'MARCH 18; 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Coaches - ~ Award 'raek Numerals and Gym Letters VARSITY iNSU1NIA GOES TI] SIX MEN Thirty-Five Yearling Thinclads Entitled to Receive 1934 Numeral Sweaters. GYMNASTS FINISH FIFTH Announcement was made yester- day by Coach "Bill" West of the Varsity 'gymnastic team that he had awarded letters to the follow-( ing men: Alfred Decker. LeRav N M'KECHNIE, BRAVES' PILOT SEEKS TO RAISE CLUB'S LEAGUE STANDING Zachary, Sherdel, Siebold Are Among Veteran Hurlers} on Boston Staff. By Sheldon C. Fullerton. (Editor's Note: This is the fif- teenth of a series of articles deal- ing with the chances of the major league clubs in 1931).: Bill McKechnie, in his second year as pilot of the Boston Braves, accomplished a feat that was ,thought to be practically impossible -he raised the club to a sixth c ] 2 y A16 11 1 1!. 4 l11G , i y1,tl , . I Y-CrElwrtCeendO-place position in the Nationai Lea- :._. Y.; Carl Ellsworth, Cleveland, 0.; fgue pennant race of 1930. And now. Jack Goldsmith, Connellsville, Pa.;.j the successful Mr. McKechnie is. lichael Hanna, Utica,dN. Y.; Oren aiming at higher things in the Parker, Rochester; and Abe Stein- standings than .sixth place, but his chances of attaining his ambitions : br, Pittsburg, P. berg ittsburg Fa appear to be rather dubious. Boston has several players on its- This year's gymnastic team, the roster who must be classed as stars first in Michigan athletic history, of the first degree, but on the other Tom Zachary, failed to win a single meet, but fin- hand it has a group of mediocre addition to the mound corps is Billf ished fifth in the Western Confer- players who add just enough McAfee, former University of Mich-3 ence meet, a noteworthy achieve- strength to the club to make it igan hurler, who was added to the ment for any team with so little better than some minor league con- club in the same deal that brought I experience. The list of letter win- tingents. The addition of several Schulmerich from the coast. Mc-r ners includes one senior, one jun- promising rookies this season, how- Afee, after a brief tryout with thet or, and the remainder sophomores. ever, make the chances of the Chicago Cubs, was sent to Reading Ken Doherty, freshman track Braves appear better than they in the International League last coach, also issued a list of those have in the past several campaigns. year, where he showed to good ad- who are entitled to wear the num- Berger Hits Homers. vantage. Another promising new- erals of the class of '34 for their Much of the Braves success last comer to the squad is Regis Leheny,I work on the indoor track. The year was due to the home run hit- another college product. yearlings in three atelegraphic meets ting ability of a certain Wally Ber- emerged victorious in two of them, ger, who was purchased fron the bowing to the third, IllinQis, by the Pacific Coast League. His batting narrow margin of 1-3 of a point, average was only .310, not so much I Track Numeral Winners. for a slugger, but he drove in 35 IrLtr& L J Those entitled ,to wear the fresh- home runs to place himself among man insignia follow: N. D. Alix, the National League leaders in cir- Lockport, N. Y.; A. M. Blumenfeld, cuit smashes. Berger will be shiftedI Chicago; J. W. Childs, S. Pasadena, over to center field this season Cal.; C. R. Dickson, Detroit; W. G. where his speed afoot should come HOCKEY FINAL Dodd, Tallahasse, Fla.; A. G. Doner, in handy. Phi Mu Alpha will meet Xi Psi Chicago; Milton L. Geller, Detroit; Wes Schulmerich, another expen- Phi MnAthalwplym tchins Robert L. Gillilan, Summit, N. J.; sive Coast product, has also been Phi in the final playoff match in Kenneth A. Grovelle, Newberry; bought by the Braves and will team the inter-fraternity league tonight( George M. H o r ton, Bridgeport,' with Berger in the outfield. Schul- at 7:00 in the Coliseum. . Conn.; Jack Heston, Detroit; Earl merich is branded as a heavy hit- The Phi Mu Alpha team were B. Immel, Ann Arbor; F. Jusek, Ann ,ter, and is expected to make the -shesPhi wlnha e iwe Arbor; Warren R. Kahn, Chicago; grade. The other gardener will be but the Zips have come up the lad- Voitto M. Lassila, Detroit; William picked from among Worthington, der fast and will hold the Sym- E. Lemen, Howell; Nathan H. Mc- Moore, Richbourg, and Clark. phonia pucksters to a close battler Dowell, Brighton, N. Y.; Richard H. Sheely at First. Both teams have an exceptionally McManus, Detroit. Earl Sheely, veteran Chicago fast attack and both will present William W. McRoy, Vhicago; White Sox and Pittsburgh first about the same defense. Konrad W. Moisio, Detroit; William baseman, has been acquired by Xi Psi Phi won its way into the L. Myers, Western Springs, Ill.; means of the draft and will prob- finals by catching Delta Upsilon Harvey H. Nicholson, Lakewood, o.; ably start the year at