicago, there.
May 12-Ohio State, here.
May 15-Iowa, there.
May 16-Illinois, there.
May 19-W. S. Normal. here.
May 20-Mich. Normal, there.
May 23-Mich. State, there.
May 26-Ohio State, there.
May 30-Wisconsin, here.
June 3-Indiana, here.
June 19-Mich. State, here.
June 20-Mich. State, there.

Coach Matt Mann to Take Ten
Men to Meet at Chicago
on March 27, 28.
Michigan will send a squad of
ten men to Chicago March 27 and
28 to compete in the National In-
tercollegiate Swimming meet at the
Lake Shore Athletic Club. The
Wolverines have won the title in
the Western Conference this year
and did it by the largest marginal
score in years, one world record
and three conference marks being
lowered during the meet.
Coach Matt Mann will leave with
the following squad next Thurs-
d a y: Captain Valentine, Smith,
Ladd, Raike, Miller, Kennedy, Klint-
worth, Marcus, Fenske, and Schmie-
ler. Rutgers and Princeton, among
the leading tank squads of the east,
will be hard pushed by this aggre-
gation of first class swimmers, one
of Michigan's strongest in some
time, and a real threat in any meet.
Schmieler to Lead Attack.
Johny Schmieler, sophomore tank
star of the season, will be the big-
gest gun in the artillery that Mich-
igan will present at the meet. In
the Conference meet held here he
set a new world record in the 220-
yard breast stroke, clipping off two-
fifths of a second from the old
mark to set one of 2:31.4. Again
I in the 220 race he set a Big Ten
Imark of 2:17.4, and followed soon
after with knocking the back stroke
record down 1.6 seconds to make
Marsh of Minnesota work to low-
er that 1.2 seconds more in the
semi-finals, and finally .4 again in
the finals to get a new record of
1.43 flat for the event.
Besides the sterling work of Ken-
nedy who made a record swil in
the quarter-mile of 5:06.4 for a new
Conference record, and who may
nose out the intercollegiate stars at
the nationals, Michigan is strong in
the 400-yard relay, and medley re-
lay numbers. With the picked ten
men that he is taking with him to
Chicago, Coach Matt Mann expects
to make good showing for the Maize
aid Blue to add to the season's
splendid record.
Strong in Diving.
The Wolverines have been on top
all season and they are not yet
ready to relinquish the honors to
any other team of tankmen,' at
least not,. with out pushing said
team to exhibit the finest kind of
(Continued on Page 7)





Poughkeepsie Regatta GRID DRILLS HELD
Dates Moved Forward ON SKYSCRAPER
NEW YORK, Mar. 19.-(A)-The PHILADELPHIA, Mar. .19.-(P)-
date for the annual intercollegiate
rowing a s s o c i a t i o n regatta at Temple University football players
Poughkeepsie has been advanced are having spring football practice
from June 17 to 16. The stewards
of the association after picking the daily high on the skyscraper roof
early date because of tide condi- of their new recreation building on
tions discovered that they had not Noah ad atroet in the heart of
allowed for a possible postpone- ^t- o
ment, and if it was necessary to de- the city. The "gridiron" is 185 feet
lay the race until June 18, the ob-
servation train would not be avail- l
able. i by a four-foot stone coping.









Maybe it's because they like the freedom and
ease of these uncommon wearables. Maybe it's
their instinctive recognition of so much hand
Somwork, personal supervision, and fussing with
particularly sightly details. Whatever it is, certain young men pick
suits at Thos. Heath Clothes every time-as inevitably
5 as they pick up the right fork.
With extra
Wi IJASra livuftriuIf


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