that position. without several of its star players A. K. Northrop, Detroit; G. T. Pat- Johnny Neun will most likely be and overwhelming them 10-0 to es- rick, Youngstown, O.; H. E. Pick, the main understudy. At second tablish themselves as worthy op- Sault St. Marie; J. A. Rea, Jeffer- base McKechnie will use either ponents for any team. Johnson and son, Ohio; n. Q..Renick, Chillicothe, Freddy Maguire or a rookie, Dree- David are the stars for the Zips Ohio; J. D. Renwick, Grand.Rapids; son, who has been starring in the with four goals apiece while Camp- F. H. Rollins, Birmingham: J. E. spring training camp drills, bell gathered two in the one-sided Salmon, Chicago; L. W. Skebelsky, Walter Maranville, veteran short- game'. King was the mainstay of Chicago; E. S. Trybyszewski, Cleve- stop, will probably open the season the D. U.'s and with moral support land, Ohio; N. E. Windiate, Pontiac; there, although Chatham, a pro- the result would have been much A. Younger, Paw Paw; and P. Zah- mising youngster purchased last closer. ner, Ann Arbor. year, may break in instead. Chat- ham also has a chance to get the Phi Mu Alpha met sternercom- regular third base assignment, with petition in the form of Theta Kap- llison Will Compete the principle competition at that pa Nu's fighting sextet and was ex- in Hawaii Net Matches epositionW scoming from another new- tend als 3inthe overtit eter AUSTIN, Tex., Mar. 17. - () .Third Sacker Uncertain. liods. Symphonia came from be- AUSTN, ex.,Mar 17.~IP - hind in an uphill battle to win. Wilmer Allison, Austin member of Bool and Cronin wil divide most da the American 1930 Davis Cup tennis of the catching duties, with two In this contest Chapman of The- team, leaves today for San Fran- other receivers, Luebbe and Tread- ta Kappa Nu tallied the first mark- cisco, where he will sail Saturday well, struggling for the position as er of the game in the first period. for Hawaii to compete in tennis the third string backstop. Seymour made it one all in the matches. "Wee Willie" Sherdel, Tom Zach- second period only to have Port- ary, "Socks" Siebold, Bruce Cun- come hook his attempt into the The Independence, Kas., baseball ningham, Ed Brandt, Ben Cantwell, outside corner giving Theta Kappa club will have a six-foot-six pitch- and Fred Frankhouse are the ex- Nu the lead 2-1. In the last period ing recruit this year in the person J erienced hurlers who will be on Sindles of Phi Mu Alpha tied the of Dan Bronson. the Braves' mound staff. A new score again with a beautiful back lIllI Gar Wood Will Race Boat Against Plane in Florida Regatta. MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Mar. 17.- ( P)- Speedboat enthusiasts, from Gar Wood, king of American driv- ers, to pilots of the smallest out- board craft, weretready today for the first day's program of the an- nual Biscayne Bay regatta offering 17 events. Wood planned to drive his Miss America IX, latest of a long line of Miss Americas, in a trial run against an airplane piloted by Duke Schiller as one of the features of the afternoon's program. W o o d hopes to establish a new speed rec- ord with the Miss America IX, but has not set a definite time for the speed trial. Eddie Morgan Returns to Cleveland Indians" NEW ORLEANS, Mar. 17.-(P)- The lure of baseball has proven too strong for Eddie Morgan. The young slugging first baseman of the Cleveland Indians signed his contract last night and shelved his ambition to manufacture boxes for the summer at least. No figures were made public. Paid off by his employers in shoes instead of money, H. G. Wilson do- nated 500 pairs to the poor of! Shawnee county, Kansas. CTHOLIC SLHOOLS DEFYN. a ABAN Edict of North Central Body Will Not Prevent Teams From Playing. CHICAGO, Mar. 11i-(P)-Daring the displeasure of the North Cen- tral Association of College and Secondary Schools, 32 Catholic prep school basket ball teams were on their way today to compete in Loyola University's eighth annualC Catholic interscholastic champion- ship tournament. Loyoia decided to hold the event at least one more year, following replies to a questionnaire sent to heads of Catholic schools through- out the country, which indicated they wished it continued., Fifteen states-Pennsylvania, In- diana, West Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, New York, Minnesota, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Iowa, Mary- land, Kansas, South Carolina and Missouri-are represented in the entry list. Intramural Program Nears Capacity Mark (Continued From Page 6) the Intramural department to be taking care of for the next three and a half weeks, they will have to be drawing up a baseball schedule in the meantime and have it ready to put into the hands of the fra- ternity and independent managers in order to get the various leagues started off in good style after the spring holidays. Of all these lines of sports activ- ities that the Intramural depart- ment sponsors among fraternities and independents, the one that has aroused the most interest so far this year has been squash. It used to be that the courts reserved for this sport were used half of the time for handball, but now it seems that everyone and his brother has bought a bat and the squash ball to take up this sport. It is fast and restricted to no age limits, be- ing a lot less strenuous than its sis- ter sport, handball. VARSITY PUCKMEN WIN ATCARNIVAL (Continued From Page 6) testants over the mark by wide margins. Prouse had the hardest task of all the winners in taking his event, just nosing out Maxian by inches. Crossman and Reid finished far in advance of the rest of the participants in their events, and they did not exert themselves in doing so. Winners and runners-up in each race will receive gold medals -from the Intramural department. C A DSFIE ADVERTISINGU NOTICE EXPERT COLLEGE TUTORING Tommie Mack Tutoring Agency 310 S. State St. Phone 7927 123c NOTICE-6 long term mortgage loans on new Ann Arbor homes without bonus or service charge. Clyde M. Smith. Call 4356. 246C [CHARACTER ANALYSIS - Mail with self addressed envelope, specimen of handwriting in ink on unruled paper, 50 words or over only 50c, care of 527 Church St. 23 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C TYPEWRITERS SOLD, RENTED 'AND REPAIRED. ATA SLATERS INC. S. STATE ST. DIAL 3814 561234 (2)0C WAI rED hand shot after taking the puck all the way down the ice through the entire opposition. In the second overtime he won the, game by lift- ing the puck over the goalie's ex- tended stick. Probable starting lineups: PHI MU ALPHA XI PSI PHI Lewis ........... G.......... Scott Wheller .......L.D......... Kinder Hamilton .....R.D........ Dunbar W ild ............ C.......... David Sindles ........,L.W....... Johnson Seymour ... l ..R.W...... Campbell Coach Eddie Lowery will referee. BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Three Class "A" playoff games in the elimination series of the inter- fraternity leagues will start tonight in the Intramural building at 7:30. Trigon will meet Delta Tau Delta. In this set-to the Trigons are fav- I ored as they were last year's run- ner-ups. Beta Theta Pi will play Phi Kap- pa Sigma in the third round. Phi Kappa Sigma will present Craw- WANTED: A suite of two rooms close to campus. Must be clean and warm. Address replies in writing (including prices) to box 167 care of this paper. 612 LOCKSMITH - Trunk and door keys. Del Keeler, 1210 W. Huron St. Dial 7325. 56123 TYPING WANTED-Dial 8741. 234 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Single room to grad- uate student or faculty member. 1/ blocks from campus. Call 23542 after 7 p. m. 23 F R O N T S U I T E--Single room, steam heat, well furnished. Rent cery reasonable. 1317 Washtenaw. WoneT AD PAY WANT AIDS PAY WELL ford, Hardy, and company in the difficult role of overcoming the Beta's height and speed. Monday night against Alpha Kappa Lamb- da, the Betas ran up a score of 38- 9, indicating their scoring strength. Many of their two-point baskets1 came as a result of Miller and Cum- mins following up long shots with their six-foot three heights and batting the ball in the meshes. IkeI oj S -and the Bond Business ' k': . i Mr , ". ': ;k 9 "r '. ,. s:' a.. ti'. RP'i ., ' <. . ;. ,.. . " "3r" ;;t i, v'b '. ,ti X:!' « v'\Y' Q }.' ',n. ,C . t' . ":. . . ^, < Where the "DISMAL SCIENCE" sparkles with life WEALTH .. production.. distribution .. consumption . . value . . exchange . . supply ,and demand . . in short, the abstract terms and principles of economics.. all pulsate with life in investment banking. The man who understands and applies basic eco- nomic laws has one of the first essentials to progress in this important field of finance. A sound knowledge of economics per- mits a man in the bond business to serve his customers more intelligently.. and sug- gests opportunities for new business. For example, interest trends affect bond yields in accordance with economic laws . . the business cycle and other economic faciors are closely related to the problem of build- ing up corporation reserves . . reserve liquidity for banks is determined in part by the economic characteristics of the local- ity. . economic trends within a particular industry sometimes indicate the salient sales features of bonds. If the investment business appeals to you as a possible career, you will be interested in learning of its requirements and the qualifications usually found in those who succeed in it. Our booklet, The Bond Busi- ness-What It Requires-What It Offers, con- tains an interesting exposition of the invest- ment business .. its functions, organization, opportunities and requirements. Any inter- ested student may have a copy upon request. HALSEY, STUART & CO. IN CORPORATED